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Sovereign RHB

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Everything posted by Sovereign RHB

  1. Been demoted to SII due to absence (95th). There's exactly 100 ppl in this SII league b4 I started gathering points 1.5 days in. So far I haven't seen anyone I can't beat but I am not going to make top 'interesting' without using kobans. Here are the top lvl players. edit: for all those that read the unedited version: I apologise for the abomidable English.
  2. With only minutes left I did not get the girl. Only acquired 20 extra cp so no big loss there. Still I wudda liked to have won her. 1 shot left at 4.55 hours - 5 min be4 end of days..........
  3. First A little digression (in italics) Freemium games in general follow one of two structures: 1 Put out a lot of (useless) content in order to rake in micro payments, and with that I mean nickles and dimes. These are mostly targeted at the young and naive like season 18 episode 6 of Southpark " Freemium isn't free" so clearly explains. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/south-park-sums-up-freemium-games/84349408/ (this contains just a snippet of the explanation. Man, this episode is really blocked on youtube) But Since this is an adult game that's not targeted at the young and naive there's the other structure. Besides, that's where the real profits are. With the whales which make up about 1% of the Freemium playerbase (also covered in the same episode of Southpark - can't find an accesible clip) 2 Add exclusive content for (big) money. Now the whales start spending. As has been pointed out by several ppl whales don't mind spending as long as they get a guaranteed reward. Taking away the guaranteed reward is also taking away the incentive to spend. But I guess some people, like EA, Blizzard and others have to learn that the hard way.
  4. So far she's still eluded me. Looking at the posts in this thread it seems to me that of the usual suspects fewer than normal have laid claim to her. Maybe Zorba's observations about her availability do point in the direction that for many she may turn out to be the 'missing Linkette'.
  5. Been away for a day and am currently at 90 outta 103 in S3. If I hadn't missed any fights and am not going to miss anymore - which I will be - I might end up around 600-700 points, depending on judges and luck. Which means about rank 60? Hmm, Let me do some math and get back to you. There may be a profitable tactic here. edit: example for SII/SIII: When you tank in SII and end up in the 16-30 tier you get 228 kobans and 2 cp (and money relative to your lvl). The stronger you are in that leaugue the more xps you'll have to tank. If you promote to SIII and end up 61st and up you get 78 kobans and 1cp and you can grind on in SIII and get 46-61 tier reward of 192 kobans and 2cp. You'll get far less xps in sIII than you would in SII due to losing so much. Or.............. You tank massively in SIII and get demoted. You get nothing (and some money) but you're probably strong enough to promote from SII to SIII next season in the top 4 which will get you 768 kobans and 8 cp. Xps over a two week time period? You'll have to look at your own situation, I guess. Summarily there are five options: Staying in SII for two seasons and tanking it will get you 228+228= 456 kobans and 4 cp. promoting to and Plodding on in SIII for two seasons will get you maybe 78+192 = 270 kobans and 3 cp. Promoting to SIII and immediately demoting to SII again and promoting in the top 4 the next season will get you 0+768 = 768 kobans and 8 cp. Promoting to SIII and immediately demoting to SII again and promoting in the top 15 the next season will get you 0+384= 384 kobans and 4 cp. Promoting to SIII and immediately demoting to SII again and promoting in the top 1 the next season will get you 0+1920 = 1920 kobans and 20 cp. As I said in the beginning I'm currently 90th outta 103. I think that's is the best I am going to do this season. edit2: Oh, and added benefit. You can take a week off from this game and do something or someone irl. lol.
  6. I'm with Dharry Just promoted to SIII, thinking that with X-mas and all It doesn't matter if I score high or not and the season after, when the big shooters and PtW players have moved on to Diktactor 1, I will see where I stand..... WRONG. It's going to take at least three weeks for enough of them to have moved on to earn some decent prize money. Then again ⛄ I think snowman22 never intended to promote to S3 next season. He just likes to ponder on life as snowmans do, staring out over broad white landscapes with their black eyes, a single icicle hanging from their orange noses and a smoking pipe between their smiling lips.
  7. Sitting on a mountain of kobans I miss Alexandra.
  8. Due to the long refresh times I almost shot myself in the foot. I refiilled but couldn't use all of the points. Now I'm 4th...................or Am I 17th??????????? Naah. I'am 4th The reward proves it.
  9. I know. But next week doesn't count. And the week after that the big Frans will hopefully have moved on. Besides, I'm tired of tanking it. One other thing: Next to biting I can piss with the best. lol
  10. Well, here's the low down. I am going to be second in my SII league. Originally I thought I might have a shot at winning it, but with the introduction of Event Pachinko players got some good gear and the outlook changed drastically. My only hope was the market or GP. And it delivered. Alas too little , too late. I had already lost a couple of fights. Thusly, I didn't have to worry about 1st place, I only needed 1 refill instead of 2 to get into the top 4. A great saving of 160-something kobans or so, but at the same time a loss of 1200-something kobans for not getting 1st. The only two fights I lost..... without my new helmet But with my new helmet I beat everyone..............including the leader. Kudos for his calmness tho. And the end result..... edited: see next page! bizar! Which shows you: Never give up! You just don't know what might happen next. Now for you SIII B****rds. I am the black knight and I guard this bridge. (You're gonna kick my butt.) Hack off my arms and legs. Come back here. I can still bite. But not next week. Next week is holidays and I'm rarely here. I hope you're not either. Enjoy the holidays and best wishes to your families.
  11. Well I nearly broke the bank but I finally did it. New helmet (+734) I'll give it a try in the league now. Unfortunately I already have some losses under my belt so 1st slot is out.
  12. @Mythos Someone thanks you. But honestly, after the kobans I spent in evp I had all but given up hope. However after four days and no refills - one has got to make choices.... wooly bully. edit: a first for me: two gifts to boot.
  13. Vertically she makes me seasick. We'll see how she does horizontally. lol
  14. When I saw my list of opponents last thursday I thought I might actually have a shot at winning the league. Or at least end up in the top 4. Alas, with the introduction of event Pachinko a number of players have gotten new and way stronger gear like you did. Now things look quite different. Players I was 1000 stronger than now are 1500 stronger than me. I can't boost my way out of that. I even start to loose more than 1 in 3 in pvp which is ruining my chanches in contests as well. The last 5 KH SS leggies I got were all for the same slot. Unless I get a good piece of gear thats boosts my stats by 700 or 800 I am scr*****. Maybe I should switch to HC. Got lovely gear for that. But only Levitya at 4* and GB and Justine at 2*. And 600 kobans to switch classes suddenly sounds a lot cheaper than it did 2 months ago compared to the cost of event pachinko. We'll have to see what Legendary days are up next.
  15. @Kinkoid It is a very small thing but I can't believe nobody has mentioned it yet. If they have, my apologies. When you click on the revival in the home screen and subsequently on the girls in event pachinko they say: get me in Epic pachinko. It's like an itch I can't scratch.😖
  16. No luck so far battling the bosses. Anyways, the one I want is Alexandra. So I decided to try a Chthugha hoping I would pull her on the first spin. Got a HC and a CH single stat and two gifts. Well let's try again: Fae Marjoa dropped (of course a green one) together with 2 rainbows and flowers. One last time (let's make it 5400 kobans total): HC SS; rainbow; 2 gifts. Ironically, although the KH SS is 1 lvl higher than the one I have, it is exactly the same strength.🙄 I guess the silver lining is that for 5400 kobans I got a girl, this event I don't have to fight DL and the HC SS is actually a 40 lvl upgrade.
  17. This was an easy one. Didn't even have to look up the girls names. I wanted to be the first to answer. Unfortunately I was kicked off the forum once more. Pity So here we go Who are the girls in the picture?  Head belongs to →? Miss Spook  Torso belongs to →? The satanic lady Katharina Legs belongs to →? The lovely chilled out travel Gwenaelle grtz,
  18. Sry to double post but I was kicked off the forum again and a lot has been said since. I found that in GP the monostats seem to be clustered around certain times in the day. When exactly changes constantly so there's no telling. So I don't spend all my money at once but when I notice monostats dropping during early spins I go all out. I had one half hour where every 4th spin or so was a monostat. Sadly most were CH , some harmony and endurance. Two were HC and only one KH (wrong slot, only plus 71)
  19. Nope..... well maybe. Got the two legendary 5* girls and Justine. But his is mainly not throwing away monostat HC leggies. Had to go through a ton of rainbows to get these HC leggies. In all that time I only got 4 KH leggies of which 3 were for the same slot. Last time I spent over 100 mil in great pachinko. This time about 70 mil during casino contest. Well, If you don't play all the angels should you be surprised you don't get all the chances at the leggies?
  20. Does the event pachinko also give points for the casino contest?
  21. yup! or better 14 1/2 if you can.
  22. In this case a 1 point refill (about 10 kobans) will assure you of getting there first. You can see it as part of the gameplay.
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