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Did you get your booty ?


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Why was this announced this morning ? I know I really should have checked but I assumed current season was ending at 12 today. So I collected my saved Kisses and Combativity ready to get a  head start on the next season but ..... still TWO days  until it re-sets !! so now I either hold on to them and lose two days free kisses, or waste them on the quite frankly not very good rewards for the later stages of the current season. Not a good situation ....

Did you get your booty.png

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Please don't try to teach granny to suck eggs, it isn't polite. As I admitted in my post, I SHOULD HAVE CHECKED. However it doesn't excuse the fact that it was posted TWO DAYS before the end of the event. Surely a reminder on the day it is to end would be better. If you are gonna post the warning earlier, why not the day the season starts. You know, so you can really start getting ready for the next season ?

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2 hours ago, Incubys said:

Please don't try to teach granny to suck eggs, it isn't polite. As I admitted in my post, I SHOULD HAVE CHECKED. However it doesn't excuse the fact that it was posted TWO DAYS before the end of the event.

I wasn't familiar with this saying, so thanks for that. You're applying it very incorrectly, though. It "refers to a person giving advice to another person in a subject with which the other person is already familiar (and probably more so than the first person)."  You've asked a noob question, I provided you with the basic information armed with which you should not have claimed your rewards as soon as you read "now" in this early reminder.

Now you seem to pretend you already knew this information (possibly better than me)? And you're yelling your own dumb move as if it were an excuse for making it? Well, I don't care for your tone. So please calm down right now. And don't patronize someone trying to help you, that's actually rude, just so you know.

The reminder was sent for the first time this month. It can be somewhat confusing to noobs because it mentions both the month-long Season and the current PoA event, which usually doesn't end as late as the Season. That includes this month, as even with the extra day added due to the DST issue, PoA will still end a whole day before the Season. So yeah, it's not ideal (it should probably say "soon" instead of "now"). Sure. It's just a reminder, though. Nowhere does it say "go ahead, click before you think, and then it will be our fault". It might be time to stop making excuses for your own mistakes, and owning up to them instead of blaming a friendly reminder for not doing enough of your homework for you.

We previously had no reminder at all, and a lot of players who didn't pay attention and just outright lost their rewards because they didn't claim them on time. Even if this isn't perfect, and other players like you read the reminder and instantly claimed all their PoA and Season rewards several days too early without paying attention to the timers, that's a lesser punishment for laziness than losing their rewards.

So no, neither Kinkoid nor anyone else has to provide you with an excuse for this new and positive thing not being perfect. Take it or leave it, but we are done here either way.

2 hours ago, Alkazord said:

I think the notice went ahead using the old PoA schedule, which was that it ends at today's reset. They just didn't bother to move the notcice 24h ahead.

That wouldn't change anything. PoA and Season wouldn't have ended on the same day without the extra day, and they still won't. If anything, the reminder should be a bit more vague and perhaps sent a little earlier. So lazy players don't claim everything without checking the actual in-game timers and then run to the forum to blame it on the reminder.

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Didn't bother quoting you I'm sure people don't want to read your over long post twice. As you say, you don't know the saying and so don't understand it. So a quick lesson. It just means telling someone something they all ready know. Simple as that. So you have presumptively assumed I didn't know as I'm a noob. Whilst I'm obviously not so God like in my omnipotence as you, (hell how could anybody be compared to you?) I do realise there are counters. Yeah I've been playing less then a year, yeah I'm only level 304. Guess as far as you are concerned everyone's noob ?

As to not owning up to my mistake, and I do appreciate this little snippet was in the first line of my original post but you may not even have bothered to read that far, "I should have checked".  There. In black and white. My signed. sealed and delivered admission of my own failings.

Thank you for at least admitting the wording wasn't ideal, (even if you did put it into italics to say you don't really agree}. I agree "soon" instead of "now" would have been better. Would I have checked the timer if it had said "soon". Honestly I don't know, as less then an hour before re-set and I had to go out.

TLDR : Yes it was my fault, but wording could have been better

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1 hour ago, DvDivXXX said:


That wouldn't change anything. PoA and Season wouldn't have ended on the same day without the extra day, and they still won't. If anything, the reminder should be a bit more vague and perhaps sent a little earlier. So lazy players don't claim everything without checking the actual in-game timers and then run to the forum to blame it on the reminder.

PoA and Season do end on different days, that's true, but what I wrote in relation to the PoA stands. It was probably a PoA reminder with the Seasons thrown in (because why not) and they didn't reschedule. 

I know it's not that difficult to forget a PoA reward, I've done it myself when I was busy trying to snipe, so...

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Cool beans.

@Incubys I'm not interested in wasting more time in a sterile discussion with you. You didn't understand anything I've said, and you clearly don't understand a lot of basic concepts, beyond just this specific game or forum. But at least I gave it a try. My bad.

So, here's the TL;DR you need to take away from this. Your complaint is invalid and you're acting like a child (even more so in your latest post trying to pick a personal fight with me instead of actually examining the points I've made). You're saying a lot of dumb things, and putting a lot of unpleasant words in my mouth, but you didn't push it far enough for me to bother giving you a formal warning just yet. This can change if you don't stop it now, though.

@Alkazord I don't think we understand each other here either, but it doesn't matter much. Yeah, the reminder was probably scheduled for that date based on the original end date for PoA, and yeah, it wasn't pushed to one day later when the devs gave players an extra day (despite fixing the big issues early enough that it wasn't really needed, just a goodwill gesture). So what? I didn't disagree with you on that. I explained why the reminder would have confused some players either way, because it groups Season and PoA together, but they don't end at the same date. And some people are too lazy, uninformed, and/or don't care enough to check things for themselves.

@JAVhero You should probably make a post every now and then. I mean, I love your sad face smileys on every mod post and your thank you smileys on every stupid post that "rebels" against mods, but it would be so much more fun for everyone involved if you could put that in writing... ;) 

This thread is way past done. However, I'll leave it open overnight. Who knows? Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised and you guys won't have added anything by tomorrow. Or maybe I'll find even more garbage posted and then I'll have to dispose of said garbage. Win-win as far as I'm concerned.

Good night.

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All I'm gonna say about this issue is...

Every time after a PoA event ends there is always some people that are sending in tickets or writing here on the forum that they didn't claim their rewards on time.
This is the reason I believe the devs decided to send that message out, however, thanks to extending the event due to technical issues with the contests (that is required to finish all tasks), they just ended up forgetting to push back the message 1 day as they probably had pre-posted/scheduled it for that date as it WAS the correct date before the technical issues. They had good intentions with the message, and the end date of said event is showing on the home page, so it's not like the information required wasn't there. This is the reason why I always say to make it into a habit to double check things that you know will piss you off if you just go on autopilot and miss it.

Another thing to remember is that this is an international game where the majority is non native English-speakers and misunderstandings are inevitable. 
This includes the devs, non-natives formulating something to another non-native person... you see where I'm going with this? Please, keep this in mind folks.

I'm always ready to forgive a mistake that was intended to be good.

Edit: See? This always happens: What happens if you don't collect the rewards from the path of attraction? - QA questions answers - Hentai Heroes

Edited by Slynia
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13 hours ago, DvDivXXX said:

@JAVhero You should probably make a post every now and then. I mean, I love your sad face smileys on every mod post and your thank you smileys on every stupid post that "rebels" against mods, but it would be so much more fun for everyone involved if you could put that in writing... ;) 

At the risk to appear obvious (or get a stake in my ass from @JAVhero if I will be utterly wrong), I decided to reply to this, making an exception to my own rule (see below).

@DvDivXXX , my friend. In the past you have demonstrated more than once that you are an intelligent enough person. Is it really possible that you didn't imagined the probable reason of @JAVhero behaviour? Or in truth you did, and yours was (I hope not) a tricky provocation (with the purpose I will put below in italics)?

We all know that the smileys system is a quick way to show agreement or disagreement to the poster, and IMHO one of its main advantages is exactly that it allows to express your overall opinion without resorting to words. And this has the even greater advantage that one won't feel pulled "in hot mind" to write something that would risk to get him warned or, even worse, banned.

Putting aside the fact that I have the advantage that, from my long forum dwelling, up to now many forum dwellers know (as in time I had way to say this more than once) that I'm not a person to whom you can apply the saying "who keeps silent consents", if I had to make a hypothesis (which I do not consider risky) IMHO @JAVhero simply adopted a rule that I have made mine after getting banned: "Never reply to a moderator's post if you can avoid it, especially if the moderator in question was giving a lecture to someone, whether that someone was you or another player: it does not matter what value your answer would have or if you are sure that other players would agree with you, for what amount of effort you put into it, you can't win a debate with a moderator, simply because there will be no debate from the start. Why? Because he is a moderator and on that forum, you like it or not, he will still be right even if you are 100% sure that he is objectively wrong".

So, using only smileys is a form of self-protection. As you probably understand, should moderators start to give warnings or ban players only because they tend to use mainly smiles to express their opinion, forum dwellers would probably start to feel to be in an unfriendly place, and the forum sooner or later will practically die, with players thinking something like "Hell, that player got a warning for putting only smileys and I agreed with him, no way that I am writing something about that topic, I would certainly get banned if I try". And all this without even considering what @Slynia pointed out:

6 hours ago, Slynia said:

Another thing to remember is that this is an international game where the majority is non native English-speakers and misunderstandings are inevitable. 

One point that IMHO gets too easily forgotten, along with another I last mentioned a long time ago: forum posts (mostly) contain only text, and the so-called "information experts" teach that in this way almost 80% of the total information is lost, altering (even heavily) the meaning of what is understood.

All in all, as someone says, "better safe than sorry". As you often say, my friend, cheers.

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Okay, might as well end this one on a lighter note, I guess.

@Slynia I know, right? :D and @jelom sadly, yes. That's why the OP's nitpicking rant against the reminder seemed so out of line to me.

Now, @JAVhero predictable, but still disappointing honestly. I would have expected you to at least use a different smiley in response to the one post pointing out how predictable your smileys are. That would have shown some kind of ability to interact.

And @Observer_X nah, I just let the constant indirect teasing of Jav get to me in a moment of weakness. That happens, I'm only human. I almost called out the guy with the Cyrillic name impossible to type a few times as well, back when he was the leader of the same sad, sad gang of cowards dedicated to "criticizing" mods from afar through smiley spam. It was worse coming from TË, because he used to be pretty nice to me and we discussed and even cooperated on a few things before I became a moderator, and then he instantly switched to treating me as his arch nemesis. Jav on the other hand posted like one paragraph worth of text ever, but reacted to thousands of posts. So I don't really care. He's a mild nuisance at best.

Obviously that was me trying to get an actual reaction from him. Not necessarily to trick him into posting an insult or something so I can have an excuse to punish him, as you seem to assume though. It could also have been something positive like him suddenly realizing that what he's been doing for months is useless and pretty pathetic. Or maybe there's a specific reason he's been trying to get on my nerves, and it could have been an opportunity to clear that up. It seems he's content with being little less than the equivalent of a basic bot programmed to add a negative reaction to mod posts and a positive reaction to "anti-mod" posts, though... And hey, maybe he is. ^^

Well, that's already a longer post than I meant to, so let's tackle the underlying issue you've presented in your post. The problem is that the mentality you describe exists, and you yourself have adopted it in the past, particularly in your interactions with George, but you have it all backwards imho. First of all, "winning a debate" is a pretty unhealthy notion to even have in mind when entering a discussion (even worse if it's set as a goal). More importantly, the idea that mods are somehow dangerous to interact with or can't be trusted is another shitty prejudice to have, and often enough a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you're mad at mods by default, you're much more likely to be a dick to them or around them than if you have a positive or even neutral opinion. So you're more likely to make posts that require moderation, and they'll be noticed for sure because you're making them right under a mod's nose. Which is likely to give you confirmation bias that you were right about the evil mods conspiracy all along... And you're also less likely to notice when mods are unequivocally helpful and useful, as well. Even better: you're more likely to interpret a mod taking the time to make a detailed post just for your sake as persecution, when it's typically not.

Case in point: this very thread. I could and probably should have just nuked it in two minutes with a very short version of my "here's where you're wrong" reply to the OP as the conclusion. Instead, I spent time trying to explain things further and have a discussion with the guy. You saw the result. To be fair, @Incubys falls into a broader and usually less problematic category of forum users though: it's not so much that he's biased against mods as he's clueless on who does what or who's who in this forum and community in general (it was clear from several things he said that he assumes I'm Kinkoid staff, perhaps even that I had a hand in the in-game reminder he was unhappy about). Those can rarely be helped, and they're hardly regulars anyway.

I'm more concerned by the small but persistent group of long-time forum users who have no idea how bad the forum experience would be without moderation, who don't suspect how much work mods do that they don't get to see (because that's the main goal of having mods: to keep the forum clean), who don't (want to) notice all the helpful posts mods routinely make (despite this not being required of them, contrary to what many assume) and/or have decided long ago that mods were their enemies. You might not see it that way, but your post more or less supports this group and its misguided and detrimental approach.

Last but not least, how intelligent I am, how much I know about this game, how well I moderate the forum, how friendly or patient I am in general, and how much abuse I should be expected to take from online randoms until I get upset are all pretty distinct things. All connected, sure, these are all about me, but not quite one monolithic package. It's not all black and white and dogmatic. Context is everything.

TL;DR: Don't be paranoid, and if you are try not spreading it. No one will ban you for a smiley, give you a warning for disagreeing with them, or remove a post because they dislike it. Some users will insist otherwise, however, no matter how many times the actual reasons for moderating their unacceptable posts are explained to them. Maybe start taking what those guys say with a pinch of salt...

That's all, folks. Cheers, indeed.

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