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Path of Valor and Shards


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Apparently, collecting shards for the same girls in the Path of Valor:Seduction grant you points.

As long, that's my experience, you don't collect points to perfectly match the 'Next Goal' score. At that point, get Jezebel shards but no points.

For example: 900 points precisely, collect reward, 20 Jezebel shards, no extra points collected.

What the truth about? It was wrong the early extra points? It should behave this way? Is an exception?


Well, to collect the same Path girl shards in that circumstance, you have to logout and login back again, and the potions score get updated.

Now, it's probably not the best implementation, it isn't?

Edited by DvDivXXX
Mod edit: removed incorrect "[SOLVED]" from the title
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  • lepidocter changed the title to [SOLVED] Path of Valor and Shards

-Gregor, please, I'm so hungry-

-I have a job for you!-


-Yeah, you should maintain the Test Server...-

-But I don't have any IT knowledge...-

-Me too, that's not a great issue in videogame industry. You simply do... well, stuff, whatever, click, push buttons, such things. You don't have to actually test something.-

-I have to track players feedbacks? That can be daunting.-

-Pffff, the SEND button activate a diesel burner that incinerate every query they do. Is like those metro buttons on doors, they actually do nothing but keep people motivated.-

-Oh, Sasha, you really found my dream job! I'm very gratefull!-

-Yeah, whatever, it's very likely I'll need a kindey transplant next year, now you're in debt. Tomorrow 13 o'clock. Don't miss it.-

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On 12/9/2021 at 4:08 PM, lepidocter said:

to collect the same Path girl shards in that circumstance, you have to logout and login back again, and the potions score get updated.

Dude, that issue is already known, and was mentioned and even confirmed with @Noacc in the dedicated PoV thread already (in which you posted—did you stop following it?). Please don't make a separate bug report for known issues.

And for something big and already heavily discussed in its own thread like PoV, make sure to at least check the main thread before reposting something already discussed elsewhere.




On 12/10/2021 at 9:12 AM, DvDivXXX said:
On 12/9/2021 at 7:20 PM, Noacc said:

I don't believe they should count 🤔
Auto-collected Kinky Cumpetition girls also (From previously obtained girls) 

So some players are getting PoV girl shards counted and some are not? 


I think they should, and I can confirm they do.

Actually, as far as I can tell from the various posts here and in my club chat, and my own testing, the only issue left is this one (and it's not all the time and not for everyone apparently):

  • Claiming a full girl does give 100 shard worth of potions/points/(medals? please rename it ^^)
  • Claiming 20 shards of the PoV girl(s) does give 20 shard worth too
  • BUT it often only gets taken into account after signing out of the game and then back in (not always).

So there's no big issue after all. It's still inconvenient and can be confusing at times, but no one is actually missing out on potions. Thanks for checking. ❤️ 

EDIT: Also this is NOT SOLVED. You, @lepidocter, separetely coming up with the workaround we already shared on the main thread is nowhere near the issue itself being solved (that's something for Kinkoid to do and confirm). I'm renaming and closing this. Please pay more attention. Thanks.

Edited by DvDivXXX
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