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My question - are Great Pachinko girls added at regular intervals, and if yes, then what is that interval or are Great Pachinko Girls added completely randomly?

Tomthe Bomb

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The Pachinko webpage says:       https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Pachinko

Great Pachinko

Great Pachinko is a type of Pachinko that lets you play for various equipment, books, or affection items. Equipment will be at your player level and can appear at any rarity from Rare and up. Books and gifts will only drop at Rare or Epic levels. Every 24 hours, you get 1 free game to play, this does not stack with the timer starting upon collection of the free game. Playing the 10-game one will reward you with a guaranteed Legendary equipment item.

Great Pachinko also offers 1-star girls to be obtained. Do note that playing 10-games does not guarantee the girl. Unlike other Pachinko types, only Ymen is required for Great Pachinko games, though they scale on player's level.

1 game =  Price scaled on your level - Gives one item with a chance of it being a Legendary or a girl
310-games =  Price scaled on your level - Gives 10 items including one Legendary Equipment or a girl

However, this does not show when new girls are added to Great Pachinko

The last new girl to Great Pachinko was announced in Patch Note Week #26 on June 28, 2023 the Bunny had recruited Nurse Josephine.

My question is - are Great Pachinko girls added at regular intervals, and if yes, then what is that interval, or are Great Pachinko Girls added completely randomly?

Thank you for any help you can give.

Play On Tomthe Bomb

Edited by Tomthe Bomb
wrong date - corrected
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4 hours ago, Yamiray said:

It had been 1 or 2 girls in a month but seems to have been less of late. I don't think there was one last month(CH had one but not HH). so if they release any its normally at the end of the month.

Hi Fellow Player Yamiray,

I hope you are correct and they release a new girl soon as I have over 120 Great Pachinko 10-Orb Rings that are burning a hole in my pocket and would love to use them.  I can understand with all their emphasis on these strings of Anniversary games that poor old Great Pachinko kind of fell through the cracks.  Hope they catch up.  Best of lock in the game fellow player.

Play On Tomthe Bomb

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12 minutes ago, Tomthe Bomb said:

I have over 120 Great Pachinko 10-Orb Rings

I have 928, I find they are very useful in CbC since that one all orbs are given the same point value weather there is a girl or not. since you can get them from PoP you will tend to get a lot of them over time especially if your pool is clear already.

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As no one knows for sure, and as of the high rate of GPx10 orbs one gets from various sources, especially PoPs, I see no point in hording those orbs for when a new girl is added. Just use them on Monday for CbC day 1, and as of the relatively high drop rate you will get any new girl within 1 or 2 weeks (Mondays) anyway.

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1 hour ago, Horsting said:

As no one knows for sure, and as of the high rate of GPx10 orbs one gets from various sources, especially PoPs, I see no point in hording those orbs for when a new girl is added. Just use them on Monday for CbC day 1, and as of the relatively high drop rate you will get any new girl within 1 or 2 weeks (Mondays) anyway.

Hi Fellow Player Horsting,

I believe you are giving me the best advice and I'll use them so I can get the money to donate to games like 'Working Holidays' that take a lot of Game Money Credits.

Play On Tomthe Bomb

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Hello Fellow Players and Game Designers,

Today is 08-10-2028 and at the webpage https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Harem they still list Nurse Josephine at https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Nurse-Josephine as the last Great Pachinko Girl - which I won over a months ago.  The last new girl to Great Pachinko was announced in Patch Note Week #26 on June 28, 2023 the Bunny had recruited Nurse Josephine.  So there has not been a new Great Pachinko girl since then.  

Designers, now I know you are all busy with this Anniversary deal, and believe me the contests have been great, but have you forgotten about Great Pachinko girls?  What are the plans for new Great Pachinko Girls????

With respect,

Play On Tomthe Bomb


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  • 1 month later...

Hello Fellow Players and Designers

Well today is 09-13-2023 and we do not have a new girl for Great Pachinko 


I'm happy to announce that in Patch Notes # 36 A new girl has joined the Place of Power!

I welcome the beautifully sexy Allune 

Nice, now if we could throw a girl into Great Pachinko that would be nice.

Play On Tomthe Bomb

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Hi Master-17

Hey they are great at recycling scenes - just look at the adventures = draw one scene and then display pieces of it with one word of dialogue - not much work there.  And who says these Great Pachinko girls need to be new creations?  Not every girl has a 1-Star version, use these girls, pull the background from another girl and wham-bang - another one-star girl - no work at all.

Hell they can hire me, I work on the cheap.  I'll make them plenty of one-star girls AND add to their story as well.

Play On Tomthe Bomb

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6 hours ago, Tomthe Bomb said:

Here is the answer - hire more artists

If they wanted to, they would do it

6 hours ago, Tomthe Bomb said:

they are making enough money to hire every artist in Paris

Taking into account the current situation, I somehow doubt this. Moreover, judging by the new seasonal activity, they have about 50-60k active players on HH on both platforms, of which at most half a thousand pay

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WOW thank you for that - so I'm one of the 500 paying players in the world with thousands and thousands more going for a free ride.  Tell the designers that I am happy to support them with my hard-earned real-world money.  But sadly I am but a poor old man with little real money or I would sign up to be a patron as I too like to support the positive sensual entertainment at HH.  This doesn't mean I'll go easy on the designers.  The squeaky wheel gets the grease. 

Play On Tomthe Bomb

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