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  1. Okay so it all works as expected, but some of you are in a level and mojo range, where simply no player is in range which gives more mojo and is beatable with high chance. What I would change is to make level and mojo upper and lower borders equal in all cases, so that one is always within the range of all players who are in one's range. Currently, it is possible that there are only 4 players within your range 16 - 25 levels below you are close to 1000 mojo below you (or ~87-75% level/mojo below you for low level/mojo values). In this case, both can be stuck: you get only 1 mojo for defeating them, and you are outside of their level range, hence they cannot get 40 mojo for defeating you. If their are not using #WeakInSeason teams, they may have also bad changes to beat each others, hence do only slowly catch up. This would certainly help with the problem, since whenever you see only 1 mojo opponents, you can be sure those see you as 40 mojo opponent, so that you can help them catch up with a #WeakInSeason team, to benefit from it later on.
  2. Since I do get the expected mojo and also expected opponents offered at my level and mojo range, did you guys check whether the mojo you get is wrong (not 20 or up while you have some or less mojo), or whether you just get opponents with much less mojo than you? And if the latter, are there actually players in the leaderboard around you, within your level range, which could have been taken? Would be good to find out whether or what exactly is bugged. I mean there are always circumstances where you are just alone in your mojo and level range for a while, so just seeing low points for 1-2 days is not a prove of a bug.
  3. Thanks, sadly adding the filters key as empty list did not help either. On the phone it works, so it has to do something with this browser. Again, I cleared all cookies and browser data, and it is still broken. I'll open a ticket.
  4. There was this bug in the past where leading the season was hanging for 10 or 20 seconds, because the system could not find 3 opponents (excluding the ones from last draft) within the level and mojo range. And then often one had a doubled entry (same opponent two times), or one completely outside of the expected range. However, since a longer time I did not face this anymore, so I thought it was fixed already. Now the patch notes contain exactly the suggestion I made that time: to raise the level and mojo ranges for valid opponents, if no 3 could be found, instead of letting the system running into some timeout. No idea why this was even still required, and obviously, while it on its own is a reasonable change, it broke things elsewhere.
  5. Since the menu does not expand, there is no "reset filters" button visible. I tried to remove the related keys form local storage, but that did not help either. Could you show your local storage keys? Probably the filter key requires a valid entry. In my case it is not defined now, and only the sorting and grid keys are generated automatically so far.
  6. Am I the only one affected by non-expanding (classic) harem filters? Simply nothing happens, when I click the filter button, only the selected girl's class icon disappears, likely to make more space for the filters. This happens independent of any scripts 🤔. No error in browser console, not any other hint I could find. Clearing cache etc does not help.
  7. Ah thanks for the info. I just wanted to try it, but today's update seems to have broken the harem filter, which does not slide in anymore (with and without scripts) 😑. Nice idea to fetch girl data from opponents 👍. @renalove since the Harem++ collector seems to not work anymore at all, what do you think about the idea to use the HH++ harem data, if available? The HHPlusPlusGirlDictionary value needs to be base64-decoded and then gzip-decompressed to get the JSON, or just import and use the HH++ Helpers. Seems to make more sense to me than fixing/developing an own collector, doubling processing and storage, for those which use both apps. Best would be probably a JavaScript library for the collector, which can be used by all apps, and loaded only once by whichever app does so first 😄. I could try to come up with a PR or patch which implements this, if wanted, but your time rare.
  8. @zoopokemon @renalove Is there any idea how to collect data about girls one does not have all shards yet? Some weeks ago, while debugging something, I accidentally purged the local store. Since then, the shards batch for all those cases are unknown to HH++, at least until I collect another shard: Browsing through all those girls in the classic harem does not help. Not sure if there is a good way to collect data when new girls are loaded while scrollen the harem? Better than nothing, at least. In case of Harem++, I was surprised that its old snapshot of girl data and shards survived, and realised that it uses the "cache storage" instead, which I didn't know about: Seems to be a good idea for larger amounts of data, which could hit the local storage limit. However, the problem is the same, the shards counts are outdated (stuck at 26th January, the games harem performance update) and new girls added to the game do not appear in the traits filter, until one has 100 shards of them. Not sure which info is available from girls below 100 shards, and where, but probably both apps can contribute to and share the same harem cache with a new collector. I'll have a look into it the next days.
  9. I was a little lucky this time: one Pachinko-only girl from EPx1 during DD and the other one from 1/1 EvP. Only 40 girls left in EP pool, so 2 more DDs and I'm finally able to assure the CE chest and farm OD girls more effectively.
  10. There are already two reports where logout and login helped. Worth an attempt 🙂.
  11. I needed only 25 CP to get the video, which I had left from past ME cards. I would have never bought or claimed extra CP for this, so guess I was lucky. I got it while there were shards. There is no one who confirmed a video drop while there were no shards, right?
  12. In my club someone with the same issue says that logout and login helped. Better than sacrificing the remaining team, so worth an attempt until KK fixed it.
  13. Legendary bulbs are still a bottle neck for new players, I guess, so I would not recommend to "waste" bulbs on +100, just because the cap has not been raised to 750 yet. One could reset skills, but Ymen are probably the largest bottleneck until (hero) level 300 or so. So for L5 I would keep it simple indeed, and just recommend the +1% as this is finally best for them. Regarding R5: I don't think that anyone will be able to gear them above 10k, at a point where it is still regularly needed to use them to complete the roaster. Let's see, 6 maxed mythic items give 1.8k, so a girl needs to have above 8.2k main stat to ever be able to benefit for more +1%. I just checked all R5: Only Battle Bunna has ~8.5k main stat, all others are below 8.2k. Once one has a nearly full set of level 10 mythic gear, I don't think she or one of the two E5 in the game will be relevant for PvP anymore. So I agree to keep it simple, just recommending +1% for all L5 and above, +100 for all others. Similarly +70/70 for all 5* first, and skipping that one for all 3*. Still not sure whether the non-primary stat has relevant impact (defence) for champs in early/mid game, but similarly not worth to make it over-complicated for draft filler-girls.
  14. When adding info about how to skill 3* (and 1*) girls, it however is all they can be reasonably used for. It's about rarities up to epic only, of course, when one simply has the bulbs left, which happens pretty fast. What I personally do, is when I finished a draft for a champ, and there are some rare, epic or common girls among them, I skill their tier 2. The benefit/difference is tiny, of course. However, when not taking champs into account, the only other "correct" info would be to not waste bulbs into any other then 5* and up girls at all. As said, all "new" (non-ancient) L5 girls are close to, but above 10k, 10,313 to be precise: https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Hardcore-Haremettes Some ancient ones as well, like Demi. Only some ancient ones are below 10k, and then much closer below than the others are above, like Blet or Bianca with 9,938: https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Know-How-Haremettes https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Charm-Haremettes I tested now whether the bonus applies to gear as well, using Harem++ which does remove (or not show) the gear stats bonus, but the skill bonus: Without gear: With level 9 mythic (+270): The main stat diff without blessings is 10,735.8 - 10,725 = 10.8 = 4% * 270, matching precisely the additional skill bonus from gear. The main stat diff with blessings is 14,493.33 - 14,478.75 = 14.58 = 4% * 270 * 1.35, matching precisely the additional skill bonus from gear and blessings. To be sure, I also checked her actual stats with full gear bonus from the team edit page: Without gear: With gear: 14,857.83 - 14,478.75 = 379.08 = 270 * 1.04 * 1.35, again matching exactly the (full) gear bonus with added skill bonus and blessings. So the gear bonus indeed does contribute to the skill bonus, which easily brings every L5 girl above 10k, even with only level 1 common gear. Oh, did you actually check with battle simulator whether this is better than replacing the 1st girl with shield, despite the missing tier 3 bonus? I did check this several times, and it was always much better to use an M6 shield. For attacking in league it was/is just SO much stronger, that all those bonuses and also blessings just did not matter. The only thing I could not test yet is other skill M6 with full tier 3 synergy + double blessing, vs M6 shield without any tier 3 synergy or blessing. But for defence, indeed the question is then whether, in the defence team, to replace the shield M6 with a reflect M6, or a stun one with full tier 3 synergy. Also depends a little on the additional gear you have for them, or whether you are in mood to always switch the gear between the two girls (which I never was) 😄. Nice overview. It probably makes sense to recommend Harem++ in the guide, where everyone can check this right in the game, for the girls one actually owns. For me, as I mentioned above, M6 without shield skill are not so relevant, but instead I check whether I have an M6 with shield skill and matching pose or eye colour, for at least half tier 3 synergy. Also, agreeing with you about C5 and R5: I do not consider them anymore, since their tier 3 and tier 4 bonuses are simply too low to be competitive. Only exception is "Previously Mythic Mala", who has at least L5 base stats, while she is C5. With common blessings, this shifts her slightly above the threshold. However, this is pretty much fine tuning, too much for an initial guide, I'd say, and also depends much on the personal game progress/girls.
  15. @Attirm A very nice summary, many thanks for posting it! I do not agree with each and every part, though. E.g.: I do not skill the +70/70 stats bonus for 3* girls and below, which are relevant for PoPs and champs only, where only the primary stat counts. So there I max out +100 primary stats and rest into +1% primary stat. Though, in case of champs, I am not 100% sure whether the secondary stats do have a relevant impact on the girl's defence. For early and mid game, their defence can help enormously to gain equilibrium with damage you receive and healing your girls do, when using a mix of alternating CH and KH girls, maxing out the benefit of their class skill bonus effect (mostly ignoring the double damage poses, if it is HC). In a low average level club, this is also possible against Chayotte, gaining up to 20M Ymen in one battle. However, I don't know how the defence of girls against champs is derived. L5 should get their +1% primary stat raised to level 4, instead of +100. All new ones have their base value above 10k, the older ones get it above 10k with little gear. Though, not 100% sure whether the gear stat bonus is raised by this skill. Will check back. It should be mentioned, that the reflect skill is particularly strong for your defensive league team, since relevant opponents attack you when they are boosted, usually with a mythic booster as well, which gives them very high AP, while you are usually attacked unboosted. The reflect skill is very nasty for any attacker, since it reflects the very same damage, no matter how weak the opponent is, basically assuring lost points if you crit yourself, and do not have a shield with very high ego (which is why Chloralla boosters are best with shield against reflect). Stun is only better than shield, if you are battling an opponent that is stronger than you, i.e. if you are mostly assured to loose points anyway, and it is only about raising your change to lower lost points with lucky stuns. Reflect is often good then as well, so one needs to compare shield, stun and reflect then, and it also depends on your boosters, the opponents skill etc. For top 1 and top 4 candidates, it is usually not relevant anymore. But that's minor things to discuss, add and in case adjust. Otherwise a great starting point for a guide 🙂. EDIT: Ah, @bohammettuz just mentioned the reflect thing. And right, stun can be also annoying as defensive skill, at least if stronger opponents use it. But at least when using the full tier 3 bonus exhibitionist/submissive or physical/voyeur teams, it is out of question, since you have only shield and reflect available with those 😄.
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