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04/07/18 Patch Notes Discussion


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31 minutes ago, Yakusensei said:

Two days ago I was thinking that many posters here were being a bit naive for asuming there were going to be groupings by 2.000 players..

I'm agree only with this part. Game dev. would not give so much reward (even Koban for 2000th) if the pool is 2000. It's really clear. But people who complaint here are not naive. Actually they can (and currently), in top4, top20 or top 100 in many category. But they just need fair contest. In fact, it's pretty reverse, unlike you I'm even OK with they give absolutely ZERO for >2000 rank that's because I can do better.

You misunderstood many thing here ".. stat upgrades are most limited by income, so newest players don't have the advantage there".

Yes it's limited by income, I'm also said that myself but we at high lv spend 200k will gain only 10 score if they count +stat as score, but low level player can do much more. That's why I suggest them to use the cost as score. *Now I don't know how they count it anyway because it's also bugged. You'll understand it clearly when you have high lv., you even must pull a trick in many contest against low level competitor because your higher cost.

And it's not 'old player' vs 'new player'. It's about

- how the game count, to be fair for all player that's active in that period of contest for their effort.

- how the game should not punish people who already give effort before this one. If player feel.. they shouldn't already do this, they shouldn't spend the money for that before. It's bad design.


Edited by RenHarem
correct the number
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14 minutes ago, RenHarem said:

Yes it's limited by income, I'm also said that myself but we at high lv spend 200k will gain only 10 score if they count +stat as score, but low level player can do much more. That's why I suggest them to use the cost as score. *Now I don't know how they count it anyway because it's also bugged. You'll understand it clearly when you have high lv., you even must pull a trick in many contest against low level competitor because your higher cost.

And it's not 'old player' vs 'new player'. It's about

- how the game count, to be fair for all player that's active in that period of contest for their effort.

- how the game should not punish people who already give effort before this one. If player feel.. they shouldn't already do this, they shouldn't spend the money for that before. It's bad design.


I agree with you i used old vs new becouse this patch fell like new players can do more than people who play this game much longer

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Players who win the best prizes this week, seems they will also have a big advantage with XP earned next week as they're getting so much extra XP from this weeks prizes.    Money spent too I guess.

Edited by Ben9
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1 hour ago, Ram said:

I agree on this one. To me the new rarity color seems bland and is overpowering the items / girls.

They could make it toggleable. For those of us that liked the old one more then the new one.

U R right, the new colors are not good as the old one

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Since it is weekly I guess this will be about the most active people. It will probably be impossible to beat the elite people already at the top since they will keep getting much more but I guess it is kind of a way for players to get extra free stuff like cash and kobans. Seems like it would be hard to push upwards in weekly rankings

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Mojo and PvP wins. There are plenty of players who not only play around the clock but pound Kobans into extra play. Everyone else can forget about it

Troll wins, everyone gets the 48 a day. That will also go to the koban spenders, I guess it will help those who blow 2500/15000 on a legend event without getting the girl.

XP, highest level wins, unless some whale gets giggy with spending kobans on PvP fights... a lot of kobans.

Girls recruited. Whales who can afford to get the 2 new perm girls, the Panchiko only event girls and be sure of getting all the event fight girls will clog up the good prizes, with the occasional dude who has been saving up their kobans for a long long time till they clear out the boss girls.

Harem ranking levels, Based mostly on Girls recruited, those who can afford to get them all can afford extra kobans to refresh the market place to stay on top. Myself, if a contest comes up, I'll max my girls [they are maxed now basically, opps] Get better rewards that way anyway.

Ymen spent. More Koban = More boss fights = more money. If you are at the final stage at least.

Stats purchases. Those who didn't max out their stats will run wild for a bit. This is one that benifits the lower level people who can level up more often than the higher level folks, for those who are maxed out. One could regfrain from maxing out their stats for a month or two but to nerf yourself for only a small chance of getting modest prizes once every few months seems pointless.

Affection levels, see Harem ranking.


One event rewards those who either don't care about PvP or those who don't understand how the game works as well as lower level people [Stats]

Everything else is Pay to Win.


When first announced I was excited, They were planning on having groups of 100 and I figure with hard grinding one would have a chance of 1st place or at least a top 10. Basically contests on steroids, I usually get ranked 2 to 4 with the more 1st places than below 5's. I win from playing the game hard, not spending kobans.


I'll take the free stuff, but I can't see actually trying to win the contests because I have 0 chance no matter how hard I grind. No chance of even cracking the top 100, let alone the top 10, not with 60K other players. Not really good design from a game perspective, but I guess it gives the whales something to spend their Euros and Dollars on. The contest is basically irrelevant for almost all players.


So all that excitement, pushing hard to get my best possible battle team ASAP for when they bring in the contest for a run at PvP wins and Mojo. For nothing, really.


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My opinion about the new patch:

- Rarity backgrounds for Items and Girls: This is what I dislike more. I strongly preferred the old colours. I especially dislike changing the white to grey for common girls (and items).

- Great pachinko: Good that 10x gives a legendary equipment, and logical than the cost is equalled with the market cost of legendary gear. I think many people will use his money to get better gear, perhaps even me :).

- Tower of fame: It is additional free XP, money, gifts, equipment and kobans for 2000 people each week. Forget the 1-10th positions, not me nor you are going to get it never (remember there are 60k players). The 11-100th can be reached in one category ocassionally if you play well your resources, the 101-2000th can be reached in one or two categories with more frequency.  It won't be always the same people who will rank good every week, unless you spent a lot of kobans recurrently, - remember, each week starts from zero - . It is another step to improve your game income.

- Tower of fame new design: I won't comment the colours (it is a matter of taste), but now you can only see 10 players info and before you could see 20 players info. Don't like that.

I don't understand why so many comments are upset with these additiional free resources. I take what the devs give me if its free, even knowing I will not obtain it every time.


Edited by jelom
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The rewards are too unbalanced, you have to reach top 100 in something just for receive 210 kobans? You can earn 150 just completing the daily missions. The groups should be better arranged, if they insist to maintain 66k players struggling for that I think it is useless.

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On the colours, I don't like them but it seems with the changes in Harem and now Tower of Fame, it's the way they are going.

Every time I see a common item I get that twinge of excitement as the grey is a bit purpleish. I'll get used to it, they do look different but ohh purple, nope purpleish without glow.


As for Panchiko

I guess I will be saving my money for the next contest and going buck wild in the hopes of getting some single stat HC items.

Was going to focus on leveling my second HC legend girl and my Charm and KH [First legend is leveled] but I'd get more out of a legendary single stat than a 5 star beta legendary [No I don't have 2 HC legendary 5 stars, I mean saving for when I get her.

I wonder what percentage of legendary items are single stat HC. Even at 5%, at my level and assuming sell backs, it's 8 million an item, much more than market, but they almost never show up in the market and they are very valuable.

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I like this patch, for me it will likely be 100 kobans more every week. The only downside I see is that I have to pay now over 2.100.000 Money for the great pachinko. I could play 1 or maybe 2 times a day but with my Legendary girls still at Level 4/3 + ca.0 Affection on them I will keep passing any Pachinco.

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The base price for the 10 spins of Great Pachinko will change to 32.300 from 16.150 Ymens

Are those numbers actually correct? You'd think that means that every value in the progression scale for 10x Great Pachinko has doubled, but apparently not so, as mine went from 91,200 to 174,100 (level 98). And the old base number doesn't seem right anyway, considering that 10x GP previously cost 25,100 at level 3, and that must be close to the baseline being so early in the game, but it's way above 16,150.

And as far as I can tell getting Legendary equipment through Pachinko is actually cheaper than doing so on the Market...?

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I have been checking the weekly rewards in the tower of fame and ...  surprise!

There are rewards for everyone in every category (1000+ includes all players), not only for 2000 people.

Yes, i know, a lot more for the first positions, but in the end is free money, stuff, AND KOBANS for everyone. so in the end is a good update in this part.

Even a player placing last in all categories will earn: 6 x (50k money, 25XP ,  1 gift) + 3 x (24 kobans, 1 gift, 1 equipment)


Edited by jelom
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Was the the change to rarity colors suppose to make the game more accessible to color blind people? The shades they used reminded me of one of the color blind filter options Bungie added to the loot in Destiny 1 back when I played it.

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2 hours ago, Arvelak said:

Was the the change to rarity colors suppose to make the game more accessible to color blind people? The shades they used reminded me of one of the color blind filter options Bungie added to the loot in Destiny 1 back when I played it.

Not sure. I *suspect* it was to help visibility for phone users, but since I don't have a phone to play it on, it ermains a suspicion.

What I know is it makes me feel like a kid, back when comic books were 4-color processed and everything was distinct primary coloration (Daredevil's original outfit was a gaudy yellow and red). It was not until my mid teens that comic coloration got more subtle with a better mixed color processing. Thus *I* equate the new with immaturity while the older set with maturity.

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6 hours ago, jelom said:

My opinion about the new patch:

- Rarity backgrounds for Items and Girls: This is what I dislike more. I strongly preferred the old colours. I especially dislike changing the white to grey for common girls (and items).

- Great pachinko: Good that 10x gives a legendary equipment, and logical than the cost is equalled with the market cost of legendary gear. I think many people will use his money to get better gear, perhaps even me :).

- Tower of fame: It is additional free XP, money, gifts, equipment and kobans for 2000 people each week. Forget the 1-10th positions, not me nor you are going to get it never (remember there are 60k players). The 11-100th can be reached in one category ocassionally if you play well your resources, the 101-2000th can be reached in one or two categories with more frequency.  It won't be always the same people who will rank good every week, unless you spent a lot of kobans recurrently, - remember, each week starts from zero - . It is another step to improve your game income.

- Tower of fame new design: I won't comment the colours (it is a matter of taste), but now you can only see 10 players info and before you could see 20 players info. Don't like that.

I don't understand why so many comments are upset with these additiional free resources. I take what the devs give me if its free, even knowing I will not obtain it every time.


I feel exactly the same way.  I really dislike the new colour scheme, looks cartoony, hopefully at least part of that is just this event's art style.  

As for the rest and all the complaining, pachinko improved a whole lot, even if it's hard to get the 'right' legendary.  Tower of fame is extra free stuff, and you should be in the top 1000 if you're active without trying to hard.

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18 minutes ago, yoyowhan said:

So the epic pachinko change?If I spend 540 kobens only can I get one harem easier or not?

There was no change to the Epic Pachinko in this patch. The Great Pachinko had a change, makings 10x spin cost more and giving a guaranteed legendary instead of a guaranteed rare, but that is the only change to the pachinko in this patch.

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As someone else already said....

Each and everyone of us gets at least 150xp; 300k $; 144 Kobans; 6x Common, Rare, Epic or Legendary Equipment (Randomly); 12x Common, Rare, Epic or Legendary gift (randomly) for free each week.

Yes, ofc, the ppl that pay/play a lot will get a ton more.

But for me, as only Monthly Card user, that is a pretty good pack.

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1 hour ago, Rockstar99 said:

As someone else already said....

Each and everyone of us gets at least 150xp; 300k $; 144 Kobans; 6x Common, Rare, Epic or Legendary Equipment (Randomly); 12x Common, Rare, Epic or Legendary gift (randomly) for free each week.

Yes, ofc, the ppl that pay/play a lot will get a ton more.

But for me, as only Monthly Card user, that is a pretty good pack.

For someone starting out, it's fantastic, for someone pushing 200th level it's... not even a Tuesday. When tentacle boss is maxed out in a couple of weeks I'll be getting about 3 mill a day in cash and cash value of gifts, and about 45/270 kobans a day. I'll take it, but it's nothing to get excited about. Hell I get more than that in those 3 contests that run on a daily average alone.

Sure free stuff is free, but it is supposed to be a contest and that a lot of people are looking at the consultation prizes in such a way means for most of us, it really isn't a competition. Consultation prizes are all fine and dandy, but they are in effect participations awards, much like scoring soccer/football games fun to fun. If you are going to get your orange at the end of the game, might as well not bother going onto the field.

I don't have a problem with consultation prizes, not arguing against them, but it isn't much of a competition if not even the 1%ers [top 600] couldn't be bothered to try, and I am in that category in 3 or 4  different areas.

I doubt to many hard driving players view the activities competitions like that, those are actually competitive.

Putting everyone in one group makes the contests not a contest, just a weekly award for registering to play.

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And who exactly is stopping you from trying to reach #1 in all contests each day?

Thats like 10 to 100 times the rewards.

Go for it, do it for the competition, you have my best wishes.

But for other ppl (like me) that won't even reach #10 no matter how hard they try, it's not even a competition.

A competition is something you can win when you try.

But if the odds are so heavy against you, its perhaps called competition but in reality its only a participation event (or as you call it "weekly award")

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Screw the weekly ranking. Unless it convert to a pool system then forget about it. Only ranking I do well is PVP (don't refresh them). But without that then forget about reaching <100

Now for those gambler that use Great Pachinko for legendary. It quite hard, you going to get Rainbow or crappy Harmony. Rainbow seem to be 80%. Good luck switching those Epic set. I advise spend money now rather than wait till you level up, going to be costly.

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