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Patch Notes 12/12/18 Discussion

Mika Kinkoid

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Hello, coming from a newer player who has played about 6 months now and has invested money into my favorite hentai game. Not once did I feel overwhelmed or discouraged about the epic panchinko. In fact it encourages me to clear it faster so I can get that event girl for 5400. This new event panchinko actually does the opposite and discourages me. I'm sure the vast majority here would love to have the option on which panchinko they would like to play in. Why fix what isnt broken and what nobody asked for? If I cant get a gaurenteed girl for 5400 or less then its a hard pass for me. 

As for drop rates im sure you have your reasons but the bigger mobile gacha games in the google playstore like FFBE actually did better and made the community happy when they gave their droprates to the public.

Lets leave it at that since my bigger concern is epic panchinko. Please keep the revival girls in the epic panchinko so we have the choice of that gaurenteed for 5400. Don't take away something good around a holiday of giving! lol

I hope this feedback helps. I want this game to last a long time and hope you listen to your community. Thanks


Edited by Kx1
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3 hours ago, Valgo said:

Single stats legendary item drop

50% chances for event girl drop for rarity Rare & below

30% chances for epic

5% chances for legendary


Sounds more fair by doing so.

That is basically one of the worst ideas ever...


People getting punished just because their favourite event girl for example happens to be a useless 3 star legandary...

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First of all, thanks Kinkoid for answering here.

11 hours ago, Kinkoid said:

We have read a lot of questions regarding these changes.

First, as stated in the patch notes, regarding the epic pachinko, nothing else will change. Whenever the Event Pachinko is online, the Event girls will be only available in the Event Pachinko. Nothing else changes, and that is why we don't speak about it more.

Yes, and this is the thing i HATE the most. Now that i get all villain girls i was finally ready to play 10x EP, but my intention was to do spins ONLY during events, to have a chance of getting event pachinko girls. With this (horrible) update maybe i'll do it during new events, because the patch notes says that "This Pachinko will be available during revivals, for the moment", but during revivals i won't spend a single koban in EP and i won't even try this new RNG pachinko. This basically means that i'll never get old event pachinko girls. And when this new pachinko will be active with new events too ("This Pachinko will be available during revivals, for the moment") the Epic pachinko will be pretty much dead to me, because i'll just wait the next Epic days event to get permanent pachinko girls.


Regarding the event pachinko itself, the girl is not garanteed. The chance of getting a girl has been calculated in accordance with the price of the pachinko. We can confirm that it is way higher than the current Epic Pachinko. Every reward of this new pachinko has been balanced with its price.

Ok, so that means the chance is 3 times higher than the current EP. Yes? No? We don't desire to say it because this will not improve the gameplay experience? :P

8 hours ago, Kinkoid said:

@Habi, it is a tricky situation for us, because what you describe is providing an advantage to the old players : They litterally would be assured to win the event pachinko girls for a specific amount of kobans.
If you add that to other benefices that older players receives (like the early version of affection that was totally at the advantages of ancient players, or just the number of girls they have), it can be overwhelming and it can be a danger for the survival of the game. It is a question of balances between "new" and "older" players.

If that's the reason, why this new pachinko is available only for old events? Old players likely have a lot of old event girls already, and they will still get every new event girl in EP. Actually this new system affects players like me the most, those who have never get any event pachinko girl and now are forced to try their luck (and waste their kobans) with another RNG crap.


I'm sorry, but as i said this is the worst update ever (even worse than that unacceptable harmony system you still didn't fix after 8 months) and it can easily kill the only reason that keeps me here.
Oh well, i guess it's not a big deal if i leave the game, after all i'm a pure F2P player and i would never spend a single cent on a F2P game. And besides, this is your game, if you want to ruin it you are free to do so. :P

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You know, I'm just gonna say there's been talk more than once about if it's even legal to have this kinda game without posted drop rates.  Anyone here knowledgeable enough to confirm if the devs can run the game like this, or anyone that lives in the EU that would be willing to make the devs legally obligated to display drop rates?  Or are we just gonna keep spouting it without doing anything?  This is their game, and they can run it how they want, weather we like it or not, and regardless of how we react to their updates.  But if it's a matter of the law, that's something we can impact.  We complain about being at the mercy of the dev, so how about looking into this one?  I for one will never believe that the majority of players would be depressed or feel the game is hopeless from seeing drop rates.  Hell I still need one of Roko's girls and would love to see what the drop rate is by now. (of course I mean for drop rates to be posted on everything, normal girl drops, event drops, pachinco drops.)

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43 minutes ago, trunks2585 said:

You know, I'm just gonna say there's been talk more than once about if it's even legal to have this kinda game without posted drop rates.  Anyone here knowledgeable enough to confirm if the devs can run the game like this, or anyone that lives in the EU that would be willing to make the devs legally obligated to display drop rates?  Or are we just gonna keep spouting it without doing anything?  This is their game, and they can run it how they want, weather we like it or not, and regardless of how we react to their updates.  But if it's a matter of the law, that's something we can impact.  We complain about being at the mercy of the dev, so how about looking into this one?  I for one will never believe that the majority of players would be depressed or feel the game is hopeless from seeing drop rates.  Hell I still need one of Roko's girls and would love to see what the drop rate is by now. (of course I mean for drop rates to be posted on everything, normal girl drops, event drops, pachinco drops.) 

When you find this law, let me know. I'm sure you almost do not have one like that. Somehow I do not see that the blizzard or EA put drop rate somewhere in RNG, although I would like such a consumer's law to exist.

Edited by fap.titans.gra
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3 hours ago, fap.titans.gra said:

When you find this law, let me know. I'm sure you almost do not have one like that. Somehow I do not see that the blizzard or EA put drop rate somewhere in RNG, although I would like such a consumer's law to exist.

Like I said, I don't know the EU laws, that's why I was asking anyone in the EU for knowledge on it.  As for blizzard and EA, I can at least confirm blizzard had to reveal their drop rates in China.  Google search blizzard drop rates, you'll get plenty of news articles about that one.  They also reveal drop rates on a few mobile games I play/played.  Kingdom hearts union cross, Granblue Fantasy, and Valkerie Crusade all list their drop rates.  Probably also to do with the Chinese market.  So dunno if Europe has any say in this, but China does. If the Devs never wanna reveal drop rates, don't make this game compatible there.

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On 12/10/2018 at 10:31 PM, Eman said:

Yes, we haven't been positive about this new update, but you also have to understand that the introduction of the new Pachinko hasn't been explained in enough details and that, 5 hours later and after all the negative responses, no one has come here to put those fears to rest... and that only increases our fears.


On 12/11/2018 at 12:25 AM, Chthugha said:

That's the nature of their patch note releases.

They post it on the end of the working day, and read all the feedback the next working day.
If they feel the need to react to it then, they'll do so.
And again, yes, I want more details as well in patch notes, but there is nothing to judge as long as we don't actually get them.
It's basically just an announcement for a new feature right now without further information on how it works.
Still no reason to overreact the way people are overreacting.

Sorry for the "late" reply, yesterday was a busy day. At least now we have word from the developers, which confirms some of our fears.

I have to say that posting an announcement at the end of the day and waiting until the next day to see the reactions isn't, in my opinion, the best approach possible, as by the time they can see what's going on, the snowball may be too big to be stopped. But well, it's the way the decide to work so, if it works for them...

Now, about the lack of info on this announcement because it's a future new feature, that would work as an excuse if the new feature was weeks or months away, but it start this same friday. Clearly, they should have been more open and share all the details from the beggining, not after the complains. That's why people reacted the way they did.

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1 minute ago, BananaJoy said:

i wouldnt complain before u see what it really can do. all we do is alot of speculation and as they said this is still in the testing phase. later can be still done some changes.

It's harder to change something that has already been implemented, than avoiding the implementation of said changes in the first place. That's why people complain, about everything, before it happens.

And if this is a test, why doing it in the public server and not in the test server first?

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Actually i am realy disapointed, if the event pachinko is just like the single play epic but with a cost of 1800 instead of 540 then i am not gonna spend a single koban into it, i hate RNG and i'll gladly pay 5400 kobans so to avoid it.

I will just keep my kobans for epic pachinko as i did before and it seems that i will just have to miss a few girls because devs are stupid.

Actually i really wanted to have all the girls into my harem and with this BS move i am starting to think of quiting the game altogether.

Edited by Hotless
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What if we can do if we don't like a patch, the comunity from now, is to open a thread and point all we want to protest doing only 3 things:
While the patch is not removed and the Drops of those boxes of chance are published, do not buy Kovants never that month, do not renew that month the monthly card, and if it is Patreon withdraw support until the following month. And keep doing it every month until you reach an agreement

That's how you protest something in the service sector, I assure you that when the developer has to pay expenses with falling revenue, or begins to reach agreements with the player base or ends up going bankrupt.

also post on that thread that joins the protes, if there are enough people, they are more likely to take into account the requests of the players

Edited by saberbholt
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