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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2018 in all areas

  1. Mhm, au risque de me répéter, mais selon mon goût personnel la + réussie est pour moi Arcana
    3 points
  2. Je réitère ma demande, fermer ce sujet
    2 points
  3. Mojo and PvP wins. There are plenty of players who not only play around the clock but pound Kobans into extra play. Everyone else can forget about it Troll wins, everyone gets the 48 a day. That will also go to the koban spenders, I guess it will help those who blow 2500/15000 on a legend event without getting the girl. XP, highest level wins, unless some whale gets giggy with spending kobans on PvP fights... a lot of kobans. Girls recruited. Whales who can afford to get the 2 new perm girls, the Panchiko only event girls and be sure of getting all the event fight girls will clog up the good prizes, with the occasional dude who has been saving up their kobans for a long long time till they clear out the boss girls. Harem ranking levels, Based mostly on Girls recruited, those who can afford to get them all can afford extra kobans to refresh the market place to stay on top. Myself, if a contest comes up, I'll max my girls [they are maxed now basically, opps] Get better rewards that way anyway. Ymen spent. More Koban = More boss fights = more money. If you are at the final stage at least. Stats purchases. Those who didn't max out their stats will run wild for a bit. This is one that benifits the lower level people who can level up more often than the higher level folks, for those who are maxed out. One could regfrain from maxing out their stats for a month or two but to nerf yourself for only a small chance of getting modest prizes once every few months seems pointless. Affection levels, see Harem ranking. One event rewards those who either don't care about PvP or those who don't understand how the game works as well as lower level people [Stats] Everything else is Pay to Win. When first announced I was excited, They were planning on having groups of 100 and I figure with hard grinding one would have a chance of 1st place or at least a top 10. Basically contests on steroids, I usually get ranked 2 to 4 with the more 1st places than below 5's. I win from playing the game hard, not spending kobans. I'll take the free stuff, but I can't see actually trying to win the contests because I have 0 chance no matter how hard I grind. No chance of even cracking the top 100, let alone the top 10, not with 60K other players. Not really good design from a game perspective, but I guess it gives the whales something to spend their Euros and Dollars on. The contest is basically irrelevant for almost all players. So all that excitement, pushing hard to get my best possible battle team ASAP for when they bring in the contest for a run at PvP wins and Mojo. For nothing, really.
    2 points
  4. Le gris est très moche, que ça soit dans le marché ou dans le harem, c'est vraiment pas joli à voir, un retour au blanc serait sûrement apprécié
    2 points
  5. Haven't seen a topic to talk about the new event (most players probably got their minds stuck on the past legendary days), so I decided to start one. Gotta say that I simply love the introduction of the Elizabeth like Rebecca, I never imagined a Bioshock inspired girl at HH. And best of all, she's not a pachinko exclusive! So I won't waste all my kobans trying to get her! The overall design of the new girls, and even the city, is awesome. Steampunk is very different to the usual anime style HH. Actually... forget my last comment, I might actually waste all my kobans trying to get all the steampunk girls... I wish Kinkoid finally decided to divide the regular epic pachinko girls from the event exclusive ones. There are just too many regulars to get a good chance to acquire the event ones.
    1 point
  6. Bonjour ! Je fais ce topic avant que Joe ne s'en charge. Je ne comprend pas l'acharnement sur Noomye.. Je la trouve personnellement assez mignonne et ok la couleur de ses cheveux et sa couleur de peau ne vont pas ensemble.. maiiis ses poses et sa bouille sont assez mimis.. vous pouvez m'expliquer pourquoi vous ne l'aimez pas ? Que vous a-t-elle fait ?
    1 point
  7. Je ne suis pas d'accord avec ce que tu dis.. Je trouve les traits bien plus épais qu'avant et les têtes de certaines laissent à désirer. Le fond est très beau effectivement, mais je ne trouve pas les filles plus jolies que Régine qui est, à mon avis, dans le top 5 des plus belles filles du jeu.
    1 point
  8. I had looked at the map and saw that there was a set of clouds and I had an idea for a new area for this game! it is kind off based on other games but I thought there could be a sky city, the only citizens off this city would be beautiful women seeking a hero how could save there home from falling out off the sky. what does everyone else think?
    1 point
  9. Je crois que cette branche remplace le drapeau japonais @Rays, qui prenait sans doute trop de place dans son carré...
    1 point
  10. Based on wiki Info as i do not have all of em in my Harem... 1. Louise / Bunny's mother for me.
    1 point
  11. je viens tout juste de remarqué que les récompenses de classements hebdomadaire avais changées, c'étais que les 2000 premiers qui pouvais gagnés quelque chose, maintenant +1000 a remplacé le 1000 a 2000 donc tout le monde gagne chaque semaine dans tout les classements (c'est une bonne chose)
    1 point
  12. I enabled this for you... Might be useful as moderator. You could've done it yourself in the Edit Profile --> Enable Status Updates. Moderators and Admins can switch it on. The question is... who switched it on for me though
    1 point
  13. Je trouve Noomye mignonne (pas encore vu les poses, je ne me spoil pas :P), mais je ne regarde pas l'animé. Du coup, aucun attachement lié au personnage de base. Mais je comprend tout à fait le soucis : j'ai eu le même durant l’événement "Sois leur co-pilote !" avec Sabine... Il en faut pour tous les goûts, c'est comme ça.
    1 point
  14. Je vais t envoyer les deux mais tu vas avoir du mal a suivre la cadence jeune Padavert
    1 point
  15. Hi Kissass, This is a process that often has issues since it involves communicating between many different servers, there's a BIG thread about it in another section of the forum. Here's a link directly to a moderator's comment about what to do
    1 point
  16. For someone starting out, it's fantastic, for someone pushing 200th level it's... not even a Tuesday. When tentacle boss is maxed out in a couple of weeks I'll be getting about 3 mill a day in cash and cash value of gifts, and about 45/270 kobans a day. I'll take it, but it's nothing to get excited about. Hell I get more than that in those 3 contests that run on a daily average alone. Sure free stuff is free, but it is supposed to be a contest and that a lot of people are looking at the consultation prizes in such a way means for most of us, it really isn't a competition. Consultation prizes are all fine and dandy, but they are in effect participations awards, much like scoring soccer/football games fun to fun. If you are going to get your orange at the end of the game, might as well not bother going onto the field. I don't have a problem with consultation prizes, not arguing against them, but it isn't much of a competition if not even the 1%ers [top 600] couldn't be bothered to try, and I am in that category in 3 or 4 different areas. I doubt to many hard driving players view the activities competitions like that, those are actually competitive. Putting everyone in one group makes the contests not a contest, just a weekly award for registering to play.
    1 point
  17. Perso, j'aime bien ces nouvelles couleurs plus tranchées, surtout le vert (désolé Noctis, les goût et les couleurs.....) Par contre je trouve le gris est trop foncé. PS : @Noctis Strauss Plutôt que de m'envoyer une Bunny Garou, envoie moi sa mère !
    1 point
  18. Ben écoute, j'ai beau le regarder sous tous les angles, ça n'a pas une tronche de gode : on dirait juste un tube brisé. Limite ça ressemble à une arme qui est en train de lui perforer la poitrine : entre les cassures et la position, je n'y vois rien du tout de sexuel. Il faudrait que ce machin pivote de 90 degrés pour que ça évoque une branlette espagnole.
    1 point
  19. 1 game of pachinko = 5,400 10 games of pachinko = 91,400
    1 point
  20. La couleur de peau et celle des yeux ne vont pas ensemble? Heu... Tu as déjà vu des personnes noires de peau dans la vraie vie? Parce que désolé de te le dire... Mais les personnes de peau noir ont très souvent les yeux marrons... (en tous cas parmi celles que j'ai fréquenté, un bon 75% d'entre elles avaient les yeux marrons) Sinon... Les goût et les couleurs... (donc affirmer que c'est une aberration de dire qu'elle est réussie n'engage finalement que toi c'est très subjectif ==> je ne la trouve pas réussie non plus mais uniquement au niveau du choix de couleur de cheveux)
    1 point
  21. Tried my luck at the Epic Pachinko, expended more than 22k kobans, and this was the result: Only in my last drop did I get an event girl… and it wasn't the legendary… But well, at least I got a Steampunk girl, plus Gossy, Shao and Tsubame are pretty hot (although the ring girl is more disturbing that anything else), and I did get 5 girls for the price of 4 Epic Pachinko x10.
    1 point
  22. Bah franchement je la trouve bien Noomye, les couleurs ne me dérangent pas du tout. Il n'y a que sa troisième pose que je trouve étrange (je crois avoir lu une explication dessus, mais je l'ai oubliée et du coup je ne la comprends pas/plus).
    1 point
  23. Personnellement, je termine de monter l'affection de mes filles et puis je tente les Super Pachinko X10 pour me stuffer. Avec ma chance légendaire je devrai tomber assez rapidement sur de l'équipement mono-stat Hardcore légendaire. Et vu que l'on peut choper plusieurs équipement légendaire sur un seul X10, je pense que ça vaut le coup d'essayer quelques partie. (moi, j'avais bien compris dés le départ que ce serait doublé ===> et je trouvais ça normal au vu de la puissance potentielle d'un équipement mono-stat légendaire) C'est juste dommage pour ces erreurs de communication récurrentes dans leur équipe qui leur fait dire des choses fausses et devoir revenir sur leurs déclarations par après. Conseil à Kinkoid: Quand vous ne savez pas, ou que vous n'êtes pas sûre, ou encore que vous ne comprenez pas bien le travail/explications de vos collègues, ne faites tout simplement pas de déclaration. Cela vous évitera d'avoir de "compte à rendre" à la communauté.
    1 point
  24. I have been checking the weekly rewards in the tower of fame and ... surprise! There are rewards for everyone in every category (1000+ includes all players), not only for 2000 people. Yes, i know, a lot more for the first positions, but in the end is free money, stuff, AND KOBANS for everyone. so in the end is a good update in this part. Even a player placing last in all categories will earn: 6 x (50k money, 25XP , 1 gift) + 3 x (24 kobans, 1 gift, 1 equipment)
    1 point
  25. Il y a pas eu de changement de couleur a proprement parler. Juste que les couleurs sont plus prononcé qu'avant. (plus foncé) Mais globalement, c'est les mêmes couleurs qu'avant. (a part le gris que, justement, j'apprécie) Je trouve que les objets et filles ressortent mieux. Je trouvais les couleurs d'avant un peu fades, comme délavées. La différence est assez subtile. Si on ne faisait pas attention aux couleurs avant, peu de chance de remarquer la différence après. Avant: Après:
    1 point
  26. C'était bien mieux au bon vieux temps..... c'est des couleurs de djeuns ça, ma vue est toute irritée s'en va régler les paramètres couleurs de son ordi et de flux........
    1 point
  27. Ah yes, sorry about that. It was a little experiment as well from my side to see if you can see my message about why I hid it. It seems you cannot And yes, I don't want discussions about it. The last time we had that, some dude posted the picture of Fanny & Fione before the devs had released that picture. So the more people know about it, the more times I will have to step in and warn people for spoiling unrevealed girls and poses.
    1 point
  28. Je n'aime pas du tout ce gris. Il pique les yeux et sur mon téléphone je le confond parfois avec le violet légendaire. Je préfère largement le blanc originel.
    1 point
  29. Alors Ginette revient dans ce cas
    1 point
  30. Tout le monde ralait car il fallait faire qqch pour le Pachinko.. ils l’ont fait .. ils ont amélioré le prix.. vous n’êtes jamais contents..😋😋😋
    1 point
  31. Le problème vient essentiellement des couleurs. Nous sommes beaucoup à trouver le personnage original attirant, et à jouer à Hentai Heroes pour avoir la possibilité de contempler des personnages connus en version dénudée. Là, nos attentes ne sont pas seulement déçues, elles ont été découpées en une multitude de petits morceaux avec une tronçonneuse électrique et éparpillées par le vent ensuite, pour finir piétinées. Histoire de comparer : À chaque fois que je vois ça, voici ce qui se passe dans ma tête : « Pourquoiiiii lui ont-ils fait ça ?! Pourquoi l'avoir massacrée ainsi, alors qu'il y avait moyen de la rendre tellement sexy dans le jeu. » Ensuite, on ajoute à ça le fait que Kinkoid se foute complètement de notre avis parce que la rentabilité passe au premier plan, et on obtient un joli cocktail de frustration qui a provoqué notre ire inextinguible.
    1 point
  32. Hâte de voir le classement Hebdo. "Fille obtenue" pendant l'Event Anniversaire Par curiosité, j'aurai bien aimé une catégorie Hors compétition "Kobans dépensés"
    1 point
  33. Two days ago I was thinking that many posters here were being a bit naive for asuming there were going to be groupings by 2.000 players as there was rewards listed only up to that position in ranking. I didn't say anything in case they were actually right. Now with the patch on live, I can say that everyone who was thinking in wining something tasty without spending lots of kobans and a handful of daily hours of full game dedication was being very naive. As the game has over 60K players each week in each version, most probably the devs decided in the last moment to expand the pity rewards beyond position 2K in ranking to avoid a true player base rage. Be thankful. Only 3% of the players were going to get anything at all on each category, most of them in the pity rank, instead of absolutely ZERO. That acording with what patch notes said on monday. Only the category of new girls joining gives advantage to new players (and among them, those who spend more kobans). Harem level and stat upgrades are most limited by income, so newest players don't have the advantage there, but the veterans who are at the current latest chapter but haven't aimed to raise those yet. From the concept, this was going to be just a humble tip for everyone but the whalest of the paying players. So no complain from me.
    1 point
  34. I'm not going to change my activity because of this weekly tof, but every extra little reward is appreciated.
    1 point
  35. Idem, j'adore le vert !! Par contre le gris rend nos filles toutes tristes !!!
    1 point
  36. Idem, j'accroche pas à la nouvelle couleur pour le Commun Je pensais que la couleur de fond arrivé avec le Harem V2 & étendu à la Tour de Gloire avec cette MàJ des Hebdo. allait aussi être ajouté au Mon Harem du Changer équipe de l'Arène, une autre fois sûrement
    1 point
  37. I am so far out of the top 1000 on most categories it isn't even worth trying. Even on Mojo and PvP battles I am close to cracking the top 100 but the effort to get there isn't worth the reward. For those two items, I am sure there are enough people who will koban their way into the top 10 and I don't think that is a wise spending of koban, for me at least. I'll wait to see what the results are on Monday but, as of now, I just see the leaderboard stuff as some extra free stuff once in a while. Not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, but not going to french kiss it either, unlike Austin "danger" Powers, yeah baby.
    1 point
  38. C'est la monnaie du jeu, un jeu de mot (douteux ?) basé sur le Yen et l'Hymen des filles probablement, en effet...
    1 point
  39. Ah, mais ça parle de Régine ??? comme la question était posée à Lala je croyais qu'on parlait de "régime" ! Te dérange pas Lala, je viens tout juste de me pendre !
    1 point
  40. So, I am going to go for the slightly altered calendar, done by someone on discord rather than the original one posted by Jessie, because it's a little better. Note that there's a week left after the end of the revival event, which will most likely be filled with an anniversary event, so there's no free space this month.
    1 point
  41. I don't mind by stat unit than cost although at my level costs are getting up there. Never thought about it, but when those of us who like good PvP boys bought up all three stats, there really is no where to go from there than the 19 more per levels. Those who didn't will make out like gangbusters. Also if we are all in the same pool, those of us at higher levels might as well forget about winning that one as we level up about 1 every 2 days, those at lower levels do so daily if not more. OTOH high level people will run away with other stats like money spent. I guess there is something for people at both extremes of level, not so much in the middle. At least with daily contests, everyone is sort of near the same level and it is a small group that changes with each contest.
    1 point
  42. @neodenis Barell est déjà une reprise de Bayonetta. @SLASHDØG Les origines des filles sont sur le wiki FR si ça vous intéresse. Confirmé par FAB. Quand à moi je suis déçu par l'origine de Oxton qui n'est pas très steampunk.. Comme dit sur Discord, j'aurais bien aimé Asami Sato de la Légende de Korra perso.
    1 point
  43. As someone that plays a lot of these gatcha style games, I can tell you most of them will eventually cycle in older......whatever the gatcha is for that game, permanently. Doesn't mean HH has to, but as it was stated by Natstar, even the devs don't know what they plan on doing. I just don't want to see these legendary days events pumped out every month. We need a break from events, and it makes them feel less special if they happen too often.
    1 point
  44. I'm disappointed that I didn't get Fanny and Fione, but to be honest, I would have been vastly more disappointed to not get them if they had demon versions like Rem and Ram. Without them being demons, I lose, like 85% of my interest in them. I'm glad I decided to cap my refills at 5 and not waste any more kobans than that.
    1 point
  45. That frustration you feel is all part of your navelization by the devs
    1 point
  46. I have a feeling you'll love this next one, then... One of my favorite parts of making these pictures is imagining the rest of the girls' personalities. (The bios _really_ helped with that, as do the affection scenes. Thanks again, Kinkoid.) Kimie's good with a knife, which is why she brought one on Bunny's trip, but she's also cute and shy, so she makes the perfect lolita here. Juliette's used to the outdoors, so it made sense that she'd bring a canteen and actual gear last event. But being adventurous means she's up for all sorts of things, and with a body like hers, I figure she'll take any chance to show off. Plus, when she wants some man, she goes after it. Check out where her hand is. Shehera is a born dancer, so she's going to take that seriously, and show off her moves in addition to her curves. Ankyo has got to be the gothiest of them all, probably taking to giant robots because it lets her sit alone in a small space for hours. She's here for the darkness, not the dance. But if a man really wants to get with her, she'll let it happen. This is the Haremverse, after all...
    1 point
  47. Kimie and Juliette were eager to join the fun...
    1 point
  48. pour moi, elles sont 2 du même anime : Furunji Miu et Kosaka Shigure
    1 point
  49. attention voir ce que cache mon spoiler peut provoquer une grave crise de jalousie les enfants alors refléchissez un peu avant de vous y risquer
    1 point
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