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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2018 in all areas

  1. Le jeu n'était pas plus dur avant, c'était même l'inverse. Les nouveaux ont la vie dure entre : - Rattraper l'histoire (qui sort maintenant plus vite) et farmer les filles de boss pour avoir la possibilité de farmer tranquillement Roko (comme beaucoup d'anciens) - Les events qui s’enchaînent et laisse peu de temps de libre, là où les anciens n'ont pas besoin des revivals (ou très peu) - Générer de l'argent est beaucoup plus lent (surtout via le Harem), faut pas oublier qu'avant on pouvait farmer le Super Pachinko en boucle et en tirer du bénéfice (argent infini + livres + cadeaux etc...) via la revente des items et des boosts pvp - Les filles " Histoire " genre Abrael était godlike en PVP, alors que maintenant sans ta légendaire en alpha tu fais quasi rien... sachant que le pvp représente 80% du jeu maintenant (contre 0% avant car aucunes récompenses) et que les récompenses pour les "anciens" (plus haute ligue etc...) sont bien plus généreuses etc... donc non, le jeu n'est pas plus facile actuellement (selon moi en tout cas)
    2 points
  2. finally i am in the top 10 arena ranking ^^
    2 points
  3. this is a bug several ppl mentioned already. dont know if we get any compensation for that.
    2 points
  4. if its not me who get fucked in the ass i am fine with that ^^
    2 points
  5. Every day,every time,and sometimes every minute this bug happens!!(I mean,I think it's a bug right?) I don't know why and I really doubt that is my internet's problem but this massage happens a lot,and I always need to reload the page. Considering that it's very common this happens in the middle of a boss or an arena battle and I'm throwed to the main page and need to come back to the boss again...You could see how annoying this thing is. Are there anyone else who had this problem?
    1 point
  6. Hey, heroes! 😊 Haremverse is full of surprises these days! The girls can’t get enough of you and they have to find different ways of attracting your attention... One of our girls has a quiz for you! She wants to test how well you know her. That’s what this girl shared about herself: Show this girl that you know her well by guessing the name! Five of the players who have given a correct answer will be chosen to win 150 Kobans per winner. You can participate in the contest until Monday 5AM UTC+1
    1 point
  7. Mdrrrr... je rêve... des cadeaux légendaires toutes le 8 heures... faudra que tu me dises où et comment... car je n'en vois pas la couleur. Quant aux filles qui coulent à flot, va faire un tour sur le salon des malchanceux, hein...
    1 point
  8. Usually I collect it before it builds all the way up which means a lot of missed Income but was away a bit so took advantage to take a SS, only a few thousand away from the Half a Million milestone. .
    1 point
  9. really? you know you can just login once a day and still get 11/12 done within the time by starting just that event mission. you don't have to accept the reward on the same day, as long as you have accepted 11 of them before the end of the event. and they already gave us something, because at the start of the event it was at 12/12.
    1 point
  10. I managed to rank up to Sexpert II, but when the Leagues refreshed, my Challenge tokens were still at 0. Refreshing the page doesn't change anything...
    1 point
  11. Kinkoid said they are investigating, so it's a bug.
    1 point
  12. Hey guys! Just to mention here, I deal with the Spanish community and translations. You are not aware of this because when I've presented myself on the forum I haven't started dealing with that yet.
    1 point
  13. Une petite recherche sur le forum aurait permis d'obtenir de trouver la réponse sans créer un énième topic sur ce sujet-là... Je te laisse chercher la réponse officielle de Kinkoid à ta question.
    1 point
  14. Did we really get an Italian CM before a Spanish CM 🤔?
    1 point
  15. I think they should intentionally make it so Tokens start at 0 and increase the max tokens to 20 or more, and maybe extend the league by a day. That way there won't be a rush to play on reset burdening the servers, and you will have a larger gap than 8 and a half hours before they max out.
    1 point
  16. I used all mine by the end of the league and started with 0. I think everyone should start the new league with 0. that way everyone isn't rushing to play right on reset and causing problems with the servers. You could also increase the max, so people who sleep for 8hrs+ wouldn't max them out.
    1 point
  17. Windia? And that very infantile, but cute, mouth in her opening pose. It says in her profile that she can make wind. I assume they don't mean it the way our hero made wind with Mavin during one of the tests in Heroes University.
    1 point
  18. those poor girls, so many that need soooo much affection 🤣
    1 point
  19. Roko drcided to give me his last world girl Noomye, so thats all of them now. No worries in Pachinko now until new world is made.
    1 point
  20. Wawe ! Au dessus de 400 c'est chaud. Je sais plus quel joueur avait calculé que le passage du lvl 399 au lvl 400, ça demandait autant d'xp que de passer du lvl 1 à 399 (ou du lvl 1 à 398) un truc du style. Au dessus du niveau 400 à l'heure actuelle ça sert à rien. Faudrait des changement dans le jeux et des nouveaux boss plus puissant. imagine le temps que tu as passé pour up lvl 1 à 399, bein tu recommences la même chose pour 399+1, puis rebelotte 400+1 puis 401+1, ... 1 an par pour gagner 1 lvl non merci. Autant trouver une autre utilité aux XP à ce moment là. Par exemple un nouveau pouvoir ou alors renforcer une compétence ou encore augmenter la puissance de l'équipement, ...
    1 point
  21. Thanks, everyone, so 420 S3 players it is. Thread updated to reflect the current week. My expectation wild ass guess for last week was around 48 S1 groups, which would mean that S2 has grown from 1425 to 1755 players for the new season. harry's bracket above with 103 players would be in line with that number, or at least with something similar. Please report further S2 brackets, if you're in one! Especially if your player total is something other than 103. Anyway, IF there are 17 groups at S2, we will see the top S3 tier expand to 615 players next week.
    1 point
  22. Maybe Pula or Rahi. lol jk. Good luck. Hope you get the wan you one-t
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Oh wow, I guess I haven't looked in the forum for a few weeks - I missed a lot, including a slot in Peaceful Warriors. It'd be nice if there was a way to include a message along with applications to restricted membership clubs, I tried for an Australian club (since that's where I am) but got rejected I guess because my location is listed as Luxembourg (since that's where my VPN came out when I registered). Just being able to include a simple "Ignore the flag I'm an Aussie" presumably would have made the difference. But I haven't cared too much about not being in a club, I'll think about it again when it actually makes a difference to anything. Also it'd be nice if the chat didn't require you to run the game in a frame instead of in the top-level window. I view the pages directly (so the URL bar says eg: https://www.hentaiheroes.com/tower-of-fame.html instead of just https://www.hentaiheroes.com/ so I can just hit cmd-R to reload when watching/sniping in the final seconds of contests. some tips: * Jump out of the page frames like I said above, for better sniping in contests and other time-critical things * To do a big batch of troll fights, go to the world page and command-click (or whatever the Windows way to open in a new tab is) 10 or 20 times or whatever on the Perform! button to open a whole bunch of battle tabs. Then you can just ctrl-tab through the tabs, clicking the combat button and then moving on to the next tab without waiting for the battle results to load or the animation to play. This way uses up a full 20 combativity points in 30 seconds or so. * You can do the same thing with pachinko spins for Show Off In The Casino, open a boatload of pachinko tabs and then click to spin and ctrl-tab on to the next one before the animation even starts loading, or wherever else you want to do a bunch of stuff quickly in the game. * Living somewhere where the resets are at a good time of day is a big help too 😏
    1 point
  25. happens randomly plain old simple random doo-dah luck, which is bad luck most of the time, but eventually they will drop. Boss girls are the only ones guaranteed to eventually drop. Might be people living on Mars by the time they do drop, but they will eventually
    1 point
  26. My Dear Hero, The Epic Days are coming tomorrow! And our Epic girls are waiting for your company! Wait for an Epic sexual experience, for the crazy EPIC DAYS 2! I am warning you, tomorrow you will be hijacked! Greta and Adelaide will join the Haremverse to use all the force of their dangerous beauty. And you will be taken away...from the everyday life! Impress Greta with the might of your cock and become the muse of a horny carpenter. This girl loves to incorporate various objects into her most creative work - being intimate with you! Ahh, and Adelaide. She is expecting you at her church from Monday until Friday, from late noon until midnight to baptize you in her holy breasts! Charm them, turn them on and set them free from the wicked Dark Lord and Ninja Spy. The epic girls so much rely on...You. Even after the event, they will be available in the Epic Pachinko, exclusively for you! But are only two girls enough for an epic sexual experience? Epic Days 2 will aim to fulfil your great sexual power with more...Looking for great sexual heroes, Vashalanor, Liu-Yeng, Lupa and Gossy will keep rocking the Haremverse world! Yours, Kinkoid Team
    1 point
  27. I can kindly ask why in the beta do not put the news? I understand that there may be untranslated parts or imperfections in the layout. but the news is very important in my opinion. you could put them in English for all the beta versions. mine does not want to be a criticism of you since. I really like your work. thank you
    1 point
  28. Bien le bonjour, Pourriez-vous implémenter la possibilité d'ajouter un message lorsque le candidat souhaite entrer dans un club? Cela lui permettra ainsi d'écrire ce qu'il lui passe par la tête et aidera (peut être) les recruteurs à faire le tri entre les candidats. Bàv,
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Ye but the problem is they dont do anything about it. Its there for month now
    1 point
  31. Ye game is shitty anyways Developers have this problem for months and they dont fix anything. All they care about is getting money while droprate of girls stay low
    1 point
  32. For me it happens when I click too fast, like I have to wait after a transaction (not the koban one) is over for me to continue. Hope it help and have a great day!
    1 point
  33. This harem update was totally unnecessary. It should not take 5 refreshes to collect the money after wading through a bunch of Err HH_1 errors. Ridiculous.
    1 point
  34. Yes,it's the most problematic situation. You collect the money but the animation of the money been added doesn't happen and them the massage shows again
    1 point
  35. I've never gotten that error ever, however the game's slow & lagging all thanks to the unnecessary harem update. They should've tested it before officially patching it. This game was enjoyable before the update, now it's just strenuous to play. This game won't see the light of day if they at least don't improve the server performance. Till then I'm out. Cheers
    1 point
  36. Nan mais franchement... Je suis charme... je me fais déjà déglinguer à tout bout de champs en PVP (je ne veux pas relancer le sujet sur notre faiblesse...) et voilà que ça arrive aussi dans la quête... Franchement : le charme dans l'histoire, c'est une pauvre paire de lunettes enlevée avec des flatulences gigantesques... alors que le toucher de vénus et le manteau d'insoumission, ça a quand même de la gueule... Alors, pourquoi tant de haine contre les charmes ??? 😁😥😪
    0 points
  37. Faux. Il était possible de réaliser des bénéfices sur un petit nombre de tentatives en étant chanceux avec la revente des objets, mais dans la durée on perdait plus d'argent qu'on en gagnait.
    0 points
  38. Perso j'arrête définitivement le jeu si je dois attendre l'année prochaine pour drop les deux filles de boss. Ça fait quelques event que je dois utiliser des kobans pour avoir les deux filles. J'ai l'impression que le taux a été diminué en secret.
    0 points
  39. 7 jours de farm sur Donatien, près de 350 combats... Le bougre ne lâche toujours pas Lenaëlle, sur l'event précédent ça avait été la même chose avec l'espion ninja et Bremen, je n'avais pu avoir qu'une seule et encore en cramant des kobans.... J'espère que la chance va revenir parce que là....
    0 points
  40. Hello heroes! 2 Weeks ago, we launched with success the new social feature in Hentai Heroes. And you welcomed it with a huge interest. Across all versions of the game, more than 2500 clubs were created and dozens of thousands of players banded together within them. As we continue to work on their stability and to polish the current version, we want to share with you what we are working on regarding this specific feature. In a similar manner of our rework of the PVP done in the first half of 2O18, the Clubs will experience numerous additions during the upcoming months. These will happen gradually and their mechanics will be described in more details, with their final numbers, in each of their respective patch notes related to their release. Strength in unity As a social feature, we desire that players gather together, receive some bonuses, without making the Clubs a mandatory feature, of course. One of the incoming features of the Clubs is a system of “request”. It will provide the ability to each member of the club to ask other members for a small amount of energy, combativity, experience books or gifts for the girls. To celebrate the donation from the player, he will be awarded with some experience and ymens. In that way, some of the most powerful players of the game can lend some of their strength to help other club members. These requests will be limited to the quantity of resources requested and also, a player will be only able to do a specific amount of requests per day. Another incoming point that will attract players to join a club is the fact that the Clubs will give a passive boost to some statistics and gains. All members will, for example, receive a small boost of income everytime they win some ymens. The highest level the club is, the more interesting will the bonus be. Currently, we are thinking about the following bonuses: Hardcore stat (0.5% per level) Charm stat (0.5% per level) Know-how stat (0.5% per level) Endurance stat (0.5% per level) Harmony stat (0.1% per level) Experience gain (0.5% per level) Ymens gain (0.5% per level) Please remember that these numbers are a work in progress and may not be the final ones. Time to enlarge your Club! Club’s levels? Yes, we are working on implementing the ability for the players to invest in their clubs to upgrade it and make it even shinier and sexier. To do so, players will be able to provide donations in kobans or ymens to help improve their clubs. Apart from the boost to the stats that we already spoke about, the main interest in upgrading players clubs is being able to augment the number of members. As the level of your club will grow, you will be able to recruit more and more members, that way, increasing the possibilities of each member. As a club grows, there might need some more organization and we are working also to provide a full hierarchy system in which the club leader will be able to give some specific rights to other members. That way, they will be able to help the club leader in his management of the club. Another way to improve your club and make it more unique will be to personalize it. Our first focus will be to provide more different pre-made logos to be able to change from the current one. On the long terms, also, we desire to work on a logo editor in which you will be able to create your own logo based on specific preset that we will provide you. We really want you to take ownership of the Clubs, as you make them yours. These a proof of concept of new logos that might be used in the future. The elements that we want to make customizable are the following : Background shape Main color Secondary color Main element With predefined positions (but could be selectable) Secondary element With predefined positions (but could be selectable) And beyond… That’s not everything we have for you regarding the Clubs. We will also add some extras for you to be able to organize some competitions between clubs, making sure that these are totally optional. As we want to make it very special, we want to integrate new system for participating and competing between players that will be really focused on your harem and the girls within it. Now, regarding this, it will require from you a bit more patience as these competitions deserve a full fledge presentation whenever we are advanced enough to explain them to you. We would like to thank you for your attention to our new social feature. Stay connected heroes, because we will still have many news to share with you !!
    0 points
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