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Everything posted by Zteev

  1. I've been playing a long time, and for along time, 3* girls were useful. Once the new system came out, things changed. I would affection max 3* common & starting when you have nothing better to do, as it's cheap, and will eventually provide a positive return on your investment in YMen. Increasing girl affection will inrease your YMen income, and also help with stats I personally have never leveled a 1* common girl up at all, unless by accident. I should've mentioned that I do technically use maxing their affection out when I need to do it for daily goals, as it's very cheap resource-wise. Once I get my 5* and 6* girls full on affection, I may change that strategy. Check this thread out for lots of details on various forms of battles in-game:
  2. Like my club mate, EpicBacon, I also broke through a wall just now went through 1700. Used a headband of course, took 18 attacks, but moving onward & upward. Time to figure out when to exactly use all the combativity that will come my way with the Pantheon fights I have left.
  3. Welcome to the forums. Girl "rarity" in this game doesn't mean actual rarity, but rather tier. Earlier girls of the same rarity tier often have worse stats than newer girls. Starter/Common girls are the ones you get early on from worlds, and from Great Pachinko x10 and the boss of the first world. What you want to focus on are the following: Any starter/common girl that is 3* or 5* max affection to increase Ymen return, and to improve stats. These will generally eventually pay for the Ymen you used Any other girl that is at least 5* max affection to improve your stats, and to increase YMen return over time. I feel that 3* (excluding starter/common) and 1* girls have basically almost no use, unless you need them to make good teams due to a lack of 5* girls. Depends on your level. Blessings data spreadhseet with info on all girls stats here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVZxcZZMa82lS4k-IpxTTTELAeaipjR_v1twlqW5vbI/edit
  4. Is it just me, or are you missing Sleuthy Spook, the girl "who can't see anything without her glasses" on this team? let me clean my glasses to check... yep definitely missing.
  5. Last time the card's daily rewards also came retroactively when purchased, I think. Would help for the scoring to be clearly posted in-game somewhere on the event page. Edit: Here's what I think is the scoring Daily Goal chests: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 in order Villains: 1 League Win: 1 Season Win: 2
  6. What's interesting about Powerful Bonny is that she is on a Champion in this event at the same time she showed up in MyP. So you can hedge your bets on getting her from the Champion but using some of the orbs that give you defined amount of shards.
  7. Finished with this event. Had no luck at all with Champion drops from Matsuda, getting no shards over 5 stages that could've dropped them. Had good luck with Pachinko, though, in that I got two girls from Pachinko spins before I started trying to get the boss girls. One of those two was a boss girl. After getting the Mythic, I worked on Sonja and got her today. I felt frisky, and decided to try for the 2 girls I was missing with Pachinko spins. Got one, then used a Event Pachinkox4 orb, but the last girl didn't drop. About 40 more orbs, and I got the last one to drop. Finally got one of the chest with rainbow gems. Will help a good bit.
  8. Got her today with about 20 minutes to go. I'm up over 3,000 blue gems, so I can use them to get girls awakened. Still have a little bit of a perfume left to work on the classic event. Very happy to get her. I really don't worry about Koban cost at this point, it will be whatever it is.
  9. Well, apparently hell froze over again. And I mean it FROZE SOLID - I even had enough time to get a screenshot for the whiners out there. Even figured out how to post it not as a link! Ended up 3rd which is my second (or maybe 3rd) ever top 4 in D3. Additionally, top 4 in both contests, and finished off getting Mythic Salem.
  10. It turns out that this is correct, but it's a pretty horrible visual error. I'm not calling it a glitch, because it's been done poorly enough that they deserve the error term. I claimed the reward, and got 1 book, visually. When I check my inventory I had indeed gotten the expected 3 books. I have no idea why they recoded something that worked fine.
  11. It also looks like the rewards for Cumback Contests have changed from Mythic Books (and Mythic Booster for 1st) to simply item drops with the gift with the ? on it. (Please note my post 2 below this one, that covers that the rewards for 2nd-4th didn't change, but that they messed up the visuals)
  12. For anyone who was smart enough to have the old shop page open in a separate tab and to not have refreshed that tab while the game was down, that tab will still work just fine. Unfortunately, if you try and hit "Awaken" or "Upgrade", you'll get the new market. I was smart, but then got impatient.
  13. If one can get by without a headband, do so. I definitely needed a headband before 1500, but the OP may be relatively stronger or more successful.
  14. Basically, you need to wait for a good blessing - something where: Legendaries are blessed and Mythics aren't, and You've got enough of the top 7-15 girls to make a good team, and You use the strategies in the thread Ravi-Sama posted, notably boosters/gear/team composition, and If you see a win percentage above 0%, that is still low, you use a headband. There are free players who are past level 1600, but they are long-time players.
  15. You can expect the game to be offline for an hour or more today. It's apparently a very big update.
  16. This is probably going to be my favorite Mythic Days in a long time. 1. I like Salem. She's got a different skin tone than many of the girls in game, she has nice boobs, and the art seems good from pose 1. I hope the haven't made her look very similar to the recent girls who seem to have similar poses later. 2. It's on Finalmecia as a boss, which has blue gems, my most needed color. I'm sure many of us can appreciate the blue gem drops. Also the boss isn't too far along that somewhat newer players aren't there yet, and some may need progress towards higher tiers as well. 3. I was actually waking up just before reset in a weird coincidence where I was sort of conforming to my real-world time zone due to an exhausting weekend. Used saved up combativity and x50 fights plus singles to get to 22 shards right from the start with my perfume, which didn't run out in the middle of a x50. The last 2 shards did come from single fights, but it's so nice to be ahead of the curve for once. I guess I'm dressing up as a whale for Halloween and starting extra early.
  17. Well on target to park after finishing tier 23. My plan was to finish tasks 22 (champions) & 23 (energy) tomorrow, but it looks like I might get 22 done today. This will help me squeak another tier reward out of PoV, I think, which is a nice bonus.
  18. I ended up 7th. I wasn't on at the very end, but when I last checked Joy & Tatouf Métouf were the top 2. I was one of those payers Ravi-Sama saw unboosted at times, as I generally just chill to a top 15, although the chill weeks are now reaching the top 10. No AM usage, used a mix of boosters, continuing to grow my Cordyceps & Ginseng pile. I had attacks left unused without refilling due to being able to know that I couldn't reach top 4 mathematically. @Ravi-Sama Thanks for posting a screenshot so I don't get yelled at for not doing so.
  19. I'm not on the test server, but this seems like an update that is half-baked where the promise in all of what it could be is yet very much unrealized. Therefore, it should eb tweaked and tested on the test server ( as one would expect, as it's literally the purpose of having a test server) to get it 95+ working as wanted.
  20. I realize now that she's cosplaying as a cow, and isn't a werecow. That's much, much better.
  21. You got her already? Man, she looks frightening, kind of glad I won't get her - KC is a non-event for me to get girls.
  22. Just got enough shards to get her today. I usually get the girl on day 3, once the whales clear out, leaving me in a world my F2P status isn't so harmful. I like her.
  23. I already have the Champion & Mission girls, so just a few to get. First priority: Katra - on Karole. Had 25 shards going in, and was close to done (90+) the Tier 3 girl on Karole. I need this color of gems, easy choice. Second Priority: Monk Hannah - on Roko Sensei Working on getting to Tier 3 on this boss, so makes sense to do fights here. Also drops a somewhat needed gem color for meHowever this girl is not as good as the next one. Third Priority: College Honey and Greta - Bremen Double the girls = double the pleasure & colors, but Bremen is finished for me, and drops Purple gems, of which I have a plethora.
  24. Broken down by type: Tickets: abbystark juliana4 lolamartinez #thicc Ymen: carlie_candy lenarouse Gems: miarivera simonecallen bellatorres desireloww eleanordudley sailorkaori sweetkissbrazil Orbs: emmacruz briananorton anikagarciaa dannaortiz bellamiller missspicyspider esmeraldarider cherryjordan von_peaches ginger_taste chanel marianajade angelinaalves Energy: elenavidal Combat: lauramejia akane_candy Kisses: karlamontes angelstone
  25. I know that dog, but I was thinking Spacely Sprockets from the Jetsons.
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