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Everything posted by holymolly

  1. Beh, che dire Non ti preoccupare. Non c'è fretta. Ho solo pensato di chiedere a voi due..perché..perché no Quando vi conviene fatemi sapere e farò spacio per voi due ( oviamente se volete ) e per il club champion.. penso che ho scrito le regole dentro il nostro club topic..ma..essere onesto.. non e cosí che lo osserviamo tutto il tempo.. in fondo, abbiamo @-MM- e il suo account secondo per li reset ^^ Ho pensato che lo sapevi
  2. give the players one thing take 2 away classic kk manner prolly just the usual spaghetti
  3. @Antimon @MicciaUna domanda: abbiamo di nuovo spazio nel club Ho pensato di chiedervi se volete entrare. Siamo una chat inglese, ma credo che per voi non sia un problema. E qualcuni di noi parla anche italiano
  4. not just our French pushover@Darkyz_ but most mods
  5. Is it too late for me to whipe out the reactions and let you guys enjoy the hell of KK coding for a little more ?
  6. obligatory @Kenrae ping..even though he won´t see it nor her :´)
  7. If I may say something..is this really something we gotta start the usual "but mum, he started first" again? Sure it´s not the best way of showing the progress but come on mate.. I´m sure it´s not your first PoA (you´ve been playing the game for 5+ years afterall..so you´re not a newbie tbh) nor the first time you read one of Div´s comments either so you calling it toxic .. it a bit overexaggerated from you too imho. You got the answer you were looking for and Div said what he wanted to say about it so let´s just leave it at that and move on, don´t you feel like this is way simpler for everyone ?
  8. Hola @BEBECITOOO Si crees que no has recibido alguna recompensa, lo mejor que puedes hacer es ponerte en contacto con el soporte. Ellos podrán ayudarte.
  9. 🤡 as if I haven´t mentioned that like 100 times already
  10. idk both me and ravi did it before we got mod so no idea.. guess you´ll just get a tohsaka from me too then
  11. How ? nvm how.. I added a nice tohsaka cover to your profile too (just click on add cover photo on your profile)
  12. Just do like I did .. ignore them ..after you wasted all the kobans the first time they came across already ofc
  13. maybe saved daily mission xp and or a lot of league fights .. or well.. simply refilling the shit out of cc ..there´s always one crazier than you
  14. Teasing a French bunny.. I thought I posted this for a second and forgot about it .. unfortunately it´s not the French bunny I like to annoy but the Ol´man will defintely shoot.. the only question is: Will he shoot you or his foot ? Mod-ception (Div): Yeah, you prefer to tease a certain governor rather than the sheriff of Bunny town, ofc. ^^ Mod-ception (Ravi): I ran out of bullets 2 days ago... Can I join Div's bracket instead? I'd win...
  15. And holy´s the one that spamming all channels for recruitment (we have a few spots too btw )
  16. Idk mine increased too after the reply to you what do I get more norou and bianca this month ?
  17. Honestly.. I doubt we´ll ever see someone else than @Tohru - Kinkoid hit lvl 1000 ever
  18. Imo she´s prolly the best girl both art and game usuability wise.. especially someone like you, who loves Venus´art.. it´s not a mistake but well..expensive so you gotta decide if she´s worth it for you ^^ .. I mean let´s be honest.. at the end of the day.. the game´s still about fun/ getting the girls you like the most ..no need to masochist trying to get them all Then again.. she´s prolly double the cost of any other 5 star .. so you´re effectively losing out on 1 5 star for her at the very least. If I were in your situation..I prolly wouldn´t go for her.. I think.. just because I like to have a savety net at all times ( unless I´m selling my soul for more norou and bianca ofc) but then again.. it´s you the no1 venus fan so idk man..do what you want I guess (this sounds a lot like you really want her so maybe just bite the damn apple )
  19. I don´t and it´s not really misleading imho. I mentioned that I get more now since I´ve become an EN discord mod too. I´ve gotten the same amount like you and every other mod that´s modding 1 place. I´ve been getting more than that since April of this year iirc.. that´s when I started modding discord too. Idk how you read it but I said that I was able to pass 100k because I got mod kobans not before. To give you some hard numbers..that´s how I like to make examples at least not a wild guess or me eyeballing it.. I´ve been between 20k ( which has always been my savety net) and 50k before I got mod kobans. And no I did not say that because I wanted to hurt your feeling but because I´m just genuinely shocked about the amount of kobans. I do get at least top4 most of the weeks that´s true. and I win leagues ..well compared to your average casual here.. maybe quite often. But it´s not like the wins don´t cost anything.. you gotta refill.. use boosters etc.. it all costs kobans. When I said mod kobans is almost 3 D3 wins I meant it because usually a D3 win nets around 4-5k take that amount x3 and there we go ..we´re at the amount of kobans you, me and every other mod (again for 1 place) gets. I did not want to offend you, again. I truly did not and I´m not trying to do so with this answer either. I just wanted to correct your guess/ false idea or whatever it is that I´m on some crazy whale/ day one player or @govenants amount of kobans ( he´s the prime example of crazy rich because of leagues but also an og mod.. and well.. let´s just say.. that´s easily 3-6x my highest ever amount of kobans). First, I said 2 plats ..Secondly I never said I´m f2p .. and third, I stopped buying them in April when the whole SB fuck up happened(which I´m still mad about at how they handled it tbh) so yeah.. I did a SB without any season pass rewards now.. and I can say it costs more now yes..the card clearly helped but the card is ..correct me if I´m wrong, I´m just eyeballing it here because I don´t feel like going through the whole season pass rewards.. about 500 SB points +/- prolly a bit less so about 5k kobans per SB. Idk if it helps but maybe check my player page ^^.. I started end of March 2018 ..with a gap of 2 months plus.. suuuper casual ever before I started competing in leagues .. which was probably when I joined my club so ..idk..? around summer 2018. I mean someone could go and check my first post if the exact day really makes any difference. You started later yes.. but you´ve been a mod for longer so I feel like this equals out my league kobans I go for starting earlier. Maybe not completely but that´s not the point, I´m not trying to say you have to have the same amount I do. So basically no or well no significant( as in the 350-350k+ you mentioned I should have) headstart koban-wise. I´m sure we can do the the exact or well almost exact maths on how many kobans we´ve gotten ever since we started playing but I don´t think either of us is keen on it and I´m sure it´s not more than 100k at the veryyyy most. (which is less than I spend so far on the extra SB refills so it´s not meaningful to my and your koban amount now). But it doesn´t change my point that mod kobans are the main reason why I can still try to get them all. For me at least. I´m playing hh on nu completely f2p.. never got a dime in mod kobans.. nor have I ever bought something over there .. plus we didn´t get a lot of the big koban codes from back in the day over there either. So I dare to presume..I know how much kobans f2p´s get. I have basically the same amount of SB girls you have here over there.. plus all all mythics and most LD´s and I´ve maybe won like 5-8 more leagues on nu than you on hh. That being said I´m around 13k nubans there.. even though I´ve been doing 15x and 10x for months there because I simply can´t bother with a second account nowadays. The game changer for SB or for getting all/ most girls thus.. again for me at least.. are mod kobans. I don´t mean to say that you have to do so too.. I just said that the 3rd girl shouldn´t be any issue for people like us that get extra kobans for modding. Afterall you´re not a random who doesn´t know shit about how stuff works in the game but someone with a lot of knowlegde about it so.. that´s why I was so shocked. I don´t think nor feel like discussion this further.. nor like we needed to start with this really tbh ^^´.. Again I don´t mean to insult or offend you, I simply wanted to correct your claim about my kobans/ my headstart because it´s far ..very far from the amount you had in mind/ mentioned. Cheers .. damn that´s a long text.
  20. Let´s give others not the wrong idea: no it´s not. I don´t buy cards(I´ve only bought 2 plats back when mythic norou appeared.. and one very early ) .. nor do I season pass now .. I win D3 yes but most of them ( basically all except for like 3-5 ) were after the change. MY biggest income is and was mod kobans idk if I can mention a number.. but mod kobans are basically winning 3 D3´s now.. so those are the big game changer. (ok I get more because I do discord too now but still).. I never had a few hundreds of thousands of kobans.. I´ve crossed the 100k ever since I became a mod and never crossed 180k .. I was back at 60k kobans when the 1st ? or 2nd Sb released. Not being able to afford the 3rd girl while being a mod is.. sorry to say that.. just bad resource mgt. And I do notice.. I really do.. every DB is at least 1/3rd of my stash.
  21. For me it´s similar .. if I miss one.. I might as well miss all.. I bare got the 2nd on nu.. and couldn´t care less over there
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