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Everything posted by Skiron

  1. it was different on the test server with a league on a daily base, but on a two-week-base it wont be worth spending kobans to win the competition. divided by 14 the daily value of the rewards is simply too small for that, but some might consider to spend kobans to farm more xp... it will be difficult so to see the difference on the league tables...
  2. the fact you dont care doesnt mean anyone else doesnt care... obviously some do, me included... plus all the voices that ask for pvp-balancing... they are at least interested in pvp itself...
  3. because this way they have done it in one patch instead of two? that´s called efficient working... and it is just four days... and they same for everyone... you´ll survive it, why not calm down? this is really nothing important to go crazy about...
  4. ok im not sure what the "Optimisation of the harem behavior for smartphones" has done, but today harem is running very well on firefox too!
  5. it is not the former grey background, it is a new one with a colour gradient... i thought they are testing it... just courious if they want to go all grey or if green and yellow ones are coming up as well...
  6. officially just a bug? i was hoping it was intentionally... i think it looks much better this way...
  7. they havent lost their rarities, at their describtions they are still shown (under the name)... the overview is just not that colorful anymore...
  8. the legendary purple is still there, just all others have got a "neutral" background... but since the purple and grey look very smooth side by side i like the new look a lot...
  9. i know, but even it´s the same game, it´s not the same experience... maybe im wrong, but i would guess many would be motivated to compete on a fresh server... starting over now means you have thousands of players ahead through all levels...
  10. fighting a player about lvl 285 offered me about 350xp to win and a lvl 215 about 315xp. which i couldnt but doesnt matter, just wanna add more concrete numbers to your calculation...
  11. i think you cant change the time of the refill timer... with amount of players and time the league is running it is part of the design... but i support the original request to up the max to 8 points, i like my 8 hours of sleep as well
  12. Skiron

    Payment metods

    sounds good indeed, but i think a lot of people prefer anonymous ways over credit cards or bank accounts... my vote still goes for the paysafecard
  13. the more you do, the more your style grows on me... my respect to the eye for details that you need to make the girls recognizable on the first sight! really nice work
  14. i really like the "neutral" girl-backgrounds. it looks really good and i guess we know our girls well enough, so we dont need the different colours all the time. nice one
  15. i dont want to claim that it would have been your intention, but with the marked lines you go a dangerous way... summed up this would mean, as long the devs dont lay open all their decisions and statistics, the playerbase should have the right to believe the lie about it! and that the devs would have to accept it... just have to! so you consider bad advertising... so now please consider the devs point of view! players should be allowed to disbelieve anything they say (aka calling them liars) and should be allowed to state their opinion that the devs trick players into spending money (as long they do it in an educated manner)! and again: the devs just would have to accept it... beside the fact that generally thinking of the devs like this is no educated manner at all, this would be the worst advertising ever! last but not least: why have you even quoted me before saying this? it is not related to the quote at all, but just your opinion about F2P mechanics, while i was talking about the devs right to defend their reputation... a right you actually want to take of them... but this is still Kinkoids place, a part of their company, their game and their marketing strategy... (aka advertising, a place where ppl inform themselves about the game)... and they have the right to defend what they have build up... without any need to explain themselves or their decisions... so if someone comes to their place, calling them liars or frauds, attacking their reputation and/or leaving bad advertisement, they have any right to delete whatever they want... that is no censorship, that is common sense... otherwise it would be a general permission for defamation!
  16. there is even a seventh league rank... it was visible very shortly while they had to reset the league over and over... i guess they keep the details as a surprise... won combativity points are count beyond the cap... i have won 2 points as arena reward once and had 21/20 points afterwards...
  17. of course since you cant totally be without red battler... so far...
  18. true... but if the leggy variant becomes charm-class, it would be quite obvious who would have slept with the devs... *coughs*chthugha*coughs*
  19. i´d say the reward for being active on a test server is getting a new feature on the main server, that is as bugfree as possible... just imagine we would have had the resets, loops and inactivety bugs over there... that would have started a riot! and on the other hand i would never want to be the one, who has to draw a line which rate of activety would be enough for an actual reward... what should be this line? lvls gained? amount of bugs reported? number of league fights fought? (regarding the actually tested feature)... i bet there have been many enough who just fooled around with all the gifted kobans... f.e. on the first day after making the test server public ive seen many EP-girl all over the teams... i would say playing EP wasnt the feature to be tested and not the intention to hand out the kobans...
  20. "a little"... very diplomatic... it is not that bad in the end, f.e. losing to the big C still gives me 70 xp and yeah, there is always a next day... and sun comes after rain... and Karma was nice to me anyways as i told above btw i was surprised to see the league that fast announced for the main server... i thought it would take more time to make sure all bugs are gone... good job i guess!
  21. i have to say i enjoy it a lot to play HH on the test server as well. but i think an important part of this was joining at the moment, it was opened to the public. with a few exceptions it feels like a new server, where (almost) everyone has to start from the scratch, which adds the general enviroment of a close competition, while there are ranks of players on the main server, that you will never catch up to... i also like to play another class, having different girls in my team and so on, but another account on the main server wouldnt be the same feeling... i hope at some point, of course after working on more important things like new features, we will see additional main servers as well... dunno... maybe like one per year? i would definitely like it
  22. sometimes Karma is a nice thing... this night checking my new league bracket i just thought "oh crap"... two opponents i can beat and all others are long time players like Chthugha, Banana, Joe and so on... (btw quite an honor to share a bracket with you all ) but today i log in on my main account, check the market and find a mono-stat leggy of my class! for the exact slot of my oldest / weakest gear! and it is even "the answer", one of my favorite items! thx Karma
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