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John 1039

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Everything posted by John 1039

  1. Not something you see everyday. If this is a developer test account, are the other players still going to get their correct weekly Leaderboard rewards?
  2. The following collapsed section is only in case the comment was directed at me, otherwise I apologize and the reader should probably just ignore it. What exactly are you talking about? I cannot remember ever "complaining" that "free players" have less chance to get drops this month. Maybe you can point out where I stated such? If not, and this is what you believe my main point was, then I'm sorry but I have to ask, did you read what I wrote or not? Pretty sure this is a strawman. The primary "complaint" was the high Koban requirement which, while noting the multiple nuances involved, in my opinion made the event similar to a Pachinko. Up-till now I have yet to see anyone refute that. Also, in case your comment was a criticism, if you're going to criticize someone on a topic that has been inactive for days, maybe @mention them or quote them so they can reply back.
  3. 502 fights - 53 total shard drops - avg. dropped shard amount 1.9* 14,000 affection in 16 drops *Fights(Affection)/(Shards*) Event, Legendary Days, Donatien (Layla): 1(2*)+7(2*)+4(1200)+1(2*)+3(2*)+2(1*)+3(1500)+1(3*)+4(1*)+2(1*)+3(2*)+4(3*)+5(2*)+10(700)+10(950)+8(2*)+2(2*)+28(2*)+1(2*)+8(1*)+5(1*)+3(700)+7(1200)+1(3*)+3(1*)+2(1*)+1(2*)+18(700)+14(700)+6(2*)+13(2*)+1(950)+4(1*)+3+10(2*)+2(700)+13(950)+15(1*)+8(2*)+3(3*)+8(2*)+7(1*)+2(2*)+12(2*)+4(3*)+2(3*)+9(3*)+7(1*)+20(1*)+5(700)+4(950)+25(1*)+6(700)+3(700)+15(700)+13(1*)+11(3*)+22(1*)+9(1*)+12(3*)+18(2*)+4(2*)+7(3*)+9(1*)+1(3*)+3(1*)+3(2*)+10(3*)+5(2*)+7(3*) = 502(101*) {53} (14,000) * no gift drop in the last 134 fights
  4. Yes, you're right, I wasn't thinking too seriously on this. For the moment, I might be just slightly relieved that this was the only part you wrote your objection against.
  5. Did you really go through the pain and trouble of reading all of that? I noted this in my previous reply: If the next 5-days is a normal revival and Kinkoid does shuffle, then you would be correct. I was primarily replying to the other user and since they didn't argue against this assumption, I went with it. Yes, good for you, but I'm pretty sure that you already know that you don't represent the vast majority of the player base. Furthermore, I already noted this also: And lastly, Yes, exactly, though I suppose events such as the 3rd anniversary can be objectively judged. I generally mean the same thing, I thought I was careful enough to describe the specific subset of players I was referring to, but I apologize if I wasn't clear enough.
  6. You're right, I apologize, I forgot what you wrote. It was nearly four days ago. The only things you mentioned to counter my "complaint" were: "the free combativity" - which undeniably is more efficiently used in literally all event-types, aside from the Legendary days, and arguably there too; "the ability to choose" - which I already noted in my first post; "and the expected average results" - whatever that's supposed to mean. Furthermore, you haven't replied to the fact of 4.7K being significantly higher than ~all other Koban requirements per drop outside of the Pachinko. So, what exactly was the point that you believe I "definitely" "went way too far in"? It kind of literally is. One Event Pachinko exclusive for 2K-ish kobans is objectively bad when the previous iteration resulted in one for free. What am I missing here? And if by "all things considered", you mean choosing the only drop that one desires, I already mentioned that nuance and moreover it becomes too subjective to make general objective statements about. Strawman. Did I say that? "Pachinko disguised as an event". Again strawman, I didn't state anything so unnuanced. I've already stated what I meant by "another type of Pachinko"; if it wasn't clear in the first post, I apologize. It should've become evident by the second. I think it's pretty standard to compare an event with the one it replaces. Isn't it? Using your standard I believe Kinkoid can argue that "comparing [3rd Anniversary] to a great value event like [the 2nd Anniversary] simply because it happens to take place in a spot where we usually get [the 2nd Anniversary] is just nonsensical." The "usually" part is a bit stretched, but the fallacy should be obvious. Most veteran players would be able to say how negatively they'd feel about such an argument. Furthermore, I didn't just compare because of the timing, the efficiency of free-combativity per drop and value for both less and more-than-one-year old players was also noted. If a second new thing takes the place of the first old thing, I believe this is called a replacement. Apparently, you're now equating the term "Or days" with "normal revival events", in which case you're going to confuse a lot of people. The two different terms are used to differentiate the two different event-types. The Or days event existed already, in this context, it isn't some new compensation for the replacement of a normal revival event. In each two months with Or day, there was a classic event, normal revival event, Epic days, then Or days. Therefore, regardless of whether there is an Or days this month or not, but especially if there is, if the "normal revival event" gets removed and the "For event" is introduced in its place, what else is it, if not a replacement? Even aside from the nitpicks, I'm interested to see how you can defend the blatant "no 'change'" claim. The only way this would be a nearly no change is, if the next Or days includes the drops from three instead of two past events, includes Legendary gifts, gives additional event-Kobans and event equipment-set not received this event, and most importantly, five days worth + 20 of free combativity (ignoring the Leagues' rewards), that's worth ~3K Kobans. Are you saying this is what you expect? I do apologize for not remembering your earlier post, however, still, you stated: "but it only costed me 10 refills (a little bit over 2000 kobans), and that was a formerly Event Pachinko exclusive girl. And I was under the curve in terms of free drops... [emphasis added]". I apologize if I'm mistaken, but it did appear you felt good by your achievement. More like calling a strawman. Are you being sarcastic here or are you agreeing that Dr. Lust's statement about everyone appreciating a "free" drop is accurate? Expectations are pretty subjective so can't hold a firm position and talk much, I would just point out the video shared by Cantrix above. The devs created an anchor, probably a little arbitrarily; if a comparison with such anchors suggests the devs are being too generous, it doesn't necessarily mean they actually are. While designing a game such as this, one way to differentiate between casuals and actives is to stop the progress of casuals (progress here meaning one complete drop and not partial shards), and let actives proceed; the other way is to allow small progression for casuals (one drop) and significantly higher progression (three drops) for the actives. It appears that you would prefer the more negative approach/threshold. I'd say most players accept that to a fair extent, begrudgingly as it may be. For instance, in Legendary days, with the exception of some (primarily just the one), players acknowledge that they cannot get a 5-star legendary drop for free. Similarly but on a smaller scale is the case for Epic days. However, this doesn't mean that everyone should be expected to silently accept a third even more significantly expensive event. Isn't this by definition the slippery slope fallacy? Furthermore, are you saying that just because you don't want to see casuals making more illegitimate complaints on the forum, you would rather even have your own game-progress restricted?
  7. If only I had stated something like "almost equivalent to Pachinko attempts, with the addition of ymens and certainty of drops ... [worth it m]aybe only in the presence of specific highly wished drops". Apologies, but didn't understand the "expected average results" part; the 4.7K amount presently appears to be the expected average. Refraining from condescension, I think you are mistakenly overlooking the fact that this event is a replacement for a normal revival event. Last year, in the first 5-day event of the month, six times for the second revival of events - Spring Break (2), Easter (1), Music Party (1), Summer Life (0, but that almost certainly was a mistake), S Journey (1), Back to School (1) - six times a previously Pachinko-only drop was included on a boss. A small caveat here, the timing (whether it be the first 5-day or the second 5-day) changed in October with the introduction of Or days. While, technically, it is possible that Kinkoid will do the shuffle in the second 5-day event of this month, however, it is quite unlikely since the present pattern appears to be making sure that at least the last year's classical event gets one normal revival. Therefore, even for one-year veterans, if the goal was one previously-Pachinko-only drop, keeping in mind the loss of thousands of Kobans, mission-Kobans and legendary gifts, this event was quite unfavorable. I'm not saying this completely refutes the new event-type, just pointing out that your apparent disregard of this fact appears to represent a certain strong bias on your part. And as for less-than-one-year players (as I'm sure you're well aware of at least one such individual) they could've almost certainly managed to get two drops with "free combativity during the event" plus (usually) at-most half the Kobans that you used, and possibly even a net Koban gain. If I'm not very mistaken the fact is, that previously a first-year player could've managed two drops (one of them likely to be a previously-Pachinko-only) for just ~300 Kobans net loss, in addition to an epic equipment set and chance for legendary gifts; and now they can get only a single drop for ~1,800 Kobans (avg.). Tell me, should a first-year (mostly F2P) player, from their point-of-view, be proud of defending such a change? Regarding being a "type of Pachinko", I was primarily focusing on the amount of Kobans needed with-respect-to the 5400 "anchor" (credit to Cantrix for that term) amount. In the present setting, the ~4,700 amount is only near to the Pachinko anchor. Though notedly, it is almost equivalent to the second 5-star-legendary during Legendary days, however, their significantly different stats puts them out of this context. Every other single, event boss-drop costs at maximum ~3.5K (on average), therefore, ~4.7K is objectively closer to the Pachinko amount. The other reasons I considered this Pachinko-similar was the presence of event Pachinko-only-drops (partly a positive change), and that it appears to be directed towards the players who don't touch Pachinko, in order to get them to spend their hoarded Kobans (and hopefully pay for more). These aren't necessarily unqualified negative things. So, are you contending that as @Dr. Lust mentioned, you wouldn't consider one free drop "quite generous and appreciate" it? Which F2P player would dislike a "free" drop? Clearly sounds like you're very new here. If past dev actions, or rather inactions, are anything to go by, definitely don't expect a change.
  8. For event (January 2020) Avg. number of fights per drop: 415 Avg. shard-drop rate: 9.4% (or 10.65 fights per shard-drop) Avg. dropped shard amount: 2.58 (29(1*)+46(2*)+42(3*)+39(4*)) Number of Tickets: 84 (avg. 19.76 fights per dropped ticket)
  9. @Mihai's estimates appear to be accurate enough. Commonly, it is going to be ~4,700 Kobans worth of combativity per drop. Keeping activity in other events the same, going all-in for this new event type wouldn't be possible for any F2P player below at-least D2 in leagues, there too probably only at the top 4 positions. Moreover, seeing as it is just ~700 Kobans below the 5400 threshold, I imagine a lot of players would feel spending hour(s) on starting each fight individually in order to save this comparatively small amount isn't worth it. After the first initial months of playing, this would be the first event I'm strongly leaning towards not going all-in regarding boss event drops. This is almost equivalent to Pachinko attempts, with the addition of ymens and certainty of drops. Strongly feels like the devs have created just another type of Pachinko. For the type of players who stay away from Pachinkos, is this event worth it? Maybe only in the presence of specific highly wished drops, otherwise I don't believe so.
  10. Yeah, sorry missed that. The player definitely could've used more accurate phrasing.
  11. They probably meant that they were "saving Kobans [up-till this event]", like not spending them on the Pachinkos etc.
  12. That would only be possible in a lucky 100-shard drop; those are rare with extremely low chance of occurring, like once in a thousand (probably more).
  13. Technically, there is no (or very limited) data "from this event" since this is the first time it has come up. However, pretty much literally everything in the past supports the ~10% figure; therefore, while a changed-rate is theoretically possible, presently it is extremely unlikely.
  14. Probably the only practical straightforward way to achieve OP's request would be to block the relevant assets. To block Ankyo, the following should work in most adblockers' custom filter lists: ||hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/girls/15/*.png$image
  15. Since no one mentioned it - sell them for Pachinko Orbs (whenever that's going to happen), or a chance of obtaining them. Would probably still require some restriction for people stocked with hundreds of unused Boosters. Not that any of this is going to get implemented anyway.
  16. Received weekly Leaderboard rewards just now. Looks like a year-change bug.
  17. Average Shard drop statistics for 2019 (~10½ months). Events Event type: Avg. fights per each drop Classic: 263.2 Revival: 145 (161 fights per each Gift drop) Epic days: 303.4 Legendary days: 445.75 (29 fights per each Gift drop) Overall, 9.18178 fights per each shard(s) drop. Trolls Silvanus: 1,137 (18.3387 fights per shard(s) drop) Bremen: 1,489 (19.3377 fights per shard(s) drop) Finalmecia: 727 (24.23 fights per shard(s) drop - had only one to drop from this boss) Tickets 19.17 fights per each dropped ticket
  18. I suppose I should re-share this then:
  19. This is the entire dropped Boosters data at my end (possibly missing at maximum 4 boosters). Ginseng ---- Jujubes ---- Chlorella ---- Cordyceps Common: 176 | 33 | 187 | 74 Rare: 186 | 43 | 255 | 76 Epic: 54 | 9 | 65 | 16 Legendary: 3 | 1 | 6 | 1
  20. Presently there is no information to suggest that there is any significant difference for either of the scenarios. The tiers are new, so there might be something there but pretty unlikely. Once a game dev did mention having other drops affects the shard drop rate for the event drop, but player data suggests the effect to be minimal, and much less significant than the normal RNG standard deviation.
  21. @Chthugha, @GeorgeMTO - I think @Bomba was being sarcastic. Perhaps not the best use of sarcasm?
  22. Did you happen to spend energy on Adventure or Champions a little before leveling up?
  23. 20+ and even 60+ fight droughts for tickets are common. My longest drought has been 120 fights.
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