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John 1039

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Everything posted by John 1039

  1. John 1039

    Ideas Main

    Which service was it? A lot of temporary email address providers include the ability to check emails coming to those addresses too.
  2. John 1039

    Ideas Main

    Isn't it already possible through panel?
  3. @dummyhunter Sorry for the late reply. In the last few days I was trying to get my hands on some iOS device, but unfortunately couldn't. So, I am unable to test the rules and find out exactly what's causing the problems. On iOS, natively disabling all images appears to be impossible. There is another extension which might work: iCab Mobile ($1.99) which has built-in fully customizable filter feature, allows to block resources and also supports AdBlock Plus filters. However, its premium nature is the main issue here.
  4. @Chthugha Thanks for the club inclusion. Since all stats have already been maxed out, it kind of feels weird, embarrassing and undeserved to be in such a club without making any major contributions. Although, the stats boost is definitely welcome, I am also forced to say that if ever a time arises when you would wish there was a vacancy available for a more valuable player, feel free to remove me from the club.
  5. @chenpaul Pretty sure happened to me too. Ego has increased, don't remember the other stats.
  6. Meant request has been sent. John (ID ). However, since all ranks are filled up, don't see how new joiners will be able to contribute.
  7. @Chthugha Entirely my fault, the "Request" button was greyed out so I thought the club was already filled to capacity.
  8. @Chthugha Was referring more to the "apply in the game" part. Can that be done while club is filled to capacity?
  9. @Chthugha Looks like it's already full with 20 members.
  10. At least some of the negative feedback was due to the fact that Kinkoid gave the strong impression that those three 5-star legendaries might never get a revival (along with many 10,000-kobans-no-drop instances). Such hasn't been the case this time.
  11. @dummyhunter The important thing is to see if it allows custom filters at all, after that the syntax can sooner or later get straightened out. For blocking all images, try the following: ||hh.hh-content.com/*.png$image
  12. No. Although you can still be lucky enough to obtain instant 100 shard drops.
  13. Yes, iOS definitely makes simple things either much more complicated, impossible or puts a price-tag on them. The closest solution to disabling all images appears to be in Firefox. As the comment at the bottom of the linked article suggests, not sure whether the solution still works or not. Regarding custom filters, AdGuard makes use of Adblock Plus rules syntax (needed to make the above solutions to work). Its premium version (AdGuard Pro) definitely allows for custom block rules, however, I'm not sure whether the free version (AdGuard) also includes such functionality or not. You'll have to check those out.
  14. See Blocking Site Assets: Hiding Content, NSFW to SFW and other things. The methods mentioned there can be used on any mobile browser or related extension that can make use of AdBlock Plus filter lists However, for your purposes it will be just easier to block loading of all images on mobile. Multiple mobile browsers have such an option, such as Chrome, Firefox, and Lightning Web Browser (Android).
  15. So... anyone looking for only Know-How active players? Looks like even more players will be leaving, or rather have to leave, Charm now. 31,500 divided into 20 players across a 6 months time-period, means each member needing to contribute 262.5 kobans per month.
  16. This time, however, the timer countdown on the contests page was accurate, at least during the last few hours.
  17. If it's too much of an issue, you can also hide those partially attracted drops.
  18. If you're so convinced that you are willing to spend all your kobans, it would be more convenient to just hide Nicole from the salaries page.
  19. On completing 100 shards, do you dislike the new attraction filling-up animation and would much rather prefer the old shadow drop animation to be brought back? Shadow Drop Animation Filling-up Animation
  20. Epic days 4 *Fights(Shards*) - Number of shard drops(Average shard value) Event, Epic days 4, Donatien (Barell): 321(102*) - 31(3.3) Event, Epic days 4, Dark Lord (Kyoto): 267(100*) - 34(2.94) Event, Epic days 4, Ninja spy (Windia): 324(103*) - 36(2.86) Event, Epic days 4, Gruntt (Evelyn): 306(100*) - 31(3.22) Event, Epic days 4, Edwarda (Trinket): 10(3*)+8(1*)+36(2*)+1(100*) = 55(106*) For the four normal drops: Average number of fights before each shard drop: 9.46 Average dropped shard value: 3.08
  21. And the player isn't stopping. It's 42,670 now, a further ~2,000 fights increase. Only 35 players on the HH server have manged to have more fights during their entire time, let alone in just a single week. What possible reward is one supposed to achieve through this endeavor which can't be received through other more efficient means?
  22. In the old system a player had to get - really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really - lucky once, now they have to get really lucky ~30 times. Epic and legendary days are pretty widely understood to require the use of kobans. However, I do agree that shard numbers should've been so, that without kobans use, players should've been able to get at least one drop out of the event.
  23. The one who started playing earlier. "Equal score? The veteran wins."
  24. "No it does not", what? I also said the same thing: "Obviously, the event drop either gets a higher preference in the calculation or is mostly separate." You're still missing the main point: "I just would've liked it confirmed whether clearing out common drops before events was worth it or not." Do common drops lead to dozens of more fights for events drops or just a couple more?
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