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Everything posted by Yamiray

  1. Today Found a new girl under Places of Power named Salome
  2. I had been trying to understand where this data comes from since I was not seeing it in the array the other data comes from. Also noticed its the 1 stat that a girl with variant versions this entry can be different among those variants. Today it occurs to me this may be a conditional item. Check against a few things and think I found the pattern it goes off of. Style Name comes from Class + Element Here is the chart I put together for coming up with Style Yandere = Hardcore+Dominatrix Tsundere = Hardcore+Playful Big Dick devotee = Hardcore+Physical Orgy Monster = Hardcore+Exhibitionist Smut = Hardcore+Eccentric Passionate = Hardcore+Sensual Candaulist = Hardcore+Voyeurs Sex Slave = Hardcore+Submissive Mistress = Charm+Dominatrix Fluffer = Charm+Playful Lingerie Fan = Charm+Physical Expeditionist = Charm+Exhibitionist AC/DC = Charm+Eccentric Romantic = Charm+Sensual Cam addict = Charm+Voyeurs Dandere = Charm+Submissive Femme Fatale = Knowhow+Dominatrix Cliterature expert = Knowhow+Playful Tantric Sex Master = Knowhow+Physical Sex actress = Knowhow+Exhibitionist J.O. Instructor = Knowhow+Eccentric Seductive = Knowhow+Sensual Belfie Viewer = Knowhow+Voyeurs Wicked = Knowhow+Submissive
  3. wow, at a glance that actually helps.
  4. wounder what the girls think of this? well, there you have it.
  5. updates regarding Patch Notes Week #12 This update list Art rework for Sapphire Sorceress Tantrita Samantha Vorr Riley Vorr Rockit Era Flush Libraria Chibi Cheetah I do not see any changes to the girls yet but I do see of the ones I have(Sapphire Sorceress[1-3],Samantha Vorr Riley[1-3],Vorr[1-3],Libraria[1]) that there star scenes and portrait have been changed. so I'm guessing they all have. wished I had gotten some warning so I could have finished out Libraria other 2 now older images to archive. Edit: Looks like the girls images are starting to update, I'm seeing them in fights with the new image now but the new girl on home page is still showing older version. Edit 2: New conflicts do to change. Side quests: Cheetah Meets Man (common) - portrait only thing updated, scenes still looks like the old girl. And new girl hear color changed, profile still listing as Black The Fountain of JOI (common) - portrait only thing updated, scenes still looks like the old girl. And new girl looks to have new eye color of yellow or gold that profile still lists as Red. Smart Is Sexy (rare) - portrait only thing updated, scenes still looks like the old girl.(not as noticeable at the other 2)
  6. wow, are you a pay player? I'll be 4 years in Nov and I'm only 6 level higher but you passed my Harem count by 30. If not I'm clearly doing something wrong.
  7. The main problem that would most likely lead to more bugs its right now I think the code is used everywhere(market,pachinko,Harem, etc) anywhere it tracks an contest items. So the code would need to be somewhat universal to work with them all. if you need to make it do something different for only a part of it then it would need to be broken out and would need to be managed as a separate piece of code. So for example tracking wins and xp, wins would be league exclusive but xp would not be, leading to more version of the code to have issues with each other. The simpler it is the less likely there with be problems.
  8. From this Picture I think you mean the real name not the description. but ya it should be Lilianna Rose
  9. Today's Profile small update Valicta Vesper - Description: "," added to end of "She’s harmless"
  10. On the February Girls 2022 Survey they have the picture of Alt. Sister Lily but the name listed is Alt. Baalem. I know of no Alt or any girl in general with that name so I can't even tell who there confusing her with.
  11. She was a story girl from Chapter 6 but I forget if she was one of the once outside the 500 range need to get to the next chapter. But another free be more me since I had all but 2 of the story girls before the cut off. I'm Still waiting for Felicia
  12. Today's Profile updates Cora Aruba - Location: "s" in "sea" up cased Kaliko Masune - Location: "F" in "Forest" lower cased Description:"was" changed to "is" from "Kaliko was a plain","with" removed from "madly in love with.","the" removed and "f" up cased in "forest" from "shed in the Sunshade forest","cuts her sexuality" changed to "limits her sexually","occasion" changed to "opportunity" Tabatha Gushersville - Description:"long" added to the start of "line of infamous female pirates" Stacy X - Career:"P" in "Pair" change to lower case
  13. Looks like there letting you display one of your girls but if there too low you can't see them as you can see here. But this will take some getting use to for me, feels more cluttered somehow.
  14. PI Days Profile updates Anna do Céu Grindell - Description: "the" removed from "least the President","funny" changed to "strangely", "Could you perform some peer review on her work." change to "Could you peer review her work?" Malaika Murdoch - Career: "Manipulation" changed to lower case. Sirena - Description:"Atlantits- everything’s better, down where it’s wetter" changed to "Atlantits, 'everything’s better, down where it’s wetter'"
  15. contest do not stay forever. I think its somewhere around 10-14 days that they drop off.
  16. PI Days Profile Update Rin Nozomi - Location: "s" and "l" up cased from "sacred land" Career: "n" from "Ninja" lower cased Mikazuki Sato - Description: added "out" to "stretch an orgasm out for a year"
  17. That's kind of what I mean. its a "U" curve because of the gem system. if you can manage a high level girl team at a low level player level or your high player level with many girls and girls at almost max level its do able. but in the middle its hard is kind of what I'm seeing.
  18. I'm thinking being a lower level right now is making it easier as I burned out at 98 and I'm level 313. if she had not been red type I think I would not had done this well
  19. I was confused with the phone one until I recalled clicker. I think it going to be a clicker thing there moving to HH. not something there sending to your actual phone.
  20. is anyone else not getting the icon for this one. Not sure if I should report or if its just me Edit: Looks like its working now
  21. Not sure how they knew but checking my code samples it was in there since 3/4
  22. Your right I did my search wrong, but both of them where Pachinko only for that event no trolls. So getting them would more be on the luck side so don't think that's a good reason to skip them. also they came out 4/24/20 and the Anniversary where you may have somehow gotten them was only 3 months later on 7/13/20 so we are hitting 2 years now. But lola is 5/25/20 so if there going off of last time seen ok fine just don't skip them altogether is all I'm saying
  23. I have all the events in a database. I remember them saying Lupa's Mother was going to be in the 5th Anniversary in the post of the time but she never actually was. In the Harem now she's listed as available in Anniversary but that is wrong.
  24. Do we know if girl is random or in some order? because if this is in order Competitive Lola is from Path of Attraction 2 meaning they skipped Jealous Bunny's Mother and Lupa's Mother
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