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Everything posted by Yamiray

  1. The Market is just the Market. it does not change by what town your on. The items in it restock every 6 hours. they get better as you level
  2. Today's Profile update Natacha Spears - Description: "Travelling" corrected to "Traveling" Reina Solo - Description: "thread" corrected to "threat"
  3. Is now on Patch Notes Week #9 but now rather then Chad she is now on Ezekiel. So now I know why she was pulled back
  4. I'll start off with needed corrections. The new Cleocatra 1 star icon does not match girl image Profile updates Jennifer Tousketuve - Description: "dream of a golden" updated to "dream about a golden", "," added to the end of "a hot femme fatale" Sasha Yudina - Description: fixed typo removing the "u" from "virtuallyu" Renne Orbison - Hair: Corrected from "Golden" to "White" Lena Volkov - Description: removed "that" from "skin that would",Updated "continent, sweaty" to "continent - sweaty","metabolism. Until" updated "metabolism - until"
  5. Today's Profile update Most of what was detected was cleaning up of extra spaces in the Girls Career or Location. Only 1 with data changing. Linda Murray - Career: "Office Spaces" part change to lower case Description: Changed some of the description back to what is was before the last change. "A" put back to "half-human" and "half-angel", "has" taken back out of "Linda has started" and "angel" changed back to "angelic"
  6. Unless there replacing MD with that new CC that showed up on test server last week the calender's going to need a few adjustments for a 3 days event.
  7. Maybe there keeping in mind PoV Seduction. that would give more Shard options
  8. And its not even worth paying the 600 or I calculated it would have cost me 3000 to keep reusing my best team to get her because she was only a 3 star. so CxH very hard even for high level players for a 3 star and HH easy for meny high level players for 5 star. so ya balance seems a bit off.
  9. I'm thinking CxH may be to early for this. in HH I did it with one team taking no damage at all. But there I'm level 448 with maxed out stats and 700 girls. This team was mostly commons at level 600 5 star. but on CxH I'm level 304 had 2 teams of 500 with 3 blue and 4 black all 3 star because there only only 4 5 stars total and there all legendary and I only have 109 girls total and I've been playing since the beta, and 1st team got 28 2nd got 22 then had no good blue or black left so just used strongest has for the last 3 ended with 65. So then just to see if first team would have still been good I payed the 600 to revive the first team and this time they only get 7. So I just don't think CxH is ready for this. There are not enough girls of good stats or 5 stars. I think they kind of understood this for PoV which is why on CxH its 30 days not 14 like HH. If anyone found this easy on CxH i'd be curious to know your girl layout and stats.
  10. Image Corrections: Whoriel - 0 star images+icon edges of hair that where not transparent where cleaned up Gehena - 0 star image cleaned up the extra purple glow at foot and to the left and right of arms Turbo Gal - portrait image changed as seen in the Quicky side quest or her star scenes
  11. Doing my planned March scan a week early as I'll be busy next month. Here is what scan found. Only 1 change found Lavender - 0 and 4 star image had white envelop with red seal, change to purple envelop with purple seal (guessing this was done to make it not look like the old dating token) 2 adjustments found Robin - 0 star image moved up Cave Maika - 1 star image looks like lip color lightened like the 0 star was found back on 1/18 And that is all, think I'll push next check for late May early June time frame.
  12. Today's Profile Updates Cheryl von der Kace - Description:"Having" changed to "With" and "you, your" changed to "you - your" Rose Symbia - Description:"Years passed and she" changed to "Years passed, but she", "However, she" changed to "She" and "younglings" changed to "youngsters" Michaela Airmed - Description:"pleased" changed to "pleasured"
  13. I've only come across this on mobile browser at about the time they added the full screen option, but ya it seem if you tap on the bottom of any window the menu comes up. so if the page has a button by that area there is a chance you'll get the menu now.
  14. I'd like it a little more if they used older girls rather then new ones. I mean we have now 21 KC, 20 LC, 16 Season(x2) 22 PoA(first x2 rest x4) that have yet to be revival-ed. The TS is using Pearl from PoA 8 but they normally don't show new girls on the TS so can't tell if it would be new or old until we see it go live.
  15. Today's Profile update Linda Murray - Base stats for Full Name,Location and Career restored to what they where from 2/14 post. However Description was changed a little from what it was: Both "Half-human" changed to "A half-human", "the" added to "fighting chaos", "After defeating" changed to "After having defeated", "has" added to "Linda started", "agent, turning" changed to "agent who is turning", "angelic" changed to "angel" and "Her favorite thing is intercepting other people's calls and listening to them, while she masturbates under her desk." was removed. Norou V.A.L.E.T-X003 - Description: "sure! When she was human," changed to "sure - when she was human", "didn't change that." changed to "didn't change that!" Talila Tikikawa - Description: "so bubbly and" changed to "incredibly" Lyka Longteeth - Career: "Enterpreneur" updated to "Entrepreneur" Bianca Bella - Description: "Spirits" changed to lower case Lily Aikawa - Description: "it’s" updated to "its", "would" removed from "people would often","desires" updated to "desire" Also noticed Monday but expected them to show on Wednesday Patch but was not there is 2 new girls: Yolri in PoP Nubia in Club Champion for Chad (Though this one was seen on 2/14 its now not showing in Harem so may have been pulled back)
  16. first day in the first hour got 42. then for 2 days not a one. finally today it seems to have picked up again. But I have 4 girls I wanted to get but does not look like that going to happen for me.
  17. on test server I'm level 290 but I must not have a good line up of girls because I was only able to get 17 Potions and now have all 5 teams used up. So I got nothing from this.
  18. I've tried the same browser on a different PC, Worked. I would have to install something else on this PC as it only has 2 at the moment what you see and IE and IE does not seem to run this(at least not any more). I guess I could try to reinstall the browser and see if that works, if not an OS reload would clearly fix it.
  19. Mine just happened again so I'm going the show what it is. To me it is a kind of cache issue but the normal clear cache is not updating this as I checked on another PC and cert shown in the snap shot does not expire till 6/4/2035. so my one pc is clearly not getting that new cert. So I think mine keeps coming back because it only lets to go the what it thinks is unsafe for so long without asking again.
  20. After looking over the 500 post I do not think they are related. if its 500 that is server side(and if its DDoS protection it better to block the IP its does not like then the DDoS taking the hole site down then no one can access the site as it would be down). my issue I tracked the sites hopping to more the one host (www.hentaiheros.com,hh2.hh-content.com,www.statisgeek.com,ajax.googleapis.com,ect.) these are all parts of what the site needs to run. and for what ever reason at times my one browse does not like part of 1 or 2 of those parts. but since the main page I go to is fine I see no error it just sits at the loading page waiting for the js code its not getting. Since this only happen on this one PC I've guessing its just an over sensitive browser which is why I have not really reported as think its more on my side. if it truly was a bad cert all browser should be blocking it and there would be many reports of it
  21. not sure what browser your using but I get what sounds like the same thing in my chrome browser. for me its happening because its seeing the DST Root CA X3 as expired. how I get around it is I open the inspect page and go to the network tab then refresh the page. what ever shows on the network as blocked or red I right click and have it open in a new tab. it will then give the this is not safe warning are you sure you want to continue and one you let it I close that tab and refresh the first page again and it may work or you may need to let a few more pages though. once your in this will work for a little while, I have to do that once every few weeks. but only on 1 of my systems. all the others work fine.
  22. Looking at your join time I'm guessing you may still be in world 1 Begin City. you need to get to World 2 Hero Academy before you can take on a villain.
  23. I've been wondering since I think a few people have hit 500. Can you even do day 1 once you hit 500?
  24. Today's Profile update looks like a total mistake, spoiler alert I'm including full descriptions as data was totally replaced Linda Profile looks like it was loaded with some Guys data Full Name: changed from "Linda Murray" to "Shane Makai" Location: changed from "Sultry Office Spaces" to "Begin City" Career: changed from "Call Center Agent" to "Minimum Wage Employee" Description: "Half-human and half-angel, Linda is devoted to fighting chaos with her celestial abilities and her sexy human body. After defeating the giant demon with the monstrous cock, she lost most of her holy powers and was forced to find employment. That’s how Linda started working as a call center agent, turning her customers on with her angelic voice and her dirty talking. Her favorite thing is intercepting other people's calls and listening to them, while she masturbates under her desk." to "Hailing from the Shokushu realm, Shane came to the human world in order to experience the charmed life of an ordinary guy. He eagerly took on a series of odd jobs in order to blend in to human society --a move which would normally be beneath a demon of his caliber. Shane’s easy-going nature makes him very popular and highly sought after by his co-workers and employers alike." Don't know how to put in a spoiler mask on what it was but including as it really needs to go back to what it was. Feel free Mods to remove if I've given to much data.
  25. Today's updates Princess Ta’Taas G’lor - Description: updated word "Whole" to "Hole" The new world 6 background changed a little, looks like to make more room for the quest placement.
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