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Everything posted by Pelinor

  1. WTH? Do the girl skills really add over 25% to ATK? How is my level 750 Mythic Esme showing over 5,000 points less than my opponents level 750 Mythic Esme on attack?
  2. That's what I was looking for. 🍺 Now, to track down more Mythic light bulbs. I suppose they are in the upper tiers of the Champions to entice us to play in a feature that was dead-ending once we managed to get the champion girl.
  3. How do you use the non-mythic lightbulbs? I have hundreds of these, but I cannot advance my girls' skills in anything!
  4. Renalove? This is the first I've heard of that script, so nope, I'm not even sure where to look for it.
  5. IMHO, skills are BS as implemented. There are now players well below my level, which I cannot beat in the Seasons (even though the simulator gives me a 90%+ chance of winning). And just to be clear, skills are also implemented for my character. This makes zero intuitive sense when two skilled players go at each other, and the one with what should be overwhelming odds of success cannot win!
  6. Finding time to make a post was tough with 2 of my RL co-workers in the hospital. The screenshot (edited to include more data) shows a new personal best scoring average and my final standing at the league's end.
  7. It seems we are on the same page even though my terms are almost the exact opposite of those you use (name-wise is what I am talking about here). The bottom line is you do not have to complete every Koban-only activity to get the girl, which is a good thing since RL events can cause a player to be unable to do everything daily!
  8. Okay, if skills continue to work as they have in Seasons (where you now need a greater than 97% chance of winning to assure victory), I suppose I'll have to deal with it. Do I like the feature? Hell no, but since KK isn't known for listening to how their user base feels about game features, I have no choice if I want to continue playing. *sigh*
  9. Event Activities/Tasks have kobans as their reward. Event Missions have XP plus something else (gems, Yemen, gifts, or books) as their reward. If you do all the Event Missions and none of the Event Activities/Tasks, you get credited with completing the daily Missions. That has been how it has been played and credited since the days of the Arena (i.e., before PoP was introduced as a game feature). I've seen nothing anywhere to suggest that has changed. Still, I'll check on it tomorrow before saying I was unequivocally correct in my statements regarding how Daily Missions now work.
  10. When did this change? The koban rewards are extra tasks/gifts. All you need do is complete the missions. They are light blue and always have XP as a mission component). You can quickly test this by completing the light blue missions and then checking the reward chest line, which will show 150 points. You are correct that you must complete all daily missions to get the OD girl.
  11. No screenshot, but yay me! I posted a new personal best (24.05 average), which was enough to place 4th! My clubmate made the top 30, which was also good (from the Carnal Knights PoV).
  12. Not much of an orgy for me this time. Only College Beauty Mio was obtainable out of 99 girls, so a quick trip to the Pachinko and I was done. I thought Orgy days were a way to get girls I missed in the past. I don't remember if College Beauty Mio has ever appeared before. College Beauty Mio 🟣 L3
  13. I have a dream. I dream of a "patch notes" addition that doesn't break some other part of the game sometime in the next five years! Please.
  14. For the most part, yes, my post was intended to be a sarcastic joke. However, I was serious about KK losing my Real word spending on these new (girl equipment and skills) additions to the game. IMHO, they would have been far better off by implementing the girl equipment as a component of the Comic Harem and the girl skills as part of the Pornstar Harem games. This would have given each game its own unique feel and market niche.
  15. And so the objectification of the girls is now complete. We drug them (potions) and brainwash them (skills) into doing our bidding and then cast them aside each week by mindwiping them (skill removal). We started as heroes to rescue the girls and have now become what Bunny brought us into the Haremverse to stop. Well, I, for one, refuse to do this. I have not spent money on potions and will not spend money on these so-called skills. So be it if my decision means I never win another D3 League. Trust me; I know this will cost my character since the new combat bonuses allocated to girls' programming make competition in the Leagues much more difficult. Still, while I am all for a girl choosing to display herself and roleplay with us, I am not even close to approving a game decision where I pick and choose how a girl is forced to behave.
  16. For players like myself, it means another chance actually to get a girl available. I generally go months without a girl available in DD or CC events. One extra day will likely mean nothing, but Hey, hope springs eternal in the Kingdom of Cumalot. 🤣
  17. Not this one, but you are probably correct, or the Kinkoids wouldn't keep doing this nonsense (combining three game systems, experience levels, skill sets, and equipment sets into one is beyond annoying). I have dropped my spending on the game to less than 20% of what I was spending before gems were introduced. Mounther Cumbath is another nail added to keep my wallet closed.
  18. A new streak has begun (on placing in the top 4). Kichi girl wants to discuss this in the bedroom, so l8tr everyone. 🤣
  19. This isn't a bug but a game design feature. Months ago, when (I think it was Sandman) held a game discussion, I mentioned the shop popping up way too often and being so large that a player was forced to exit a shop they didn't want to enter to play the game. The response was a new shop that blanks the game out in its entirety! I believe the shop now appears in a random cycle, so multiple shopping hits are now the norm (and I defy anyone to be honest and say this is a good thing for the games). Discussion on the merits or demerits of KK's design decision should be in the General Discussion area. Can someone move this thread, please?
  20. Last week, I said I couldn't realistically compete without any cordies in my inventory, and I was almost correct. Despite the handicap, I came extremely close to taking a top-4 finish (my clubmate @Rylarth sneaked past me at the very end). That makes twice I've come in at 5th place over the past 100 seasons of play. Not bad. C'ya, on the flip side, everyone. 😃
  21. Is the booster 6-hour snapshot tied to any other game feature? Maybe the PoP feature so you can know when the boosters are updated?
  22. Say what?! Nine of the top ten finishers this week were multiple D3 winners! I tried but failed to keep my top 4 streak alive (finished in 5th place). Next week will be a pain as the markets have dried up, and even after using over 100 mythic orbs, I don't have the cordy's to compete (sigh).
  23. RL got in the way this week, but I still managed a top 4 win which made for a nice consolation prize for the RL problems. I caught @Erin86 unboosted for the first combat, then got a phone call I had to take. Not good since he was online and reboosted before I could get back to the game. I was astonished to get 20 points on the final combat, but I'll take it. 🤣 That's all, folks. Have fun, and I'll see you on the flip side. 😃
  24. But @Der DinX, putting both buttons in violates KK's "release without testing" policy! You wouldn't want testing to get in the way of a new League Girl, would you?
  25. Plodding along 🍺 No secret, I am not a fan of the "redesign," but the scripts are progressing in bringing back the fun aspect that KK destroyed. The "3-combat" option is excellent, and it was something I asked for over two years ago. That's all, folks. Have fun, and I'll c'ya on the flip side. 😃
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