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Everything posted by HornyCat

  1. Yes, right after I posted my reply to you, Bolitho, the all 3 games came back up for me too. 😉
  2. Thanks Bolitho! 🙂 I don't do the whole Discord thing, and probably wouldn't be allowed to be in/on the KK one anyways, especially not after they changed the "rules" for it, with us Players NOT being allowed to say anything bad about KK, and especially not about the greedy head moron running it, Rosso. LOL
  3. OK, and Thanks for the replies so far. While it sucks that yet again KK can't seem to start a "new day" without breaking something, at least I know it is not just me getting/being screwed by not being able to put my new Boosters in place, while everybody else can do so, thus them getting it but not me. DOH!! LOL
  4. I am wondering if anybody else is having the same problem I am right now. With the start of the new "Missions" timer, I was able to get the first Mission going on 3 of the games. I then collected Thur's Contest Reward from the CxH game with no problem. The problem(s) started when I went to collect Thur's Contest from HH, and then PSH. In both games it put up the "usual" message of "the game is not responding" (which I get quite often these days, because they can't seem to "fix" this issue), and now the only thing I am getting for all 3 games is a blank white screen. I don't even have a way to put a ticket in about this. So I'm asking this, to see if this is something that is just an issue for me, or if it is something that is and/has happened to everybody. Thank You ahead of time for any help and/or answers.
  5. Yet another change, in the long line of latest/newest changes made in this game, that suck ass big time, and are done all because of the fucking the head moron of Kinkoid's idea, of trying to make this into a pay to win "RPG" game, that masquerades as a "free to play" game. I have been trying to just play with the changes, even though I've gone completely F2P, but this latest total FUCK-UP disaster of a change, looks like it will be the final straw for me, and is what Russo seems to want, to drive out as many of the older(est) Players that he can, so that all of the newer morons who're willing to pay out loads of money to him, for a fucked up shitty product, won't have to compete against them.
  6. I had kept coming here to first see if anybody else was experiencing this, and then if I didn't find anything here, then ask if anyone else was, before I put a Ticket in for it. I too, noticed that the game was working just fine, until the "daily reset" happened, and of course that is when the new Events started, and that is what has seemed to "break" their game yet again.
  7. It is the same for me too. It sure would be nice, if for even one time, that a Patch could be done, without them ending up "breaking", or fucking up some other part of the game. I guess (IMO at least) that management is more concerned with having their programmers making sure they put in all of management's little "ideas", on how to get more Players to give them even more money, than they are of having them actually be able to do the Patches, WITHOUT fucking up at least one other part of the game, that they then have to go back and "fix" with another Patch, instead of doing it correctly in the first place, and NOT fucking up stuff to begin with. DOH! LOL
  8. They are NOT even "giving" any type of an actually daily "reward" anymore, but rather just some energy and 1 Kiss, which is something that we already get just through time itself. So basically they put out this "new" package, and took away any and all types of any Daily Rewards, like Kobans/Gold, and/or and Pacino/NightClub Orbs.
  9. I have always gotten demoted, each and every time I have finished in the "no Kobans/gold" placing (76th or lower), so the "last 15 places" you cite as having "always been", has not been that way for me.
  10. What the fuck have they done now, and without saying a fucking thing about it! I finished 91st (out of 112 Players), and yet I got the "No League change because you're too good". That is total BULLSHIT, as with being a F2P, I have already learned and seen that I can NOT even begin to compete, with all of the fucking Whales in CH, especially in D3.
  11. The so called "randomness" of getting Shards is complete BS, and even more so ever since KK decided to go full blown with their "pay to win" system, with it actually being "pay to even try and compete" system, in this so called "free game" of theirs. IMO, the "free" Players (at least for and especially here in CH), have almost zero chance at "winning" any of the Contests, nor doing much of anything much at all, if they choose NOT to give KK any money for their very shitty "product". For the Event girl to get from the Champions (Teutates), I have ended up getting the 35 Shards for only 2 of the FUCKING times I did a Stage, And I was at Stage one for the beginning of this Event. So basically now, the only way I could even have a chance at getting Tempting Tempest, would be to spend the obscene amount of Gold to be able to "skip" the 24 hr "resting" period. And there is no fucking way I would do this, considering how badly this fucked up game has already totally fucked me as far as giving me the 35 Shards, because most likely even if I spent the Gold, the game would still royally fuck me over, and just give me yet another piece of shitty, useless Equipment, that is way worse than the stuff I already have on, which I had gotten from 10 or more levels ago (like it gives me for 99.99% of the times). It's the same with the Epic Nightclub, as I have yet to get even one fucking girl from the Epic one for the entire time I've been playing CH, because KK has so royally screwed with the odds/chances of getting a girl from these types of places, ever since they went to this whole greedy money grabbing Gem system. That is another thing ever since they started up this whole greedy, money grabbing Gem system, is that the Epic Nightclub (or the Epic Pachinko in HH) has completely stopped giving any Equipment, as I have not gotten even one single piece of Equipment from either Epic places, since they started up with this Gem system. IMO, it's total BS for them to even "show" ANY pieces of Equipment as something that is possible to win, because TO ME, it looks like they have changed their game coding to make the odds/chance to get a piece of Equipment, from any place other than the "Great" game (Nightclub or Pachinko), down to a extremely miserly .0001%.
  12. Whaty: Stage 1: Shards Stage 2: Equip Stage 3: Equip Stage 4: Equip Stage 1 (2nd time): Equip 5 fucking times of doing a Stage where there is "suppose" to be a chance at getting Shards, yet I got the Shards only one fucking time. It doesn't do shit to give out 35 Shards each time, if I get them only one fucking time.
  13. This is total BS for this "new" thing in doing stuff for the Contests, the "Challenge Club Champion", as it effectively cuts out everyone who is not in some fucking "club".
  14. This is only a suggestion to see if it would work for you, but have you tried holding the Control key down, and then hitting the minus or (-) key, to make everything on the screen a little smaller. I understand it being a pain, and I don 't like this latest of the changes KK is forcing on us, no matter how much the Players don't want it. And KK will still try and "insist" that the Players choose these things, when they didn't give any option/choice on their so called "surveys", of saying a big fat NO, to any of the changes they were "asking" our opinions about (and they were NOT asking a fucking thing, but basically telling us what they were going to do, no matter what we thought of it). The owners/management of KK have fully shown their whole reasoning behind all of the changes made to the game in just the past 6 to 7 months, and it is all about their fucking GREED for money!!!!
  15. What I would love to know here, is how do/did Players, manage to get/have over 3.5 million points for the Event contest part, and have them VERY shortly after this Event started (in less than 15 mins)? I mean I added up all of the XP rewards from both the Season and PoV, and the total amount of those XPs I could get from all of them is "only" 230,100, which would translate into 2,301,000 contest points. I still have all of these Rewards available to me to Collect. But right now there are 11 Players that have over 3 million, with 5 Players who have more than 3.5 Million (current 1st has 3,615,750 pts, and 2nd has 3,607,790 pts. Now I understand being able to get Contest points from beating other Players in both the Season and League, along with the other Contest (which is only "Sell Items"), and then getting XPs by using energy to do the story-line and side-Quests (plus the XPs you get from doing League), but that still means a few of these Players were somehow able to get 1.2 to 1.3 Million points from these other things, and I just can't see how it would be possible for them to do this that quickly, especially considering how high of level they are, so even if they are using the mythical Booster for XPs (S.H.O.C.K.E.R.'s Archive), it means they are getting "only" an extra 5%, and not the 20% that Players under lvl 300 would get.
  16. As is "usual" for CH here, so far I've used 150 combativity, and have received zero Shards for this "girl". Yet another in a long list of reasons, for why I stopped giving KK, anymore of my money, and now only play their fucked up games, on a very casual basis.
  17. It is the same way for me. I even completely logged out and cleared my Cache, to see if doing that would work, and it didn't. I have always gotten the girl long before this time of the day/night. In a way, it reminds me of how inconsistent the game is, for when it gave the daily "rewards" for the monthly card I used to buy. I never knew what time of my evening, that I would get them. It would range all the way from about 5 pm, to close to 10 pm, almost as if somebody at KK had to actually "activate" them, rather than them being able to write a very simple program to hand them out at a specific time.
  18. W0W!! It was bad enough for a "$70 million bowl", yet now in the next Quest, and pretty much right at the beginning of it, which makes it come very fast after the bowl, they now want $100 million, for a frikkin "box" of frikking POPCORN!!! And of course, this is during today's contest, of "Gain XP's", and I am not anywhere near having 100 million. 🤬
  19. I can't say that I prefer CH, mainly because they set the Events (and daily Contests) up, pretty much the same way as they have it in HH, yet WITHOUT the same number of "income" sources as we have in HH, especially so with any of the Orbs, as they had already nerfed how many of them we get, pretty much by the time CH even got started. I mean there is no PoP, nor anything even close to it in CH, yet they constantly have the same types of "random" Contests in CH involving using Orbs (and other ones), acting as if the situation in CH was exactly the same as in HH, and before they nerfed everything, taking away stuff, which meant the only way to really "win" the Orb contests, was to spend real money buying the packages with Orbs, which showed to me at least, that KK was going full bore toward the "pay to win" type of game. In CH, I still have most of my girls with maybe only the 1st Affection level done (if that), and with no way to be able to get any more of them done, especially so now after the price reduction nerf, as I need to "save" all of my money, to hopefully have enough to be able to raise my Stats each level, let alone to be able to do all the other things, like buying the now much needed books. 😡
  20. KK has already made me quit, long before this newest latest "money grab" thing of theirs. I'm only still here for now, because I'm just playing out the days left on both of my monthly cards. When each of them "expire", then I'm gone from both HH and CH, and I won't be coming back to anything involving KK ever again.
  21. I had forgot to add in my original post, that these costs are going to be even harder for Players at the beginning worlds and quests. It wasn't all that long ago for me doing them, and I remember in those that I had to wait quite awhile to build up the Yemens to "buy an item", where I was basically stalled in the game, having a full Energy bar that I could NOT use any of (thus NOT getting anymore Energy added), while I very slowly got more Yemens to finally have enough. So if it was that bad before this nerf, then it is going to be at least 5 times worse now, even with the "increase" of income for the starting girls.
  22. I have a suggestion that would greatly help out all of the Players who still have lots of Quests to do in the game. Because you have so totally nerfed how much we can sell our equipment/items for now, you should greatly lower how much it currently is, for what you have for the "costs" to complete stages of the Quests. I mean a perfect example is like where I am right now, in the Training Dimension world, and currently on/in the Reunion quest. I just got to the part where I need to "buy a bowl", and the cost is 70 million Yemens. Now before the total nerf, I would have easily had the Yemens, been able to cover the cost, and then easily re-cover the Yemens, just like all of the Players who have/had long ago completed this and the other parts like this. But as it stand right now, that 70 million will take just about all of my Yemens, and it will take quite a long time, to get/earn 70 million Yemens back, and make it so that I don't have the Yemens to buy the now the totally needed Books for leveling my girls It is just that KK has greatly reduced a large part of most Player's income, yet they have kept the "costs" the same as if Players were still getting massive amounts of Yemens, as they were before the nerf.
  23. I know at least one thing that I won't miss, and that is for the D1 level, and how many well over level 450 Players purposely drop down to D1, which then takes away any chance for Players that are below level 400, to finish in the top 4, let alone even have a snowball's chance in hell at 1st.
  24. I can't even get logged into the Comix Harem game to be able to finish the last 20 Tier, and so won't be able to get the 2nd girl. I don't see anything mentioned any other place, about Comix Harem being down right now, and I have already sent a Ticket in about it, but considering how long it takes "support" to even send a 1st reply, the Event will have long ended. 😬
  25. I care about them taking stuff away, but as I have said in other my posts, that in the end it won't matter, because when my monthly cards expire for both HH and CH, I'm done with KK period, and they won't be getting another single penny from me ever again. It will end up "saving" me a decent amount of money at least (w/Cards, Season passes, and a fair # of Packages I was buying each mth), and I also get the satisfaction of knowing KK will be getting less money not from just me, but from a whole bunch more Players, who already have, and will continue to quit playing this game, or at least going to total F2P and not give KK anymore money.
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