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Everything posted by lepidocter

  1. Ibalee have a very interesting set of poses, one of the most pleasant girl to watch.
  2. They don't stack. You simply lose the kobans, kisses and gems. It happen to me each single month and I lose around 10 days of rewards. The logic is not that you buy that stuff, but the card priviliege of dealing you something. If you're not there, the priviliege doesn't trigger.
  3. Gone the old market, if you don't install a script, the only place left you can see your total number of girls is now the Profile. I think it could be convenient and fitting to add the number in the Harem screen, maybe along the Harem Level. Push it to devs!
  4. ... and it happened. With 30 fights, this is my third best outcome for LD (Nero with 10 and just 1 for Felicia).
  5. The Firefox trick of keeping RETURN pushed to spend stuff in the market leaded me to a 500 Server error.
  6. Allora: guadagni il massimo degli Ymen con le Starters, dieci volte di più delle altre. Bunny, Red Battler, Ankyo... Nessuna è meglio di queste, e sono fatte apposta per darti Ymen all'inizio del gioco. In seguito te ne freghi dell'incasso dall'Harem perché fai venti volte tanto con Campioni e Luoghi di Potere "aggratis". In pratica, la voce "guadagno" non serve a granché. Le classi ("specialità") non servono a nulla, solo *molto relativamente* contro i Campioni, ma proprio quasi nulla. Quindi non le guardare. Sono un retaggio di un vecchio sistema non più in uso. Le hanno lasciate per folklore. Il vero criterio sono i punteggi. Leggendarie 5 nuove (quelle che droppano ora, tipo BossBang ed eveti nuovi) e Mitiche battono tutto. Comuni, Rare ed Epiche 5 meglio di nulla. Leggendarie 3 sono troppo costose e finirai per usarle poco, poi nulla. Le "migliori" cambiano sempre per via delle Benedizioni, quindi una lista di ragazze migliori *in assoluto* non può essere stilata, cambia di settimana in settimana.
  7. I gave her a good rating for a single reason. Too much fantasy girls lately. I was missing some SF one. Despite that, she look generic. A lot. Well drawn, well rendered... but nothing that really stand out. I *do* have enough kobans to try for a drop, but thank you no, KK. You stiffed so much free L5 down my throat I'm nauseated. So, she'll be mine only with a lucky 100% drop. Oh, I was talking of Arachnid. There's no word that could express my disgust of Layla. She look like those kid coloring albums. "Color your Albedo!". But the kid picked the wrong pencils.
  8. 1) Switch to... what? Mind a bit and understand the next girl you could want to max out could be somewhere else than "next". That's why you go back to harem. Where you can check the data. You're totally missing the point of having the Harem and a boosting overlay. 2) That red X on the topright corner, Try press it. Oh, so magic! 3) uhmm... deciphering...Ah, ok, no. You do it in the harem, not the scree made o purpose to max out stuff. One of the feedback of maxing out is the change in graphic... Again: you're missing the structure. 4) The story is in the harem. It wasn't in the market, and isn't there on the boost overlay. You're mixing two stuff. So... no? 5) What animation on upgrade?! If you get more used to the new mechanics, you'll probably enjoy (spoil?) it more.
  9. GNE GNE GNE, "Thank for the free stuff" boring meme will follow. Again. And again...
  10. It's the african cousin of Awakening. Once you reach level 250 of a girl, you must spend X gems of her color to access the next 50 levels. Other requirements too. That's Awakening. Go scan the forum, get all your info.
  11. You're lucky, if it was for me I'd used words. The same question is posed 10 times a month, there's a pinned message about and you should see a green mark on your game avatar to tell you something about. We can't do more to help people that doesn't even give a chance to themselves. Your aptitude is a lil bit cocky for someone that ask questions so silly.
  12. LADY GARDEN Lyrics: Lep Music: Siouxie and the Banshees From a chat discussion by Safi, only barely related to this game Harmful statements in the air Syntax clashing everywhere Reaps the tongues of polite speech While the education sleep Junk words on polluted losers An old custom to teach your daughter Would you like to name that thing? Let a scot tell you manners, please Ho-oh, ho-oh-oh-oh Lady Garden Ho-oh, ho-oh-oh-oh Lady Garden Oh oh, oh oh Players swarm to see that place Confusion and some puzzling face Disoriented you enter in Unveiling lack of friendly bees No single tree, not a picnic quite No race of gnomes small in size Zteev, HolyMolly and Chuck, ok Lady Garden in your way La la la, la la la la la Ho-oh, ho-oh-oh-oh Lady Garden Ho-oh, ho-oh-oh-oh
  13. 1. IF you OWN a monthly card you can collect whatever... but... if you don't is a waste to spend 12 kobans to collect such money. 2. At level 350 I generated more than 20M daily by champions PLUS Places of Power so, probably 30M. You don't need that harem cash. 12 Kobans for Ymen are too much! You can go the harem, set the filter "Starters" or "Collected first" JUST ONCE IN YOUR LIFE and collect from starters if you want for. As you was doing already. 3. That show you're not enough in the game to criticize main features. Ymen are "money". It's in the interface. 4. As said, you don't have to use filters. But wait to have 800 girls. And go to check the 400th in the old market. Ah, so good 400 clicks. Try to sort out in the old market the 35 Girls with less rarity than legendary you need to max out... you couldn't in the old market. How good... mmm, fancy. All of these changes will be veeeery welcome to you later in the game. Believe me. You know what? You're the absolute minorance. You wasn't there for the gems storm, evidently. There were hundreds of comments. A dozen posts about will change nothing (and this is the *players* forum, so you're ranting to players, for no avail XD). Anyway, *before* lamenting to have been thrown out of your comfort zone, think if there is a reason for that, and ask for use and meaning to more expert players. Have the more fun you can!
  14. And it's time for... -Sergej, back to design table. People want stuff. -I know, Pjotr, they want "Market upgrade: more ergonomy, faster girls selection, speeding up routine jobs" -Yeah, that what they probably said, but I do read just: "Market Upgrade". -...it's an issue of you? I mean, do you always resume whole complex things to first words? -I do resume what? I tell you: complexity never worked. Do you think Eipstein got a Nobel for a complex thing? -Einstein. -That influencer too. They did simple things. Like: atoms are small balls that rotate and create atomic bombs. You cannot go faster than light on the highway or you'll get a fee. Not complex stuff like... tenses, math or even worst physics. -Well, those things could look easy, but they originate from complex logics and generate even more complex consequences. -Those things what? Anyway: Market Upgrade. Upgrade it. -I hate this job. What do you think... what do you *suppose* it could be good to add? -Muahaha. I did a list on purpose. Look? Paper. Easy. Split everything the most you can. -Check. -Check what? -Continue! -Don't halt me with your computer slang. We don't work in the IT industry. So... add some line. Like "Keep you boosters always up". -... so to incite wasting them. Ufff. -And that's exactly the reason. You're slowly learning. Then add a magical blue frog that, when you click it, eat up one of your items and drop another one of the same kind. That's great. The frog had to tell "Thank you Master, I'll haunt your enemy nightmares" -That's cause you like frogs, it isn't? -Then add a monkey that defecate all over the screen and you have to spend items to clean it. -...your kids aren't involved in this checklist, aren't they? -*My kids*? That was how Epstein got his Nobel. -Monkey shit. And was Einstein. -Einstein defecate so much?? Poor guy. I liked his last movie so much... how it was called... The Lords of... The Great...The Last... *snap snap* The Amazing...Ow, I get it, Planet of Apes. -Yeah. Players will like to burn your feets, strip your tongue and boil you in hot vinegar. -You're totally right,Sergej. As you said, players will like it. See you next month. Got great idea for equipments! (this is fiction and doesn't represent my personal idea about the market)
  15. Hello, I'm at 1200, f2p and no mythics at all. How I did passed 1000? Criticals. If wasn't for that I had to wait months too. And that was possible thanks a combination of maxing proper girls and proficient blessing. So, if you cannot come with a smart solution, try brute force. Next week there's an exciting blessing for Legendary (Scorpio deploy Mythic instead) so try to max out such L5 that could get the higher scores (Rina and Mika are good choices, there are even more). Use 2 Cordy 1 Chlorella (EGO matter...). That's your best chance! If I do remember I did it at 650, but 700 make the thing even easier. Don't expect to make a flashy win, even a 5% chance is very good.
  16. Yes, but not when you have to spend 1500 Epic books and 3000 Rare. Try for and come tell me XD.
  17. Your browser cache is full. Empty it, assign more space to it and reload.
  18. Oh well, a Daily Mission tell me about a Chinese Man that sell boosters O_o. I really dunno who that man is, there's no Chinese Man in the Market! :O Does anyone know who's that man? I totally forgot of him. I really feel confused. That's mean that horned girl in the market is instead a Chinese Man? Or there's a secret Black Market I can somehow access where I can buy secret asian boosters? Lemme know. Bye.
  19. I maxed out 23 girls to LVL 700 in 15 minutes, included purchasing the needed books. That was possible only with this upgrade. For you there's a Recruit Date Down filter, that show last collected girls first. This alone replicate the old market behaviour (as long you scrolled left...)! The trick is setting a proper set of filters in the harem (you can combine many filters and now they stand still even after leaving the harem) for your long terms interests - no reason to have 99 maxed girls first to scroll each single time. If you do that sorting, is waaaay better the old one, where I had to scroll 300 girls or type names (with lags attached). I don't like the general brown interface, there was space for some decor around.
  20. No data computed, included the infinite counters still running for ymen in the harem. It's just static and graphics.
  21. There's a new filter that show girls in order of collecting. Done. You can keep it, and the first girl will be always the last collected. ** No more relevant as people type faster than me T_T **
  22. Try send the browser to background/minimize it. The delay will last just seconds (is the rendering of the sparkles, to me).
  23. Keep the R2 key pressed while running your Chocobo, so his stamina will not decrease. After breeding a Black Chocobo talk to the farmer to receive your items, you'll find them in your Inventory- beware: do it *before* clashing with Ultima Weapons.
  24. Timing is everything. Keep rewards on hold until, by collecting, you get points in an event. No reason to collect an EXP reward now, if there's a contest that give you leaderboard points too tomorrow. That Mythic Orb can be used when you collect points for playing orbs... and so on. This is the actual (and only) strategy of this game. As a "rule of thumb": don't do something now as long it could give you *two* benefits later. There's nothing more than this at early stage, as you simply progress in the adventure and you don't have complex events to join in. Mistakes aren't serious. Your path is railroaded, just try to understand mechanics and you'll see you can easily come with a broad good line of conduit. We'll see you later in 8/12 months when what you'll do really matter!
  25. ERGONOMY AND SCALABILITY AT LAST! This way of managing the thing is *waaaaay* more logical, ergonomic and scalable at will. It's colder (some decor somewhere?) but is smarter. Click on HERO, manage the HERO. Easy. Each part of the HERO his own section. Now, if you want a new class of upgrades, just add the tab. The previous hardcoded interface made any future change unbearable. You have gifts and books for girls. Now you can easily add Skills or whatever else without adding another main core section. The feature lack the waited shard/gem shop. But this GUI allow the implementation quickly in the future. It's a smarter framework. The sorting of girls in the harem is still messy. But is logical that you don't have redundancy. BUY ALL and MAX OUT are nice additions, while BUY ALL it's a bit trivial... 8 clicks aren't so much time spared. It look to me like a spending incentivizer more than an a very usefull tool. Max out is instead very very very welcome, so I can finally use those 800+ Epic gifts by type. Now, I don't want that those positive words will hint KK that the thing is good. "Look, they are giving overall 50% good feedbacks, quest completed!" Contrary to that, I totally hate it. Where is my SELL ALL button? Wanna feedback? Add another tab, where you can pick a rarity of items, and sell 1, 25, 100, 500, ALL of it. This will speed up the game, make it more pleasant to play with no strings attached. Instead you made the selling even worst: click one, and you go back to the first. Have you any idea of what mean to sell 2000 items this way for the contests? So to me, as long there's no such feature, any change you'll do is wasted time and meaningless. It's a failure. Selling items is the slower thing in the game, the most annoying, unusefull, illogical thing. It paired up with the old Avatar management, forcing you to scroll 1000 avatars to remove the notify. You did good with that. Do good with this one too. Add a SELL ALL button, with granularity to feed ones that want it. So, my overall feedback is truly negative. You cannot cuddle me and then shoot me in the heart, it's not a fair math.
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