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Everything posted by OmerB

  1. Second day - Fine. I didn't have the time to click some more.
  2. First day: I usually score bad in these.
  3. Those are the two I've got, and the two I'm missing (as most I'm guessing).
  4. What would you pick? In the middle of the 2nd floor (out of 5).
  5. I barely had time to use few NC orbs in the last seconds, but in the end, not so bad results. It got me the girl.
  6. Even tougher day on the 2nd day of the last LC (giving XP to girls):
  7. Tough day on the 1st day of the last LC I'm content with this result.
  8. I didn't have enough champions to fight, and didn't want to spend many kobans for it. At least I got a cheap win on the DC.
  9. Moving the champions contes to the first day is okay (although bothersome for the players), but I think that they should have maintened the old order for the other 3 days. I would make it like this, if they want to have the champions on the first day: 1. Champions 2. XP 3. Pachinko 4. Level up girls At least, put the Pachinko before the 'give XP to girls' day.
  10. OmerB

    Chat room

    MangaRPG is working, and it's very nice (the champions page is broken, but there is Labyrinth)! 😃
  11. My best Hard path finish (on CxH): Maybe I could fight one more hard opponent, but I decided to play safe (and save some time). It was nice, but I need a free evening for this hard path, so not every two days.
  12. I finally got her, but she didn't come easy. I usually get them on the first day, when I'm entering this event with 150+ kisses. It was the case this time (about 150 kisses, it hindered me on the LR rankings), but I managed to grap her only now.
  13. They will probably get more real money with this change, hence the change... I'm really hating this 'Bang the Champions' contest 😭
  14. I managed a top 4 place, in a tough bracket, with Gogeta, Darkyz and Chbass.
  15. Yes. There's another one, quite similar, with hair manipulation power, which is called Lady Bezoar on the game.
  16. Not great, but not bad either, for a cheap day.
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