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Everything posted by botc76

  1. IDK, I have a lot of maxed out girls, I have a lot of girls. Back when we could still see general rankings, I was always high up in the ranking for Harem Strength and I continued maxing out as much as possible. First time I tried hard mode on my Comix Harem account where I usually just run through the labyrinth without having more than 15-20 girls tired, no luck. Wasted 3 stars couldn't get the final boss down. Today I tried with my HH account, lvl. 611, like I wrote a lot of girls maxed out. I got to the 5th floor without a refill, refilled and arrived at the final boss fight with just about 30-40 girls tired. I went through all my girls and after that the first two girls had just lost about 10%. That is insane. I had two girls who could duck like crazy, it took minutes for the boss' girls to wear them down, but it didn't matter because they also dodged all my attacks. And then I look at the ranking and a guy with level 611 like me managed to beat the labyrinth on hard twice, with 4.04 girls tired, and he's number two between lvl 600-700 How is that even possible? I mean, I didn't micromanage everything about my team for the labyrinth, because honestly, it's not worth the time and effort, but that someone at my level has a harem that is so much stronger than mine? That is insane. I am going back to normal, definitely. Hard mode doesn't offer enough rewards to justify spending twice or thrice as much time on it than on normal mode and wasting the stones for no real gain, like I wrote.
  2. Oh, you are right, of course. It just seemed so manageable, compared to HH that I didn't even think about them not having the insane 12 missions a day in the first place.
  3. Welp, in the end this felt more like further punishment than in any way making up for the downtime. I guess I did make more than the regular 150 daily kobans in the end, by doing the missions for 12 kobans each and as many of the 6 koban ones as I could manage without ruining my day, but it sure as hell wasn't fun in any way. I don't think I quite get the reasoning behind bringing up every single mission again, in an already way too bloated event.
  4. Yeah, it's really not asking for the impossible to not have this happen, On the contrary, that this does happen does really not paint a great picture of how kinkoid works. Systematically and well-planned, this is really not.
  5. Good to see a whole bunch of other people complaining about this. In other games, when something like this happens, they either extend the time for events or the players get some kind of gift as an expression of the devs being sorry. In Hentai Heroes, it's just the usual. At least I only missed out on getting the final girl in PSH, but yeah, I saved up to spend as much as possible before the turnover to get a good position for the stupid monthly event and that of course didn't happen. If there was an award for needlessly frustrating and annoying players, kinkoid would be up there with the best of them.
  6. So the free bulbs only go up to Epic, but you can buy higher ranking ones in the shop for Kobans? Hm, what was it this was called? I know it was three letters.... NTR? CIA? Nope, PTW, that's what it is. Another PTW feature. But Botc76, you can get everything in game as reward drops, if you just use everything possible and wait eons, so it's not PTW.... yeah, right. Frigging BS!
  7. I have similar issues. I'm also not able to use the collect all money function of my silver card.
  8. In one word: Horrible. In a few more words: It's a terrible slough, it's another attempt to make you spend even more precious time with the game. It is tedious, boring, annoying. And worst of all, it is such an obvious attempt at PTW. Whales can just endlessly buy Kobans and then buy Equipment with them until they have the gear they want and can also level it up as they please. And I thought Mystic Boosters sucked.
  9. Honestly, the only thing they should have done is roll back the event itself. It was their mistake, it's not like you were given a choice NOT TO exploit the bug. As was pointed out, the notification kept on popping up and if you chose claim all, it was gone for at least a bit. Anyone would have done that, if they were still actively trying for the Mythic girl. Taking away the stuff people got through their inability to correctly start the event is only gonna piss people off. I don't want hassle with the game, but now I either should accept that the resources I used while the bug was active are just simply gone or write a ticket and probably get angry again, if I get their usual attitude in response. This really moves Hentai Heroes from a fun little browser game I play without any zeal or putting serious effort into it, into an annoyance again, the same it felt for me, while I was still seriously trying to compete. IDK, maybe I really should do it like my club founder and just return every few months, to play the new story updates and say good riddance to all the hassle.
  10. Wow. I see they are handling this with their usual professionalism and grace. All I'm saying is, if they take away my extra rewards, I got through their failings, I better get the Kobans I spend on the card AND on the fights and season fights, back. I've played the game only casually for a long time now, with the approach, don't waste time and thought on it, and I was fine with not always getting everything or missing deadlines etc.. It was either that or walk away completely, but I had fun with the story and didn't get worked up over the other stuff anymore. But if I lose Koban and the Mythic Girl, just because kinkoid screwed it up once more, good riddance.
  11. Same happened to me. It's even worse though, because it happened to me 3 times, because not only did the confirmation not work, but I click a specific booster and buy it and instead of staying at that exact same position, the cursor jumps to the end of the boosters, which is of course the mythic ones. And being used to just clicking through the boosters to buy, I buy the mythic one, because the confirmation also doesn't work. I lost more than 1000 koban due to that, contacted support to inform them of the bug, I got the answer that they know about it, but wouldn't reimburse me, because I did have the items. Great 3 items I didn't want to buy and I'm missing the koban to activate the extra rewards in "Smart is Sexy." I'm just a few hundred short, hundreds I would have, if not for that stupid bug. Honestly, I quit playing Hentai Heroes, because it became such a chore instead of fun and with bugs like this not being fixed and not being reimbursed the lost money, I am quickly losing interest in Comix Harem as well.
  12. @lepidocter Dude, I admit it's hard to take someone of your caliber seriously, and I just don't have the interest to read through all that drivel and warrant it with a response. I made this post to let Kinkoid know what drove me to step away from the game, not to help you bolster up your ego, by validating your inane opinions with a measured response. I don't plan on hanging around here much longer anyway, so I think I'll just ignore you from now on. Have fun being an unwitting tool for the company. 😉
  13. Never, absolutely never sent a password in an email.
  14. Dude, you really have a very slanted and wrong perspective on how free to play games work. Without regular players who spent no or only a relatively small amount on the game, there would be no game. Without those players, the whales only have each other to compete with, and that is boring even for them. You think those players don't do anything for Kinkoid? Well, you couldn't be more wrong. What you are trying to do is lecture someone who has been playing this game since late 2017 on what this game is and how it should be played. And you don't get to do that, your opinion isn't in any way relevant to me and my experience, and you presume way too much. This is a frigging browser game, it is not supposed to take up a lot of your time, for that there are real games, where the depth of your wallet doesn't decide how good you are. Honestly, your reply is so incredibly full of cringe, it's almost funny, almost. Of course, it's Kinkoid's responsibility to keep the game fun and entertaining, that is literally the most important responsibility for them. Without that, no one would want to play the game and coming back to my first paragraph, then there would be no game. And if you paid any mind to what I and other long-time players have written in these forums over the last few months, it is not a slow development over the years that has led to frustration, it's the changes implemented in the last few months, which did it. So what is your whole argumentation even worth considering this? I tell you what, nothing, nothing at all.
  15. Back in December, I told myself I would give the game a chance until early this year and would at least try to get to lvl 500 and then re-assess the situation. I am now lvl 499 and about two months have gone by. So I did re-assess the game and the judgement wasn't good. Yes, kinkoid did up the rewards again and added more daily rewards, so that you could at least get the items needed to lvl and awaken the girls, if not the gems, but they also introduced even more time-consuming features, the events have become even more tedious, with several of them running concurrently, almost all the time AND with up to five special missions a day to get the rewards, you basically need to plan your day around checking in on the game to start a new mission. It's just no fun, and I tried to have fun. I've played this game so many years now, that it has become part of my daily routine, so usually I would be sad, but kinkoid made it so that I will probably just feel relieved not to force myself to do those chores all the time. I will probably let the account live, because I want to be able to play the story, but for that I don't need to be competitive, and I need only the time to read and look at the art. I never spent much on the game, but I did buy a few really cheap packs, I had a silver monthly card for years and I bought I think 3 season passes. So you did earn some money through me, kinkoid, apart from being a player who spend so much time on the game that it stayed alive for your whales. Consider this my final feedback. You done effed it up, and you were completely unwilling to listen to your players, up until the point where many who really liked the game gave up, and that number includes me now. Back before last year's and this year's changes, reaching lvl 500 would have been a huge thing for me, you managed to make it a point of relief, where I can finally let go of what has by now become stressful, not joyful, annoying not fun and a chore and not a good time to have. You guys really screwed this game up and your players over.
  16. IDK, I don't think it is in any way okay to do a chargeback, because you find changes in the game unacceptable, that's not what it is there for and yes, it is indeed fraudulent behaviour or at least highly questionable, but several of the analogies used in the thread here, by Noacc and others are very much beside the point to be honest. If a restaurant, for example, charged you beforehand and then delivered a crappy, disgusting meal to you, you would be perfectly within your rights to demand your money back. Bakers also normally don't provide a subscription service and charge you beforehand, but that was already mentioned. I can't help but agree with Incubys, the best way to not have people make stupid threats like this, is not to screw up so badly. Honestly, you guys have become so damn greedy, that half my club has either left the game or only checks in sporadically to play JUST new story content, in the last few months, and you just keep on edging things on and on, forcing players to constantly spend time on the game and preferably spend real money on it, just to stay in any way competitive and manage to get the event rewards. And this kind of greedy, corporate behaviour, of turning a fun little game into more and more of a chore and a pure money grab, is what leads to people acting so stupid. Look at the current event, 5 daily missions to get the reward AND you run a Legendary Contest concurrently. I mean, really? How much time are we supposed to spend on this? How often check in on the game in a single day? It's no wonder people are angry. Yes, they shouldn't react like this, and act more mature as well, but there's no denying that there are valid reasons to be angry.
  17. I don't keep a log about my drop rates (way better things to waste my time on), but for me, it never seemed like I got a 50% drop rate from seasons, far too often that I get only 1 or 2 shards from 10 fights, to look like that. I'm not disputing the regular drop rate, just that for me, it never seems to work out. But I do usually spend kobans on leagues mostly (only filling up 1-2 fights with seasons to get the full 10), since I am usually through the season around the end of the second week of the month anyway, spending extra kobans on it seems like a waste, while I can always use a few refills with league, since I often end up not having been able to get all fights during the week anyway and whether I do use the refills on thursday or whenever a cumpetition is going on doesn't make much of a difference. I might go and try spending the money on seasons, the next time I have a few kobans for free use left (after the monthly 7200 for the bonus rewards, 4 girls for 7200 still seems like the best deal overall) and see if I can get the kinky cumpetition finished that way.
  18. Lol. Disinformation? Is it? Look, I can only talk about what I personally experience, and that is what I did. I've gone into the cumpetition with both seasons and leagues full, used all the fights I got, did around 4-5 refills on the league and still didn't get the girl and that has not just happened once or twice, but several times, until I basically gave up trying spending extra kobans on them, because I never get the girl anyway. Do you have any idea how ridiculous it sounds, to accuse someone of spreading disinformation, just for relaying my own personal experience? Right now, with around 22 hours left, I have 8! EIGHT!!! measly shards and I used every fight, except for the 8 hours my pc was off, while I was sleeping. And that is the experience I have with the kinky cumpetitions. I admit 8 shards is exceptionally bad even for me, but most of the time I get between 40-60 shards altogether in those two days. It's great if it isn't such a bad experience for everybody, but it sure as hell is my own experience with that type of event.
  19. I guess I was. I have to clarify though, I did get every girl since we started to get so many 1x Mythic Orbs for free as rewards in the game, I honestly don't remember if I got them all, before that happened. But ever since then it was, a girl appears, I start the mythic orbs and get the girl before I run out. I didn't want to generate a false impression and should have written it more precise, clearly and in the end correctly before.
  20. Oh, it's definitely been nerfed. I went 125 x1 Mythic Orbs without getting the girl, then tried for another about a week later with about 80-85 Orbs and still no drop. And I've seriously never had that happen before. I always got every single girl that popped up in the Mythic Pachinko up until all the changes to the game.
  21. It's less that I can't win enough battles, more that the shards drop so randomly that even if I pay kobans for extra battles in seasons and tournament, it's still nowhere near enough. If I could get a steady 4-5 shards for 10 season fights or 15 tournament fights, I probably would have not trouble getting the kinky cumpetition girls, but when I can do several full rounds and get no shards or 1 shard, the best I can manage are 70-80 shards. It's been ages since I got one of the cumpetition girls and I couldn't have gotten more than 2-3 all in all. In my opinion something like the cumpetition should have a drop rate that is high enough that you could at least theoretically get the girl in the alloted time WITHOUT having to pay several thousand kobans. Maybe I'm just incredibly unlucky when it comes to this event, but I was not once able to do that.
  22. IDK, this might be too little too late. 5 Players, most long-time have left the club after the last nerfing and the gems introduction. And I can't say I don't understand them, the drop rates when using your orbs suck, the clothes are so much weaker now, that I still use some I got about 10 levels ago (and that's a long time in the higher lvls) and tbh I still completely dislike the whole idea of the gems, making the game unnecessary more complicated AND making it even easier to dominate by pumping real money into it. These changes are good, but I'm still nowhere near able to enjoy the game like I could before.
  23. That seems like a good idea. I doubt that my assessment of these changes is wrong, but giving it to the end of the year seems like a fair way to weigh my investments against what has become of the game by now.
  24. Statistically speaking and by every single report on the topic, these games get their money mostly through the whales, all the other players are just there to keep those guys entertained. That's probably also the reason why Kinkoid doesn't give a damn, about our complaints, as long as the whales jump onto the new system. And they will, because packs to buy gems for real money are exactly up their alley.
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