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Everything posted by GeorgeMTO

  1. Player level still grants base stats and equipment level. Normal exp still improves your strength.
  2. Well I'm glad you started with contradicting yourself and proving my point. But to add to that, just visible in the current patch notes: Manual claims of daily rewards, multiple teams (yes BDSM utilises it, but it's an independent request that has been made numerous times over the years), the introduction of Side quests, changing the club champion to last more than 24 hours.
  3. Well this time you managed to not post it in announcements, so it'll possibly stay. My phone isn't letting me shift posts properly, but still hides them fine for when I can get to a PC and shift it into the appropriate thread. Your feedback isn't important enough to deserve its own topic instead of the preexisting thread that everyone else is using so this'll get locked, but stay visible so you know not to try to post it a 3rd time
  4. That's just blatantly false. Yes there's been many bad updates, far more than positive ones, but there have been good things in there too. Maybe not good for you, if you're not playing most of the game, but good for other people.
  5. GeorgeMTO

    Epic Days

    Please don't post in community contests, that's got absolutely nothing to do with your post. This has nothing to do with this week though, Epic Days is always a shitty event. Average luck will not grant you a girl on natural regen.
  6. GeorgeMTO

    Date tokens!

    Then I don't understand what games you've been playing all your life, but I don't think it's any which actually get updates in an ongoing manner. Kinkoid are far from the only company to detail balance changes, new features and give various warnings about downtime ect in their patch notes. Pretty much every game I've played in my adult life does that.
  7. GeorgeMTO

    Date tokens!

    There were, you can still read them in the patch notes for previous weeks.
  8. GeorgeMTO

    Date tokens!

    They had a 2 and a half week period after which they didn't drop, but players could use them. They didn't expect instant awareness, they gave one month and multiple reminders in patch notes and in game. Everyone here is an adult, so they should take responsibility for keeping up with changes to the game. If they aren't paying attention to the changes, that's on them.
  9. There is not yet any such counterpart. Feel free to create it yourself!
  10. The club leader has the ability to remove players. If you want players removed, get the club leader to kick them.
  11. Sometimes what you think is a stronger team is actually weaker due to player levels or equipment ect. Sometimes, the difference isn't very much, and a little bit of RNG makes you lose. Sometimes, there's a big difference, and a LOT of RNG makes you lose. This isn't a bug, it's just how the game works. If you do not like that kind of randomness, you're free to stop playing.
  12. looks at 1 star girls in great pachinko and to a much lesser extent day 2 of LC I know what you meant, but still
  13. Please read the patch notes before trying to report bugs.
  14. My feedback is less bit by bit changes, instead do the overhaul all at once. People can't see the big picture, so they pick at the individual changes. Even when we get a buff for a few weeks, players have no memory of it when something else gets the eventual downturn that we all could tell was coming when the positive thing happened.
  15. Yeah no, stop repeating this nonsense. They barely read it on either forum.
  16. Please read the patch notes before asking questions in the future. This is literally stated in there as a cost reduction.
  17. Excellent, I'm glad everyone is in agreeance that every mistake here is yours. Be better.
  18. There is no feature in the game that displays number of shards at the bosses. That'd be an issue with a script you're running.
  19. There are 2 posts in the thread you initially quoted. I apologise for not knowing you meant another post in another thread as I figured the more likely assumption was that you didn't know what you were talking about instead of linking the wrong post. That was indeed an error on my part. The fourth post is not that either, as it is:  The post you have quoted is the SIXTH "a 2 million" is not a grammatically correct English phrase. "A million" would refer to 1 million. This has been your basic English lesson. I had no idea there was a 2nd thread until now, again I apologise and thank you for informing me of that. I will again blame you for linking the wrong one though, because that's absolutely your fault.
  20. This has nothing to do with what that user posted, because they're talking about a gap of way more than the 10% club bonus. Please actually read threads before quoting them.
  21. Likely to be intentional. Test server is for testing. No compensation is required for bugs.
  22. Due to a 12 hour roll back, that doesn't actually matter much. You'd have lost that 8.75 hours of regen even if you spent them.
  23. looks at moderator notifications for Warnings and other penalties given out You said it
  24. You're an adult. Please try to be helpful to yourself. Actually explain, use pictures, use actual terms. Nothing can be done to help you until you actually tell what the problem is, because clicking a non-existent button, doesn't do anything.
  25. As long as a piece of string
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