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  1. A place to speculate about future events. Gaze into my giant crystal balls 🔮🔮, and peer into the future! Which mythic girl is getting revived next? What's the next PoV theme? When can I recruit that old L5 from PoG? Is there a BB or DP this month? What happens when the DD overlaps w/ the LC and CbC? Huge scores. Can I prepare for it? Not really, besides saving orbs. All those questions answered here, and more! First of all, here's a list of recurring events, their abbreviations, and a short description: CE: Classic Event (1st, 9 days, monthly) - new themed 3 star girls. DD: Double Date pachinko event. Get up to 20 girls w/ orbs instead of 10. It's unpredictable and has occurred so far on Dec 1st, Jan 14th, and Feb 20th. MD: Mythic Days (3rd, 3 days, monthly) - new M6 mythic girls. Save 10k kos & 5 SP for it. CbC: Cumback Contest (Weekly from Mon to Wed) - Old PoA/Season girls. PoV: Path of Valor (every 2 weeks) - 6 types, and 2 new L3 girls. Premium side costs 3.6k kos. BB: Boss Bang (10th, 4 days, alternates bimonthly w/ DP) - A new L5 girl (easy for veterans). Use sensual 🔵 girls if struggling. DP: Double Penetration (10th, 4 days, alternates bimonthly w/ BB). Two L5s, and costs 7.2k kos for the premium path. Don't collect daily missions/goals, until there's a task. LD: Legendary Days (10th, 4 days, monthly) - 1 new & 1 old L5 LD girl, now revived in order so it's predictable, but it used to be random. OD: Orgy Days (14th, 5 days, monthly) - 1 new girl & old CE/MP Girls, based on their month. SM: Sultry Mysteries (14th, 4 days, monthly). You get sultry coins (SC) from using CP, that can be used to recruit girls w/ 40%+ every 12 hrs, except mythics. KC: Kinky Cumpetition (Thursday, prob 16th, 2 Days, monthly) Has old/unreleased Hentai Clicker L3 Girls. Need ~200 kisses. LC: Legendary Contests (19th, monthly) - a new L5 girl. Save PXP, Orbs, Tickets, & GXP for it. They end up in the PoG later. KV: Kinkversary - July OD girls/MP Girls. Has a ton of girls available in the pachinko, and w/ villains. The last one was July 11-19, 2022. MDR: Mythic Days Revival (23rd, 2 days, monthly) - Old MD girls revived in order of release. Shards are scarce, so save more than an MD, and expect to use 50x CP skips. PoA: Path of Attraction (6 day event 'til the end of month, monthly) - 4 new themed L3 girls. The two premium girls cost 7.2k kos, and get revived later via CbCs. PoG: Path of Glory (35 days) - old LC (L5) girls. Premium side costs 5.4k kos. SE: Seasonal Event. It previously took place during Summer, Halloween and Winter. Costs 6k kos for 2 koban cards, that usually let you recruit the 2nd or 3rd L5 girl. Mythic Days Revival (MDR): they get revived in order. Here's the MD wiki. Cumback Contests (CbCs): PoA and Season girls. Boss Bang (BB) or Double Penetration (DP) on the 10th? Legendary Days Revival Order: since December 10th, they've been reviving in order from Nero, the first LD L5 girl not added to the MP pool. PoV Order: There's 6 types and they occur in the same sequence, so it's predictable. PoG Schedule: they're all former LC girls and revive in order. Most veterans have them, so they mostly matter for newer players. Now, let's combine everything we can predict, and see if there's any interesting overlaps in March: I highlighted similar events in green. There's a nice overlap w/ the CP PoV and the new MD. Also, makes sense to save kisses for the 2nd day of the KC, or wait to use league refills until then, to make more progress on the new PvP PoV. Looks like there's gonna be a double pachinko overlap, w/ the CbC and LC day 2, on March 20th. This info can help plan when to spend resources, which gem types to save, when to recruit girls, & when to not use AMEs, etc. It's speculation, and bound to change, but at least educated guesses based on the past.
  2. As most players who have been active for a year or more should already know, the game's server time follows the CET/CEST time zone (Paris, Madrid etc.) including the Daylight Saving Time changes twice a year. And every time, it messes with some in-game timers, but not others. Today is a Sunday, Kinkoid staff don't work on weekends and so it's highly unlikely anything that needs to be fixed manually will be fixed until tomorrow, office hours in CEST (eg the time it is in Paris, France — although Kinkoid's offices are in Sofia). So, yes we've had the following mostly minor issues this time around: Saturday's daily contest lasted 23 hours instead of 24. Daily Missions, Daily Goals and Daily Login Rewards started at 14:00 (new time) instead of 13:00. Sunday's daily contest started late (a bit after 14:00 CEST instead of the expected 13:30. The timer shows it will correctly end on Monday at 13:00 CEST (new time for the next 6 months or so), though, so it will be a bit shorter. IMPORTANT: LOG OUT AND BACK IN BEFORE YOU CAN SCORE POINTS IN THIS CONTEST. Some PoPs and other things were delayed and/or showed an unusual timer for a bit during the transition phase last night. The current League will be one hour shorter than usual (as the timer now correctly indicates it will end on Thursday at 13:00 CEST instead of CET, which would have ben 14:00 new time). Note that the weekly Blessings are scheduled to change tomorrow at 13:00 CEST (new time), so one hour earlier than you might expect if you live outside of the CET/CEST time zone (and/or if DST isn't synchronized between your time zone and the servers's). For reference, from now on and always (except precisely twice a year when the CET time zone switches to and off of DST), the correct time zone to look at for anything in this game is always whatever time it is in Paris, France when you look. For some players living in other time zones, it means they'll need to adjust their habits a bit. Please don't make Bug Reports about any of this, it's usual and minor and no refunds will be granted for any of the above. If someone asks, please point to this here thread. Everything is running fine, now. Thanks for your understanding.
  3. I've recently reached level 400 (yay for me). What I've noticed is that contest competitors have become *much* tougher. I had a vague memory that competitors were +/- 20 levels, however yesterday's contest leader was level 474 (and happily spent a heap of kobans to stay there). Today the leader is level 469. Does anyone know what the level range is for players at level 400+? As an aside, earlier this year I resigned myself to the fact that I will never catch-up enough XP to be competitive in D3 (i.e. top 15) even though I do make an effort to have the highest stats and best maxed girls possible, best equipment and use boosters when useful. So now I play D2 and easily stay in the 15-30 level and pickup 1380 kobans each week. Not much fun competitively, but the best I can do. Contests though, have generally been fun but against 450+ level players, I'm not going to stand a chance either.
  4. Daily Contest List, current as of August 24, 2020. A complete list, compiled from the test server. Stolen from _shal_ (that's a joke, he shared his list with the main HH community, I simply can't locate the original posting).
  5. Or am I crazy. I wanted to ask this a long time ago, but I kept forgetting. If I'm right, when/why were they removed?
  6. It's been 2 days since I've been unable to get new contests. Yesterday, I had 5 contest rewards stored, so I understood. But today, I had only 2, and still the new contest didn't appear. What happened, and what do I have to do to come back getting new contests?
  7. I've got a couple of minor questions about contests functioning. How is the starting placement determined\decided? It seems like I am always 50th at the start of the contest (when everyone has 0 points). I've seen myself once being 48 but that's it. 🤔 Bunny tells that if you have equal score with your opponents, "veteran wins". 🤔 What does that mean? I've looked through all the guys above me with 500 points as well and they indeed are playing this game longer than me. Exactly in the order from the least to the most playtime. But I was the first that scored these 500 points. And in the end I'm the last out of all of them. ??? League has different rules in case of equal points, right? Contests are also a competitive aspect of the game, as well as leagues. Why do we have such a "discrimination" here?
  8. Having just one contest per day, instead of 3 for several days, already made the game a little more boring. But if it is just one per day, why cannot they be at least different contests? I have "Hard Training" today, the 3rd day in a row. Obviously i ran out of books and cannot even think of seriously competing with just the 16 i can buy today from market. (Inb4 invest koban: it would still be much more boring that another contest on the next day) Same contest 3 days in a row happened before with other contests. It is always boring. Can you please at least change the code so it's never the same contest two days in a row?
  9. Is anyone having issues with contests? I haven't gotten any new contests in about 4-5 days now- it just says "You will get new contests in XX:YY time" every day I login. I've already made a support ticket, but I'm just wondering if anyone else had this problem before and if they did how did it get fixed?
  10. Since the start of the new "one contest per day" system, I have managed to place 2nd in precisely one of them. It has nothing to do with my expertise or lack thereof but rather the luck of the draw with all but two of the contests dealing with things I could not control (you cannot level up or give experience to girls already maxed out). I sense a pressure to perform, which also results in more activity in the daily contests (I count this as a good thing even if it makes winning more difficult).
  11. This game is starting to go down hill as the level of sniping increases. More and more I see last minute, even last second changes in the rankings of contests, with leagues being the worst of the lot because of the kobans involved. Sadly, the actual results are never shown, so you can't tell who the greedy bastards are. So what's the consensus? Do we decide that's just part of the game or try to come up with a fix?
  12. Adding to the other bugs—contests seem frozen on my end, I’ve just used 20 combativity points on fighting bosses, and also used up energy and gained xp, but I’m still at 0 in all contests.
  13. Guest

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    Hey, you! Did you know that we have a Discord spot, too? You can find cool members, sexy topics, art discussions and some exclusive contests there. *Or you can just be nasty! hehe. Haven't you heard about Discord? Shame on you. It’s a special chat app designed from gamers to gamers. Follow this link > It will take you to the enormous world of hentai fans and Harem Gods. Experience the juiciness of it in few moments. <3 If there is anything in your way, let me know, I am here to help! See you! Jessie Chan
  14. Points for all three current contests did not add for the first 6 to 8 hours. Which is frustrating, as I banked new girls to give exp to just for it. What a waste
  15. Hi I had some thoughts recently... After waiting for more than 1,5 month for a new quest, I now am again in the same position, where the Current Quest keeps "Coming soon". I do not complain about that, because I can understand the amount of work required to build every new quest. What I think is unfair is the fact that while a quest is "coming soon", there are contests that asks for energy spending. Given that the only way to spend energy is to play the current quest, I think that players who have reached to the last quest are being "punished", by being excluded from these particular contests. I suggest that while there is a quest in the "coming soon" state, no "energy spending" contests appear. I think it is a fair suggestion, and no one is excluded.
  16. I checked the FAQ & ran a search, but couldn't find my specific question answered. For contests such as "Working Holidays" that reward only 2 random prize chests for places 5th & below, do we know if the higher tiers provide better rewards via better percentages on the chests? Tiers are: 5th-11th 12th-26th 27th+ I'm trying to decide if it's ever worthwhile to push into the higher tier or if it's just the same random chances. Thanks for answering.
  17. It has been lasting for about two weeks that in my activity the contests was always showing "there will be a new contest in such as 1d15h", but after the time reached the contest did not refresh and again it showed "there will be a new contest in 23h, for example". I think it would be a bug.
  18. In the Hard Training contest, the top spot has 315k points. They are awarded as: This is like getting 63 new girls, or getting 40 new girls and leveling them up completely. I wouldn't have thought such a feat was possible. Is this legit or has someone found a programming glitch to exploit?
  19. Well,to change matters a little from the non agressive pact discussion, here's a bit of complete and totally uninteresting trivia... In my favorite contest, the PVP wins one 'who said corrupt?', which i'm used to crush for an easy 100 and some kobans, i happened to fall on that guy : And man... 19th overal, the guy never sleeps, never rests, and is giving the time of my life... (and it seems both of us are shying away from spending kobans in the arena) Impressive competition we have at the top, i can tell you...
  20. I worked hard on a contest which has a duration of 4 days and got 1st in it but the reward is just too disappointing, apart from the kobans and money the reward is just a flower of normal grade with +3 affection. When you work on it for 4 days putting all the time and effort and just got a worthless reward its just too disappointing and discourages me from ever trying to get more points in a contest. This isn't just a one time incident it has happened too many times before, I got 1st in several contests before but almost all of the rewards are actually not useful to me apart from the first few times where the rewards quite staggering the rest of the contest rewards which came after are quite disappointing.
  21. Why is it that during contests there are only five or six people playing them and forty+ accounts with no activity. I'm all for less competition but its kind of lonely. Is this game full of accounts that people abandoned or are contests just poorly attended? I've taken first in almost every contest I've been in (3 sets) but it rings hallow if I'm playing with less than a dozen people between all 3 contests.
  22. So, i for the last week... i HAVEN'T been able to "sign in" to the forum even when i logged out and logged back in the game... all the while I HAVEN'T been getting any contests AT ALL. SO! is it just me or this is happening for all... if no then DEV!!! i summon thee! hear my plight and me!!! PS. IDK if people are still getting ads for koban cos i ain't!
  23. Hey, it hasn't been a huge deal to me, so I haven't said much, but its been several weeks now since I've been a part of a contest? Just the new contests will be available timer, which never actually spawns new contests. Any advice for this? Acknowledge? Bugfix incoming? I have seen at least one other thread on this topic already, but its from October. Kinda needs to be addressed if people are still having issues, aye?
  24. OK this for all...Can somebody explane to me why in contest i fight against all odds a level 109 this not a fair contest....in my opinion...Also if i look at the leadersbord and try to search them on the wall of fame i cannot find them .they are on top of my leiderbord contest and i can't find them in the tower of fame ..whate is this all about?? then an other thing i used get a screenshot so everbody could see the names and test them out their selfs it is all blocked kinkod removed my post i think... lets say a boy that is 6years has to run versus an other health boy that is 11years old who is gonna win ???if you beth on 6year old boy wast of money ofc...i rever to a boy of 6 because im level 62 and the boy of 11 because the dude is level 109 please no comment on it is random cos that is alot of bull
  25. Do all heroes have the same contests at the same time (except when contests are a bit broken)? I'm kinda worried my contests are about to disappear again totally - I only have two at the moment: Pervert mind in sane body Hard Training So does everyone else have both of those?
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