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Treasure Hunters - THE Gift Code Posting Thread.

Zamioc Yuki

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Since HentaiHeroes forum has this thread already, I thought it's time for GayHarem to have it too! :D


The patch note #44 sent us on a treasure hunt for some hidden gift codes on social media. Players got enthusiastic and start hunting. After all, who won't appreciate to get a gift? :D So here is the biginning of the gift code posting thread where you, treasure hunters, can gather and share some clues or what you found on you last hunting cession.

[Humor]Hey you there in the back! Yeah I heard you asking for 1M koban gift code. Maybe it exists! Keep searching, we never know ;)[/Humor]


Good luck to you, hunters! :D May the Lord Fortune smile at you :)


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[Humor] Pssstt pppssssttt

Come here, come here! I found something. Would you like to buy it? No money? No worries! I only accept cum currencies ;D [/Humor]

LMAO I found something, and i'm giving it to you! Hurray :D

undercovermythicdays for +3 combativity
kinkycum15 for a little amount of energy.

Thank HH hunters for finding and sharing these! :D Remember that all code have a limited validity time. It's the nature of the treasure to come and go bye bye! Make sure to benefit from it before it expires!

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Since we got a new feature I thought this might also bring a new code and I theorized correctly:

Enter bossbang as a code and you get:


This code works on both the Main Server and Nutaku.

Get it before it expires, may help a little with either PoA or the current Mythic Days! 😄

Edited by Eckos
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