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The games are taking too much time


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With the addition of the new Labyrinth, plus switching the GG and bulbs every week, the games are taking too many hours from me...
I'm getting tired of playing the games.. The joy and excitement are very low, and all the clickings are now more painful than fun.

The main concern that should be addressed is this: Most of the people want a game that can they can open and play whenever they want to spend some time, play for as much as they want, and then close it (and open again whenever they want, it may be on the next day or in a couple of days)...
This game isn't answering that, as if you're playing sporadically, you won't achieve much.

I think that Kinkoid should find a way to keep players that don't want to spend hours every day...

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1 hour ago, OmerB said:

With the addition of the new Labyrinth, plus switching the GG and bulbs every week, the games are taking too many hours from me...
I'm getting tired of playing the games.. The joy and excitement are very low, and all the clickings are now more painful than fun.

The main concern that should be addressed is this: Most of the people want a game that can they can open and play whenever they want to spend some time, play for as much as they want, and then close it (and open again whenever they want, it may be on the next day or in a couple of days)...
This game isn't answering that, as if you're playing sporadically, you won't achieve much.

I think that Kinkoid should find a way to keep players that don't want to spend hours every day...

Oh trust me, you are not the only one that says so. Even for me as active players who is absolutely fine soending couple of hours for it, i think the game get's a bit too busy with all the event types and more and more layers of strength. Thank god the last one is silent now so i hope that won't happen.

Of course there is a competitive players who like the rush, but then again, i think taling in account that this game is one of its kind, people are happy to spend a penny for a good content and not that much for more featues.

So in short, i miss the good old times when the game was much more simple.

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I'll just remind everyone about this thoughtful response from Rosso's past Q&A that can be found on Discord


There are always people who ask for fewer events and say they're nostalgic about the game's beginnings No, you're not nostalgic about this time, it was played in 3 minutes, and it was boring, now you can play for 12-15 minutes, it's better.


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4 minutes ago, garadron said:

I'll just remind everyone about this thoughtful response from Rosso's past Q&A that can be found on Discord


Oh, i strongly disagree with this statement. Like recently Parh of renesance or path of Valor, or other this type of events they are not really only 15 minutes. Those are hours to make it work and get the guys. Of course it's when you don't pay too much there and do it on your own resources. And of course not all events should be played etc. But i may see the frustration for new players where they are bombed with all these events, but may not get any guy there most probably. Of course again, it's not like they are loosing any effort as shards are kept, but still if i was a new player, that would destroy my whole joy. 

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6 minutes ago, Grifs said:

But i may see the frustration for new players where they are bombed with all these events

I clearly see that as a bad thing. A new player today cannot really know in what events to invest in but that's also how all gatcha works.

  1. Make players advance fast the first day
  2. Then block them and force them to pay a small amount to not be blocked anymore for the day
  3. Redo step 2 by increasing the blocking and price when the player is hooked

So KK is now throwing events at us all the time and even contradicting things they said last year. I'm thinking about all the ME. When asked when we would see a ME, at first they said 3/4 times a year at specific dates. Now we have ME nearly permanently. And they still added more things since then, a second MDR, PoR, CCbC, KCR.

For the revivals, it makes sense, but the other events, it seems it's to grab money faster from the players.

Edited by mdnoria
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After asking a few times and receiving the above mentioned answer from Rosso, I have lost all hope in a future reduction of the number of events, I am just praying that they won't increase them in the future, especially the most time demanding, imagine a PoA/PoR EACH week.

If we ever see an elimination of an event It will be just the good ones, look at Double Date and how this month it won't happen, sad, it was the only way to finally clear pachinko in CxH or PsH. Boss Bang is the next candidate for removing.

Rosso said that the game was boring in the past, but perhaps that was the key for its success, it was just an idle game where you got small achievements will small effort. Nowadays the constant stress is burning out players.

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On 4/10/2024 at 10:43 AM, OmerB said:

With the addition of the new Labyrinth, plus switching the GG and bulbs every week, the games are taking too many hours from me...

So, while I do agree with you in principle, on this issue I actually don't think you need to bother with doing this. For most players, swapping out equipment and bulbs every week just doesn't make sense. Blessings are much, much weaker than girl skills, to the extent that you gain relatively little on most weeks by tweaking your team to take advantage of blessings. Maximizing the benefits you receive from blessings often means using suboptimal skill combinations, which means marginal returns or (in the case of weeks with particularly weak blessings) even a reduction in power versus a team that just maximizes girl skill power. I've been running the exact same team for almost 6 months now while completely ignoring blessings, and have consistently been able to hold top-15 in D3. In my experience it's not just viable, but optimal for most players to just have a single battle team and not bother rebuilding weekly.

It costs around 1 billion ymens to fully reset a team (give or take depending on your mythic:legendary ratio), and for player below D3 you are literally better off putting your ymens into contests to earn kobons than you are rebuilding your team in the hopes of a higher league placement. Even for D3 players, the power differential within D3 is so enormous that tweaking your team might not actually be enough to change your league placement. 

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2 hours ago, Attirm said:

So, while I do agree with you in principle, on this issue I actually don't think you need to bother with doing this. For most players, swapping out equipment and bulbs every week just doesn't make sense. Blessings are much, much weaker than girl skills, to the extent that you gain relatively little on most weeks by tweaking your team to take advantage of blessings. Maximizing the benefits you receive from blessings often means using suboptimal skill combinations, which means marginal returns or (in the case of weeks with particularly weak blessings) even a reduction in power versus a team that just maximizes girl skill power. I've been running the exact same team for almost 6 months now while completely ignoring blessings, and have consistently been able to hold top-15 in D3. In my experience it's not just viable, but optimal for most players to just have a single battle team and not bother rebuilding weekly.

It costs around 1 billion ymens to fully reset a team (give or take depending on your mythic:legendary ratio), and for player below D3 you are literally better off putting your ymens into contests to earn kobons than you are rebuilding your team in the hopes of a higher league placement. Even for D3 players, the power differential within D3 is so enormous that tweaking your team might not actually be enough to change your league placement. 

Sweet. I'm fighing hard for top 4 (or for 1st place) on D3, this week I should get my 8th title.

So every little bit of power might make a difference at these levels.

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As I have posted before, basically any and everything that Rosso says about "how much time" it takes to do things in this game, is a total farce, as neither he, nor anybody else at KK, actually plays this game (other than maybe doing a few "test tries" on a few things), so NONE of them have even the slightest clue as to actually how long, along with how much of a PITA it is, to do, quite a lot of the things in this game.

And of course Rosso is so thin skinned, that he not only can't, but refuses to take any flak about his game(s), and so it is impossible to give him any real and actual feed-back, and as far as I am concerned, pretty much any answer he does give on his Discord times, are totally full of shit!!      DOH!    LOL

Edited by HornyCat
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Perhaps if someone could compile a real list of how much time take every task and add all of them, that would give a real picture of how overburdened we are.

I would do it but I have no time left because the game takes too much time (small joke but it is true)

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It is a petty that Rosso does not (want to) understand the majority of the long-term players of the game. I don't think it would help to list the time it takes. They have statistics that show how often/long players are online, so they know pretty well. It is the central misunderstanding that it would be always better for such game the more time you "can" invest. Probably there is another misunderstanding that players would spend more money the more time they invest, or the ingame ads generate significant more money in that case.

I think we made pretty much clear all over the place, that we want to be able to "finish" all daily tasks, even when having a job, family, other hobbies etc, and most of us chose to play/stay with this game because it originally was designed to allow that. And we want to be able to "finish", meaning that we want to stay competitive in PvP and at least have a chance to keep up with new content/girls and have some hope to "get them all" at some point. If staying competitive and keeping up with new girls/content requires too much time, those of us with some ambition but a real life can simply not play it anymore, first stop playing the clones, probably stop doing test server, testing, bug reports (that one for other reasons as well), mechanics investigation, spending time in forum etc. I basically mostly stopped being active in forum, since I am too busy now to click through the mandatory daily tasks, Laby, ME/champs, the new game mode revivals etc. However, this has become more than boring. I am someone who likes to dive deep, spend time with the community, discuss things etc. Clicking through a mostly bad (better thanks to scripts only) and slow GUI for hours is not what I have fun with, in a game without interactive (battle) system. After loosing the opportunity to do two mythics during a business trip due to bad internet, which was too slow for this game, but fast enough for everything else, I was again extremely close to stop playing this game. It again was pretty much only the adventure story which kept me going, and then a positive league week (another 1st). I do not wonder that large numbers of veterans quit.

On 4/10/2024 at 9:42 PM, mdnoria said:

For the revivals, it makes sense

I disagree, at least the way it was implemented now. PoA and MD/R are both pretty time consuming, since you need to have a lot of short time slots going online. Finalmecia MDR showed that one cannot rely on plenty remaining shards even at the end, and of course one needs take care to spend all CP from natural regeneration, Laby, DGs, Pantheon etc, but only when M shards are available. To finish PoA without needing to spend kobans, one usually needs to keep all resources close to their max, respectively make a good plan to not loose natural regeneration or use resources when they do not match the current PoA objective. And champ objectives mean to have a 15 minutes timer for half a day. Planning this is time-consuming, needing to be online regularly before the current or next objective's resource runs full is stressful, and often hard to do when you have a job or family/friends activity etc. So knowing this, just cloning the event for its revival is a pretty bad decision, as it raises the needed time and stress level. It would be perfectly possible to use simpler modes for the revival, which give you more freedom to when you do them. The ME shop is a good example, especially during HA, such shop systems in general. BB is also an event type, which is completely independent from anything else in the game, so you have 4 days to choose any 15 time slot to finish it in one run. For mythics, I do understand that they shall remain something special and not to easy to obtain. Still, doing just another clone of the already existing MD clone MDR was IMO wrong, too "cheap" (zero excitement, zero creativity), too stressful overall. And for newer players: Affording 3 MD/Rs per month is impossible without spending decent money. Well, this however can be wanted, of course, and I do not generally blame KK for making money, specially when it is for mythics, which are still the most valuable reward in the game.

Edited by Horsting
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On 4/10/2024 at 8:43 PM, OmerB said:

With the addition of the new Labyrinth, plus switching the GG and bulbs every week, the games are taking too many hours from me...
I'm getting tired of playing the games..

You can stop tending to 'catch them all'.

And game(s) will become smooth as <censored> silk 😀

Have time to spend on game? Good -- play.

Not enough time or no interest to play today? Good -- do not play )


Today's sompetition is intresting? Good -- try to beat 'em all.

Today's competition is as bad as usual? Good -- skip it.


This is my vision of the game after it was overloaded with events.

The only thing is the quest(s). But with "BIG breasts" vision it will become "not interesting" at some moment in near future...

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  • 1 month later...

Not to mention the last chapters where every screen costed 76 energy. WTF? I'm glad they thought it through and things got back to better. 

But Pantheon is another time-consuming event. In the beginning it was said there would be 2000 levels. Now that I finally got there, after more than a YEAR, I noticed that there are more than 2000 levels. And worst, not the damage we suffer escalates, while the damage we deal are constant. Even with the strongest girls at maximum level, with maximum equipment, bulbs and boosters, it's still impossible to win.

Not to mention that the story is going downhill lately, girls being altered, usually to show bigger breasts, etc.

It looks like KK has given up on the game, only doing a few new things to try and keep the players, but the game has lost much of its appeal.

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In the last Manga RPG Q&A, Rosso said that they are planning new events, so I can already tell that things are going to get worse.

I stopped playing all the other KK games due to lack of time and now even HH is frustrating to play.

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When i hAve the time, i will mAke a thread in Feedback blasting the Ads.  For the past week, my pl@y experience hAs suffered greAtly.

Activities, not counting the Daily Missions' timers, would normally be 10-15 min to collect All rewards & restart PoP Quests.  For the pAst week, Activities is taking Hours, because my cheap shit internet is choking on the ADs.  Pages/windows are taking forever to load & failing to load, but the ADs have loaded, in triplicate.

Labyrinth is worse than ever before, failing to load & getting stuck, but AD gifs & mp4s are right there, mocking me the whole Damned time!

At this rate, my Aggravation at Kk's BS will soon exceed what little enjoyment i can get from the games & i'll quit.

Each plAyer thAt quits is A missed opportunity.  The more players KK AlienAtes, the more KK pAints themselves into A corner...

Rosso & his Personality Cult will ruin the gAmes so BAD that KK will go broke.

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At least for the ads, you can use an ad blocker like uBlock Origin or what the browser ships with (Opera does). This prevents the additional traffic to load the ads, and instead you see some placeholders.

The business trip I mentioned earlier showed me as well how traffic intense this game is. I recognised earlier, investigating long league loading times, the ~15 MiB league data text file that is downloaded (but well compressed at least) each time you open the league table page, i.e. additionally each time you navigate back and forth between pre-battle page or team selection and league table. The Labyrinth is similarly heavy, maybe heavier, overall. And the memory usage of the browser tab is pretty significant, growing over time.

I know from other browser games, which load most game data once, when accessing the website. But form that point on, there are no page (re)loads anymore. All navigation steps and GUI elements are like an applet of the very same page. One way to reduce traffic and processing, but of course a very different system. A careful evaluation about which data really need to be transferred between backend and frontend (communication with community script authors as well, which often make use of this data) is another way, and of course reducing unnecessary page reloads. E.g. when a daily mission finishes, and you are on town page, the page is for whichever reason reloaded. Also when you collect PoP rewards from the main PoP page. And a view other cases, where I find them very annoying and unnecessary.

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6 hours ago, Horsting said:

I recognised earlier, investigating long league loading times, the ~15 MiB league data text file that is downloaded

This explains why the league page never loads for me when traveling in some third world shitholes

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11 hours ago, 430i said:

some third world shitholes

No need to go this far. Even in the parisian subway, where the network can be spotty, a screen can take 5 to 10 seconds to load on 4G LTE.

Edited by mdnoria
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1 hour ago, mdnoria said:

No need to go this far. Even in the parisian subway, when the network can be spotty, a screen can take 5 to 10 seconds to load on 4G LTE.

don´t get me started on Germany guys.. we have bamboo internet..sometimes I think the artist is starting to draw the girl in my laptop when I click on something

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On 6/26/2024 at 8:15 PM, holymolly said:

don´t get me started on Germany guys.. we have bamboo internet..sometimes I think the artist is starting to draw the girl in my laptop when I click on something

Ain't that the frigging truth, we are like a pre-industrial nation when it comes to the internet. It's a joke that one of the richest countries in the world has missed investing into connectivity,

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3 hours ago, holymolly said:

4G??? you mean E or 3G right ?

3G/UMTS (incl. HSDPA) has been shut down in the meantime 😉.

12 hours ago, botc76 said:

It's a joke that one of the richest countries in the world has missed investing into connectivity

Wrong political decisions:

  • Sell mobile network frequencies for a high price to providers, instead against contracts which force them to invest this money into providing high speed mobile Internet faster and comprehensive, even in country side areas where you have not much customers to make it rentable: People still cross such areas with their cars or train, on vacation or whatever, and it is a pain to regularly loose connectivity.
  • Let the leading wired Internet and grid provider further invest into ancient copper technology for decades. There needed to grow an entirely new company to build its own new fibre optics grid, before the market leader finally started investing into it as well. Where I live, I'll get fibre optics offered presumably by the end of the year, while it would have been technically and economically possible at least a decade ago. But our giant market leading companies better squeeze out zombies for max profit, as long as there is no relevant concurrent. Same with natural gas based house heating and combustion car engines. And the ones who profit financially from this (short-term, while everyone looses long-term, of course) are driving very effective campaigns to make many people believe that it is a bad idea to politically break this nonsense as a last resort.
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11 hours ago, holymolly said:

I´m sure it wasn´t when @james1478 visted hence why I was surprised to hear "only" and 4G in the same sentence as Germany :P

That may be true. And indeed, I was also a little surprised about the "only", especially since my phone is 4G only 😄, I use my stuff until it falls apart. But to be fair, also thanks to 3G/UMTS shutdown, 4G support has become much better. So the chance to face "even that time i couldn't download anything" with 4G should be much lower. I however still know 2 spots I cross by train regularly, where my old provider does not serve mobile Internet. My new provider works better at least in one of them.

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