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(Err HH_I error)


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don't know why am bothering to reply to this subject ... has been going on for awhile ... i've tried to wait a few minutes after the harem page loads ... but it doesn't make much of a difference ... sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't ... then i have to refresh the page ... sometimes i get back quick ... usually have to wait 5 minutes ... seems everything i try to do on harem page game gives an error ... can't even do upgrades .. seems only thing to do is keep playing until you get so frustrated you finally figure you've had enuf ... good luck all

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Over tree years and still the same problem. Sorry, my English is very sad or bad. But all the people have telled you the problem and you make just events but not to make it better. And you realy think that player buy kobans if this problem exists? I dont think so. Quality is very important. Server quality is more important.


With this problem, the server i haver lost 12 kobans for this 10x fight. so repair it or  dont take kobans for this. i dont pay for nothing.

Edited by Kalrash
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I play from Germany and get this error regardless browser. and sometime quite to often - if I consider my starting time on nutaku somewhat last year.

I get it while having two browsers open and do both (nu & hh) the pvp battle, do pvp one after the other, I get it while boss battle (regardless if one-hit or more hit), I get it (previously the only source, now still same frequency but in comparison the less frequent one).

Until now not observed while: starting / ending activity, playing pachinko, opening market, buying things on market.

I use Firefox / Edge / Chromium / Opera. on Win 10 / win7 / android6, on wifi and on lan. I play on nutaku and hentaiheroes. not so much difference that I would switch to only one.

I would say it happens 5-10 times a day.


As fighting results got computed before shown, I know that if the fighting image does not show any position, it will crash.

Edited by windia
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20 minutes ago, haremking1 said:

Ye game is shitty anyways

Developers have this problem for months and they dont fix anything.

All they care about is getting money while droprate of girls stay low

Well, if you have any information, or if you know how to fix it, then I'm sure the devs would love to hear it.

Not everything is easy to fix, and keeping a bug like this in the game isn't bringing them more money, it is costing them money.
So that argument is a bit flawed.

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4 minutes ago, haremking1 said:

Ye but the problem is they dont do anything about it. Its there for month now

Why do you think they don't do anything about it.
Hmmmmm, maybe it's because they cannot find what is going wrong?

Naaaah, that cannot be the case...

They are working on it, and it won't go faster than it goes, unless someone finds the solution for them, so they only have to implement it.

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i know i know nothing for sure,

but i think it has a lot to do with the amount of accurate timers...

it became a lot worse with the harem update, even the uncollected girls have no active timer,

i would guess each of them "send a server request" to synchronize, aka how much of the timer is left or if there is cash to hand out...

also it seems to me with the newer update where you see no seconds anymore on the townscreen it has become better...

moreover jumping through browser tabs seems to make it worse and whenever you come back timers are likely to be a bit off,

aka need to be synchronized again, so i started to reload whenever i come back to the tab (trying to reduce timer-requests at once)...

in the end the error is nothing but waiting for a missing server answer,

so i would guess with many players active and many timers wanting to be accurate, it is like the game does a micro-DDOS-attack on their own servers...


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just can tell that this error occurs by far less often when playing on ubuntu than on windows. On ubuntu maybe once every three days, windows once in 2 minutes. Same Firefox version on both systems. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

i wouldn't mind writing about it if it wasn't that bad for me, but around 80% of my first boss battle attemts after a while (like 1 hour or so) lead to that error message and keep there for at least another 5-10 sometimes even more tries after a browser restart and reload of the entire game >_<

i mean the game concept and story are quite nice and the humor is hilarious but whith error messages popping up more often than the game is working as intended it's simply no fun and i definately won't pay a single dime ever if that won't get fixed...

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im not sure what it means viewed from a programmers side, but:

whenever i have the error while trying to collect money from the harem, at least a lot of the "shades" of uncollected girls dont load...

i have tried clicking them through while waiting if the collecting happens or not and many havent been loaded, except ones i clicked on earlier...

the other situation the error happens to me is either on arena or villain fights, where the opponents girl poses have to be loaded as well...

i know it might sound off-topic first, but if it has to do with requesting poses from the server,

changing the search-filter within the harem to a permanent sorting option ( to block uncollected girls) might help a lot... i would guess...

Edited by Skiron
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Well...Here I am a few months later to say that the problem still happens,but not so often(Actually I don't know,I think I just got used to this massage,so I just press F5 and keep playing. It don't bother me anymore) 

Edited by sanjkame
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  • 3 months later...
On ‎8‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 12:33 AM, Skiron said:

im not sure what it means viewed from a programmers side, 

my way of debugging tells me: if I want to identify the source of an error, I start individualizing error messages. all over my code. until I find this little prick.

Regardless your deductions are correct or not, they seem to throw just everywhere only HH_1. Or HH_1 is "everything else", so there needs to be more specific error catching than just "try {this} catch exception HH_1".

just I never developed any web software.

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