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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2019 in all areas

  1. Si on a autant de chances de chopper 100 d'attraction sur une fille que le taux de drop actuel, mais que en plus il y a des petits bouts d'attraction qui tombent par ci par là, c'est très bien en effet. OK on y laisse un peu de thunes, mais le but premier du jeu est quand même de remplir le harem, pas d'avoir un max de thunes (en tous cas on est pas à quelques milliers de thunes près - p'tain j'aimerais tellement pouvoir dire ça dans la vraie vie XD)
    2 points
  2. Ego increases as you level up, get gear with more of your specialty points (some gear has only endurance points but I focus on my specialty), and/or buy points in the market. Dark Lord has a tutorial for the battles that is somewhat useful. It seems that you want an Alpha girl with the most points in your specialty as possible (my specialty is Know how and my three battlers are the three girls in my harem with the highest know how points). My suggestion would be focus on leveling up, increasing you harem, leveling up girls (especially the strongest in your specialty), and on occasion paying to level up (the cost goes up the more points you purchase, so it is not as cost beneficial as you buy more). Above is how I have maneuvered through the game and might not be exactly accurate, but hopefully someone with more knowledge will correct any of my errors. Hope this provides some clarity.
    1 point
  3. j ai pas de loot en arène ou pvp ou mission mon équipement je l ai uniquement en pachinko x10 . j ai 4 monostats la je paye l upgrade des filles car sa s accumulent .
    1 point
  4. @Kinkoid or you could just add 25k kobans to all test accounts... - it is test server and i wouldn't bother if you reset any stuff...
    1 point
  5. Tout a fais, tu as bien compris. A ton lvl je ne sais pas comble coûte un Pachinko x10. Perso je te conseillerais pas de le faire car tu peux profiter des loots gratuit + des items lors des compètes quotidien + l'arène + classement hebdomadaire + Évent revival + ... Donc je trouve que tu gâches ton argent les Pachinko quand tu vas claquer ton argent ça sera pour la recherche par exemple des légendaire monostat. (Tu as combien de légendaire mono ?)
    1 point
  6. @Fantasme y'a pas vraiment à comprendre tu sais ^^ c'est juste qui y'en a qui tente le tout pour le tout simplement .Après toi tu préfères être plus économes libre à toi .Chacun(une) joue comme il le ressent ^^ .
    1 point
  7. I think it's one of the girls in my neighborhood, her name is Vanessa. Unfortunately, I've never tested her "sexual treasure", but otherwise it's an exact description of her. Alexv, id 114579
    1 point
  8. Not that it will likely matter to them, but the all the variants of the girls have the same descriptions. At least it seems yu may have found it on your own rather than just copying and pasting anyway. One of the main reasons I haven't bothered with these, it is unlikely I'll ever see and answer one first and I am not keen on just copying everyone else.
    1 point
  9. Pour information Kaos-KinkoidAujourd'hui à 09:47 @here Pour que vous soyez au courant, normalement, à partir de maintenant, vous avez une chance de récupérer 100 points d'attraction d'une fille sur un boss, que cela soit une d'événement ou non
    1 point
  10. - Et un peu de vitriol ? - NOOOOOOOON !!!!! Je veux dire : OOOOOOOOUUUUUIIIIIIIII !!! - Ah, je savais bien que ça serait bon !
    1 point
  11. Et un peu de sucre en poudre. NON Ah bon
    1 point
  12. My S3 Aargh64 329 zyden_Dragonfly 326 raim 325 ... and 100 more
    1 point
  13. Si seulement l'attraction servait à augmenter le pourcentage de drop, non à le remplacer Par ex, jusquà 99%, le pourcentage aurait augmenté graduellement jusquà une limite (double, triple de base)... et le centième, c'est l'obtention à coup sûr
    1 point
  14. bonjour dans la F.A.Q on lis sa : Réponse 21 : Les objets les plus intéressants pour être performant en combat de harem sont ceux de ta spécialité. Les autres caractéristiques ont peu d'impact en comparaison. Il est judicieux de privilégier les objets légendaires et épiques qui améliorent uniquement une statistique. (Un objet mono-stats) Actuellement, les objets légendaires qui augmentent toutes les capacités à la fois sont moins efficaces qu'un bon objet épique mono-stats. hors si on regarde le classement au niveau mondial les meilleurs n'ont presque pas ou pas du tout de monostat mais bien du multistat du coup qui as raison ? merci pour vos réponse
    0 points
  15. Oui après 6 jours soit plus de 300 combats je me suis impatienté, marre de prendre que 5k par combat et de ne pas la voir venir (je vise Mala car je la trouve bien plus joli que l'autre, sinon d'habitude je commence là où je fais le plus de fric. Pour les 1800koko, j’étais bien lus haut que 5400 pour le PE10 et impatient de retourner farmer Roko, je suis pas loin des 18 millions pour passer Lévita 5*, j'attend après elle pour quitter charme pour HC. Voila un petit moment d'impatience à l'approche des 500 combats sans aucune fille surtout que les évents précédents ne m'ont pas porté chance non plus...
    0 points
  16. Enfin? je farm depuis le début de façon régulière et toujours rien... si bien que j'ai claqué 1800koko et... Toujours rien... Moi je commence à trouver le temps long... et j"espère pouvoir dire <<ENFIN!>> sous peu...
    0 points
  17. Adventure Release of World 11 Quest 4 Part 1 : You finally know where Karole should be! Time to follow her tracks and discover what is the anal temple! Bug fixes We fixed the visual issue on Edge, which was not showing rewards
    0 points
  18. Attraction presentation Hentai Heroes is all about seducing amazingly hot fantasy girls and inviting them in your harem. It’s about that special feeling you get with each new gorgeous girl joining, that moment of pure joy and pride that she is joining your harem. That moment of sweet anticipation to start exploring her. All of these positive emotions sometimes get obliterated by the frustration of fighting too long with a boss or playing Pachinko without winning a girl. So during the past months we have been trying to figure out how to turn this issue into a feature and your doubts about the drop rate into excitement. At the release of the game this system was fitting and was working very well, but as we keep increasing the number of girls in the Haremverse and also improving the game with new features, we are not satisfied with it anymore. Coming from that point, and listening to your feedback, we decided that we need changes. We created Hentai Heroes to offer you, the players, a fun and positive game. And we are not going to risk the overall experience being negative because of a mathematical problem. We explored multiple options like putting a hard limit on the maximum number of fights you need to do before seducing a girl. Yet none of them were satisfactory and would be potential design limitations as the game continues its evolution in the future or would not be so easy to grasp at first glance. We wanted to create a system that would be a base to build upon; a system that is clear and will allow you to follow your progress by giving you an achievable goal.These are the 2 main reasons that motivated our decision to go with the Attraction. The principle is quite simple: each of the girls who are not in your harem yet, will have to be seduced by increasing her attraction to you They will be distributed as rewards for multiple actions in the game. You will be able to keep track of their collection in your Harem, for each of the concerned girls. When you have completed the attraction requirement for a girl, you would have essentially seduced her and she joins with your Harem with pleasure. Once she is part of your harem, you will not get anymore of her Attraction, as she is totally seduced. Yet, if you have collected more than the requirements, the Attractions will be transformed automatically into Affection, showing that your particular attractiveness was exceptionally effective on her. As the goal of the Attraction is to improve the current system to seduce girls at release this specific feature will work in tandem with 2 other ones : the single spin of the Epic Pachinko and the rewards against villains. In both cases, the chance of obtaining these specific rewards will be vastly superior compared to the ones of seducing a girl with the current system. As you will be able to follow the evolution attraction of each specific girl, you will be able to evaluate more precisely your chance of seducing her and while keeping the feeling of accomplishment when you win her. Another important part of the feature is that the Attraction of a girl will be preserved in your harem and will not expire over time. The girls in the Haremverse have good memory and will definitely remember you. So even if a girl is not available anymore or if you decide to seduce another girl, there will be no jealousy in your harem- you will keep all your progress with a girl until you totally seduce her. Next to these huge improvements, the Attraction will give you the ability to seduce girls in more different manners as we continue to develop the game even further! Indeed, as we will follow the reception of this feature and we see fit, we will be able to introduce this attraction system as rewards in different features quite easily. Yours, Kinkoid Team
    0 points
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