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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 things I´d like to notice: - The picture of a girl can be improved in the future even if she has been introduced into game already. - Rather than saying a girl is beatiful or not (which I think is a quite subjective matter), I´d try that each girl could be drawn ONLY by the artist who created her, in order to avoid strange changes in the look of the girl. If an artist leaves KK (sometimes happen) just stop adding new material about his/her girls. IMO is better to introduce a new girl than changing the appearance of an existing one.
    4 points
  2. Got a noro drop, i wanted to get the tier 2 dark lord girl, but feels nice to be able to dodge dark lord's low cash
    4 points
  3. And yeah another one, i don't really know what to feel here, i haven't gotten a shard for 30+ fights, then it suddenly drop a x100 I can make use of the flowers but, would have been very nice, if i could combat finalmecia for zoe instead
    3 points
  4. According to exhaustive data from @John 1039 in the shard's drop thread, it is around 5%. I wouldn't ever buy tickets for champions in the reception desk with kobans when you have 5-10 tickets free every day from different sources. Just be patient, you don't have to hurry with the champion's girls.
    2 points
  5. Tu as eu un good run, c'est statistiquement insignifiant. Le taux de drop n'a pas changé, jusqu'à preuve du contraire (ce qui demande un énorme échantillon, sur la durée ou par des batteries de tests faites par des joueurs motivés et très bons en stats). La diversité et la variété des témoignages de joueurs que j'ai pu voir, que ce soit dans mon club ou sur le forum, ressemble parfaitement à celle de n'importe quel event passé à ce niveau-là : certains sont en bad run et crient au complot, d'autres en good run comme toi et pensent à une amélioration du taux, et le reste est entre les deux et comprend que c'est comme d'habitude. C'est ce qui se passe tout le temps en terme de réactions émotionnelles aux anecdotes narratives que l'esprit humain ne peut pas s'empêcher de générer à partir d'échantillons statistiques insignifiants dus à la variance naturelle. En revanche, j'ai une précision à apporter sur la fourchette de drop : il est quasiment certain maintenant qu'elle est passée non pas à 1-8, mais à 2-8 en fait, ce qui est une amélioration beaucoup plus importante. À part aux premières heures du tout premier jour (suite à quoi ils ont clairement changé quelque chose, car durant ces premières heures, une poignée de joueurs aurait même obtenu des drops à 9% voire au-dessus, même si aucun n'a fait de screenshot), personne n'a eu de drop à 1%, en tout cas de tous les joueurs qui participent à la discussion active à ce sujet dans la partie EN du forum. Si le drop à 1 était toujours dans la fourchette, ce serait une anomalie statistique colossale à ce stade. Donc, on s'accorde à penser (jusqu'à éventuelle preuve du contraire, et si quelqu'un a un drop à 1% maintenant, un screenshot serait très apprécié) que la fourchette est bien de 2-8 désormais.
    2 points
  6. Harem Les quêtes de grade différées de Pelagie et Bonny arriveront finalement ce mercredi !
    2 points
  7. As of yesterday i only have 1 contest available instead of 3. anyone else got the same thing?
    1 point
  8. This is a relatively small complain and doesn't affect my gameplay, but one that still bothers me to no end. As you may all know, whenevr we meet a new girl to recruit for our harem through the normal way (the stages), we are given a small dialogue (or more like one-way conversation thanks to our mute character) where we are given a small introduction to the new girl, her motivations and how she came to meet our character. Well, here's the thing: after that text is done with and we finish the stage (recruiting the girl in the process), that text is gone forever with no way to ever read it again or know what exactly was said short of having photographic memory, stalking another player or getting a new account; specially since this game has yet to get a proper wiki like its sister game. I know this really shouldn't affect the game a lot (what with the excuse plot being exactly that), but it irks me to know that this piece of story is perpetually gone for the player, making it impossible for people who had connectivity issues or desire to remember what was actually going on. Well, that's my small complain. I would like to know if anybody else also feels like me and/or wheter there is an actual way for us to access that info.
    1 point
  9. Salut, après tout ce temps de jeu, j'ai décider de level up tout mon harem jusqu'à atteindre un niveau acceptable pour affronter les champions. Pour ce faire, je me suis intéressé à la fenêtre Harem pour autre chose que pour l'affection et l'argent, et j'ai remarqué qu'outre ces options nous étions limiter dans les options de tri et d'organisation utile de notre liste de filles. j'ai donc penser qu'il serai fort utile d'ajouter différentes options, comme : - le tri croissant par niveau (pour mieux savoir qui level up) - le tri par la disponibilité d'argent à récupéré (pour ne pas passer 5min a cherché qui nous doit 5000$ dans la liste de 200 filles) - améliorer le tri Hard/charme/savoir en les rangeant dans un ordre croissant de pouvoir, au lieu d'une liste brute (pour constitué efficacement des équipes sans cherché de guide en ligne, qui souvent ne sont pas à jour) Qu'en pensez vous ?
    1 point
  10. Between yesterday night and this morning my shard drop rate skyrocketed, bringing Levitya from 51/100 to 95/100 in 35 tries. I believe I have established my personal record drop in the second half, where 17 tries gave up 29 shards (three x7 and one x8). One and a half hour ago I started emptying another full combativity bar, and on the second try another x8 made Levitya drop with a x3 flower bonus. After upgrading her affection, i emptied the remaining combativity on Dark Lord, obtaining 8 shards for Akhates and only 2 for Norou. It was already taken into account, but I consider quite obvious that without a lucky 100 or another (more longer) drop skyrocketing, I will hardly obtain Norou before next year.
    1 point
  11. @~Crown Clown, did ya eat bread and luck for breakfast recently?
    1 point
  12. Event finis , a 99 j'ai eu le x100 😀 et j'ai eu 2 x100 cet event
    1 point
  13. I do not recall exact details. Next event I'll record them. But I can recall that in order to get the 3 "non-Pachinko" girls, Arianne, Norou.and Levitya, I had to do about 6 reloads of combativity. Aquiring Val Cupid will be easy. Just daily event every day. I should have just been patient as there are still 2 days left. It might only take 3-4 reloads. I just wished to get the girls before the contest ended and not have to rush at the last second with reloads.
    1 point
  14. No contests are missing, this is the new normal.
    1 point
  15. I played 5 times so far, no girls. Worse yet, I just got the same buff twice. What a waste 😕
    1 point
  16. I have the same sort of issue. My starters in my specialty I maxed to 5 stars. They are powerful, but they can't earn affection. And sometimes they are maxed for level and can't earn XP either. So when I think I'm going to win, I start subbing in other girls who can get affection and XP. Sometimes 1, or 2, or all 3. I wish there was an easy way to have my choices for when I want to swap them around some. I need to put them back every time for league, so even a "default" that I could set and reevert with one press would be useful, but really a small selection of favorites or some persistent filtering would do the trick.
    1 point
  17. Voici les stats du nouveau niveau maximum pour Finalmecia, soit le niveau 480. Plus que Jackson et ce sera bon.
    1 point
  18. What I think you are missing from the other person 's post is that if there are 3 contests running at the same time, you can tailor your efforts towards one or more of them. Getting a top placement won't always be possible, but getting somewhere between 5th-11th has n't been too difficult for me usually. Also, different players will naturally try to prioritize different things that are more important to them. Now, we have one contest. Various people are significantly disadvantaged on a daily basis, and those people aren't going to always be the same people. There's also no ability to make a decision as to what to go for, nor any ability to plan. Removing decision points isn't what I'd consider a good change. I hate having one contest at a time.
    1 point
  19. Well i personally pay attention to the faces a lot. My favorite thing of the girls are their faces and boobs. I like the poses and their faces The newer faces are a little less detailed, dont look like anime. But a little different. The eyes and nose are different.
    1 point
  20. Ego in champions is calculated differently, because it uses all 10 girls in the selection. It is different, so this is not a bug.
    1 point
  21. I'm in the defending position when the person providing the feedback is stating incorrect facts. See above to where the user said they were losing 30% of max impression (the actual figure is 10%), and that they'd been battling so 24 hours of inactivity shouldn't have triggered at all (when it's not an inactivity feature). When the person providing the feedback is an idiot, I correct them. You are totally within your right to dislike the feature. That doesn't mean you make shit up to make it look worse than it is. The only reward I get for it is that satisfying feeling you get from telling someone that they're wrong/an idiot. Which is a pretty good feeling. There is a reasonable amount of negative feedback about the Champions, but most players are NOT complaining about anything. Most players don't interact with the forum/fb/twitter at all. Even posting here makes you a part of the minority. Also if you think the customer is always right, you've obviously never worked with customers. They're almost never right. Fuck that line of thought.
    1 point
  22. Tanks I will test this because my PC is always closed at each morning
    1 point
  23. So as people have pointed out, the key to sniping (no matter if you enjoy it, hate it, laugh when you steal a prize at the last second, ect) is that players know to the second when a contest ends. It would be easy enough to set up the various contests so that they end without notice, at a random time. For example, imagine a contest that runs for 24 hours + 0-10,800 seconds (0-3 hours) random time. The server calculates when during the random time frame the contest actually ends, but doesn't tell anyone. When end is reached (and only the server knows the actual time), the results are tabulated by the server but held secret till the end of the 3 hour window. During the random window, players are free to do whatever they want, but due to the uncertainty of the actual end point they can't be certain if what they are doing will have any effect on the actual outcome. The game plays as normal, but anything done after the secret end time has only the effect of costing resources of the player involved. For a cautious players, they can stop at 24 hours. For players that want to gamble, they can continue to play into the random window. They are essentially betting their resources against whether the secret end time has been reached. It's up to each player to determine risk vs reward when playing into the random time frame. It is this random factor that will limit sniping, since it drastically changes the expected return equation. 3 hours is a bit arbitrary. An hour might be long enough. Depending on how the devs feel about moving contest ending times to different time zones, the duration (base + random) to keep things as they are now, or set up contests that shift the ending time around the various time zones so that everyone gets a chance to be awake/playing during the random time windows.
    1 point
  24. After seeing the changes to the patch notes and reading the comments over this subject I have to change my initial rating for contests. Contests Changed to 24 hours period for each contest -> Negative opinion. The reduction to only one contest of 24 hours per day has reduced the strategic options for resource management and aggravated the 5AM reset time disadvantage for many european players, and the small increase in Kobans is not enough to compensate that, the increase is significative only for very low level players . Improvement of the rewards from the contest system For 1st place, players will receive 300/50 Kobans 2nd to 4th place players will receive 120/20 Kobans Combativity will be a reward instead of affection or low rarity items -> Is better having a bit of extra combativity, but with only one contest daily it amounts to 400-700 a year for most players, equivalent to 2-3 more girls at most.
    1 point
  25. hm, concerning your quote, there ist "What's certain is that 5AM is a terrible reset time for just about 99% of people." - "...of people..." - don't see much narrowing down there on people who have it at 5 AM. Anyway, what bugs me with the "1 contest at same time only" is also: I'm bound to this contest only. So I cannot say "hey, three days contest, lets do some champion and level up specific girls." - because previuosly I had 3 days (sometimes only 1 or 2) where a girl level up could count on contest. Now is like "well, no, girl level up was 4 days ago, today is villain fighting and tomorrow arena." That sucks. Because I had benefit in rushing on villains for Epic Days because the first day was with contest and I gonna need refills anyway. Because I could prepare 2-4 champions on last day of girl-level-up-contest - and did not just had to level up some random girl I currently don't need in champions. Because I could decide "oh, Pachinko contest, lets spend some money today to go for "weekly money spend top100" So much options in kind of strategic contest playing just blown away. One and one only and if it does not suit me, I cannot say "I go the other one" - there is no other one. It is one step for "play when we decide what gives you kobans".
    1 point
  26. Just so everyone else reading this thread is aware, this is a guess made by the above user. We have no evidence they will return this year. They likely will return at some point because it's "free" for Kinkoid to do so, but the above user is guessing many things. Do not consider them a reliable source for anything without provided evidence.
    1 point
  27. The stats wiz will tell you that more contests will spread the "field", while one contest will pretty much do the opposite. It will depend on the brackets and competition you'll get. But yes, I agree that my likelyhood of getting rewards has lowered, especially comparing with the reset timezone players.
    1 point
  28. sure, but to have one contest every day or three for an average of three days is not really a difference in quantity.
    1 point
  29. Et si vous réduisiez la cadence des sorties ? Ça permettrait de consacrer plus de temps afin de bien soigner le dessin, toutes les poses ainsi que les scènes de chaque fille au lieu de faire du travail bâclé à cause de délais pas raisonnables. Je l'ai déjà dit plusieurs fois mais on ne demande pas forcément plus de contenu, on veut une meilleure qualité et un jeu plus soigné, fun et un plaisir à jouer. Le jeu demande déjà beaucoup d'investissement donc ça ne sert à rien de mettre plus de contenu dedans si c'est de qualité discutable et pour nous faire perdre encore plus de temps. Tout ce que vous allez récolter c'est la foudre des joueurs, la lassitude et de plus en plus de gens qui quittent le jeu.
    1 point
  30. 4 bosst chlorella et un équipement full endurance, maintenant est ce le cas, ce joueur a semble t'il donné la priorité au champion aujourd'hui
    1 point
  31. That is also valid after the update like with the "minds and bodies synergy" competion: just spend 60 energy and still 0 points .... disappointing
    1 point
  32. Is this, like, a running joke at the Kinkoid offices where every time you post "the issue is already fixed", it either isn't actually fixed or it's a different issue altogether? None of the reports in this thread had anything to do with the brief problem battling champions that occurred a few hours ago, so I have no idea why you decided to respond here.
    1 point
  33. Hello, Effectivement, nous faisons en sorte que la qualité des dessins revienne sur le jeu. L'équipe contenu cherche à la fois à améliorer les capacités de ses illustrateurs et met aussi en place de nouveaux processus de correction et de contrôle qualité. Les dessins qui sont les plus critiques seront revus avec le temps et les nouveaux dessins quant à eux devraient gagner en qualité.
    1 point
  34. The forum really needed yet another poster who cluelessly complains about everything.
    1 point
  35. Oh no 3 additional clicks... the horror. I think you are one of the few in this. Buying a ticket for energy is way more flexible than buying a direct challenge with energy. There is for example the moment all champions are on hold because you beat a stage for all. At that point you can't spend energy on a challenge, but now you can simply buy a ticket. Champions have a 24 hours cooldown. 60 energy recovers in 7.5 hours and a full bar is reached after 12.5 hours. This means you throw away 1 to 3 challenges in those scenarios with the old system compared to the new one. There is the situation people hold out on challenging a champion because they deal small amounts of impression and they want to have enough tickets to finish it. This also leads to throwing away challenges in the old system compared to the new system. I rather have this flexibility. 3 additional clicks (click on the reception desk, buy the ticket, click on the cross) is not troublesome. Especially since these pages load quickly, unlike the harem page.
    1 point
  36. Marché Amélioration de la rareté des Livres et Cadeaux au Marché Le taux d’apparition des cadeaux et des livres pour les joueurs de haut niveau a été amélioré. Les joueurs qui sont au niveau 200 et au-delà ne recevront pas de livres et de cadeaux communs. Champions Les Champions montrent désormais leur classe et les 5 positions de leur rotation. Lors de la dernière étape contre un sex champion, 12 positions seront utilisées.
    1 point
  37. That's a problem with practically every type of games like this, which uses mobile game oriented material/premium currency paying method. Buying this premium currency is never worth the real life price you have to pay for it. And if that's not enough, you usually barely get anything good with premium currency you bought, except if you spend literally hundred if not thousands of $/€ in lots of games. And I totally agree with kobans being too expensive here. If you would think a fair price between usefulness and expense factors, then 5.4k kobans should cost only 5 $/€ or 10 at best. Not the 40 $/€ that it current is.
    0 points
  38. There is actually very easy way to fix contest sniping. Simply don't show the players score until the event is actually over. You might see the players names that happen to be in the same group as you, but not their score. With this everyone is equal position and have to ask themselves that " do I want to gamble here and if I do, how far I'm willing to go?" This would also make these contests much more stratagic, because you would actually check the players profiles for level and number of girls and make your strategy based on that. But in this kind of conclusion drawing, there is nothing certain and surprises could happen. But, like I said, everyone would then be equal here and "sniping" would become useless as no one knows anyone else scores.
    0 points
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