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  1. Girl: Sunless: Charme - dominatrix (black) Attention! KK changed the order of the LContests! The new order is: This was released int Patch Notes 13/2024 from March 27th
    4 points
  2. It was 5 and became 7. That's all I could achieve in this OD. Sadly. But whatever is done is for the better. Carlita and Ski have been added...
    4 points
  3. this order does feel odd, having the xp one as your last resort now is more on the luck side. where before this last one that we are doing today is more a fight for your last chance. so before each day you events you had more and and more control over and now that flips. so II'll see how it does by the end Also they said the order is revered, however that is not totally correct. Today's event is the old day 3 not day 4. day 4 was the Harem building one
    3 points
  4. Rotation #1228 (4/18/2024 19:00 EST) Winter Any 🔴 (January) Anniversary Louise 🟣 (August) Alura 🟢 (EpP)
    3 points
  5. 3 points
  6. I got her but lost a lot of fights in seasons because of fighting defensive teams in seasons and not being this strong this week. Also I noticed there are sub-brackets created since they changed how opponents are choosen in seasons (no more 2 times the same players since 1.5~2 months I would say). On HH.com, there is as of writing : a 41k to 39k bracket with 22 players a 32k to 29k bracket with 65 players a 22k- bracket with the rest of the players (at least until 1000th player) And once you are at the top of one of the bottom 2 brackets, you can't ever climb up and the gap only widens between these brackets because you are fighting people with less points than you and so you are only gaining a low amount of points. I don't understand why they don't choose opponents from a window based on the ranking place (-20/+20 of your ranking for example) instead of points, it would not produce this. Why have something that look competitive if the competition is botched because of a bad algorithm.
    2 points
  7. I hate this change so much...
    2 points
  8. OK, and Thanks for all of the answers. I knew about the part, for if you have any of the 5 star girls "loaded" up with the top/5th skill, and that it "works" differently for what it does in the Labyrinth vs every place else, but what I obviously didn't realize, is that it is where those little symbols on the girls are coming from. So now I know, and have also gotten to complete my little daily goal, of trying to learn something new every day. LOL 🙂
    2 points
  9. She should join my harem later today when she remembers she already is in it. Edit: well she was playing real hard to get. She didn't join until 20 hours in
    2 points
  10. This might've been the best drop rate I ever had in Orgy Days. Since I'm trying to remove 3* girls from my SM pool, I was mostly working on girls where I already had 30+ shards and I'm ending with 6 new girls (including Carlita from missions), so 5 girls completed on Villains. I could go for more with these: But I doubt I'd complete either of them with no refills so that would add an extra girl to the SM pool which I'd rather avoid. So yeah, pretty great event overall, I just wish we had a Double Date running at the same time so I could use some of... this
    2 points
  11. Girl: Alt. Ithori: Know-how - submissiv (white)
    1 point
  12. My best Hard path finish (on CxH): Maybe I could fight one more hard opponent, but I decided to play safe (and save some time). It was nice, but I need a free evening for this hard path, so not every two days.
    1 point
  13. Having a gamble on the last day will also have a good potential for sales. It's not a big surprise that a change in this game has the "follow the money" concept, but I prepare myself for that, get XP event ever since this stupid LC event came out, and most of the time it ended the event for me. I can almost be sure about that, but that's the catch, almost, so now I have to show some effort for an event I hate, and guess what, I hate that
    1 point
  14. They Always Come Back is an interesting contest in that different kinds of players will actually have very different bottlenecks. The 900 points per champion fight is way more generous than 200 points per villain fight or 50 points per energy spent, so it's really the only one that matters for scoring purposes. For free players, champion fights are limited by kobons. You can only take 7 free fights every 15 minutes at most, and few people can check in every 15 minutes over the course of several hours so in practice unless you are supernaturally active you will need to spend kobons to be competitive in this contest. Tickets are really not a limitation for free players, however, as they are handed out generously and the kobon cost to use them is the main limitation. On the other hand, gold cardholders get free x10 champion fights and free champion resets, which means the only limitation they face are tickets. They can throw huge numbers of tickets at every contest. Thanks to CBC it's entirely possible for someone to spend hundreds of tickets per week contesting contests, and you will very quickly exhaust your ticket stockpile if you do this. This results in completely different dynamics for these cardholders than for non-cardholders. And I think this is where the real moneymaker Kinkoid is probably eyeing up. Buying tickets is expensive and if they can get whales to shell out for a few hundred extra tickets to guarantee they get the girl on day 1 they can probably get them to spend a lot. For active players who plan ahead and make sure to keep resources lined up and aren't obsessive about getting the girl on day 1, however, I don't think this is a huge change. LC girls have always been essentially free for the taking and guaranteeing top 10 on 2/4 days of the contest is pretty trivial. It's very rare that I've actually had a LC go down to the last day, and I've never been at risk of not getting the girl. With that said, having the last day be a wildcard where you don't know what other event will be paired with it is a bit troubling, and I can see it being a bit more prone to upsets if you're on the edge.
    1 point
  15. Why did they "think" they needed to swap the order of the contest? Who honestly said "yeah, we need to re-work LC" The only thing LC really needed was expanding to 30 spots instead of 25, imo
    1 point
  16. if i'm not mistaken, the crossover between HH & CXH began well before CXH launched, with some superheroes already in HH then adding Comics Bunny when CXH launched & HH players getting HH Red Battler in CXH.
    1 point
  17. NEVER have ever had to work so hard for this event...
    1 point
  18. in HH & CXH, i died about halfway to the 2nd FREE Girl... thank Goodness Bianca was on First!
    1 point
  19. I added the new sorting of Contests to the opening post.
    1 point
  20. Honestly I didnt pay attention to those, I was really thinking about the 5 star girls, and I am definitely missing some from those two events - Kinky in Costumes and Winter is Cumming.
    1 point
  21. I managed a top 4 place, in a tough bracket, with Gogeta, Darkyz and Chbass.
    1 point
  22. @HornyCatThe skills that apply an additional visual: Playful | Yellow (Stun): Puts a little green face with a halo of spinny yellow stars next to the two affected opponent girls. This skill lasts two turns and then the symbol disappears. If a girl gets KO'd while stunned, I think the symbol remains on her lifeless icon like a mark of shame. Eccentric | Red (Burn): Puts a small flame icon next to the two affected opponent girls. This skill burns a percentage of health for 2 turns and then the icon goes away. Physical |Orange (Defense Buff): Puts a silver shield with an upward arrow next to all girls on the team of the skilled girl (lasts 4 rounds). Ex: If your opponent has a Physical girl and her skill triggers, all the opposing girls will get the shield icon. Sensual |Blue (Shield): Puts an HP shield on 3 girls on the team of the skilled girl. This isn't an icon next to the girl's portrait, but is a smaller, thin white bar along the bottom of the normal, red HP bar. Other skills have no lingering visual effects.
    1 point
  23. The account is open. Happy hunting everyone, gentlemen!
    1 point
  24. Hugh and quitting is as far away from the reality as the possibility of seeing holy stop making KK jokes
    1 point
  25. With the current state of the game, I don't miss many new girls from the mega events anymore, but I also have quite a backlog from before this year. Hot Assembly by its nature will almost certainly put any girl you don't complete into Sultry Mysteries territory. For Lusty Race I seem to be landing in the top-100 every mini-race so far, which means that a single gold investment gets me all the girls. (HH is harder due to more players) Only the Seasonal Event takes extra effort to get the 3rd girl, with the 4th out of reach no matter what. So that's only 1 or 2 girls every 3 months that need special attention for revival in the future. For the seasonal/mega girls I need to catch up on, I keep some sapphires in the mega event markets to buy at least 10 (but probably 20) shards for each missed girl that shows up. Labyrinth in normal mode generates enough extra coins to push them up 40+. And since I generate quite a bit of surplus gold, I can actually afford to buy extra keys to accelerate the coin generation in Sultry Mysteries. Admittedly it gets expensive if you need to buy 60 legendary shards that way (about what a mythic girl costs), but I've got nothing better to spend my extra gold on. Agreed, I will miss that one too. It was high on entertainment (even including some actual written mini-stories) and not hard to complete once the epic nightclub pool is finished.
    1 point
  26. My perception is that they just try to reduce the number of new girls, now cut to only 7 per month. I still have quite a few girls to get but many are from Seasonal Events that are very difficult to get even in revivals. But if most events are revivals, I will eventually have many days free in the month (not counting Seasonal events that force you to play continuously). I will welcome if they reduce the number of events and not simply substitute one event with a revival. Classic days event was the first event appearing from almost the start of the game (in HH) and it was one of the most liked by me. I will miss it for sure.
    1 point
  27. Yes, these are quite good news to me 😃 I'm missing some old DP girls, so I could now play chill and get them eventually.
    1 point
  28. Two players I respect. I'm going to channel my inner you guys and chill out.
    1 point
  29. They are "deeply concerned" about a 0,5% drop rate reduction when there are two girls in the same villain ... but they have never acknowledged the well documented reduction of about 1,5%-2% in drop rates for classic, epic, orgy and legendary days that the compiled data show accross more than one year, or the even older halving in drop rates in epic pachinko.
    1 point
  30. I'm hoping to get 3 more girls on these OD, as usual (but might take only 1-2). I got a girl from Bremen (Vanya), the two from Donatien, and should be getting Carlita from finishing the missions. That's about it.
    1 point
  31. (C)CbC is a revival event for 3* Girls, Boss Bang is new 5* Girls. So a total another level in terms of Girls. It was never so that you needed 4 Days of playing to do the Boss Bang. At the time the Event started there was more than enough players who made on team, clicked some minutes and the event was done, while newer players struggled to reach 40 or 60 shards without spending hughe amounts of Koban. This hasn't changed until now: New players with lower playerlevel and not far enough awaken Girls (ca. lvl500 for players around lvl300) have bad chances to get the Girl without spending hughe amounts of Koban, while players who have enough playerlevel and far enough awaken girls only use one team of Girls to finish the event - and that team haven't to build meaningfull if you are developed enough. Aditional: The amount of Veterans in the game isn't so much higher compared to one or two years before - A lot of longtime Veterans have quitted in the last 2 years, the total amount of players had shrinked by some % points, but not so much how older playes has quit. So the amount of newer players is greater than at the time the first BB was implemented.
    1 point
  32. if u are busy irl then it's nice to have events last longer then one would need to finish them.
    1 point
  33. Some interesting announcements in the patch notes for this week: There is more about the story continuing, but this part seems the most relevant to the time needed to keep up with the game, especially for those of us who've been playing for quite a while. If we already have most of the girls that will be showing up in these revivals, there will be less drive/need to invest in completing them. Since a common (but far from universal) complaint has been the amount of time needed to keep up with all the Kinkoid games that people are interested in, this is probably good news for some.
    0 points
  34. Crud this is what I get for not reading the patch notes... well considering how hard I messed up. Just going to leave this champion alone, dang it... really like Shadowheart from Baldur's Gate 3. Oh well, another time. Still annoyed they changed up the contests.
    0 points
  35. I finally got her, but she didn't come easy. I usually get them on the first day, when I'm entering this event with 150+ kisses. It was the case this time (about 150 kisses, it hindered me on the LR rankings), but I managed to grap her only now.
    0 points
  36. microshitters Denied my screenshot, but i did get her!
    0 points
  37. They will probably get more real money with this change, hence the change... I'm really hating this 'Bang the Champions' contest 😭
    0 points
  38. my trashfire computer was worse than ever, as i was not allowed to play any HH or Psh last night, only CXH, so i was unable to finish this event... FUCK microsoft HARD...
    0 points
  39. It's already documented in the patch notes : https://blog.kinkoid.com/patchnotes/patch-notes-hentai-heroes/ They just reversed the order of contests from before.
    0 points
  40. So it seems there are 83 HentaiClicker girls. So far we had 75 3 star "Alt" girls in the game - some from KC, some from villains. Does this mean that there are only 8 HentiClicker girls remaining?
    0 points
  41. Didn't wildman just recently have a dream that he was some nerd in a fantasy world? Seems they may have been foreshadowing a future merger.
    0 points
  42. It seems that with this move htey are trying to cut losses in ComixHarem. Kinkoid has shown that it can leave a game if it don't give profits, as it did with Hentai clicker, which is now a zombie game, so perhaps that's the future of ComixHarem, and having its girls moved somehow to Hentai heroes. I see it possible because both sets of girls are drawings, and they don't need any modification to be in the same game. There are some options to do that, one would be just migrating all girls and even the adventure as a parallel haremverse, and other moving them slowly as with kinky cumpetition.
    0 points
  43. I remember we had a special SE reviving Golden Anniversary girls - I remember getting Golden Lupa's Mom from it, because Bunny's Mom was again in the impossible 4th girl spot. And I think they put the 3 star girls from the 2nd SE in the shop at some point? So we have 1,5 event missing in revivals unless I'm forgetting something...
    0 points
  44. Not great, but not bad either, for a cheap day.
    0 points
  45. Speaking of botched revivals, some of the girls from the first seasonal events were never available in the SE market right? I think they started the "revival" with Fae Fantasies, but skipped all events before that. Is there anyone bothering them to fix that?
    0 points
  46. Hum, Level up Red seems up for revival, her page is blank now. And if I understand the her JSON info, she's planned for revival in the MDR event 357 when Valentina was in the event 356 so she should be revived on the 23th of April ?
    0 points
  47. That's what I'm talking about! 😃
    0 points
  48. And now it appears to have changed back again. 🤷‍♀️ This will have cost people who updated their teams.
    0 points
  49. I finished the free path but against my will.
    0 points
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