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Everything posted by Darsca

  1. Well, what do you think the test server is for? The new contest scores have only been there for a couple of days or so; expect it to get pushed to the live server in the near future if all goes well. Also, please use English on this forum.
  2. You cannot. It's a function that has been disabled for everyone except Moderators and higher. Editing posts is all you are able to do.
  3. So I'm going to go out on a limb here although this is really @Noacc's call, but if the person formed the club and is still playing, I don't think you have grounds to wrest control of it from them, no matter how bad a leader they might be. I think your only option here is to take the active members of the club, leave and form a new one. It's unfortunate since I'm sure you have sunk some resources into the club, but I don't think you have any alternatives here, unless the current leader themselves makes the request for leadership to be passed.
  4. This isn't a bug, so I've moved it. You can buy Champion Tickets for 60 Energy apiece at the Reception Desk.
  5. You're in for a bit of a nasty non-surprise then, considering there is an Anniversary calendar going around (bonus, it's in the opening post of this thread) which states the next event is 10 days (although granted, Kinkoid have not exactly been consistent with event length over the Anniversary). We haven't even had a 14 day classic event for over a year and a half; it's been 12 days long since December 2018. Which is... before you started. Are you actually playing this game? EDIT: Figured I should add in something helpful(?) of my own rather than just lambaste Lance. My own personal take on this is to definitely save Combativity rewards for the next event if you do not require them to finish the PoA on time. We appear to be rolling straight into it (please don't fuck me on this, Kinkoid), so you won't have to sit on an overfull bar for too long, but do make sure you claim them before PoA finishes or they will be lost. I can only assume it's some spin on a Classic event, but apparently with a shorter duration. Also, going by the pattern of the previous two events which have had girls on bosses, I expect there to be more girls than usual with definitely not enough time to grab them all using only naturally regenerated Combativity, so the extra ought to save you a few Kobans here. /EDIT And since I'm refuting claims anyway; Epic Days shard drops are 1-5, which translates to ~333 battles if we take the average drop of 3 shards and the established event drop rate of ~10%. Which translates to 3600 Kobans worth of refills. Even if we completely discount all the other rewards (which I don't), the two girls and the x10 Epic Pachinko Orb heavily outweigh the value. If you're going to 'throw facts' to support your arguments, please at least make them correct ones.
  6. Try logging out/back in. Sometimes required to trigger them (I don't know why it works properly for some and not others).
  7. Everyone in the same server does, yes, so here on hh.com. Over on Nutaku we have different contests generated, but again, it's the same one server-wide. Since everyone will be reaching those tasks at different times as well I don't see how they can aim to have a specific one running for people needing points for that task. So it's going to be a bit RNG-ish on how easy/hard that task will be for different people. Personally, I'm hoping to hit the 10K one when a Hard Training is up, since it will be completely trivial then 😁
  8. You can buy Champion tickets at the Reception desk for 60 Energy a pop.
  9. 14 orbs for nada in the Foreplay Anniversary event, then luck overcompensated the other way for Orgy and got 3 girls for 8 orbs. Running total: 343 Orbs for 26 girls. ~7.58%
  10. Well, if that's the milestone you're looking for... I just met it with this event 😁
  11. I think something may have gone wrong with your bug fix for Mythic Pachinko... I'd like to use my free game, please >.<
  12. Yep, also got a permanent exclamation mark on the Support button on Nutaku which is kind of amazing. There is no in-game ticketing system on that platform, it just links to generic Nutaku support.
  13. It shouldn't matter. There doesn't seem to be any interference between event girl drops and regular girl drops, or if there is then it's negligible. By that same token, I'd recommend going for event girls where there's also a regular girl on the boss where possible to work double duty for your Combativity.
  14. I'm not interested in taking a side here; this discussion on the value of the feedback survey has clearly gone off on an unhelpful tangent and I'm going to ask all parties involved to drop it. Edit: Maybe that's a bit heavy-handed, I don't really want to squash all discussion here. Nit-picking each other on the semantics of the words used isn't really going anywhere though, so maybe drop that and try and focus on the meat of the discussion here. A bit of advice: If you don't have anything else of value to add on the subject beyond what you've already said, then don't say anything and just let your opinion stand. Veering off on tangents just to keep the argument alive and getting the last word in doesn't achieve much. I'm not throwing that accusation at anyone specifically but it definitely stopped being particularly about the topic at some point. removes mod hat To weigh in with my own two cents: I'm sitting somewhere in the middle. I do believe there is value in feedback on each individual aspect of this Anniversary. As someone who runs two accounts at rather different stages of the game, I can even see the reasoning for them splitting it the way that they have. The long-time veteran account I run on Nutaku had more to do on the first segment than on this current one, which is just playing out like the usual Orgy Days we have every month. Conversely, on the much newer account I basically skipped the first event due to the low shard range. I started one girl with free fights, finished her up with refills on the last day and that was it, whereas now in this dolled up Orgy Days, as well as picking up a load of the regularly revived villains it's also grabbing a bunch of permanent Pachinko girls at cheap rates. This puts me in the rather odd position of finding both events a bit lacklustre for an Anniversary and also finding both events perfectly acceptable as celebratory. Having said all that, I do think this survey went out too early. It's clearly going to get totally panned by anyone not in the position of benefiting much from the first section of the Anniversary and had, at the time, no good reason to believe that the rest was going to be any better for them. Maybe as an event catering towards late-game veterans it would be looked at more favourably at the end of the entire Anniversary by all the players who didn't have much to do, once they had also enjoyed the parts which were more centred around them. Or maybe it would still get panned. Who knows. I personally think those are valid factors to consider though.
  15. I just want to jump in real quick on this bit here. I didn't go into detail on why I preferred this year over last year on my previous general assessment in this thread, but here's the crux. First lets just get it out of the way that I also thought Valicta was stupid. Like, really dumb. However, last year was a proper slap to anyone that had actually supported and played the game for the entire preceding year. Every girl that was available on the bosses was the daily mission reward from every event the preceding year. 'Oh, you played the game for all this time, logged in every day and supported it? Good job, you get literally nothing to do.' (Again, I don't count the already scheduled Pachinko permanents that were hastily rammed into last year to try and quell the shitstorm.) Adding in that Norou was made free, who was a girl that most dedicated veteran players had made the effort to get the first (and second, but I have some major issues with Triple Threat that I'm not going into here) time she was available, and last year's event felt pretty punishing as a dedicated vet. There was absolutely nothing besides an extended Pachinko pool. So there's some history and perspective for you. Myself and George's (and others besides) expectations were already exceeded by this 4-day this year because the bar was really, really low. To be clear, both are distinctly lacking if we just take these 4-days in isolation but I'm already pleased that I've actually had something which I can do. Edit: I've just checked your join date, and I'm puzzled as to why you also didn't have these problems with last year's boss selections.
  16. A couple workarounds posted in here, as well as a general request for it to be changed properly.
  17. You can try submitting a support ticket via Settings in-game asking for it to be changed; I have no idea how successful this will be, though. For what it's worth, it affects nothing at all beyond what the Tower of Fame shows in National rankings, which aren't important for anything. As it so happens, I've been wrongly marked as from the USA instead of the UK in both my Nutaku and HentaiHeroes.com account, which were created a year apart. Derp.
  18. For now, I'd say to trust the in-game timer. Will try and get a clear answer to this from Kinkoid on Monday.
  19. All five of the permanent Pachinko girls which have also been added to bosses are indeed missing from the event overlay. Checking through them all is recommended.
  20. Hey there. You've probably noticed by now, but I made your post on the notification blocker disappear. Not because I have any problem with the script itself, but for there being a downloadable file in the forum. I'm sure it's fine, but we pretty much blanket stop that to prevent anyone from posting nastiness.

    If you were to link to a text, like say using Pastebin, that'd be great.

    For what it's worth, someone else made a separate script with a notification blocker and posted it a while back. It's rather popular, as people cannot stand the notifications, but obviously isn't incorporated into the HH++ script that already exists like what you've done.

  21. Everyone, grab your tinfoil hats! More seriously, I'm having trouble finding words to adequately convey my feelings on this nonsense. I'm sorely tempted to remove it. As it is, I'm just going to strongly urge anyone reading to not pay the slightest bit of attention. You can find the stupidest crap by interpreting odd fluctuations in RNG and putting bias and spin on it.
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