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Everything posted by fisticuz

  1. Okay, I hope I spoilered everything appropriately in the image. I had assumed that by "last stage" they meant Stage 5/5. All the 5/5 stages I was on were there before the update, so they had the same poses as before the update. However, when I started Beyond Garden stage 7, which means I only have Albane left to win, I noticed that on stage 0, the poses were from KH, Charm, and HC, instead of just charm like I had expected. So did they mean "when you only have one reward left to win" when they said "last stage?" I feel like sometimes you have to read the patch notes sideways. Whatever, I'm not complaining. Beyond Garden was getting TEDIOUS and this way at least I can do some extra damage with HC and survive a bit longer with KH's harmony effects instead of just charms defense boost.
  2. Same issue. Ive got the 15x button on test server, but nothing on live server. No button where it should be.
  3. Try using the back button. I'm having a hard time adjusting to it.
  4. What I do is screen shot the positions on my computer (burning one round per level) then I use my drafts to get girls with the same positions (i try for 6 out of 10). Then I use all EXP books I have to level up the girls with matching positions. I haven't experimented much with it (because im lazy) but you can keep a few sets of gear for the champions. Legendary monostats in the champs class to increase your def, or monostats in your class to boost ATK. There are also monostats for ego and harmony, which are the only other stats listed vs the champion. Also the more affection levels the girlhas unlocked the more EXP counts towards their attack stat.
  5. I noticed it was doing the same thing on sky harbor.
  6. Hard to tell what to look for without being IN the club, but ideally you want a mostly full club with an active club leader and members. Nothing stinks more than dumping money and koban into upgrade only to find out you're the only one. You can always look around the forums for any club that is advertising, thats how I found my current club which is miles better than the original club I joined when they rolled them out.
  7. Im still miles away fromreaching even the old level cap, but the stat upgrades is killing me. I had 77m banked after upgrading Any to 5 stars and dumped that into my KH stat and I still havent maxed it. Oh well, roll with the punches I guess.
  8. If you're in a club there will be the green exclamation mark whenever there is a new or unread message (or someone new joins, or you unlock a new upgrade level - although those two are kind of dodgy).
  9. I just assume that's one of the many weird rounding errors in the game.
  10. Same here. I'm wondering if its with the free avatars we're supposed to get with the anniversary.
  11. With the champions dropping high level gear it kind of makes great pachinko a little redundant... Then again Ive got to do SOMETHING with all that money.
  12. The market generates its inventory based partly on your level. I usually have between 2 to 5 purple books per market refresh, and the rest are yellow.
  13. ❤️Samane❤️ All day, erry day! fisticuz on Hentai Heroes 267125
  14. I was thinking, after getting my butt handed too me by Visor in the sex champions, that there's an opportunity for something like a boss challenge for the clubs. It would be like the champions, but instead everyone in the club can contribute to chopping a boss down to size over a day or week. If you win the club could get some additional bonuses, or prizes spread among the club. Could be a fun way to keep people engaged in the club, and additional incentives to contribute and cooperate.
  15. With how much action the protagonist has its a wonder he can feel anything from the waist down.
  16. This. If you prioritize maxing out your market skills early it's going to be a lot easier keeping up moving forward. I neglected these stats until late in the game and ignored charm until AFTER level 300 (i think it was something like 2000 clicks over a week... Yuck). Over time those stats are going to add up to a significant ammount.
  17. There *are* five positions, but nothing to stop the game from pulling the same position five times. What really stinks is when the champion gets lucky with the draw. The 4th level champion had like THREE positions for his girl and I could barely get through a full rotation of my girls. 😟
  18. What I do is to wait for a draft of girls I like, and then dump EXP in the girl with the least.
  19. Tough choice! Metal noemy I guess. 267125 Hentai heroes.
  20. Same here, I just assumed this was one of the things they were "holding back" on from the test service.
  21. Hopefully they renew test server with the gold montly card... Please!
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