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Everything posted by Observer_X

  1. If this is true, and it is the same that @DvDivXXX meant, then I can only remark what I said in my request post: it is evident that yours truly and the team have very different yardsticks, as I personally consider the event title completely inadequate, given the boobs sizes of the four event girls. Moreover, in reference to the italian translation that @lepidocter mentioned, if the team gave that interpretation, that would be not only inadequate, but completely (and probably wrongly) changed of sense (confirming my opinion about the italian translation). I'm starting to think that it would be much better if the team avoided using similar nomenclatures in the game in the future
  2. I may appear stupid, but I still don't get it. I did not. Being in the game and the forum for less time than yours truly this may have escaped to you, but in an old post I wrote that I started playing the game in English, and I will continue in that language, first because I find it generally better in a porn game like this one (apart particular cases like the one at hand), second because I tried for a few minutes the Italian translation and that nearly gave me the creeps (when I saw "Casa del Durello Mattutino" on the Champions page, I think I almost got sick of my stomach: although I can't give an association to the new name, at least I find it better than the previous, although maybe a little illogic). Nevertheless... you can bet on the fact that on this I fully agree with you (especially the first ten words).
  3. Can't deny it really warms my frozen heart to see that there is still optimist people playing this game even after the last patch... no jokes. Keep this up guys... maybe one day yours truly will get to view this game with the happy eye of four years ago...
  4. OK, guys... on the side of curiosity, allow me the ignorant question: what the hell does T.T. stands for? The first thought that came to mind was the assonance with "titty", but if that has any chance to be close to the truth, then I consider this the umpteenth demonstration of the fact that yours truly and the team have quite a different yardstick, as IMHO, for this interpretation to be somewhat reliable, then all the four event girls should have been drawn with at least a couple more sizes of boobs. I must admit that this is not the first time I am unable to understand the meaning of an abbreviation in a name inside this game (I suppose that language barrier comes into place here) but before I always forgot to ask. Can someone help on this trivial matter?
  5. Well... let's call this the "little plan tail"... A month dedicated to recruit 1-star girls, and two new introduced the exact day a pachinko contest is on turn... I suppose it would have been a little stupid to not go for these two ladies. Moreover, of the 84 x10 Great Orbs I had left I needed only 23 tries to obtain both girls, so in the improbable case I need more items to sell (I still wasn't able to reach the bottom of the equipment stash in the market screen, I had to pick some green items to reequip for the champion tasks in Path of Attraction, the number of items to resell is in the thousands size) I have still a bunch of Orbs at my disposal.
  6. As it is said in the thread about performances recently published by @Slynia (great work, pal) attack and defense stats are still derived by your stats, the attack mainly from your primary stat and the defense mainly on your non-primary stats. Given that which stat is primary for a player is defined by that player class, in my book this is enough to say that class still matters enough when one has to decide how much he is going to fight to obtain a girl. Given my actual harem, between the 5-star girls of high level (the only ones that, particularly when properly blessed, can enter in my weekly battle team) the majority are know how and charm, while my class is hardcore. This situation generally causes my battle team to be defense oriented, this meaning with quite low attack power, which in turn is quite penalizing when playing leagues, that unluckily are one of the main sources of important resources in the game (mainly experience points and kobans). Sum the above to the fact that I have neither the time nor the disposition to custom my battle team against every single adversary, and I think you can understand better why I wish to obtain stronger girls of my class before the ones of other classes (apart the pure and simple fact that I like being hardcore and find natural to wish to obtain all the girls of my class, better if they have high stats, unless I don't like them like in the case of Gork)
  7. It was too late for me to write this yesterday, so here I am now... While I was writing my previous post I had forgot that my little plan (anyone wishing for more info on that can read here) involved using several x10 Great Pachinko orbs. With the final result that I largely won the second day: Just a pity that this round girl is know how while I am still in need of more strong hardcore girls for my battle team... and with the amount of resources needed, I doubt I will won another Legendary contest girl for quite a number of months to come... (to not mention the mortal jumps that are now needed to upgrade them now once they are obtained...)
  8. Why, did they told somewhere that they know the meaning of that word? Being so busy I must have lost that...
  9. Am I the only one thinking they have a weird sense of the meaning of the word "rebalancing"?
  10. Being two different reports, I preferred to write two different posts: My little plan made me enter both the "500 girls" club and the "more girls than levels" club. My personal objective to reach level 500 is still on, although the last patch brought shadows over it. With 22 levels left before the goal, I would need around another year of play to reach it. The main problem, which will need a few months to be addressed (or, maybe better said, to know if it can be addressed) is if I will be able to upgrade my strongest girls enough to mantain a decent progress in the game. My fears about this are generated by the fact that, judging from what I have seen in these first days, the base answer is no.
  11. I can report about the little plan I carried out this month sooner than expected because the drops were unusually higher. In the following image I reported the last tranche of my harem before the Date Pavilion, with all the girls that i obtained since the start of this month: Obviously I have made an exception to what I said in recent posts where I stated that at the moment I was trying to recruit as less girls as possible. At the start of November, I checked the main event and realized that, with only one exception (Kelina) the girls in the event on average were not of my interest... exactly what I was waiting for since a few months, so I decided that I would have ditched all normal events and start the one-star girl hunt. Since then, every single point of combativity went on Dark Lord, leaving me with 27 girls until the second day of the Legendary Contest, where I started to use all my stash of 1112 x10 Great Pachinko Orbs. This last operation ended when the 73rd one-star girl dropped, leaving me with a truckload of equipments to sell (I don't even want to imagine what kind of money I would have obtained if, look what the case, just a few days before Legendary Contest the devs hadn't decided to cripple the prices of equipment, or I may start to scream) and only 73 x10 Great orbs. So now I have my "one-star girls zone" in my harem. I find quite weird that this happened exactly in the same period of a game-crippling patch like the last one we had, especially given the fact that the entire operation was easier than I thought. I decided to go for one star girls because they do not appear in champions rotations, so they are at least useful to increase the numbers... and now, despite the fact they are cheaper being common girls, even with the books I won't be able to upgrade them decently for... I don't even know how much time.
  12. From around 47 seconds to around 15 seconds (plus the loading lags inside the page) on my old system... maybe nothing to scream at the miracle, but for sure a big improvement: this, and the money increase for the starting girls are the only features I have to thank for in the last patch.
  13. Once again, another girl I won't have enough resources to get but with any probability I will get shards for her just with normal daily operations. I'm starting to ask myself what is the point to leave players with partial girls in their harems without giving them other chances to complete them. In my eyes, apart being a lack of respect towards the players, makes the devs appearing as making decisions without any glimmer of common sense. At least in patches like the recent ones, aside the fact that players may disagree or dislike it, people can discern a purpose: with the aforementioned behaviour, I dunno you guys, but I am unable.
  14. They introduced a patch that made possible even for a new player to have a level 750 team, although that player will need to spend a lot of money for that. This in turn means that new whales entering the game in a few months will be able to reach and compete in Dicktator III, probably kicking in lower leagues long time free players in the process. I remember reading a few days ago a post with a quoted Discord post from Rosso where he said that he supervisioned the removal of some people from the dev team and their replacing with new people. Now, it appears quite obvious to me that these new people are the ones who developed all the recent implementations in the game... anyone wishing for a time machine?
  15. I still remember the post where I proudly published the half of this amount... Honestly, as a fully free player I didn't think I'd be able to hit the equivalent of 100 x10 Epic Pachinko spins in less than four and a half years of play. Now that the time for the end of my no koban policy draws near, I am quite annoyed by the fact that probably only a bunch of months will pass before I will reinstate it, as the stash will exhaust at a high speed when I will finally start to make use of it (especially with this last game-crippling patch).
  16. Just a quick note to confirm that my fears had proven true: in comparison to the league turns before the elements patch, with the exception of the first week after the patch, I practically found myself stably one or two rewards tier lower (from 16-30 or 31-45 to 46-60). Among other things, this, added to the fact that I was one of the victims of the league change rewards bug (losing that way 20 Dolly shards), means that unless in the next weeks something changes, I can practically forgot to obtain this, and probably all future league girls.
  17. Did you try to change a couple times between grid and list visualization while continuing to scroll down? That did the trick for me, although I am using Firefox.
  18. I obviously can't know which kind of calculations made Rosso, to state that in a month we should get more or less the same gems as in the two free bundles, meaning around 800 per day, but actually I am more or less at half of my operations for the day, and a quick calculation told me that I gained exactly 204 gems... meaning a probable total progress per day around the half of that stating. Given the cost to fully awake a single legendary girl (I prefer to not even think of mythics for now) I foresee a very long period of gems (and books) stashing... As a side note, I will see if things get leveled in the next days, but also the amounts per type of gem in my game are completely unbalanced, with a couple types with over 60 and one with zero gems gained, meaning that, should I have to bet, on that side there is something to fix (although knowing the atomic disaster that is this game RNG, I suppose that could have been expected, even counting that half of the problem IMHO is in the mechanics of gem gaining).
  19. I suppose you can add this to the list: As far as I am able to remember, it was said 250. Or am I wrong?
  20. Right, I forgot the club bonuses... I tend to do that when I am not doing PvP battles. Thanks for the reminder. About the harem loading, it's simply because to speed up loading time they apparently decided to load into memory only a slice of the total page when you open the harem page, and then load slice by slice while the player keeps scrolling down the page. I'm prone to bet that this is the intended way they choose this thing to work, the only problem is that for some reason (it may be system or internet speed, but also other things) on some systems the above system lags when scrolling the page, becoming therefore not transparent to the player.
  21. I've noted the money variation only after reading this thread, but my girls give 300k, not 315... has it been changed in these last hours or it is somewhat dependent on player level?
  22. As for me, taking into account real life matters, the new implementation makes planning girl upgrading (plus the effective upgrading operation) simply too time consuming, meaning that with any probability I will try to upgrade the strongest girls in my harem to the max level I am able (in a few months, desumably, given that, as far as I have understood, high level players at first will need time to stock enough gems to upgrade more their first high level girls, even with the late nerfing of the feature). As for the rest of the girls, when chance arises I will upgrade them to level 250, and then who has been seen has been seen, point. Should in the future I find myself with a debordant quantity of gems I will take more upgrading into consideration, but only if and when my real life schedule allows it. If with this line of behaviour I will be able to mantain a decent progress in the game, then I will keep playing actively, else I will probably adopt a line of behaviour similar to the one stated above by @Kenrae (happy to know that we will se you again on these pages, pal 🙂)
  23. Given my last post this can appear obvious from me, but I'll say it anyway. Although the gem cost reduction is a good step in the right direction, the main problem in my eyes remains the same: the cost is per every single girl, and this IMHO is the thing that makes the new implementation (still) game crippling and unacceptable by a so high number of players. As I mentioned in my previous post, making the needing of gems end at one point in a player game (replacing them with something else at that point) would have been a better course (and absolutely more acceptable by the majority of players IMHO).
  24. Se parli del premio della fascia 11, non è una ragazza, ma un avatar (immagine per il profilo), gli stessi che puoi ottenere anche nel Pachinko Mitico. Vedo che hai già cambiato quello di base, quindi sai dove trovare quelli che hai guadagnato e come funziona il meccanismo. Quando ottieni una ragazza intera l'icona è sempre accompagnata dalla piccola iconcina delle shards (il cuoricino) con il x100, seguito dall'immagine del x100 che cala mano a mano che l'ombra della ragazza si riempie (dandoti fiori epici bonus se hai già delle shards sulla ragazza, cosa che ovviamente nelle Stagioni non succede mai).
  25. Now. Rosso said: "There is no simple solution to this". Really? If your intention were to impose thresholds to the girls levels, it would have been more than enough to add one page for awakenings (toh, there is just one main menu slot still free) and simply impose the threshold for all girls of the specific element. Should I have to bet, it is your decision to impose a treshold tree separated for every single girl that generated most of the discontent in this thread. Without that decision, IMHO you would have been spared 80% of the bad posts, including the quitting declaration made by a number of players (the highest I have seen up to now in a similar situation). I am not able to remember who it was, but I remember that once someone said "The chances to find a solution to an error are proportional to the will of the people to admit that an error has been made".
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