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Everything posted by Antimon

  1. In terms of "when should I buy the card(s)?", my two cents: wait for the end of the event, and then decide what to do. Two main reasons for this 1) The price of the cards are the same of those in the long SBs, and give out the same daily amount of CPs (and kisses, and xtals, too). If you want to go for Bunna and/or Felicitas and/or Itsuri, those CPs you get from the cards won't realistically bring you anywhere close to getting them. Also, they are quite pricey, and if you have a limited amount of kobans, buying them now could actually make your trip towards the mythic/legendary girls that are on villains more difficult. 2) This SB revival appears to be tied to KK's anniversary. There is a (small) chance they'll give out some free bundles with CPs/Kisses/Xtals, This (and the xtals from eventual CPs refills for LD/MDR) could mean the possibility to reach a specific milestone buying less/smaller cards than what is now predictable.
  2. Are you perhaps trying to apply some logical thinking to KK's doings?
  3. I find Itsuri's starting pose outstanding. The other poses are okay, but I like them far less than the starting one.
  4. Yep. Permanent girls could be problematic if you want to use SPs, since they could eat out some of the bonus shards instead of the event girl, but other than that, their presence does not lower the drop chance for any event girl
  5. For me Selena was the absolute best of the event (I sincerely hope support will help you get her, given the super laggy server that played against you, Div), with Eugeniè almost on the same level. I put Piper as second/third only because there's something with her 4th pose that, at least to me, seems off, mainly (but not only) with her boobs. If it weren't for that 4* pose, I'd have probably put all these three girls very close to each other. Abraël is still undoubtly a great work, but, to me, she has two poses with a "something off" situation, which are the 2* and the 5* one (and this feeling of mine is especially strong with the 5* pose). Going down to less than 1k kobans accumulated to get a girl I wasn't super convinced about didn't seem like a great deal.
  6. I'm closing at 6354 points. Last week I had to stop doing league fights to demote back from D3, so potentially if I had not been promoted, I would have got ~250 points more. I suppose I'll survive even without those 80 physical gems. I won't get any card, because Abraël is, by far, the girl I like the least of the four. Spending 3960 kobans for the big card would bring my kobans stash down to 968 kobans, and I don't feel like putting myself in that situation for a girl I don't particularly like. (If *any* of the other three girls had been the second reward instead of Abraël, I would have spent those kobans without batting an eye)
  7. gli equipaggiamenti eroe rossi sono equipaggiamenti mitici, e a pari livello danno tutti le stesse statistiche. scegli quale livellare ed equipaggiare in base ai bonus risonanze (e come già ti ho detto, devi scegliere un equipaggiamento che abbia un bonus risonanza con la tua classe giocatore che dia attacco). Gli equipaggiamenti delle ragazze sono di varia rarità (riconosci le rarità dai colori: grigio= comune, verde= raro, giallo= epico, viola= leggendario, rosso= mitico). maggiore la rarità, migliori saranno le statistiche che da. Equipaggiamenti delle ragazze di pari livello E pari rarità dovrebbero dare le stesse identiche statistiche
  8. A quale equipaggiamento ti riferisci? quello per il tuo personaggio, o quello per le ragazze? a prescindere da quale dei due comunque funzione e utilizzo sono pressochè identici: - Servono ad aumentare le statistiche (tue i tuoi equipaggiamenti; delle ragazze gli equipaggiamenti delle raagazze) e quindi a renderti più forte in pvp (anche in pve, ma tolto il pantheon ti interessa più per il pvp, quindi per le lotte in leghe e stagioni) - si utilizzano equipaggiandoli, banalmente. Quelli del tuo personaggio li equipaggi aprendo la finestra "oggetti" nel menù "mio eroe" del mercato. Gli equipaggiamenti di rarità tra comune a leggendario hanno livello pari al tuo al momento in cui li acquisisci (cioè se li ottieno a livello 100 saranno anche loro a livello 100. se sali a livello 101 quelli che già avevi rimarranno a livello 100, e i nuovi che otterrai saranno invece di livello 101, e così via). Gli equipaggiamenti mitici sono i migliori, ma vanno livellati (livello massimo: 20) consumando altri equipaggiamenti nel tuo inventario. Se sono della tua stessa classe (che vedi nel bonus risonanza) ti danno un bonus aggiuntivo della statistica riportata di fianco (attacco o ego); se sono dello stesso tema del tuo team (il pallino colorato) ti danno un altro bonus aggiuntivo ad una seconda statistica (difesa o armonia). Visto che per via delle benedizioni la tua squadra più forte cambierà pressochè ogni settimana, la risonanza col tema della squadra è meno importante, l'obiettivo principale è ottenere euipaggiamenti mitici che abbiano risonanza con la tua classe e che diano bonus all'attacco. NB: per euipaggiare equipaggiamenti e potenziamenti devi passare dalle finestre del menù "mio eroe". i menù "oggetti" e "potenziamenti" che trovi sotto il menù mio eroe )quindi quelli nel riquadro con simbolo di spada e pozione di fianco) servono esclusivamente per comprarne di nuovi al mercato e/o vendere quelli che hai in inventario Gli equipaggiamenti delle ragazze li ottieni giocando al pachinko equipaggiamento (quello rosa, qui puoi ottenere equipaggiamenti leggendari e mitici anche per il tuo personaggio). Gli equipaggiamenti delle ragazze di tutte le rarità sono come quelli mitici del personaggio, ovvero, partono a livello uno e poi vanno livellati. Gli equipaggiamenti per le ragazze epici leggendari e mitici hanno delle risonanze che funzionano pari pari a quelle dei mitici di cui sopra. Per euipaggiarli puoi passare dal menù di upgrade delle ragazze, scegliendo tu quale manualmente quale equipaggiamento dare, oppure nella pagina dell'harem della ragazza che vuoi equipaggiare cliccando sulla doppia freccetta gialla (questo metodo autoequipaggia 6 oggetti con le statistiche migliori, ma non tiene assolutamente conto delle possibili risonanze degli oggetti con la ragazza in questione o con altre ragazze della squadra)
  9. The power needed does go up, yes, but it remains risible, compared to what the temp PoPs at level 15+ ask (the third permanent PoP at level 9 requires 50,2k team power in order to be completed in 6 hours, and at level 10 it should ask ~60,2k tp; to complete a level 14 temp pop in 6 hours you need a 145k tp) We struggle with temp PoPs for their absurd power scaling paired with the fact we can only manually assign up to 50 girls. If team power requirements are the main reason that keeps you from leveling your permanent PoPs up to level 10, go for them, they won't hinder you more than what they already do. If you don't feel like spending 600x3 kobans just to have 1 ticket more and to complete girls in 2 drops less, don't upgrade them. I'm a member of this second team (even though I must admit there still are days in which having lvl 9/10 perm PoPs instead of lvl 10/10 perm PoPs triggers me quite a bit 😅)
  10. There's definitely something wrong: on your level bar there's still the treasure chest, meaning you should still have some rewards to claim, but you do not have a "claim all" button. Since he claimed 18 (x3) rewards already, I'd say he has already scrolled from the beginning to the end of the path
  11. I'm a master in being ninjaed 😂 This one was easy to predict 'cause there were already 4 mythic girls of all types but eccentric, that before Yesette only had three. The next one will be definitely more unpredictable, since it'll be the first one of a new cycle
  12. 1 EPx1 orb in the free path and 3 EPx1 orbs in the premium path instead of each x20 shards of the girl, if you already had her. About the gem mythic booster, at higher girls' levels, gems do become more of a bottleneck (some types more than others, in my experience, but according to @Ravi-Sama's data tracking they apparently all have a similar weekly inflow, so it must be more of a "me" problem). I personally wouldn't spend 450 kobans in order to get 500 gems, which realistically will be distributed among the 8 types of gems (if I correctly understood how the booster functions). Probably, the best way to use it would be when you're going for a mythic girl that is with a villain that also drops a specific type of gems you particularly need, in order to force the majority of the bonus gems to be of that same type. Even in that case, though, I'm not sure it would be the best way to spend those 450 kobans, but I could be wrong.
  13. Do we have any official statements on what they intend to do about GP's unmotivated cost increase past level 500 and/or level 16+ temp PoPs' TP requirements absurd scaling?
  14. EDIT: It appears I got ninja'd 😂 He means that the display leveled of equipments he gets from pachinko are the same as his own level (let's say he is level 534, the new equipments he gets are level 534 equipments). as things are now, even if the displayed level is higher than 500, stats and selling price are capped at what they were at level 500.
  15. If I recall correctly, when they reworked the stats of the equipments, only the newly-generated equipments' stats changed, while those we already had in our inventory remained as they were. So, while I do agree with you, and knowing a little KK at this point, we cannot completely rule out the possibility of them deciding to unlocking the level scaling of equipments somewhere in the future, I honestly doubt It'll affect the stats of what we already have
  16. Sorry guys, but aren't the last three tiers of this current PoV (the contest one) mathematically unreachable? It's not that I was aiming for them, but still, for them to not being actually achievable by anyone feels... I don't know how it feels. EDIT: nevermind, I never noticed before we could buy Potions of Lust to unlock the following tiers
  17. If I had to identify one single thing Kinkoid has taught me, it would be to not assume anything based on what seems logical So, unless you have "forbidden knowledge", I wouldn't dare to make such a conclusion
  18. Equipments already stop growing (in stats and selling price) at level 500. Visually they keep growing following your level, true, but a lv 600 rainbow legendary equip is perfectly equivalent to a lv 500 rainbow legendary equipment. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by your third point
  19. This has to be not intended. It would be an incredible new layer of nonsense, even for them.
  20. And with a recent Team power cap increase to permit a 6 hours duration on top of that absurd scaling. Seriously guys, the features added/modified in these past few months (maybe this year, locating the starting point of this madness with the very first SE during last year anniversary) scream to me "for the sake of the last speck of your sanity, quit the game", louder and louder. Can we let Rosso know that, in case he's tired of being KK's big boss, there are better and more dignified ways to shut down the studio than forcing the playerbase to run for their lives?
  21. Could it be that boss bang MB could become useful at higher levels? I mean, BBs become trivial once you have enough overleveled girls. I had several club mates with not-yet-properly-leveled-up girls that struggled quite a lot to complete the first boss bangs, losing more teams, if not all of them. If our girls' level cap stays at 750, and our equips cap stay the same they are now, meaning the "only" improvement we can get by levelling up past lv500 comes from the raw stats + purchasable stats, couldn't it be that Boss Bangs at higher levels will become harder and harder to the point that the booster becomes useful/close to mandatory? Genuine question, I'm not trying to make it look worse than it is just for fun.
  22. Every time this happens (that is most of the times; if I recall correctly, it happened only a couple of times that they decided to postpone the release of a new feature on the live server based on super harsh feedbacks on the test server) I wonder what's the point of maintaining a test server if they use it (or maybe I should say "don't use it") that way.
  23. New girls released during orgy days are just normal new EP girls that are drawn following the theme of one of the CEs that are revived during that OD. After the OD ends, they just stay in the EP pool, if you do not get them while available through villain fights during the event. Next year, they won't appear in the list of event girls, 'cause they're considered as regular EP permanent girls at that point (last year in June's OD they added Tavern Singer Eugénie, that is available in the EP permanent pool, if you didn't get her yet, but she's not listed in this current list of OD gilrs. June next year will happen the same thing to Samba Chloe). CEs girls never ends up being permanently added in the EP pool (they're only there during CEs and ODs). CbCs specifically revive Seasons' and PoAs' girls. Mythic Pachinko pool comprehends EP permanent pool girls and all CEs/ODs girls (MP pool isn't always updated to the very last girl released, though), plus some of the oldest 5*L girls from Legendary Days (I never remember who is the last of those girl they added to the MP pool, Sai, maybe...? Not sure at all). If there are 2+ girls availble to you in the current rotation, you'll get shards of two different girls during DD event. If you only have one girl available, you'll get double shards for that specific girl
  24. Oof, It was kind of painful, but I got there. Since this weekend I won't be able to follow the game very much if not at all (for sure not with the attention this format requires), I had to help myself spending some kobans more to be sure of reaching the 500 milestone. On top of the 675 I spent the very first day, I had to skip 4 other tasks (2 small ones + 2 big ones, for 216 kobans total), I did a kiss full refill (216 kobans), and I had to complete 6 market refills more (252 kobans). So, to get Lara I spent 1359 kobans, which for a 5 star are not a bad price at all. The loss of peace of mind and sanity the randomness of this event caused me, on the other hand, is incalculable
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