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Everything posted by DvDivXXX

  1. Damn, these two are actually news to me. So it seems that all relics for a specific Line (Front, Middle or Back) should also be avoided, then? If the one supposed to make your tank tankier and the one supposed to buff your DPS' DPS don't actually work, and since the other frequent one is (supposedly) giving more "Girl Harmony" to your middle line, but "Girl Harmony" itself hardly does anything in Laby fights?
  2. Well, I guess you won't need to replace your Tanks too often during that run. ^^
  3. Man is a wolf to man. Rabbit is a man to rabbits. ^^ In all seriousness, it's still competition, but knowing if you lose your friend wins is a heartwarming and relaxed situation to compete in, certainly more feel-good than just fighting for your own hide. It must be nice. EDIT: To be fair I have respect and sympathy for most of my regular competitors, even though we're not in a tribe together. PS: This doesn't tell us if I'm in the right ballpark for your GG set... So, level 10 mythic pieces I presume? ^^ Or is that still out or reach even for you?
  4. A man after my own heart! I've never noticed much consistency in the distribution of opponents across the map by difficulty, except that the first two fights are always Easy/Blue (at least on Floor 1). I'm about to play my Laby run now, I'll have a look. EDIT: @EpicBacon done. --- Floor 1 The usual? Two blues at the start and only at the start. A couple of reds pretty early on, and the rest is about 2/3 greens and yellows. No way to avoid one of the two wings at the end right before the boss... V_v (I guess that's the trade-off so that those who want to grab all bags of coins can). And no way to grab both reds either. So... --- Floor 2 More reds and they're scattered a bit everywhere, actually. --- Floor 3 Pretty even, with a bit less reds near the end, but not sure it's significant.
  5. I'm not 100% sure, but I've always assumed once you've clicked on "Visit" to trigger the link, it counts as +1 visit for the target site, even if you close the new tab immediately. Otherwise, indeed, we're not actually helping them boost traffic by collecting these kobans... Which would make me feel kind of bad, tbh. Should I let each site load fully before closing their tab (if I want to help out Kinkoid)? Some of the code wizards among us would definitely have a better understanding of how it works and be able to make at least an educated guess.
  6. If you have 253 Kisses on hand, it can be done in 15 minutes. ^^
  7. This will almost always be true for most players when there's a big blessing for a specific pose. I also have only 3 Nosedive pieces, coincidentally. The most I have for any given pose is 4. I have at least 1 piece for all 12 poses now, although Congress and Column took ages to show up and I only have one of each. I have a fairly even distribution between the 3 Classes for HP bonuses and the 8 colors for Def bonuses, which is generally good, but this also gets much worse when the whole team needs to have the same pose (so only bonuses for one of the three classes), and of course a team built around a specific pose naturally leans towards the two colors with pose as their GS3, Yellow and Blue (so bonuses for three of the eight colors at best). Basically a pose is the worst attribute a big blessing can roll in terms of getting the most out of your GG set. Maybe if someone happens to have 20 items matching the same pose, they can get obscene buffs once in a blue moon when this pose gets a big blessing... But they would get a lot less power from their set than your average random distribution on most weeks. The other attributes that can be picked for blessings can't mess up with GG bonuses quite as much. It's almost never optimal either, but it's much easier to include girls with a few different poses in my team when blessings ask for any other attribute. If it's a hair color and a zodiac sign or whatever, more often than not I can activate the attack bonuses of a lot more of my GG pieces. TL;DR: My additional strength is almost at its lowest right now (see above ^^). I have only 3 attack matches, 9 HP matches, and 12 Def matches, out of my 30 mythic pieces. Most weeks (with weaker and/or less restrictive blessings) I can build my team to get 12 or more attack matches, and close to 30 HP matches (Def matches vary a lot more, can't really rely on them anyway). I mean, is that too strong? (Screenshot from the Villain screen so no counter bonus and my AM doesn't show either). PS: If that's the case, then I'm looking forward to sharing a league with you... ^^ For real? I thought you'd be much higher than that by now. I'm sure some of the others like Govs, Limule, Sovereign or ofc Gogeta must have full level 10 sets at this point. I really don't think my 42 level 10 commons were a short-sighted strategy at all. It was short term, but well worth it in my situation. Sure, I eventually recycled 30 of them to upgrade their mythic replacements, but in the meantime I had a lot more power a lot earlier than I would have if I had skipped that step, and it definitely helped my overall progress including my league results. Plus, there's always the randomness of what slot I get mythics for. Even now, I only have 3 mythic pieces for slot 6 (including one I acquired a few days ago and haven't upgraded yet). The majority of the level 10 commons I'm still using are for slot 6, making up for that. Conversely, I have more mythic pieces for slot 3 than I can use at once, and I already had 7 of them early enough that I didn't have to max out my commons for that slot. It's nice to have a decent fallback option to fill in the blanks left by RNG. TL;DR: The "secret technique" of the rabbits is that there are so many of them, and they're collectively in touch with so many other D3 competitors that they regularly have the majority in their league groups, so they can determine who gets which rank through a vote, a bunch of bargains, or even Rock-Paper-Scissors (basically ^^). Which isn't really a secret, or a problem, to be clear. It's just that it's a group effort and it requires different skills than just winning by yourself in a true free-for-all competition. I'll admit betting on stuff like how many letters an upcoming girl will have in her name sounds a lot more fun and in tune with the game's lore and meta. And a lot riskier than flipping a coin, too! Imagine an edit war takes place at KK's HQ as we saw multiple times before, but for the name of the particular girl whose name you bet on?! ^^ You'd have to agree beforehand if you'll stick to her name upon release, or whatever her name happens to be by the end of the league. Now that's its own kind of suspense and excitement in and of itself, for sure. ^^ (I mean I didn't have any stake in it besides just preferring Delphine to the stripper name they eventually went with, but just thinking back to the whole clown fiesta around Delphine aka Cheryl aka Candy Cocteau slash whatever, I'm still smiling. ^^ It was a real treat to follow on Yami's thread. Anyhow. May the Force be with me you us all. GGz! <3
  8. Actually, now that I think about it, beyond our convenience, there's a clear reason why it's better for them that the popups don't show up for everyone at the same time. Since the whole point is to send extra traffic to CxH and PSH (and vice versa), a pretty evenly spread-out distribution of that extra traffic must be better than one big spike at exactly reset time every day. So I think it's unlikely they would want to change that, on second thought. And that makes sense to me. It's still free kobans for us every day, even if it could be more convenient.
  9. Thanks, guys. Okay, well that's how these have always worked so far, so no change then. Pretty neat that I ended up locking them at reset time, but if it's still floating around it means that all it takes is one day I can't log in until the evening instead of lunch time and my timer will move to the evening instead, and so on. I was hoping this wasn't just a lucky coincidence on my end, and that they had made the same thing as with all the free spins for pachinko (lining them up with reset time). I guess beggars can't be choosers, and the daily 60 kobans from the ads aren't technically a feature of the game itself, but just promo offers (though by now we're all aware of what they advertise ^^ so it's more about getting paid in in-game currency for boosting the traffic to their other sites). Anyways. That was comic gold right there, Omer! ^^ Love you. <3
  10. I've been wondering, is it just a coincidence that the two daily popups for CxH and PSH are now perfectly lined up with the daily reset? Or is it a QoL improvement they've made in the latest patch (but forgot to mention)? Am I the only one or is it global? (For context, my own 24-hour timer for these was not far behind the daily reset until a couple days ago, but now it's exactly at reset time on the dot).
  11. GG* has a better ring to it. ^^ In all seriousness, it's been one of my top priorities for quite awhile (and it still will be for a long time). It's no secret (from me, at least ^^), I've mentioned it in the GG thread and others. I still don't have Scrooge McDuck real money to throw at the game, unfortunately. But for sure, quite a lot of my monthly koban budget goes into my GG collection (and people wonder why I'm broke by the end of the month ^^). I'm not the only one to focus on this source of power, either. And I don't doubt that I'm still behind the actual whales on that front. I've only reached level 7 on some of my mythic pieces recently (the crucial point where they start packing more punch than level 10 commons even with no resonance bonus match). Most of them are still at level 6 though, and I'm still filling up 12 of my 42 slots with commons...
  12. Thanks, I forgot to mention it, but I've learned it the (slightly) hard way the day the patch came out. I used the x3 button on an opponent with a 100% chance of getting 25 points per fight, and I got 25-25-24* instead. Haven't tried it again since.
  13. Yes and no. It still costs ~10k kobans to grab one, and then a month worth of market items to max her out. Plus two of the three will be revivals. Only relatively new players will have none of them every month, and unless they're whaling it out pretty hard from the get-go, there's absolutely no way to afford 3 MDs a month (along with everything else). So it's still quite exclusive. Especially if you consider any given mythic in particular, even with two concurrent cycles of revivals, the total number of mythics is large enough already that if you want a specific mythic it could easily take years for her to get a revival (case in point: the one we just had a few days ago: Nike). And every month a new one gets added to the pool. Having a single or even a handful of mythics was never meant to be an exclusive privilege reserved for the elite. Having the whole collection of them, though? That's a very different story. Or even having most of them, to be honest. Power creep has definitely occurred plenty of times in this game, especially for the highly competitive PvP side of things. But I honestly don't think they could power creep Mythics outright. The power of a player's account comes from a lot of different sources these days, and every time a layer gets added, the overall power ceiling goes up naturally. They don't need to make girls themselves stronger when how strong a team is varies wildly from player to player, even if they have the exact same team of 7 girls all maxed out. It depends on the (Hero) MG pieces and sets (or lack thereof) a player has available (and can afford to max out), how many light bulbs (especially for Mythics), how many and what quality and type of GG pieces, and so on. And of course, there's always the weekly meta shaker that Blessings can be: the more complete (and maxed out) the collection, the stronger the player's potential from week to week. I think we're not going to see flat out power creep as we used to in the simpler days of grabbing three L5s (of your hero's class) and calling it a day for PvP. In hindsight it's not surprising that they kept pushing new girls with more stats overall, or with a higher main stat than the others, and so on, back then. It was necessary to make them worth adding to a team (for gameplay purposes; of course gotta catch 'em all for enjoyment alone is always a valid thing too). Otherwise, you could just keep the same three L5s as your permanent team forever and stay competitive (if your account was high level, aka old and active enough). Even in the first year or so of Mythics, this hadn't really changed: you just had to grab three M6s (of your hero's class) to upgrade your team from the three L5s you were using before. With Elements, Girl Skills, a gazillion different attributes that Blessings can select to buff girls every week, the massive and very long-term investment (and/or very deep pockets) required for Girl Gear, and all the meta changes due to some specific teams slowly but surely becoming options with a lot more synergy than others... Yeah, we're way past the stage where grabbing a handful of strong girls is enough to compete at high level.
  14. Damn, I swear it worked absolutely fine before, even just a few days ago when I've grabbed and upgraded the 4th girl from LR. But just a few hours after praising this improved upgrade system, I've grabbed and upgraded the new CE girls, and... Right now, fully upgrading a girl leads me straight to her final affection scene, with an arrow to go back. And when I hit that arrow, it takes me back to her edit page, showing me her final pose pic, adding insult to injury. I'm not sure if this is global or not, but likely a bug (hopefully) or at least a change (but I can't imagine it being intentional) that got introduced with yesterday's patch. I hope devs are aware and this will get changed back to what it was before: do the full upgrade, and you stay on the girl's edit page, with her initial (0-star) pose still shown. @Luna - Kinkoid could you please forward in case this hasn't been spotted already? Thanks in advance. Thanks, this helps quite a bit. The workarounds aren't very practical, but still much better than scrolling through a hundred pages (until this gets fixed, hopefully). Very true, unfortunately. Still, they're not ignoring it, it's more likely the Laby bugs haven't reached the top of the to-do list yet. This reminds me I have yet to fill out the Bug Fix survey, actually. I hope there's a decent amount of stuff pertaining to Labyrinth in it (it would be pretty weird otherwise, since the mode proved way more popular and appreciated than anyone had anticipated, I think, and it's been voted as a top priority to flesh out and expand in the new feature survey). ! Well, not everyone loves it, of course. Most players do, but of course there's a minority who really dislikes it. Although you're not the most vocal detractor of the mode, you just seem to not be particularly invested in it. I remember a few people posting that they hate it so much they don't even play it even for the rewards (and even in its current super easy state where you can pretty much do whatever and still complete the run fairly quick and effortlessly; unless filling empty slots after losing team members counts as an effort). In all seriousness, the descriptions not matching the actual effects can't really be fixed by changing the descriptions, at least for most of the bugs. I mean it's pretty clear something called "Protective Bubble" isn't meant to increase the damage you take (with no upside at all). Or that the Curse (forgot the exact name) isn't meant to select a member of your own team to get cursed, and so on. Also, with descriptions alone, they'd have to rebrand "Mages" as "Tanks" and "Tanks" as "Cannon Fodder"... ^^ I can understand the reluctance for the Roles system or even new difficulty modes, from those who don't enjoy the feature and don't want to spend more time or energy on it. But the fairly long list of obvious bugs in the feature as it is need to get fixed regardless.
  15. That's weird. Everything is fine and dandy over here. I would recommend everyone still experiencing the issue to sign off from the game, empty their cache and cookies, then sign back in. It should hopefully do the trick.
  16. Hi all, my name is Div and I'm a League Addict. Catching up on not one, not two but three reports at once this time (life got in the way again). Even worse, no shiny icons for past wins in any of these, as I was missing @430i's amazing script during those dark times away from you folks. ^^ ------------------ D3 run #180 2024/01/11-18 (Denma Week 11; no LG available for me) My 26th win! ^^ (that's your own total plus twenty, @Basniowy in the back ^^). Not much to say on that one. I was basically on my own with a bunch of NPCs. I remember noticing @Bellanaris in there, which was fun for the "oh, someone I know!" factor, but I knew her main game is GH and I didn't even expect her to be in D3 on HH too, to be honest. I'm pretty impressed by players who manage to keep up with multiple versions or variants of HH. Be it those like Holy who play the literal same game on Nutaku and dot com, or those like Ravi or DDinx or Omer who play two or more combinations of all the HH clones/reskins. Between HH, GH, CxH, PSH, TPSH and now GPSH, along with aborted ones like MRPG or HoH and who knows what else! ^^ Sometimes it's hard enough to keep up with just the one game on the one server, honestly. ------------------ D3 run #181 2024/01/18-25 (Denma Week 12; no LG available for me) Just a top 4, as already heavily emphasized by the overly excited winner a few pages back. ^^ Well, it was a relatively weak group, with only Basniowy, Stalker666 and the German Tom (not to be confused with the French One ^^) and of course myself having a shot at a top 4, and indeed that's what the top 4 ended up being. (I also had Plip mentioned in my notes as a special guest, but it seems he's in a pretty chill mode). I know I've deliberately skipped another week of blessings around that time, and I went with a compromise rather than an optimal team in the next one (following with my logic from previous weeks to stop destroying and rebuilding my entire team every week, and burning billions of Ymens in the process). This played a big part in why I squeezed the vast majority of my fights in Phase 1, but also why I decided not to tryhard for the win in Phase 2 even though both Stalker666 and Basniowy had a really good chance to pass me over, as the latter ended up doing. It was the annoying Red Element and Green Hair week, where I could have crafted an optimal team but it would have been super costly to do (including leveling up several L5s that had yet to see play) and then I would have had to undo a lot of it for the Nosedive and Orange Eyes super strong blessings we have (on dot com) as of this writing. So instead I just started building the team that I'm using now, and I threw in the two double-blessed Atina and Asmai in it (but without giving them any light bulb). This allowed me to dust off my shiny Blue MG set and take advantage of Red teams despite being significantly behind in raw power for that week. And yeah, still a top 4 despite not wasting obscene amounts of resources, time and energy on minmaxing my team every single week as if in a vacuum. Still feels great! ! Well, I get that you were super happy to grab a win, and even more so because you "defeated me" in the process, and I also get that the above was meant as friendly banter and teasing. Still comes off a bit strong, though (but those things aren't easy to balance properly, especially in a second language). I didn't waste my kobans, trust me. There are other reasons to make mass refills besides going for the win in the league itself. Mainly, in this particular case, I knew I would be weaker in Phase 2 so I needed to squeeze most of my fights in Phase 1, and I was also not super available at the time for real-life reasons. Congrats on the win, regardless! <3 Hopefully next time we cross paths, it will be when I'm able to give you a real challenge. Careful what you wish for, though! There's a reason we usually let sleeping dragons lie. ^^ ------------------ D3 run #182 2024/01/25-02/01 (Spade Week 1; retroactively as is now usual) My 27th win! ^^ Now, this one was tight as all hell, and I legit didn't expect to win it until the very last second (not minute, second!). For one, I expected @Bobick had a few fights left and was going to pass me over any moment throughout this morning... but miraculously enough, it seems he was actually done, or perhaps he did have fights left to play but had a connection or real-life issue that kept him away from the game until reset (I really hope not it's not the latter). For two, Maxie surprised the shit out of me by passing over Bobick in the last couple of minutes before reset, and ending up 12 measly points behind me. Took me completely by surprise and it was so close that I had to double-check my result even after this last second screenshot. You both gave me a tough challenge, thank you for that and congrats for the top 4. Phase 1, I started out with the weak-ass compromise team that was basically my future Phase 2 Nosedive team with a couple of double-blessed girls thrown in without light bulbs. I was cautious not to take on any strong opponents at that point, but I was still able to grab a fair bit of max point wins here and there. Phase 2 is where shit got serious, especially the post-reset Blue>Red Monday massacre of leftover teams from Phase 1 after their buffs faded away while mine kicked in. ^^ Of course after that it got much sketchier, as I anticipated, because it was possible to make nearly the same build as mine but with the Yellow tag instead or in addition to the Blue one. I myself swapped out the mega-blessed Lora for Dve and her much better GS3 a few times to take on anyone who also showed the Blue tag. I didn't want to lose my own Blue tag though, as I have a full set of Blue MG pieces as opposed to a single Yellow one. And as expected, a truckload of teams used the aforementioned Lora and her weaker Reflect GS5 as their defense team, which eventually pushed me to bite the bullet and spend a whole day with 4 chlores equipped to take them on without losing too many points (still lost loads but eh, random is random). Funnily enough, I'm with Maxie again for this new week starting today: Between Marcel, Svante, Duran and a few others, it's far from a duel, but it's still pretty funny. Especially since he (she?) seems to be either following my lead or they happen to have come up with the exact same off-meta build and they also love to get a comfortable headstart early on. ^^ (Could I actually have a fan? As in, a fan of my playstyle in leagues, I mean... Of course I already know I have millions of fans of my posts on the forum... mostly lurkers, though. ^^). --- PS: Congrats to @Der DinX, welcome to D3! There's a bunch of other cool results by other cool people I've noticed in the few pages I've missed since my previous reports, but I'm all out of reaction smileys for today. I shall do a round of Likes and GGs in the morrow, not to worry! ^^ --- PPS (EDIT): When did we go from 50 shards down to 45 for a win? Not that it's a big deal since we have months between League Girls, but this feels dumb. It used to be that two wins in a row would grant you the LG, one week earlier than you could with top 4s. Now, there's no real difference: two wins plus whatever or three top 4s, either way it takes three weeks minimum to grab the LG (burning Laby coins for the missing 10 shards after two wins notwithstanding... it's technically possible but so wasteful I doubt anyone would ever do that). Good luck have fun this week, folks. Stay safe!
  17. Oh, didn't know you liked all the Rins... How about this one then? ^^ The name is even yelled in the title: RIN! https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/manga.php?id=6463
  18. Congrats. You might want to adjust your team a bit for the Pantheon. Shield isn't the best GS5 there, far from it even. Reflect and Stun both work much better most of the time, especially in boss fights.
  19. Thank you so much for this! As luck would have it, you posted this almost immediately after my recent break from the forum started, and the previous version of your script copied and pasted from an older post stopped working around the same time, so I've just spent 2 and a half leagues making do without your invaluable icons showing the number of past wins or top 4s, and without the estimation of how many points each opponent lost. After getting used to both features for months, it really felt like flying blind! ^^ Very glad you made it simpler and it will automatically update from now on. <3
  20. Very! ^^ (But we love him as is).
  21. I'm out of reaction smileys for today, but thanks a ton for all your hard work as always, Yami! <3
  22. This looks really cool. Very glad to have a new Karole variant, especially a "Femdom" one! Too bad she's the mission girl so I'll have to wait until the end of the event to experience that. Given the recent kinks survey results, and especially the fact that pegging was apparently a big outlier in terms of a majority of voters disliking it... I'm not keeping my hopes up too high, though (that dildo Sake is taunting us with in the banner is almost definitely just for her, although as least this doesn't send the wrong message like Strapon Virginia once did ^^). Still, you never know. Seems like the same crowd who has a big problem with pegging at the same time doesn't mind other kinks that arguably go further in terms of letting go of the typical "vanilla" straight guy must be macho complex, notably futanari (assuming they knew it means shemale when they upvoted it ^^). So we'll see. Given the timing of this event, it was almost certainly finished before they had the results of the kinks survey, so between that and the previews I'm mostly expecting the usual "bondage" (ropes everywhere, not necessarily with the "restraining someone physically in order to dominate them psychologically" meaning behind it), super mild whipping or spanking and leather stuff. But this group of girls in this variant look pretty badass regardless!
  23. Expectedly ^^ But thank you so much for maintaining this thread for so long! <3 PS: There doesn't seem to be a big announcement thread for it (not that we need one) but I'm really glad @Luna - Kinkoid noticed the suggestion and made you our new forum mod for HH EN! <3 Thanks again for accepting the role (you really hit the ground running, too! IIRC you mentioned a long time ago you used to moderate forums in the past, and it shows). Glad to have you onboard, fellow mod!
  24. I wasn't around to say it earlier, but a few recent changes I appreciate greatly would be: The new options to fully upgrade and fully level up a girl in one click are awesome. It's not only faster and less tedious, it also lets us fully upgrade a girl before seeing any of her advanced poses and affection scenes, and then we can discover them at our own pace without having to make clicks and count items in between two pics. That's a lot more immersive and enjoyable. The "Play Again" button in Pachinko is super efficient and really makes it a lot simpler and fun to use orbs. This used to feel like a chore, but now it's really neat. The filters and some of the icons in the Harem have been improved, technically. It's a bit hard to notice right now due to the bugs that came with the improvements (chiefly the one where changing the criterion by which you sort the list doesn't move you back to the top, and you need to scroll aaaaaall the way up if you had an older girl selected). The decision to keep the upcoming Roles system out of PvP, and the strong confirmation of this fact that came with the second survey on the topic was a massive relief! They did get the memo, and I'm so glad and thankful they stopped the madness on the "RPG elements" for once. <3 The adventure also improved lately, I feel (overall at least). There are a few things that feel a bit awkward, almost similar to South Park animations when two characters are supposed to be talking to each other but they're both shown facing us instead of looking at each other, because they recycle the same sprite of each. But even that can have its charm. The sex scenes actually make decent use of the animations here and there, and it's a bit more enjoyable when progressing through a story in general. All in all, pretty glad with recent patches.
  25. The change in monthly planning and schedule for MDRs (and a few other things) was a completely unannounced move from Kinkoid until the last minute and, for some of the changes, you could even say after the fact. It's not that the new plan isn't better overall (it actually is), it's that such a big change without any heads-up about it was really bad for a lot of players (myself definitely included). On the plus side, at least we have a relatively clear calendar again (starting from February). And also two monthly MDRs instead of one, going back from the first generation Mythics that hadn't already gotten a revival in the July/August or December/January special months over the past few years. That's great. What sucks is that it was never announced or even hinted at and, even worse, as Rosso was quoted mentioning "Moe Bunny is still in high demand" a few weeks ago on Discord when someone asked about any upcoming MDR(s), and no mention of another one, we were reasonably led to expect that January would follow in December's footsteps with ONE special MDR for a Year One girl, and then the regular "12 months ago..." MDR for Lunar Bunny's Mom, just like we had Matcha's MDR and then the regular monthly MDR last month. On top of that, they inexplicably skipped over Level Up Red from the chronological order and went straight from Moe Bunny to Nike. It seems like a mistake (and it was on the same day that a regular CbC was launched for Cheer Ruriko, who had already been revived in December's CCbC, another clear mistake). In my particular situation, since I'm missing Nike but not Level Up Red, and I had already thrown every last bit of koban and resource I had for January for Moe Bunny's MDR (among other things), as I legit didn't expect another MDR that would be relevant to me in January... Well, this sucks. I don't doubt that they'll "rectify" this scheduling error by giving Level Up Red her own MDR soon-ish to appease those who are missing her and were disappointed she got skipped. But they're not likely to give Nike another MDR soon to make up for this one coming as a total surprise for those of us who wanted Nike, but didn't have the resources on hand and didn't expect her to get revived so soon. I grabbed what I could, 24 shards. Better than nothing on paper, and it will be relevant in who knows how many years when Nike gets another revival, I guess. But I'm still pretty disappointed by the poor communication and sudden change of scheduling for something that big.
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