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Everything posted by Janaff

  1. Ok what the hell man? I've fought Bremen some 80 odd times now and he hasn't dropped a single shard. I'm nearing 2 days worth of fights here, enough to normally be halfway there in an Orgy Days... what bullshit luck.
  2. Epic Orbs have been on villains for a long time actually. They're not super common or anything but I can assure you they drop. Honestly, what were they even thinking? Champions are now utterly worthless once you've obtained all the one-time rewards. There is literally no reason to bother with Champions outside the required steps in PoA and the occasional contest. And even then the best course of action is just to pick the worst possible teams and burn as many tickets as possible without moving up a stage. And as for Leagues? Like c'mon. There have certainly been complaints about the koban rewards and the disparity between the top finishers and everybody else they cause. To just ignore those complaints and replace something that NOBODY was complaining about is behavior that can only be described as either wildly out of touch or straight-up spiteful. I can only assume this was a response to the complaints against seasons (mainly by lower level players). Yet it fixes nothing because the number of battles isn't an issue, at least not with the other changes they made (raising the mojo cap, rewarding the girls whole & moving one to a lower tier, handing out kisses as rewards within Seasons themselves). The crux of the problem (if there still is one) is that when you're unlucky and get a row of unbeatable opponents, you're given no other option but to just take the loss. And that has a very obvious solution: a simple refresh of the opponents like in Arena. Not bombarding us with pointless kisses everywhere else in the game while depriving actually useful resources.
  3. But most people don't hold that opinion. A good majority think 5 is too many events, and I won't be surprised if Seasons makes people complain about it even more. Yeah, so? That's the whole idea behind Orgy Days. It was always an event most useful for newer players who had missed the older events. Besides, I don't think there's ever been an Orgy Days that there hasn't been at least 1 girl for me to get and I never miss the regular event villain girls. Fewer 5 star legendary girls would be wonderful. I can't even keep up with the affection requirements as is, and 3 every 2 months is hardly necessary. Then maybe they could get back to the whole "upgrade 3 star girls to 5 stars" project that was abandoned. That'd be really nice. Anyways, regarding the event: I don't know that I like it very much but I'll reserve judgement until I see the higher poses. Though at least at a glance the villain girls seem consistently better than the pachinko girls so that's a pleasant surprise.
  4. Unexpectedly got Wang with the free spin and already had the other two. That's my 2nd or 3rd girl from the 1x spins so far.
  5. Unfortunate they went ahead and offered her as the mission girl for Orgy Days immediately after this.
  6. Except 6 1x Mythic Orbs is not the same thing as a 6x Mythic Orb. The chances of getting a girl from a regular ol 1x Mythic Orb is pretty damn miniscule, so it's nowhere near as valuable as the 3x or 6x versions which give you a set amount of affection. In any case, if someone wants to ignore the valuable rewards and only be concerned about the inconsequential ones being available in other ways then okay I guess. I don't really think anyone is doing that though. As for my "rant", @DvDivXXX has it right. Only the line right below your quote was directed to you. I separated the rest because it was just my thoughts on the overall thread and those complaining.
  7. Please show me in Places of Power where you can get 6x Mythic Orbs or 3x Mythic Orbs? Or hell, even just the Epic Orbs? Combativity? Because I'm not seeing any of that. I really don't get why people are complaining about the rewards or the koban cost, as if it isn't a great value. For no cost you get 2 girls and some decent bonuses. For 7200 kobans you get another 2 girls, which alone is a great price since 1 girl is normally valued at 5400 kobans. On top of that, you now get enough 6x & 3x Mythic Orbs overall for another guaranteed girl and 11 more x1 Epic Orbs for a total of 18, which would on average get you a 6th girl. Plus making the event itself a cakewalk. I'm not seeing what's so bad about it.
  8. Fix the damn Tower of Fame already. The stupid bug where you randomly can't battle anyone in the Leagues just fucked up my placement in the League and I'm not happy about it. If I knew this was gonna happen I wouldn't have wasted kobans on a refill of challenge points. Try clicking Challenge and all it does it refresh the stupid page I can't believe this hasn't been fixed yet.
  9. Seriously. Who asked for this? It was the best sorting method and now it's all screwed up. And when are filters going to be made permanent already? It's completely ridiculous that it can remember how to sort but not what to filter.
  10. Still gotta wonder what all the koban spenders were thinking was gonna happen.
  11. I think you were just unlucky. During the 4 days I got Katherina with free fights and spent just a few hundred kobans to get Notka (already had Celsius, Shao, and Treasure; and Octavia is kinda ew). Considering that during regular 14-day events I generally expect up to a week to get 1 of the 2 girls and I've even had times where it takes 10-12 days for just 1, getting any girl at all in 4 days without spending kobans is pretty solid luck.
  12. That's not how it works. What you get to do is: spend all remaining points minutes before reset to ensure maximum possible rank -> league resets -> immediately spend full bar of points with no time loss -> have bar replenish while you sleep -> wake up and spend points before bar fully resets resulting in no lost points. What people in timezones where it resets when they're sleeping get to do is: spend remaining points before bed -> miss out on all points replenished from this point until league reset (say you go to sleep at 12:00 and league resets at 5:00 = ~10 challenges missed = loss of ~30 points) -> league resets while sleeping -> miss out on all points that would have been replenished from league reset until waking up due to starting with a full bar (say you wake up at 7:30 = ~5 challenges missed = loss of ~15 points). You now get an advantage of 40 or so points against such a person every league. That is a significant advantage.
  13. I've gotten 2 girls, Music Sylvia and Lady Meta, so far with regular refills. So that's cool. Still debating whether I should spend any kobans on refills or not though. I'm now down to 7 available girls and I'm not sure it's worth the risk with a 1/7 chance of getting a girl I'd rather not get and another 1/7 chance I get a girl I'd fucking loathe getting.
  14. Mine's nearly the same except I already have Bunny's Mother so Windia is in her place. Do you already have Windia?
  15. Rabbi Louise Lupa Hari Bunny Rabbi, Louise, and Lupa are awesome. Hari and Bunny are kinda meh.
  16. Levitya: an obnoxious amount, but I can't remember if it was ~4400 or ~6400 kobans Norou: 216 kobans or whatever it is 1 refill takes, only did the refill because I'd used it all up right before the event started F&F: none
  17. All of them are event girls. Except maybe Ascending Tsubame, Elfy, Nelle, and Vanessa who don't exist yet.
  18. 1. Agreed. Though the way I'd like to see it is something like: Same flat rate for the first 500 battles (aka 5400 kobans worth), after which it increases with each battle (like the regular boss pity timer) at such a rate that it'd essentially be impossible to go 1200 battles (aka 10800 kobans plus 4 days worth) without getting her 2. I think they've been pretty clear about them being "legendary" and "difficult to obtain". Changing the class we were getting at the last minute was definitely awkward though. 3. Like some others have said, I couldn't care less. I see no reason anyone needs to know the exact drop rates and I think the drop system itself has been sufficiently explained. Though if people really want them to clarify the system, it shouldn't be a big deal just to assuage some players' frustrations. Putting such a clarification somewhere easily visible for newbies (like a stickied forum thread) would be nice as well. 4. Yeah, bluntly put, I think these legendary events are just an inherently garbage way to handle distributing these legendary girls. What's so legendary about a girl that literally anyone could get, RNG and limited period of time aside? The fact that you can easily have a situation where newbies get her while veterans don't (whether they're just unlucky or they miss the event or whatever) goes against the whole idea of legendary girls in the first place, IMHO. At least for the other legendary girls, it sufficiently favors veterans due to the way epic pachinko is set up (the longer you play, the less boss girls & permanent pachinko girls inside, and therefore the higher your chances of getting the event legendary). Plus, they're only 3 Star for the foreseeable future. We might as well get another "Legendary Days" event with the improvement mentioned in #1 just to round out the 3 classes, but afterwards I think non-pachinko legendary girls should be earned through achieving impressive milestones. Like "reaching level 400", "winning 25,000 PVP battles". "getting 10 bosses to max level" or maybe just "beating bosses 50,000 times", "getting harem level to 40,000", "reaching 100,000 mojo". Things like that. We keep track of all that stuff with the Tower anyway so it's not like it'd be difficult to implement. 5. This was a terrific idea and should definitely be kept for the next one. It eased the monetary punishment for fighting a low-level boss very nicely (in fact, I actually happened to gain more money getting Norou than if I had just continued fighting Roko-sensei, since he's still a ways away from max level). I honestly don't understand why anyone would think this bonus was designed to hurt their chances of getting the girl. After how much backlash they got with Levitya, how could anyone seriously think they'd lower the chances for Norou?
  19. No, I dunno where they found it but it's certainly not in the english patch notes.
  20. I dunno if it was written mistakenly or not, but for some reason Gwenaelle is under Epic Girls while one of the event pachinko girls, Music Sylvia, is under Rare Girls. That was the only oddity I noticed besides Mavin. Anyway, it's kind of a shame Easter Bunny is Legendary instead of Bunny's Mother. It would've looked nicer if it went Bunny > Loving Bunny > Easter Bunny > Bunny's Mother IMO. Plus, Bunny's Mother is easily one of my favorite girls and just so happens to be the only event pachinko girl I have so it would've been cool if she was Legendary. Yeah, and let's not pretend event pachinko girls are that easy to get either. It's only 1/3 per event, and even that's only after you've cleared the pachinko of all boss and permanent pachinko girls first.
  21. It's been a while so here's my updated team. Samane Secretary Rabbi Kelina
  22. I know, I didn't say they were good. I was just pointing out that they don't all just uselessly give crit for most people.
  23. That's just you. The stats the items got were random for each player. Only 1 of the Halloween items gives crit for me, for example.
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