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Everything posted by Methos2

  1. This is gonna widen the gap between players in advantageous timezone and in-advantageous timezone. Players who can't be around the reset time always got sniped in contests. They already lose the opportunity for 5* girls in LC and the extra koban income from daily contests. With this feature, their league ranking will be jeopardized as others will gain an advantage of outfitting better teams with gems, books, and AM boosters.
  2. Putting a know-how in the 1st or 2nd position can regenerate the team health. This may help your team last longer. My gauge stayed around 100% for the first 60+ fights.
  3. There are also Shaman Salem, Spirit Talker Carlita, Cave Maika, Cave Laverne, and Cave Kimi. Of course, there is Gork too.
  4. For starters, I hate the contest PoV and I am not defending it. @punj said it was enjoyable for him. He is entitled to his opinion and he should be free to say it on the forum. He wasn't pushing everyone to like it. If everyone is afraid to voice their opinion to avoid your wrath, there is no point to have the forum. Maybe we are the minority and the silent majority like the contests. Everyone should be able to say their piece. KK should find the message from the majority, not filtered by any individual.
  5. Thanks, I misread the duration. In this case, this seems like another mindless clicking feature. I do like the rewards.
  6. Since the event lasts a month, it may not be wise to create all 5 teams in one week even your team is tired. This actually requires some strategy. I'm not sure how balance it is currently for different levels of players
  7. That seems off. Even if drops for Psyche not included, you would still need 56 drops over 860 fights. So shouldn't it be most 6.5%?
  8. For every MD, I usually have a 100-fight drought without a single shard but it always even out over the whole event. So, it is normal to have 3 shards from 140 fights. After 800 fights, the average drop rate can still be 6-7%.
  9. I got Norou after 2 days. With the all of the koban draining events lately, it has been 3 months since I was able to participate MD. It is a bit murky on how much I spent on her. With Psyche on same villain, I didn't do detailed record keeping. I had 200 saved combativity. I spent just about 6300 kobans in refills and 2 days of natural regeneration. I used 5 SP boosters, 4 were from PoV. So I estimate about 12k kobans in total value. Not bad considering this includes Psyche too.
  10. Thanks for reporting. That's the same bug I saw and reported during testing phase on test server. It's been weeks and they still haven't fixed it. Because of it, I now claim immediately to avoid this bug.
  11. LIke @Kenrae said, I would use the script first to see your odd. If your chance is 0%, there is nothing you can do but wait for leveling up and/or better blessing.
  12. I am seeing something strange on the test server. This is different from the lost chest bug I saw before. I passed tier 2 so the chest shows the claim button but I get an error message if I try to claim it. Have anyone seen this? Edit: the claim button disappears once I move to next tier. This may just be a visual issue.
  13. The systems we had before rely on higher level members to carry the matches. Even so lower level members with their best effort would still end up with measly amount of shards. Eventually, the lower level members gave up and participation dropped. This made finishing the matches harder and the reward getting smaller. The new system now ignores contribution completely. Sure, lower level players can get more than 1 shard but who wants to spend hundreds of tickets to carry the club on every match?! I think the shard reward formula should comprise of 4 variables: number of participants, impression percentage, number of challenges, and player level. Number of participants ensures active participation of all members. Impression percentage motivates the members (especially higher level one) to finish quicker. The number of challenges will give lower level members chance of better shard range. This variable needs to depend on the player level so that higher level players can't dominate the match. CC also needs a way to decrease the champion tier or to remove tier completely. Champion level starts with club average. After each match, level goes up by 1. After 10 wins, it goes up a tier and 10 more levels. Right now, champions level would only go up. Eventually, not even the hard hitters can finish the match. I don't really see a reason to make champion harder over time. Members in clubs change all the time. If a club have bunches of high level players joined and drove up the champion levels then left. Why should the newer members suffer for action that they didn't contribute?! My recommendation is to remove the level change. If not, there must be a easy and reasonable way to drop in levels. I don't remember when it happened. Some time ago, CC and sex champions got significantly harder to beat. This should be reverted. It is de-motivational to fight champions especially hardcore and charm. My sex champion is in level 20 range. It takes so many tickets to finish a match and it will only get harder after each win so why should I bother fighting champions any more. When players spent a 100 tickets and still got 1 shard, why would they do it again. This one is no longer applied with the new system but I want to point it out for any new changes. The shard ranges shown to the players during the matches were based on the champion current impression, not total impression. So the values would go up and down. This gives a false impression to some players that CC is a competition among clubmates because their number went down when others did more challenges. This often led to rushing and other selfish behaviors. If the number shown is based on the total impression, it would not go down because it is a guaranteed shard number even when the player stops fighting for the rest of the match. So players would only see their shard range stay or go up. This will foster the impression that CC is a cooperative feature and lead to better participation. I hope this helps my 2 cents
  14. I think the formula should comprise of 4 variables: number of participants, impression percentage, number of challenges, and player level. Number of participants ensures active participation of all members. Impression percentage motivates the members (especially higher level one) to finish quicker. The number of challenges will give lower level members chance of better shard range. This variable needs to depend on the player level so that higher level players can't dominate the match.
  15. I agree that the patch should improve how many shards we get. I don't know the new formula so I can't comment whether or not the change is good. What I tried to say is that the shard number shown during the match should reflect the guaranteed value, not some meaningless number that can go up and down. We shouldn't need to wait till close to the end to know the number. Some players may become panic when their numbers go down and they will rush the matches. That usually don't help anyone.
  16. Before this change, the shards shown can go up or down as the match progressed. Some players took that as an indication CC is a competition among clubmates, as opposite to a co-operative feature. For example, if the club has reached 50% of champion impression and your shard drop is shown to be 10. If you stopped fighting for the rest of the match and no new participants, you will get 5 shards instead of 10. This is because you were never guaranteed to have the 10 shards because the game calculated the shard using the current impression (50% in this case), not the total 100%. This is why I called the number bogus. If the shard was always calculated using the total impression, it should show 5 shards when the champion impression reached 50% because you are guaranteed to have that many shards even if you don't fight anymore. This is what I called real number. I'm hoping with the rework, the shard shown is now the guaranteed number, not some number that will go up and down.
  17. I thought your post was educational. I agree that Pachinko and Gachapon can't be used interchangeably. They are completely different things. This is another error KK made in HH.
  18. The shard drop shown during the match was bogus before. It was calculated using current impression done instead of total impression. That was why your shards would drop when others did more challenges. It gave a false impression that you compete with your clubmates for shards. Based on what you said, they may have fixed this issue. So, the shard drop is now your real number.
  19. I don't know that anyone is against this feature. I haven't read any post that suggests someone hating this feature. Some people are annoyed about the timer bug or the UI design. We had some discussion about whether or not this the goals are truly "free" to do. The consensus is that DG is a welcomed addition.
  20. I don't know how much you have played on test server last week. Not everyday is as easy as what we have seen on live server for the past 2 days. On some days, I couldn't get 100 potions on DG just by playing normally. I did have to spend extra resources to get to 100 like @blaa said. It wasn't much and I still like DG overall. I don't think blaa deserves a warning just because you disagree with his assessment. You took his reply too personally when he just explained his thought rationally.
  21. I just tried logging out and back in. It didn't change anything. Potions for goals completed earlier in the day are still lost even though the goals shown as completed. And some goals that I never even tried are shown as completed but no potions were rewarded. Edit: added screenshots
  22. Has Anyone noticed today daily goals behaving strangely? It started 5 hours after normal reset time. Some of the tasks were shown as completed when it started. It then deleted all of the unclaimed potions and reset to 0 some time during the day. The remaining tasks now don't add up to 100 potions so it is impossible to finish. I don't really care about the test account but I hope KK will address this before releasing to live server.
  23. You should get an actual screenshot, not just copying the text. The ticket needs to be submitted to the in-game support system (Settings->Support). I'm not sure that is enough consensus to proceed. Wouldn't hurt to try. Also, if your club isn't that active, you may want to look for another club unless this club has good buffs.
  24. I vaguely remember reading somewhere that Rosso acknowledged the poor balance of the Pachniko PoV. He was going to ask his team to redo it. That is why the Pachniko will be the last in rotation.
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