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Everything posted by Liliat

  1. Patch notes are posted in various places: blog, forum, in-game news, maybe others. I think the most up-to-date is the blog, and then other sections may or may not be updated after that (The forum is usually updated a bit later, and it seems that the in-game news were skipped or forgotten for the last 2 patches). https://blog.kinkoid.com/patchnotes/patch-notes-hentai-heroes/ Last week, girls equipment has been announced (Thursday patch rather than Wednesday patch, as is nowadays often the case with big patches that affect the leagues), as well as the new league girl (Thyra), and this week, we just have Experimental Minato and a new story chapter. This was changed a few weeks ago, maybe 1-2 months? Missions are now indeed sorted by rarity (but not duration)
  2. It's a display issue: after equipping an item, the updated stats are shown unblessed instead of blessed. If you refresh the harem, stats should be correct again. If you equip unblessed girls, there shouldn't be any issue to begin with (But of course I wouldn't recommend doing that )
  3. Ugh. Seems consistent with the bug Frost mentioned:
  4. The equip/unequip ajax requests contain the updated stats for the equipped/unequipped girl, if that helps.
  5. There are many things that can be improved for small screens! I try to keep the harem at least "usable" on phones, but it's not an easy task (At least for me ), so I try not to spend too much time on this. Anyway, I gave it a quick try, and I don't feel that the performances are much better (I don't have numbers to compare, it's just a feeling). The middle and right section of the harem aren't that expensive to render and update to begin with. Rendering a grid of 1500 girls is. I might still explore this option in the future, to at least give more options to phone users (even if it doesn't make performances better). At the very least, as you said, it gives more space to work with.
  6. Moar inventory/team-management! You can now filter your harem by pvp team(s): But more importantly, once you filter your pvp team, you can manage all their equipment in the new Inventory section: And easily find the best girl to equip with each item: Or maybe just quickly see how empty your girls inventory really is: This is an attempt at providing a global view/management for girls equipment. It's still pretty rough around the edges. At the moment, the table can only show the difference between the currently equipped item, and the item selected in the inventory (So the table will be empty if you don't select anything on the right side - or if your inventory is as empty as mine!) After selecting a piece of equipment on the right side, you can click on one of the cells highlighted in blue to actually equip it on one of the filtered girls. The list of girls visible in the Inventory matches the ones filtered in your harem, so make sure to adjust your filters before opening the inventory! This table doesn't work well when displaying all 1500 girls at once 😛 (I think "Filter by team" makes the most sense, but you're free to choose whichever filter you like! Even if it doesn't make any sense!) I think this tool provides a lot of value, as it makes it a lot easier to figure out matching resonances, without having to always "Filter by pose" or "Filter by element" for each individual item. Well, if you have more than 3 pieces of equipment with resonance bonuses, that is. Otherwise, it's probably not worth the effort anyway I'm considering adding additional modes for the equipment table, e.g. to display the cumulated stats of current equipment. I'm open to suggestions and ideas, and feedback in general! Quick tutorial, because the tool is probably not intuitive: 1: Make sure to apply appropriate filters before opening the inventory (e.g. filter by team) 2: The stats section shows the bonus/malus between the selected element and the currently equipped item, for each girl. The table is empty if you don't select any equipment 3: The inventory section, where you can select a piece of equipment. All currently unequipped items are displayed*, for all possible slots * If you own more than 100 items per slot, only the 100 best ones will be shown for each slot (600 items max). No pagination yet, and the server doesn't return everything. I doubt anyone has over 100 mythic items per slot, so this should be an acceptable compromise 1: Select the piece of equipment you want to equip (current piece is highlighted) 2: The stats of the selected equipment. (Hardcore+Charm+Knowhow are summed in the first column, as the "Total stats" (or Total Power). Since all items give an equal amount to all 3 stats, there's no need to distinguish them) 3: The difference between the selected equipment and the currently equipped item, for each stat and each girl. Raw stats are the same for every girl, so the last 3 columns are the most important ones: they show resonance bonus. The selected section shows that Sifra has the most resonance with the selected necklace, and it's much better than the one she currently uses; so she will probably receive it. 4: Highlighted in blue, the equipment slot where the item can be equipped. Click on it to actually equip it to one of the girls
  7. Ah, d'accord. J'ai mal compris. Donc pour les équipements de héros : - La classe doit correspondre à la classe du joueur - L'élément doit correspondre à l'un des éléments de l'équipe
  8. Juste en dessous du tien : Euh... Tu es sûr ? Normalement, les équipements de fille n'ont que les 8 éléments possibles. C'est différent pour les équipements mythiques du joueur, qui ont 8 élément + équilibre, et qui s'appliquent effectivement au thème de l'équipe. Mais les équipements des filles doivent correspondre aux stats des filles.
  9. Since we received a lot more orbs on the test server, we were able to get a pretty decent idea, with a couple thousand samples. Not nearly enough to give definite .1% accurate drop rates, but good enough to get an idea. Ravi aggregated the drop rates for mythic items (Player + Girls): But you can find more details from this post and the next few ones:
  10. Pas vraiment. Ca avait été annoncé il y a 3 semaines environ, mais Kinkoid n'a rien dit pour la release hier (Pas de message en jeu avec les notes de patch). Le patch est plutôt concis également cette semaine, et il faut suivre le forum pour le voir : Les détails sont disponibles sur le blog, mais je ne suis pas sûr qu'il existe une version en Français pour cet article : https://blog.kinkoid.com/features/recruit-equipment-resonance/
  11. Niveau 10. Mais ça coûte cher. Très cher. (Le tableau contient une erreur : le niveau 1 est gratuit) De la fille De la fille Ce sont les stats modifiées (Équipements + Bénédictions) On a reçu des orbes gratuites pour le lancement (1 Orbe pour 25 filles dans ton harem). Il y en a également dans les 2 voies (Valeur / Gloire), une par jour dans le 4ème coffre des objectifs journaliers, et il y en aura à partir de juin dans les récompenses de saison. Pour les joueurs payants, il y en a également dans les cartes (Argent/Or/...) et dans les bundles. Mais le seul moyen d'en avoir beaucoup pour le moment, c'est de dépenser des Kobans. Beaucoup, beaucoup de Kobans.
  12. Dumb question: do you have equipment for the girls? Did you play the new Equipment Pachinko? (This is the only source of equipment for girls at the moment)
  13. Even now? It seems that the display bug has been fixed, at least
  14. Since this was the last league before MGE, I decided to try a bit harder than usual. I spent 3x Cordy and 1.83 AM (Forgot to refresh it so I missed a few): It looks like Milio bet a lot on the new Girls Equipment, because he kept a lot of fights until the very end. Here are the scores 40 minutes before the end:
  15. No; that's what happens when a change in the game code breaks the Booster Detector.
  16. Nutaku usually has slightly more players per league (102 to 105? vs 100-101 for HH.com). For proper comparison, you should look at average scores instead.
  17. Kinkoid must be really proud of Titania and want every player to get her. It looks like the fast timer + extra shards were a one time thing. And they already revived her twice, on top of that.
  18. That would be correct for CbC, but not for LC. As I mentioned, in LC, future rewards are turned into MP Orbs as soon as you reach 100 Shards, whether you claim them or not. So if you have 2x50 or 1x100, you will no longer see shards rewards for this event. In CbC however, Shards are only converted to Orbs if the girl is in your harem (i.e. if you already claimed her), so that would indeed work. Refreshing the page doesn't change the reward though: it only changes how it is displayed, but you'll always get Orbs rather than Shards, if you already have the girl. So there's no need to manually refresh (Unless you want to double-check and avoid mistakes).
  19. Once you have a total of 100 shards or more, whether you claim them or not, next days will provide MP rewards instead. So if you get 100 Shards on Day 1, you will get MP on Day 2, 3 and 4, whether you claim the Day 1 reward or not. If you get a x50 reward on day 1 and then a x100 reward, you have two options: - Claim x100 first: the x50 reward will be converted to MP orbs - Claim x50 first, then x100: the 50 extra shards will be turned into epic flowers (50x130 Affection)
  20. There was a full reset of girls equipment on Monday, at the same time Kinkoid added the "Unequip all" button. Maybe that's what happened? You should have received tens or hundreds of equipment pachinko orbs in exchange.
  21. At the beginning, Kinkoid skipped a few girls (2 I think?), and added them again later, so it shifted everything by 2 weeks
  22. And with this, you'll just get enough trash to upgrade each of your 42 mythic pieces to lvl 4
  23. I've been writing "Harem++" too much recently; this is not the script you're looking for 😛 I actually meant "HH++". This is a good place to start looking:
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