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Everything posted by Shorty-er

  1. - Alban's travel memories: extra XP. And would that extra XP count for any contest? I'm willing to bet the answer is Yes. - Sandalwood perfume: extra shards. Interesting. Will those extra shards be taken from a limited supply, like with Mythic Days? Or will they come into existence in addition to the supply? My guess: KK didn't even consider this and the answer is up to how the code that will implement this boost happens to work with the Mythic Days code. This isn't a step in the direction of P2W. P2W is here. Given how things have been going live from test irrespective of what anyone said/wrote, I do expect this to come live, as is, pretty soon. But don't worry, it's ok. After all, KK does all these things in reaction to player requests. /sarc
  2. Me when I read the announcement of Mythical Arcana: Ohhh MUST HAVE! Me when I saw the girl: lol, NVM. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: if the "artist" can't get a resemblance other than almost the correct hair color and almost the correct eye color, why even bother calling her Arcana? Why raise expectations that you can't meet? Why not keep Arcana as her (slightly strange but) perfect self, and give new girls a new name? Because based on the resemblance (or lack thereof) I would think this is not even a distant cousin to Arcana.
  3. First of all, thanks for that analyses of rewards in this PoA. However, I have trouble following your calculation of kobans/girl. Also, I wonder if you are assuming it is possible to complete all 30 stages without spending kobans for refreshes? I'll have to see how far I'll come, but for now I share your conclusion and will most likely not spend anything on this event. With the new combat system mythical girls, all mythical girls, are unfortunately simply too important.
  4. The best thing about Kinky Cumpetition? It lets me save up my kobans for an event where I can actually get a girl.
  5. Funny how people comment on (and dislike) the koban cost of the new PoP buttons. I don't like their location but I actually *like* the koban cost. Every game must get its money from somewhere. I like games that offer Pay-for-convenience much better than games that offer pay-to-win. As for the Hide button @Pelinor reported, I guess that was successfully hidden from me, as I don't see it .
  6. Sigh. New side quest: yet more easy XP for high level players* with a silly story using 2 drawings. Harem: too little too late. It should have been ready for release with BDSM, and the filters are in the harem, not in the window where I build a team. I suspect using the google sheet that a real Hentai Heroes Hero built or the posts in the forum is more convenient than this. Button on PoP: now I have to scroll down to reach the lowest 3. This isn't an improvement, this is yet another attempt of annoying the playerbase into spending kobans. We now know for a fact that the devs play HH, so this isn't an accident. Not for the first time I wonder how annoying your players can be a healthy strategy for a game. Adventure: No idea, but generally speaking unspecified "small changes", "balancing" etc from KK are not a good thing for players. Bug fixed in league: Wow. (*) Players who have finished the normal quests (ie. high level players) can simply focus on the side quests and collect the high XP rewards. Lower level players will have to balance that with unlocking villains in the normal quest lines. If you think I'm paranoid, give me another reason why the side quests have a much higher energy to XP reward?
  7. Actually, it says it has a high chance for "one event girl or one event avatar". It just "forgets" to make clear that whenever this high chance occurs, it'll almost always give you an avatar and not a girl. And this is KK being pretty clear and straightforward in their communication with players .
  8. Nope. It is good to see KK sticks to what has become tradition by now and has started the event with issues with the proper girls on the proper bosses. It's also nice to see so many girls in the event. I stress the word see because with this drop rate, they won't be joining my harem any time soon. I already had 30 shards for Fabienne, and still I doubt I'll be able to complete her. Once again it's mostly KK giving itself a present in the form of as many kobans they can get players to part with. And that, too, is becoming tradition. Happy Anniversary, KK.
  9. I'm not sure what is now the bigger question going through my brain: *how* you'd make a sfw version, or *why* you'd make a sfw version . Wait... can people log into the 16+ game using their 18+ accounts when they're at work? Or is this truly a different version of the game with its own accounts?
  10. Good talk, indeed. I do feel DvDivXXX's point below still stands: What so far hasn't been explicitly mentioned yet (or maybe I just missed it) is that it is not just that you need more girls in your harem, you need to have more girls at max affinity and max level. The shortage of xp and affinity items has only been made worse with the introduction of mythical girls and only "solved" for whales and owners of Koban printing presses D3 winners willing to spend kobans on overpriced mythical items. The recent drop of market renewal time from 8 to 6 hours only in part compensates for the damage done by the introduction of mythical items in the market, and did nothing to fix the reduced usefulness of market refreshes. Where in the past I could spread out xp items over my whole harem, to have the best effect of the XP on my harem bonus to endurance, I now need to keep all 6-star, all 5 star, and legendary 3 stars at max level (or keep items at hand to update those "blessed" for a week). That comes at the cost of leveling 1-stars and non-legendary 3 stars, thus at a cost to my endurance bonus. If this is what is in the future for HH, more and more P2W, I wish KK would just rip the band-aid off and get on with it. Then I'd least I would stop feeling like the proverbial frog in water slowly brought to boil and I could bail this madness. I can see how doing it slowly might keep people aboard who would jump ship at a sudden big lunge into P2W, but if more people are like me, well... every time I start thinking about spending some $ on the game, KK makes one these changes and it just reminds me why I had decided not to spend $ until I know what we're ending up with.
  11. I don't know who put that together, but I'd like to use this place to give my many thanks to this person / these people.
  12. You do realize that if you want to collect from the market on a 7 hour schedule, synced with PoP, you can simply do so? Nothing is forcing you to collect after 6 hours. Now if you had asked to change PoP to 6 hours, I could understand that, but that's not what you asked for. Why on earth would you ask to make the game worse, only because you, personally, prefer not to use it? SMH
  13. It would also need to have changed the impact of my main stat from +5 to +3 endurance to get to -72 (still not 71). Is this something you know (and knew before I asked) or is this something you assume from this post? I don't think KK knows the difference anymore . I do know that if this was indeed changed and KK "forgot" to include it in patch notes and "forgot" to change the in-game mouse-over, I'm out of here. That really would be the last straw for me. I will not start to figure out a strategy for a new battle system while KK messes with stats in the background like this.
  14. I thought I knew how things work with equipment, but I can't explain this. Unless there's been a change to how stats work out. I'm HC, so equipping this gear should get me (7x5) + (83x2) - 93 Endurance, so 35+166 - 93 = 108 additional endurance. It doesn't. It costs me 71 endurance. Let me know where my brain farts pls?
  15. An anniversary for a games company is a bit of give and take. They give one great 10 orb to you, you give them loads of extra $ to buy the kobans you need to get all four girls. Personally I already ignored the KC events. Now it's changed from almost getting one girl to definitely not getting four girls. Meh. Not an improvement but as I was ignoring it anyway I don't care. I'll just ignore it some more. These girls only have 3 stars. Since KK changed the game from a collectible game to a PvP fight game, nobody "needs" these. They might want them, but not need.
  16. Side Quests My enthusiasm for these side quests is directly proportional to the effort put into them. One picture, a silly story... yeah, so that's just above "better than nothing". But not by much. It does fit the quantity over quality approach KK seems to have adopted a while back. Free Anniversary Bundles! Cool. Thanks. Happy anniversary. Market Restock time Finally. It will be nice to have some more xp and aff. And to spend some money. But as DvD said, it doesn't address the overpriced market refresh option. New battle animations Animations? LMAO. Maybe back in 1990 those would be called animations. It reminds me of the shooting booth at the carnival. All those ducks lined up and you try and shoot them down one by one. The "mechanical" manner in which each next girl is queued up (move right, enlarge a bit, move right some more) doesn't help either. Couldn't that be one fluid move? I do like seeing all the girls, but it's not worth having the skip button moved all the way to the top. A for effort, Fail for result. Another example of a quick & dirty implemented improvement that could have been much better with some time on the test server. Anniversary Q&A! Right. Have fun.
  17. Well, I have Lupa at 99 shards. I'm sure that last one will drop with "natural" combativity. Spent around 17k Kobans. Now I have a new problem. The mind-numbing boredom, the lack of anything remotely interesting or challenging has liquified my brain. I can actually *feel* my brain going brrrzzzzzz blub blub blub and leaking our my ears. There should be something like the opposite of rage-quit, like a bored-quit. Where you feel as if you woke up from a daze, look around, and think "WTF am I doing?". And then simply walk away and never come back .
  18. I thought they were all professionals before they started KK, but yes everything KK does is extremely amateurish. I've been in software development my whole professional life and owned a small (5 people) software company. It is painful to see KK repeat the same mistakes over and over. The current mess in the anniversary is absolutely typical for KK. We've all seen literally the same thing happen before and girls not showing up on their intended bosses. Have that happen once is an issue. Have the same thing happen again and again shows there are issues in the way they work. The single most important thing they need to realize, is that quality is not a product of good intentions and committing of a lot of time. Quality is the result of running procedures and processes. Quality is the result of repeatable work habits. They also have an extremely useful resource that they don't use enough: the community! A test server isn't just some silly thing you go through before you ignore the outcome and dump your bugs on a production environment. Imagine how much the game would improve if: KK actually listed all the changes released on Test, instead of having patch notes written up by marketing staff trained in double-speak; KK actually listened to the feedback on Test and acted on it; KK actually released the fixed version on Test for more testing. I ignore the test environment because time and again I see KK ignore the feedback.
  19. As I understood it, the "compensation" is based on your position in your league. That means that not only do the cheaters get included, they actually get rewarded for cheating by getting a higher compensation than the people they cheated on and who ended lower in the league. Relatively speaking (as in: how the cheating accounts are now relative to how non cheating account are now), this compensation made things worse and it would have been better for the non-cheaters if there had not been a compensation. *That* is how wrong this compensation is. Unfortunately, that is standard operating procedure for KK
  20. Thanks @GeorgeMTO. I did try and search for an answer on the forum because I couldn't imagine I was the first to wonder about this, but couldn't find anything about it.
  21. I have noticed that the CC tier still goes up. But as you can't "loose" from the champ a few times to lower it, since there is no more 24h time-out, how can we lower the tier now? I noticed the current CC came in at tier 2, so it's not automatically reset at the end of the month.
  22. Today's patch notes. New Quest release: World 15 Quest 7 “Bad Girls Get What They Deserve”…Check out our latest adventure! Cool. x10 Seasons Performance Button Cool. More pay2win. And the usual lack of detail. Like: are the 3 opponents from the current draw part of the big pool of 30? Starting 2nd of August “!” notification will appear when new Blessings are available That's nice. Honestly, no sarcasm. It's also, thinking of everything needed to un-cluster-<beep> the new combat system, less than a drop in the ocean. New Recruits Cool. More girls we won't have affinity and XP for because every sane person who does not own a Koban printing press will plough all they have into mythics. And "all they have" will still be less than they used to have, because there are still slots in the market marked "Reserved! Whales-only!"
  23. Yup. Just got started when a club member gave a warning. The rage-quit inducing sloppiness really is all over the game.
  24. I know I should, but it's *so* hard! I know I should, but it's *so* hard! Just imagine they had made it so you had 1 spot reserved for a mythic girl. A couple spots for legendary, a couple for rare, etc. And then add the bonus system. Suddenly all the girls in a harem are viable! (Well, apart from the 1 star girls, those are just a joke). "Big" players with loads of girls will still have an advantage, but it's not so curb-stomping as the current implementation is. Now it's just a koban and money grab by KK that makes existing issues even worse . Darn it, now I've gone and said something... Oh well.
  25. Actually... I can't be bothered with league anymore, but if I did I would think a change in Blessings half-way through would make things more interesting. Do I take this fight now, or do I wait and hope for better blessings...
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