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Zorba the Geek

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Everything posted by Zorba the Geek

  1. Yeah, Everest is pretty hot, even though she's an ice 'queen', Elsa-style. I got her previously from a free EP orb. She's worth trying for, trust me, but I can see why Olivia might be appealing (completely new girl, etc). Personally, I'm trying for Preya (now that I've got the love of my life, Mercy, safely in my clutches). She's quite interesting, from the dayglow colours to that absurdly oversized zipper statement with its quaver and heart accessories. HH are going for this a lot lately and I think it's a plus for their artwork. I have no idea if it's an original idea or not, but, if it is, well done artists! Her eyes celebrate the psychedelia too and are unusual in the way Ria's are, but are even more in tone with her hair. I'm quite keen to try and start a new topic on what members think are their best girls. I have the start of a list and, when I finally post it, I'll include an inventory of how I made my choice. That'll be revealing of just how perverted I can be (lol). What I like is wide-ranging, however, and for me my choice of best depends on how all the elements that make up a girl and great artwork meld together. Oh, none of these girls would make it into my top ten, but this is because the choice for me is so huge - not a put down of the current selection at all.
  2. I'll keep you all posted on this issue, likely in the appropriate thread. I've found things rather different with a trend pattern, frustratingly so when all I seem to get round after round are champions tickets.
  3. Finished this event in this account. However, what a contrast to my other accounts where I have yet to get a second rescue girl in any of these - very low shard drops, but then I haven't bought any refills so I can't complain. Getting up to 3000 kobans from only a few hundred in each account has been a bonus, and also thanks to placing in a few contests. I can't complain, either, because I added Sanda (two accounts) and Valicta (one account) thanks to the villains these girls were placed with. I've gone back to trying for Mercy in this account. She's on 85 shards, but Finalmecia has now levelled up to 522(!). This means that I'm forced to use boosters to progress. I will do this because I've been lusting after Mercy ever since she became available. The only trouble is I've run out of freely won legendary ginseng and cordyceps boosters and it'll cost me 90 kobans each to buy more. Has anyone noticed how seldom are MP orbs dished out in Places of Power these days with a glut of useless (for me) champions tickets instead.? And in MP, I'm delivered an oversupply of damn avatars I'll never use! Of the boosters, chlorella are most dropped and these offer me little change in stats I find useful. It's all by design, of course - the least valuable items are dropped the most. How did everyone do? Congrats to those who got lucky and my condolences to those who bummed out like me in my other accounts. I have time left, of course, and maybe two more rounds (40 performances) with maybe a minor refill in each of these other accounts. One criticism I do have of this and some other previous classic events, I feel very sorry for the newbies who do not get much of a chance to try for the rescue girls. Only Akama would've been within reach. With so many ways for the advanced players to earn cash these days, the argument that we are forced to battle miserly Dark Lord or Ninja Spy hardly applies now. Give the newbies a fair go! I, for one, do not mind battling Dark Lord, or even up to Edwarda, especially with the Tier system in place.
  4. I haven't been busting my guts to get these girls this time (ie, not spending kobans to refresh combativity). It's interesting to observe how things are panning out: - in this account it looks like I'll get all three girls (plus Bimbette) without much trouble, but in two other accounts I'm yet to get a girl because of lousy shard drops (of low value). In this account getting Sue with a x100 drop helped enormously. I seriously want to build my koban count. I can only comment on one Pachinko girl - Yui. She's quite appealing, but her green hair colour is oddly extreme, like an iridescent green bird. From what I can make out of Ronda, she has amazing eyes, a bit like Violet's from the previous event. The artist really knows how to draw blue eyes. I've never been much of a fan of Akama, but in this version she is very cute. The dark flower hair accessory with its skull features is a very nice touch. The artists are pretty good at this sort of feature now, and it's quite subtly executed. One of the great bonuses of this event was being able to win over Sandra in two accounts and Valicta in another. These two girls are especially gorgeous.
  5. Yeah, I know. I was kinda joking - inappropriately as usual. And I guess for Americans and some Europeans, Thanksgiving is fast approaching, then there was the American Presidential Election that's been occupying everyone's minds. I'm not taking part in the Season of the Rose if that's what you meant. I just don't have the time. As is my usual pattern I might get around to it much later on if I get bored.
  6. Oh no!! Here it is the next day and my last post is still the last. C'mon guys? Wakey wakey! But I guess for me being right on the International Date Line means that most members on this forum are now either alseep or have other urgent tasks to do. Anyway, even though I quite like the captured girls for this event, I'll resist the temptation to spend kobans to refresh combativity this time. I'm doing well in most accounts so far and I want to keep going that way. Good luck everybody!
  7. Got her with two free EP orbs - second try (in Peckerbird). She improves with poses. I'm not sure about the green hair, but she definitely improves along the way as I upgraded her affection. I haven't even checked what class she is yet, but to score the legendary girl is a plus. I got Riley in this account so I'm quite pleased. The shards just dropped like a shower for her; I was stunned. How are you all going? This time I got the x100 for Sue in this account. I haven't had one of these in ages,but Silvanus felt generous! For me she's not the most appealing (I'd love to get Alisandra), but a girl is a girl, even Gork or Natasha. She might improve unmasked, though, like Yui did.
  8. It had to happen! Halfway into this event and I was called up to New Zealand's answer to Gotham City, aka Auckland, for a bereavement. I was stuck up there for half the week and I only had my cellphone to play the game and keep up with daily missions so I didn't end up totally down the plughole. I managed to get Amelia in all accounts, though, and got the 6 orb Mythic Pachinko bundle in Peregrine Took. That was my primary mission for that account. I would've liked to get that surly but pretty girl, but no. I hope you all did well and until next time...
  9. Wow! One post straight after the other! You guys are slow to post, the topic is boring, or you've run out of things to say. Oh well... I've managed to get Amelia in all six accounts, but my koban deficiency means that I don't think I'll get as far as Violet, except in two accounts (and certainly not this one!). Daylight Savings managed to cause havoc over my carefully staged timing for this event. Amelia is one of the more interesting characters presented so far, and she's well drawn with nice little titties for a change. Violet (I presume she's the other non-bonus girl) has a really cute body that does not match her severe, scowling, possibly ball-breaking expression. I hope to get her although I'm much more keen to win the rewards (such as the x6 Mythic Pachinko bundle) than the girl herself. Overall, amazing attire on these girls, reminiscent of Val Cupid (one of my all-time favourite girls, mainly because of what she is wearing). The piano-keys skirt Amelia is wearing is an especially nice touch. If it isn't an original idea, too bad, but if it is, then I can imagine it being adopted by a number of other games. Like Lopussy's costumes, this amazing and sexy attire is what stirs my groin rather alot.
  10. Yes, that thought finally occurred to me too. After I finished all the daily missions it said I had 1 day and 8hrs before the next one. That was with less than an hour left before the new missions were due to start under normal circumstances. That's when I had my aha moment about daylight saving. It seems to happen every year. HH should have a setup like the telcos where they are now seemlessly adjusted to daylight savings. I'm sure they could develop code to get around it better.
  11. This is my second instance of getting Rize, this time in Adrian'smole with a single orb. It must've been my turn in this account - again - after getting Kaito not long before in the same account.
  12. This happened to me in at least two accounts (I haven't checked the rest so far. It started off reporting that it takes 4m to complete this mission, then I click on it to start it. Nothing happens and I have to refresh my browser. When I went back into it, this showed up. Has anyone else had this happen? As you can see this is a common mission, otherwise taking between 4m and 6m to complete - except, it seems, on this occasion. I had four missions to finish including this one, all others under 1m 10s.
  13. Cheers. This happened to me too in Places of Power, but I thought I'd misread it and dismissed it. You proved to me that I'm not going nuts after all!
  14. How about this... As you can see, this is a common mission and I don't see any koban rewards. Lol. How am I expected to finish this stage of the PoA if I'm going to face this in the remaining three missions? I always start with the longest to complete first, working down to the shortest one. Incidentally, this mission started out as taking 4m to complete and suddenly morphed to 57m.. . This is the second one. The first was in Herbie Hynde, this one is in Peckerbird. It's obviously a bug so I'll report it.
  15. I got Acadia twice now: this one in Peregrine Took and previously in Peckerbird... No biggie, I know - especially when I see with envious eyes the number of people who snared Nero (congrats to them). However, Acadia is my absolute favourite of the Digisekai trio attached to Neono and I was very pleased to get her. It also gets me closer to performances against Nike in Stairway to Heaven. That is, except in this account where I'm making an all-out effort to win Mercy from Finalmecia, until that gorgeous villain levels up too much and I have to use boosters to avoid losing (my stats aren't so shit hot in this account). I'd love to get Mercy with one of these x100 drops. That would be the real icing on the cake!
  16. Wanda was the easiest for me to get. The best thing for me about going for Wanda in this account was that I was able to get ever closer to having Mercy up for grabs. I managed to get Finalmecia up to lvl 480 and Mercy popped up, but, oh my, how I'd love to have Finalmecia, herself, in my harem. Her tits are too big for my taste, but what the heck. What a super-hot Tier III pose. Kinkoid has forever ruled out villains ever being able to be recruited, but she might appear as some weird kind of cameo. I remain ever hopeful.
  17. Oh man, I'm so fucked up! Get this. Despite my loathing for her I went for this chick (or terror bird) in Lili... The absolute worst thing is that I spent kobans on refills trying for her. I still believe Kinkoid and the artist created her as a sadistic joke on us, the players. On the other hand, Wanda is just gorgeous, especially in her third pose. I'm utterly addicted to recruiting girls, no matter how horrible they are and how soft they make my cock. I guess possession is 9/10th of the whore.
  18. Yes, I did, didn't I. I have trouble with the 'r' sometimes. Mavin for instance. With her two names I keep asking myself, what's going on, before signing myself in for some sexual healing. Yeah, is she Mavin Gray or Marvin Gay? Whatever, I've always found her strangely hot. One name that appeared once I always find amusing is Tom Fuckery. Remember that? In one of my accounts I was going to nominate myself... Herbie Hynde, which you have to say out loud to feel really awkward. Sadly it's not original, but a nickname used by the late great New Zealand motor racing champion and CAN-AM team leader, Bruce McLaren. I'll have a good scroll through The Leagues next time I play to hopefully come up with some real beauts.
  19. In this account. Yet again, I've had no luck in the single spins getting the one I really wanted, like Ticket Inspector Kalissa this round or especially Gardevulv last round, but hey, win is a win and Greta IS rather hot.
  20. Oh, Thank heavens for the Wandalust. She fell for my 'charms'. Plus she gave me 92 bouquets of flowers. I have only Halloween Housemaid to get, of those girls I have a chance for. As with Plavala, Vechta forever eludes me. I must say Wanda's pretty hot, especially in her third pose.
  21. As far as Nero is concerned, a bummer! In my KH accounts I was focusing on getting her over 50 shards so I can have a good stab at getting her with my two saved x6 Mythic Pachinko orbs. In the three accounts where I had enough orbs to get her, I managed to get Fabienne so that wasn't a bad result. It was a hellava fight though with a couple of 60 performance stints in a row for nothing. As for Nero, I succeeded in my unambitious aims and got her into the 50 or 60+ shards category in all KH accounts for a lucky draw in future MPs. I simply didn't have enough kobans to make serious inroads into this event for the new girl. But I hope others had more luck than I did.
  22. Choice. Well done! If you're hardcore she's doubly valuable. I've had one or two girl drops from single spins in Mythic Pachinko, but none in this account and none that are especially valuable, all epic girls.
  23. Yes, that's right, along with Xmas Rabbi and Halloween Lupa(?). I managed to get Silver Lupa in my destitute account, Lili. At last I have a 5-star legendary in the right class for that account.
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