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Everything posted by yourfriend

  1. Read the patch notes, they just up the limit from 19 per level to 30 per level.
  2. D2, 103 people, top Shadows lvl 369 also Bibei lvl 369
  3. here is link to the wiki, it has a lot of good info. https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes
  4. yourfriend

    Ideas Main

    Limit the champions to no more than 3 of the same pose. That would make bosses 3 and 5 less deadly, but also easier to find enough matches for your team.
  5. I do not like the ones, I am not good at ad lib. Here is my entry anyway. HH ID 193191
  6. I think it would be easier to just have the boss max level be equal to player current level.
  7. I was in the same league never boosted, finished about 18th and only did not fight 17 battles. average points per battle was 18-20.
  8. I also got her first, and as the first level 5 reward too.
  9. I am US central with reset at 10PM.
  10. Also the girl does not get awarded until you visit the mission screen on the last day.
  11. I also had all his girls from before the boss leveling, but I think a possible reason that he might have a girl is matching the source material.
  12. I know how you feel until this last month (July) I never had a 100x drop and then suddenly I get 3 in the same month. The first during the normal event, the second on one of the legendary girls from the anniversary, and the third one was my lowest girl on Jackson the next week.
  13. Or sort by grade if you don't have too many 0 star girls, she should be at the end chunk.
  14. The joke is that they did something epic off screen and we did not get to see it, and it will likely never be talked about again either.
  15. I thought the news said it was part of the reward for doing the missions.
  16. 1 Cori 2 Bitch 3 Hornita 4 Val Mavin 5 Val Mala HH ID 193191
  17. no they just gain back 10% of their max every 24h.
  18. on the wiki https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Compare-All-Haremettes the 2nd spoiler tag. click on columns to sort.
  19. Or maybe a revival pachinko that has all girls from that month.
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