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Lost in champions


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On 7/14/2019 at 1:59 PM, abdo1727 said:

I noticed in champions that I loose before my ego is over almost all the time, like in this case I still have 5k left, that's just cheating 

It happen to me too, more than one time.  I have even more screenshots, but I think everyone already understood


285668619_Capturadetelade2019-07-0801-25-18.thumb.png.8947e0b03d4384cdcf797afc24015917.png1033922766_Capturadetelade2019-07-0700-35-20.thumb.png.eae05817c6b5ea161e7567cd26c65654.pngCaptura de tela de 2019-07-14 01-22-17.png

Edited by sanjkame
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I have had it happen to me as well.  Normally it was a couple of thousand, and in the second match on.  I thought it might be a remainder from the previous match (the final blow put me ~$5k and that was the difference), but this just happened to me.  This was the first round and I had 99k remaining, that seems to be a bit much. 




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2 hours ago, LastBastard said:

I just let it run, I seem to do better when I do not skip.

It's not just the skip button. I just saw matsuda give me a critical hit(From his girl's favorite position) which finished me off, and I stayed with 25k ego left, I could easily hold 2 more rounds. No skip button

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Happens to me a lot too, but not as extreme as the examples...

Here I was thinking it was the Know-How perk going off in the last round that was not being counted, but 99.805 ego left seems a little extreme... (I only get around 30k when it goes off for me :P)

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  • 4 weeks later...

It started happening to me again, after it was gone for awhile. I'm at the 5th champion and I didn't skip the fights and several times now I had more than 30ks left and the fight was over.
And it's not just an image error. One time I had 98k left, the hit was 69k, the fight was finished and I had around 29k left.

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18 minutes ago, botc76 said:

It started happening to me again, after it was gone for awhile. I'm at the 5th champion and I didn't skip the fights and several times now I had more than 30ks left and the fight was over.
And it's not just an image error. One time I had 98k left, the hit was 69k, the fight was finished and I had around 29k left.

It's not that it started again, it's Visor that is still buggy. Actually i think the problem is caused by the KH specialty...

Anyway, i can say for sure that Matsuda, Ryu and Alban are not buggy, i checked several battles and everything went fine with them. Don't know about the first two champions, but i wouldn't be surprised if Whaty was buggy too.

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FWIW, I haven't noticed anything wrong with Whaty (hurray for needing all 8 runs...), but I haven't paid as close attention as I'd have needed to in order to be completely certain that he's okay. I'll make sure to check more thoroughly in the two stages I have remaining on him.

Edited by _shal_
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On 8/13/2019 at 5:46 PM, Daniele said:

Anyway, i can say for sure that Matsuda, Ryu and Alban are not buggy, i checked several battles and everything went fine with them.

Ok, today it happened with Alban too. It was the first battle of the stage, so i had 6 KH girls. Then i did some drafts, i got 10 HC girls and it didn't happen again.
It really seems that for some reason the game sometimes just doesn't take into account one (or more?) of our reassurances, or anyway the amount of our restored ego, even if the numbers are displayed correctly. Now, i don't know if this happens with all specialties and the lack of the KH one is just the most noticeable, or if it's just a problem with reassurance...

Anyway, that's why most of the time i don't have any problem with Matsuda, Ryu and Alban (usually i have charm girls with the first two, and HC girls with the third), and why Visor seems more buggy than the others (KH girls are mandatory with him).

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The devs have already addressed the matter elsewhere stating that this bug is only visual, and battle calculations are performed correctly. IMHO, this has generated incredulity, because it has not been sufficiently explained. I dunno if I will be able, but I will try to explain this better, drawing from my past programming experience.

As I see it, with any probability there are, internally to the game, two counters: one (I will refer to it further as Counter A) relative to the EGO (and relative blue progress bar) of the player in the champion screen. The other counter (which i will further refer as Counter B) is not visible in any way in the game, and is used internally to test the end of the battle.

Now, point is, when the devs said that the error is only visual, they mean that the calculations relative to Counter B have been checked and have been found correct (or so I hope). This means that despite the fact that quite a number of people reach the end of battle with unfinished EGO (see below on Counter A), the battle has ended at the correct time, because Counter B is correct (the devs say this, not me).

The fact that some people find themselves with this continuing bug means that Counter A has problems (and as far as I know, @Daniele in his last post may have a good point about why this is happening), but the fact is that, being the one on Counter A only a visual bug, the devs, as far as I know, will classify it as a minor bug, and therefore it will be necessary a long time before we will see it resolved.

Important note, should someone need it: all the above is my own work, based, as I said, on my past experience as a programmer. I neither have friends in Kinkoid, nor any access to their source code. I simply tried to provide a possible explanation to the situation, in a better way in comparison to the quick one provided by the devs, but I can't assure in any way that what i supposed is the true state of things. Simply (again, given my past experience as a programmer), I find that the one I described is a fair explanation of what is happening. Should anyone find it satisfying, I will be happy to have aided in preventing further forum chaos on this matter.

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I'll try to integrate my example with @Gremlinking post. I'll use the same counter definitions of my previous post.

The visual error is probably generated by the fact that if you are at maximum health and you get a Know how critical effect, Counter A is changed, and Counter B remains the same. Now, I take that, as the devs have stated that battle calculations are performed correctly, it is correct that a player while fighting a champion can't normally go over the EGO he has at the start of the battle. If this condition is true, then we get back to the visual problem on Counter A. If the condition is false, that should definitely make this a non-visual bug, as the devs would be wrong in stating that the calculations on Counter B are correct.

Thus, to definitively resolve this, we would need an official feedback from the devs on the veridicity of the aforementioned condition.

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Well, if isn't supposed to go over maximum health, then it shouldn't, whether it's the visible counter or an invisible one.
Sounds like a lot of BS from the devs side of things.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the issue isn't as explained, but I find that still vexing and annoying and not something that should happen in a game I actually spent money on, even if it is just the money for the monthly card.

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No problem. The right to one's own opinions is sacrosanct, and, in the case in exam, I am prone to agree with you. Trying to explain things as I did is one thing, giving an opinon on the existence of the bug is entirely another, and every one deserves respect (independently from the fact another one agrees or not), unless he's stating objectively stupid things (humour apart).

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