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What do I need to know about Clubs before joining one?

Red Rudy

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I know the basics. I am level 60, have 16 girls in my harem. I have looked carefully at the Clubs window, sorted the listings by various criteria. I can see that some are closed and some are open, I can see how they have a level equal to the combined ranks of all members, etc.

What I am asking is, what do I need to know aside from this, aside from the obvious.

Hablo tambien el Castellano.

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Hard to tell what to look for without being IN the club, but ideally you want a mostly full club with an active club leader and members. Nothing stinks more than dumping money and koban into upgrade only to find out you're the only one. 

You can always look around the forums for any club that is advertising, thats how I found my current club which is miles better than the original club I joined when they rolled them out.

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Go to the clubs category in ToF (tower of fame) then check all clubs in the first page, if you can't find a suitable club in the first page then go to the second, etc. clubs in the first page are mostly active also those with combined level 10.000+ are not for you, so you should see for clubs of 9.999 and lower, join up whichever one is allowing low level players such as yourself then ask in the club chat if it's an active club or not, spending kobans or money for the club skills in such low level should be the last of your worries especially if you are f2p.

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I agree with @blaa but it also depends on what you want. As I see it the 3 most important things are:

  1. Club leader who will treat members fairly. Nothing sucks like getting kicked after you have invested a bunch in the club.
  2. Club members who contribute, is there an expected contribution rate?
  3. Good language, attitude, amount of activity. Are you going to engage never, weekly, daily, .... You do not want to be in a club where everybody posts multiple times a day when you only have time for a post or two a week.

It looks to me like there are clubs that are fully upgraded who sometimes take people just to keep things lively. I see you are fairly low level. Do not let that prevent you from knocking on the doors of high power clubs. (Full disclosure: the club I am in started out with a high level limit but we started taking anybody who looked like they would participate. Works fine for us.)

I would search the forum for the club name, club leaders name, and maybe a few members names just looking for red flags but remember, only a small fraction of players use the forum.

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