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League Enrollment?


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As I see it, the true problem is not the fact that there was seven hours of league inactivity due to a bug, but the fact that if things would have been made in a good way, no bug would have shown itself in the first place. Although the first is consequential to the second, it is the second the fact that can justifiably (in my opinion) make some players call for a compensation. A compensation that, as experienced players well know, will probably never see the light. About the legitimacy of a similar request, we are on a forum, and everyone is entitled to give his opinion as i did (posed everyone states his own opinion in an educated manner and without being aggressive or offensive towards other players ones).

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4 hours ago, canita said:

theres no compensation due to the tower issue? that sucks men

The issue was after the reset of the league, so everyone take the correct rewards. 

Why we should provide a compensation?

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20 hours ago, Bunshichi said:

cmon man, its a game. It sucks but still.....ruining your sleep cycle? 

People acting like there whole character is gone or something. Yeah it sucks for people who used boosters, I see that. But for tickets, everbody had the same handicap, and its not like 11 tickets are a big thing. Stay reasonable folks. 

i like this man understand the real problem even for mods, if you still don't get it ask him to explain more, and yes.. especially for mods.

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2 hours ago, horo kinkoid said:

The issue was after the reset of the league, so everyone take the correct rewards. 

Why we should provide a compensation?

Because due to no fault of the players, they were unable to generate several league tokens. A number of players use all of the free tokens available, and there's often not enough to fight every opponent in the league. This week there's definitely not enough. It's one thing for a person's actions to make this happen, but another for the game code.

Note I am also not saying that you need to, but to question why people feel inconvenienced feels hugely ignorant of how the game works

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On 11/29/2019 at 2:41 AM, horo kinkoid said:

The issue was after the reset of the league, so everyone take the correct rewards. 

Why we should provide a compensation?

well maybe 7hrs it´s nothing to you, but I use to play till 22:00hrs to 00:00 just to complete the daily activities and a little more hrs in event day´s, 3+ hrs make 5 or 6 tokens to challenge in the tower, so 7hrs passed after the issue that means 10 or 11 tokens rigth?, when the league restart we earn a 15 refill of tokens if we are playing all the days, I wait until the 22:00 hrs to use the 15 tokens but for some strange reason, I don´t know why, all the players we witnessed the void, yeah no tokens, no reward, just nothing, just 7 hrs late magically all back to normal, but we lost 7 hours and the tokens what could have been gained in that hours, so what happened to that wasted time? well only that, wasted time, i think all the players deserve at least the tokens from that 7 hrs, because it was not a player failure, that was a game failure, i understand that faiures happen suddenly and people work hardly to solve them quickly as possible, but that doesn´t mean that the afectted players we have to pay for failures that aren´t ours

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