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so how do I find devil 2373?

Why you might ask?  Because @ 3: 45 minutes into the new contest he has amassed 1960 points!!  I am at a lackluster 840, 1120 behind him.


Tower of fame says he is level 24 with 8 girls.  likely he gets 60 for a battle win v. the Spy.

Logic break:

5 going in:  2 periods since gives him max of 45/2= 22 X 60= 1200.  Unless?  He used Koban!!  heheehe.  

Don't you think this is interesting????   heheehe.

I admire him for his play.  Do you think it will work for him?  Not me!!  First off:  he didn't know this:  1120 is one of my lucky numbers.


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42 minutes ago, Monster750 said:

It's kinda stupid to use kobans to win a contest, because you end up getting less kobans than you spent!!!

Well, that depends. An energy refill costs me 150kobans, and the 1st prize for an event is 92 kobans. It's not quite uncommon that several events have the same goals. For example: "Pervert mind" is about gaining XP & spending energy. "Symbiotic harem" is about gaining XP and giving XP to the girls. 2 events, one mutual goal. So if you spend 150kobans to get more XP through fights you might get 184kobans in return.

Also: I'm level 40 so I pay a lot more for an energy refill than a player who's still at level 10.


Edited by ZenMaster
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On 9/19/2017 at 0:43 AM, Monster750 said:

It's kinda stupid to use kobans to win a contest, because you end up getting less kobans than you spent!!!


HEY!!!  You are the first one to post a reply!!!  So cool.  TY.  I didn't know if anyone would come!!!  hehehe.  You rock!


that is truthful.  And consistent with a strategy!!  


But, mine is different:  I am too busy to save 5500 of anything!!!  haha.  

let me say it this way:  But, you can still stay ahead?  maybe right?  Winnings + Daily Gift?

Maybe not.


here is what broke my heart of the 5500 to get a girl:  Can I tell you?


It turns out, the girl you get?  For 5500 ($38 USD) kobas?   It is one that you might get randomly up the line?  From boss drops.

That disappointment in thick layers.  A lot of work for something that you can earn.

So for I play for my fun in the game:  Not so much to maximize revenue.  


I hope I am not offensive.  

This is the best game ever.  

Daily Missions?  good.  Off to a nice start anyway.

Contests?  Wow.  3 every 2 days?  Have you won some?  I have 3 firsts so far!!  Oh, darn it!!!!  

Here is a thought?  What if we could earn a girl?  By our standing of during a month of contests?

And I cant' wait for the next event!!  I hope it starts Oct 1!!!  hahaha.  Ty again for making a post.  Please post here:  Anytime about any thing.





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On 9/19/2017 at 1:25 AM, ZenMaster said:

Well, that depends. An energy refill costs me 150kobans, and the 1st prize for an event is 92 kobans. It's not quite uncommon that several events have the same goals. For example: "Pervert mind" is about gaining XP & spending energy. "Symbiotic harem" is about gaining XP and giving XP to the girls. 2 events, one mutual goal. So if you spend 150kobans to get more XP through fights you might get 184kobans in return.

Also: I'm level 40 so I pay a lot more for an energy refill than a player who's still at level 10.


ZenMaster!!  Welcome to a Chat Thread for the whole community.  You are the 3rd to post.  Post anything you wish.  Our rule is politeness is the religion of Hentai.  Hehehe.    Now:  - I love your explanation above!!  yes. I had two Number 1 finishes yesterday.  I was so disappointed of the third one.  But still paid money.  Do you love this game?  isn't it fun?

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Brassy I am holding on kobans because of that point exactly! I want to get boss girls first and then at an event use em on epic patchinko... I have more than 10000 kobans.. ;)

And yes, most of the times you can end in top 4 of the contests without using kobans and if u can't it's ok, because someone who used kobans in the first time to get in the 1st place of a contest might use them again after your reaction, soooo why being so nervous for such a low advantage?

Conclusion , at least for myself, do your everyday missions and get the 150 kobans as present, and try to be in the top 4 in every contest to earn some more.

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3 hours ago, Monster750 said:

Brassy I am holding on kobans because of that point exactly! I want to get boss girls first and then at an event use em on epic patchinko... I have more than 10000 kobans.. ;)

And yes, most of the times you can end in top 4 of the contests without using kobans and if u can't it's ok, because someone who used kobans in the first time to get in the 1st place of a contest might use them again after your reaction, soooo why being so nervous for such a low advantage?

Conclusion , at least for myself, do your everyday missions and get the 150 kobans as present, and try to be in the top 4 in every contest to earn some more.

TY for your informative post.   Please tell me what this means:  "...at an event use em on epic patchinko..." what is this?  Please?  

The next event comes up on Oct 1?

And "boss girls" have some special function or ability?  

Heheehe.  I'm such a noob!!

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Boss girls are just girls! :P Like the ones you get from the adventure, they don't have any abilities or stuff like that, they have their own stats and produce money as every girl in the game.

The event thing now. During an event ,usually, we have the chance to get from a boss a special girl(event girl). Which boss possesses an event girl depends on the event, just like the last one was Dark Lord and Edwarda. BUT during the events 5 new girls appear! And they're all available at Epic Pachinko.

Sooooo, if you manage to get both girls from the bosses, you can try to get another(or more) playing epic pachinko. The thing is that if you have many of the regular boss's girls available, you might end up getting them instead of a special event girl.

Clear enough???

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4 hours ago, brassygirl said:

TY for your informative post.   Please tell me what this means:  "...at an event use em on epic patchinko..." what is this?  Please?  

The next event comes up on Oct 1?

And "boss girls" have some special function or ability?  

Heheehe.  I'm such a noob!!

Next event will be the Halloween one it will start about half way into October

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Advice pls kind brothers and sisters, Hentai Heros, gathers of Harums all:

I get XP in the daily games, missions.  loads of XP.  It drives my through levels very quickly.  

If there is a contest on, well, fine.  I can score XP in competition and try to snag Koban.  Good.

But, why else?  

At lower levels, I could upgrade one of my fighting girls, I have 3 you know?, for very low, maybe 25,000.  You get the new photo, but also her stats roll higher.

I did one today.  On this hot girl-Cunegonde-  I love her second photo-  And to upgrade I had $30K  ready-  The price?  like $63K

I want to get Jennie for the Ninja Spy.  This take all kinds of time...  Was there ever a time before I thinking I want that slutty blonde?  I don't know.  But I am still in the lab!!  Goes on forever.  The XP I collect from Daily 'clicking' doesn't get me through any faster---????




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Advice pls kind brothers and sisters, Hentai Heros, gathers of Harums all:

I get XP in the daily games, missions.  loads of XP.  It drives my through levels very quickly.  

If there is a contest on, well, fine.  I can score XP in competition and try to snag Koban.  Good.

But, why else?  

At lower levels, I could upgrade one of my fighting girls, I have 3 you know?, for very low, maybe 25,000.  You get the new photo, but also her stats roll higher.

I did one today.  On this hot girl-Cunegonde-  I love her second photo-  And to upgrade I had $30K  ready-  The price?  like $63K

I want to get Jennie for the Ninja Spy.  This take all kinds of time...  Was there ever a time before I thinking I want that slutty blonde?  I don't know.  But I am still in the lab!!  Goes on forever.  The XP I collect from Daily 'clicking' doesn't get me through any faster---????


so:   I decided to hold off on the uplevel, for books because so many books to use jumping every level up, you know?

Well, then I wanted a refill when I hit level 31.  

On level 30, a got an E refill at about 68 on the energy.  Oh, hell yeah.

Bc I am desparate to win Jennie.  I just want her in my crew.  I'll train her well.  And give her lots of affection.  Hehehe.


I find this game so complex- it makes my brain tingle like a perfect brain teaser.  And it warms that special spot for me.  And I do love that.


Unless, it is too little.  Can it be a game within a game?  Oh, now then.


They have a very informative graph somewhere:  it shows the variety of motivations of gamers.  

Some like to like Zombies, some like to kill other players who look like Zombies, and some come for social...there is one more but it hurts to good to remember that one.






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1 hour ago, brassygirl said:

Advice pls kind brothers and sisters, Hentai Heros, gathers of Harums all:

I get XP in the daily games, missions.  loads of XP.  It drives my through levels very quickly.  

If there is a contest on, well, fine.  I can score XP in competition and try to snag Koban.  Good.

But, why else?  

I don't understand the question?  Why what?

There's always a contest going on. And sometimes they're about gathering XP but other times about amounts of fights.

1 hour ago, brassygirl said:

I find this game so complex- it makes my brain tingle like a perfect brain teaser.  And it warms that special spot for me.  And I do love that.

In the end there's one massively important trait in playing HH: patience and planning.

Don't try to do everything at once, because then you'll fail. Same with those contents. Sometimes I simply ignore those because it'll be more beneficial for me in the longer run. For example not fighting bosses but fighting arena battles because it gets me XP + money.

And plan whatever you do. Every time I get a new level I make sure to buy all lower priced books and gifts, and I usually plan this with the restocks. So when I'm lower in cash (which sometimes happens, esp. when legendary stuff appears on the market) I usually don't do arena fights but boss battles only. Gets me money. Then, a next round, I got enough money again to buy all the stuff I need/want whenever I level up so I do more arena battles again.

If that means missing out a bit on a competition then so be it. There's always another one.


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Sometimes I simply ignore those because it'll be more beneficial for me in the longer run. For example not fighting bosses but fighting arena battles because it gets me XP + money.

it took me some time to understand this, but I see now!  Risky but planning.  Got it!  The XP added.

On 9/22/2017 at 6:15 AM, ZenMaster said:

one massively important trait in playing HH: patience and planning.


-smiles-   I really the planning part.  Patience?  Well, call it character building!! haha.

Every time I get a new level I make sure to buy all lower priced books and gifts, and I usually plan this with the restocks.

I didn't see the importance of this right away.

missing out a bit on a competition then so be it. There's always another one.


Thank you very much for taking the time to make such insightful advice.  Sharing secrets you spend time and effort learning isn't the easiest thing to do.

-smiles-  TY!!





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What a terrible person I am:  I know this now.

So I am in second place of a contest, at the very end.  I have enough to move into 1st place.  But, really?  I don't want to use too much!!  So, I'm pondering and watching the clock...

Down to 1 and 1/2 minutes....  

Then I see the guy in 3rd shot up ahead of me to 1st.  I can't believe it!!

He is so far over, with my best I can't catch him...

-sigh-  3rd place---  maybe this time!!


If I could I would PM the guy and say congrats:  he must have been watching the clock AND unlike me, put his all into it.



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Welcome to the thread of advixes (C or S depending!!)


I didn't buy enough Affection for Bunny in the lower rounds.  Now- it is truly expensive and the upgrade fee?  Don't ask.


Have fun.  (this doesn't apply if your goal is Kill other players, Kill the game, hahaha)  I can't even tell you how much I enjoy this game.


When the girls "drop"-  Enjoy this moment.  As you go along, they seem to take longer (mostly bc they take longer)


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On 9/27/2017 at 2:40 AM, Sarkasth said:

you already created a "chit chat" thread 

why do u need a second one?



yes:  It was my intention to create "Chit Chat" + Something or rather.   To compliment my previous "Chit Chat"  + 'wasn't there something there?'

I'm not entirely sure if it was changed or if I spaced:  

Nevertheless, I think you saw the graph/or information from the graph?  About different players here for different reasons?

if you wish, I will find it for you:  it is in the creators game files, but I didn't save it.

Some ppl like to kill the game:  They get serious and not light hearted.

Some ppl like to kill other players:  They get up in your face, even on little comment threads and say things like "this isn't on topic" and the like.

I don't want to dominate the conversation (or I don't want to come out say that:  not quite sure which)....  -smiles-

Without a social aspect to this game, I will drop it.  It is cool, but it isn't cool enough to keep my interest peaked if I can't interact and have a fun time talking with other players.

I'm on several other sites and for the minute I like this one.


Hope you find this answer appropriate.




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