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Considering how many pitched hissies (over 100 pages worth) over how the first Leggy Days went down, there should be a tad more appreciation for this 2nd chance at them. I know I'm looking forward to another shot at snagging Levitya.

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54 minutes ago, Zorba the Geek said:

Well lucky you!  Nothing for me in all accounts with 70-80 tries each.  Early days, I know, but it's an ominous sign.  This has never happened to me before in all accounts.  Prior to this, I've got at least one girl by Day 2.

Nothing for me either but i now think to myself take it day by day and dont expect any drops and if a girl does join you then it is a bonus. Last event went from day 3 (got 1st girl) to mid day 13 for second drop.

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Just now, bane1 said:

Nothing for me either but i now think to myself take it day by day and dont expect any drops and if a girl does join you then it is a bonus. Last event went from day 3 (got 1st girl) to mid day 13 for second drop.

Yeah, that's been my pattern since April.  That's across 6 accounts, so I have something to compare.  Before April I usually got both girls by Day 3/4.  Like you, I can't complain and I'm pretty philosophical about the whole thing.  It'd be lovely to see what they look like though.  I also suspect the 'win' display has changed subtly and I'd love a girl drop to see if my theory on the shadowy silhouette is borne out.

My lack of success might have something to do with the fact that summer here is something I have to look forward to.  It's just past the middle of winter here - damp and cold with a lot of rain.  It might have jinxed me for an event like this.

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2 hours ago, Masters said:

Considering how many pitched hissies (over 100 pages worth) over how the first Leggy Days went down, there should be a tad more appreciation for this 2nd chance at them. I know I'm looking forward to another shot at snagging Levitya.

I noticed this, too. I can't really bother slogging through that thread again to check, but I wonder if the people complaining about early revival are the same ones who were complaining like crazy about getting no drops on the first one. Probably not. I'm guessing the latter group haven't gotten around to looking at this yet.

I got every legendary except the third, which happened to be my school, but that's kinda because I waited so long that I couldn't spend all the kobans I'd decided I was willing to in order to get enough refills to boost my chances. I'm grateful for another chance so soon, if that's what it turns out to be. If it's just random other legendaries, that's cool too.

Also gives me an excuse to not do a new picture in my art thread for the event, and instead build more models. xD

Edited by Hollo
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I got mixed feelings about the Legendary Revival.

On the one hand, I did spend over 4K kobans to get Norou, 4K kobans that I could have saved if I was going to be given a second chance to get her for free.

But on the other hand, it is true that non English and French speakers didn't even have the chance to get her in the first place, since they were not informed about the original Norou event. And they too deserve a chance. They, and the people who expended thousand of kobans and got nothing the firs time.

What is clear to me now, is that there isn't, and there probably will never be, time-limited exclusive girls. So the next time a girl is announced as such, I'll save my kobans.

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18 hours ago, goderos said:

The legendary revival is one of the best news ever after the anniversary! If its a revival, I am expecting to have at least Levitya in there as it was the first one (and is the only one I miss). Finger crossed.

I missed levitya and I’m know how but I didn’t even try for norou I hope to get both of them or at least one 

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1 hour ago, dirty harry said:

During the legendary days many complaints were about the (lack of) communication. Hopefully Kinkoid will do it better this  time. Thx to Natstar for posting the calendar so soon we can save up kobans for a couple of weeks.

he wishes he was that fast...
there's a special thread in here, and I believe you will find that in there I was actually the first to post the new calendar on the forum, a good 6 hours before he posted it in here xD

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On 8/2/2018 at 12:52 PM, natstar said:

The revival event for the legendary days events is this month so you will have a second chance at the charm legendary.


OMG~~!!!  @natstarTY!!  Wow.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate your post!!

BTW:  It seems you had some success, a little of good things, in your anniversary event?  Before you had like 144 girls?  -smiles-  Now like a bit more?  hehehe.  Congratulations!!..

Good planning:  Way to go!


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1 hour ago, whocares said:

Got to admit, i Love this game ,love the artwork ,story is bonkers ,affection scenes and humour are Tops,Chthugha and GeorgeMTO great mods .and now every player old new or started today (Hello to you all).Have an equal opportunity to get all girls ,:D

I sure agree with you re. the humour.  It's often so outrageous it's hilarious (and surprisingly subtle at times).  If you have Juin Lelierre and have been upgrading her you'll see a wonderful send-up of the classic bimbo airhead pop star who has status far beyond her abilities, except for what lurks between her legs.  Others might disagree with me with respect to this particular haremette, but that's how I took it.  Someone who draws musical inspiration from the loud female orgasms of her partners is... well... different...

I love this kind of humour.  I was starting to really miss it with the over-dominance of things US on our TV screens and in movies, although even the Americans are beginning to understand irony and are learning the ability to send themselves up and not take themselves too seriously.  This is always a risk in a corporate context where making money is everything.

We used to have outliers like M*A*S*H, but they were rare highlights in a morass of sitcoms.  Ironically it's the British who are losing their touch as they are screening more and more of that inane reality TV and taking the sitcom route.

We might have more and more people switching to games like this one for their humour fix.  Maybe it's a genuine trail-blazer extending beyond its hentai genre.

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7 minutes ago, whocares said:

being a brit i can assure you our sense of humour is just as weird as ever, too every one else on this planet.but the blueprint of off the wall nutter hood,U.S tomfoolary follows on . this game breaks all limits of every humour the world around ..happy to play loving the fact everyone is involved .a joke ,artwork ,humour and good looking girls is global :Dps enjoy

Yes, maybe that's so, re. the Brits.  It must be very hard to have any humour left in the crazy and confusing political climate that exists over there at the moment.  From the antipodean perspective things seem pretty grim, but this is only from the (perhaps selective) media perspective.  It's amazing to see (from down here) the almost bookend similarity between Boris Johnson and Donald Trump.  There must be a lot of humour in it if anyone is brave enough to fly with it, but they have a lot of humourless supporters.  This in itself would be a great crucible for humour.  Monty Python made this their brand and John Cleese famously said that there are none so funny as those who take themselves too seriously.  I wonder if there were any living in Nazi Germany at the time who thought this and lived to tell the tale!  There might be some scope to explore this aspect in Hentai Heroes.  There are one or two very serious characters who could be lampooned.  Examples escape me at the moment, but I've come across them.

Here in Aotearoa (New Zealand) open humour through the media has been steadily crushed over the past two decades within a stifling climate of political correctness, perhaps, I've been told, ever since the days of PM, Robert Muldoon, who was a living walking cartoon caricature - a frightening and hideous yokai and proof that such actually exist.

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20 minutes ago, whocares said:

TYPICAL ALMOST AuSTRALIAN  the isle from nearly down  under Hobbit central,lots of my family are kiwis no one stole a loaf of bread to get there either:D

RE:  Steal loaf of bread to get there:

Mind if I go here just for a sec?  I promise:  quick & back soon:  Far more humane that the American approach:  My home is in SD County, in CA:  much of the 80s they spend building prisons: Then they passed 3 Strikes you are out.  Great right?  So, in SD, on March 17, 1994?  Kendall Cooke, a black man, goes into a 7-11 in La Mesa, has an argument w/owner, takes a beer, a single can, opens it, while the owner calls the cops.  Kendall actually sits on the curb & waits for them:  finishes a single can of Coors, I think:  He is arrested, charged under 3Xs, & continues in prison (Is American Gulag too strong) to this day.   I don't want to bum anyone's high- but that kind of thing, steal a loaf for a trip abroad/  it is still with us.  yes? 

At least, in Australia, you could build a life & be outside.  Not Kendall Cooke & many other black men for which the "law" sears my conscience in its cruelty.  

There!  I'm back!!  

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20 minutes ago, whocares said:

TYPICAL ALMOST AuSTRALIAN  the isle from nearly down  under Hobbit central,lots of my family are kiwis no one stole a loaf of bread to get there either:D

Haha... Almost Australian?  Oohh, that's a low blow!  When I was in the UK I was referred to as 'the Antipodean'.  Some heard my accent and thought I was an Aussie.  I corrected them and they said, "Thank God.  At least you have a bit of class and decorum".  Naturally, I couldn't possibly comment.  Lol.  I take what you wrote in good humour.

We did have a famous PM in 1935 with the first Labour government.  Michael Joseph Savage was, in fact, Australian.  So was Bob Semple, the first Labour Minister of Works.  So they have infiltrated our society more than we might think, just as we Kiwis are filling your detention centres in record numbers these days.

Back in 1935-40's and 50's, our accents were almost identical, but they have diverged over the years.  I don't like the modern Kiwi accent, especially among girls and women.  It sounds almost child-like and confuses a number of vowels and consonents.  Siri and other voice assistants are almost impossible to train using the modern Kiwi accent and I can understand why.

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12 minutes ago, brassygirl said:

RE:  Steal loaf of bread to get there:

Mind if I go here just for a sec?  I promise:  quick & back soon:  Far more humane that the American approach:  My home is in SD County, in CA:  much of the 80s they spend building prisons: Then they passed 3 Strikes you are out.  Great right?  So, in SD, on March 17, 1994?  Kendall Cooke, a black man, goes into a 7-11 in La Mesa, has an argument w/owner, takes a beer, a single can, opens it, while the owner calls the cops.  Kendall actually sits on the curb & waits for them:  finishes a single can of Coors, I think:  He is arrested, charged under 3Xs, & continues in prison (Is American Gulag too strong) to this day.   I don't want to bum anyone's high- but that kind of thing, steal a loaf for a trip abroad/  it is still with us.  yes? 

At least, in Australia, you could build a life & be outside.  Not Kendall Cooke & many other black men for which the "law" sears my conscience in its cruelty.  

There!  I'm back!!  

Yeah, that's really poignant.  Down here, the American approach to criminal justice mystifies us - especially the unconscious (or conscious) bias against people of colour.  I think of black civil rights activists Medgar Evers, and white racists like Bryan de la Beckwith who are not held to account and I wonder how things could have become so bad.  This may have been decades ago, but it's seered into my own consciousness.  So have your gun laws and the peculiar and anachronistic adherence to an 18th Century 2nd Amendment in your rigid constitution.  Entirely innocent people are being murdered in masses (school students, no less!) under these circumstances and it's bewildering to us that American political culture seems powerless to do anything about it.  It's like a perverse arms race and it has enabled people who have psychiatric problems to buy firearms (and military-style semi-automatics at that.  If Australia can revolutionise its gun laws after the Port Arthur massacre, why can't the US when incidents are just as bad or even worse?

However, we Kiwis can't afford to be smug.  We lock a lot of people up too and Maori people make up nearly 50% of the prison population but are only about 13% of the general population.  As it is, we have one of the highest rates of incarceration in the world and we also have a three strikes law (heated debate around it though).  Something is terribly wrong and the current coalition government has vowed to try to address it.  Gangs and pure methamphetamine (ice or crystal meth) are a huge problem here and reflect a certain alienation among much of the population from society, and family and community dysfunction.  Sadly, we exported some of this to Australia with Kiwi migrants and (much as I hate to admit it) the Australian government has a point in wishing to deport them.  Interestingly, gang-related crime has shot up over here since the deportations of gang members on the grounds of 'bad character'.  The police blame the deportees for part of the problem.

We were almost treated to the wonderful presence of Canadians, Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneaux, but this was canned.  The venue was sold out, but there was too much of a risk of civil unrest and violence for the venue agency to go through with it.  These two seem to epitomise a lot of what is going on in North America (and much of the western world) at the moment and nobody here (except an Islamic leader) actually asked the question why they want to speak here and who invited them (and what their agenda was).  Free speech?  A very incomplete reason, if you ask me.  There is no doubt they sought to influence and divide us.  Much of their support seems to be around a loss of privilege, identity and standing among certain white males who had lost their jobs and their status within their families.  At least, that's what I think.  Regardless of the reasons, it's not something we can dismiss, the way Hillary Clinton and the beltway Democrats did to let Trump into the presidency.  Every person has a right to be heard and respected, and a right to contribute to their community.  Since the influence of Milton Friedman, et al., this has been forgotten and we are paying the price today.

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2 minutes ago, whocares said:

i bow down to you a far more thought out response than i would even be bothered to think aboutO.othe world is fucked .stating this that and the obvious ,past and today relivent  demeanours of most counties just hod us all back as a unified world ,1 PEOPLE 1 PLANET

Bad punctuation on my part.  I didn't mean to imply that Medgar Evers was not held to account.  He was a victim of the southern white supremacist movement and was murdered.  The guilty man was not held to account until he was very old and in a wheel chair, having successfully avoided a guilty verdict by juries stacked by white men in the racist south.

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1 hour ago, Hollo said:

You know, it's times like this that I'm really glad that I have my art thread to cheer me up.


This happens to me all the time.  If I didn't get over it quickly I might want to slit my wrists!  As for boosters, I find them horrendously expensive and short-term.  What's more, their resale value is next to nothing.  In my account where such a display is routine for me, hopefully this will improve once I've upgraded Victoria to her 3rd star.  This will happen soon and she will join my team.  I've already matched her XP to mine. 3.15m is a lot at the moment, though, but I've saved 2.6m so far.

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21 hours ago, Jack_HH said:

I got mixed feelings about the Legendary Revival.

On the one hand, I did spend over 4K kobans to get Norou, 4K kobans that I could have saved if I was going to be given a second chance to get her for free.

But on the other hand, it is true that non English and French speakers didn't even have the chance to get her in the first place, since they were not informed about the original Norou event. And they too deserve a chance. They, and the people who expended thousand of kobans and got nothing the firs time.

What is clear to me now, is that there isn't, and there probably will never be, time-limited exclusive girls. So the next time a girl is announced as such, I'll save my kobans.

The part that REALLY pisses me off about it is they played it up as the Legendary girls were all gonna be limited time, and they might come back again.  Yet here it is less than 6 months later and all 3 are brought back together when a normal girl doesn't show up until a revival a YEAR after their initial event.

Maybe it's the fact that I dropped $50 to 150 each on them thinking if I didn't get them NOW I might never get the chance again but it really pisses me off that the "limited time" ones are coming back sooner than a normal event girl.

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