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Kobans to money


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Buy tickets > fight champions > gotcha money.


Buy boosters > play season > do refills > gotcha lot of money


Pachinko > sell stuff > gotcha random money


The idea of converting a scarce resource to a volatile one is not exactly fine, to me.


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On 6/16/2021 at 10:38 AM, Giorno001 said:

We need a fuction to convert kobans to money for the people that have a lot of kobans

Kobans are the most valuable currency in this game. Money may seem like an issue right now, but fear not the scales of justice will slide the other way in levels over 200+... then you will regret kobans you spent recklessly... save them up to use as best needed e.g. to get your class of mythic girl

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Maybe he means money as in real-life money? Like, when you quit the game, you get a ton of cash in exchange for your unused pixels?

In any case... This was done before it even began. @Giorno001 Please make a better effort if you want to participate in this forum. No shitty one-liner, especially for an inane and unclear idea, in a section like Suggestions, for starters. Thx.

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