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Welcome to the official chat room of this forum.

There are no private message functions on this forum, and until (if ever) it's added, this will be the place to hold normal conversations about anything unrelated to the game.

Obviously the forum rules still apply here, you can find the rules here: Rules


Chit chatting like you would in a chat room (like in a discord server) will only be fully accepted here in this thread.

This thread was created with the intention of letting people not using discord still be able to chit chat with the community.

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1 hour ago, [CNO] Aris619 said:

Hey buddy how have you been doing?

Hey Aris! I'm doing just fine, I also think it was the right call, as it has been a long on-going decision. 

Yeah that sucks when you're ignored, it's sad how it has become more of a solo club.

Well I am willing to give you my opinion about your question if you'd rather ask here 😉

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@Slynia Of course, thank you! You were always there to answer and help me when I had anything in mind!

So at this week's Tower of Fame the points have been wild and don't add up! I mean, we are 102 players right now and some guys have over 7700 points, which I don't think match the maximum! I think 1 or 2 guys must have dropped out midweek, but I can't be sure and I don't know why!

I have 4 fights left buddy and the best I can do is 8th place (!)... Kenrae who was kind enough and welcomed me to the forum is also in this!

Have you seen anything weird in yours?

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@[CNO] Aris619 Yes this is a known issue since the new battle system was introduced last week.

It's an exploit people are using, meaning that there is currently a way to fight the same opponent more than 3 times. 
Unfortunately it's actually easy to come across this exploit yourself, so some players probably fought the same opponent by mistake, while some others used the exploit to their advantage.

Abusing any kind of exploit is and should be bannable for any game, so we'll see what KK decides to do about this. For now I heard that they'll give out a compensation for players depending on their placement in the league. I've not heard anything beyond that tho.

So far I've been lucky in my league that no one have more points than me (currently at least), but there is a guy at level 449 in 3rd place who most likely have used the exploit.

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3 minutes ago, [CNO] Aris619 said:

I am about to burst from anger for what is going on as of now!

I understand that. Playing against exploiters is the same as playing against hackers, it really isn't funny at all.

No problem, hope you'll get a compensation from kinkoid! 

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3 hours ago, [CNO] Aris619 said:

@Slynia Did you finished first Slynia? I was 9th!!

Yes I won my league luckily 😄 not even a top 4 for someone your level, that's gotta sting.. lets just hope KK does something about this.

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Well done my friend, that was very nice!...

Yeah for me my worst result was 2 weeks ago, which marked the first I finished outside the top 4 (finished 5th), but what happened this week was atrocius! 9th? I was so angry and I'm hoping for a better result!

Announcement?.......... Oh, the will not punish those who abused... whatever they abused! Niiiice! As for the compensations I will believe them when I see those compensations! They took away my stats and my victories, last year they didn't let me to get the new anniversary girls and I lost kobans and 10-Epic games and a lot more!

In a few words, they have lost my trust and that's why I don't use the Monthly Card for 3-4 months now!

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I gave my feedback after the implementation of mythic books/gifts on why they (kinkoid) are so rushed in implementing new things before balancing or fixing all the bugs first.
You can read my comment HERE

It's the same on the new battle system, implemented just the week after coming out on the test server. It's absurd how such a big change could possibly in their minds be ok to launch after such a short time. Patches in Diablo III takes at least a month of trial and error before they're implemented, 1 week of testing and getting feedback and bug reports from their community, they fix those things (at least tries) and launches the testing period for another week, after that they take 2 weeks before implementing the final patch. 

A month is what would possibly have been needed for the battle system update, not ~1 week.

Like I said in the linked comment: I would rather wait longer for a more refined product than getting it earlier in a bad state. As this just pisses people off.


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@Slynia Good morning from warm Greece! I noticed a change in one of the girls, so use Android 18 (Sai) in your Tower of Fame team... she is the strongest of ALL the girls right now! They must have changed her hair colour from Blonde to Golden, because 2 days ago she had approximately 8.800 attack and now she has over 10000... that's MADNESS (One of Vegeta's signature phrase)! Hahahaha!

Also, yesterday they compensated me with 2880 kobans and 15 or 30 kisses!

Edited by [CNO] Aris619
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@[CNO] Aris619 Hello from rainy Sweden! 
Thank you for telling me! I already had her in my team but I didn't notice that her stats had changed. Now I have to lookout for changes during the week if kinkoid are gonna do more changes to girl's traits without saying anything. 

I'm glad that you got some compensation! I didn't get anything as I won my league, but I didn't need anything anyway ^^

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Wow, you're right! I already had her in my team because just with Column she was one of the 7 best girls this week, but now she's the top 1.
I must say I'm eager for next week, only 1 mythic girl has a blessing. We'll see lots of epic girls again.

The compensation was 2880 kobans and 20 kisses, I got the same one.

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