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[ 03-Jul-22 ] Mythic Days - Discussion

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  1. 1. Rate Magical Noemy

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12 hours ago, JustVisitingReborn said:

Of course, perhaps demand is decreasing as players come to rely on the MR, meaning that they know when this girl will turn up again so they're not as worried or willing to stretch resources now to get her.

I also wonder if the fact that the last two Revival girls (Nike, Radka) have seemed to be very popular has played a role in there being less interaction with the MD girls immediately following, since resources are limited for a lot of players. Will be interested to see if the same pattern plays out after a less popular revival girl (there doesn't seem to be as much enthusiasm for Golden Lupa this month, but that may just be me projecting my own feelings). Of course there are probably many factors like you outlined, but I'm wondering if this could be playing a part. 🤔

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I think it is a few things. 

First and foremost is limited Koban supply.  More and more things to do for players and Kinkoid refuses to increase availability of Kobans.  They have given us an increased supply of other things Gems, Orbs etc... I for example got Radka and "Could" have gotten the new Mythic but, would have been broke and, not been able to play other things.  The group of whales that will pay to get every Mythic and every girl is limited.  Therefore the people getting every Mythic is going to go down.  They may plan to get her in a Revival, plan to get one of every color, every other one etc...

Second is need:  As the amount of Mythics increase only the top players really need to get each and every Mythic and, even they don't need everyone.  So players are fine with one of every color etc...

Third: Is quality people expect top notch art for the price they pay.  That has not been the case with the last few Mythics.  Not saying they have been terrible but, they have slipped a bit as of late.


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Despite the criticisms of her art (lips/feet) or element (playful), Magical Noemy had a few more forum players recruiting her, and sharing their stats in this thread, than Radka's revival.  They might've already had Radka.  Plus, MD is laid back, and MDR is stressful, and more expensive. 

I compiled our thread's results.  I spent the most again, but not an outrageous amount, b/c my luck was average.  One of my mistakes was doing 50 fights twice at the start to offload stored CP.  I'll just do single fights for the next MD, since I ended up doing ~656 single fights anyway.  Next time, I'll stop buying CP once I get ~82 shards, to take full advantage of 144 CP regen (48 CP * 3 days), which could get ~9 drops, or 18 shards, at a 6.5% drop rate.  If I avoided those mistakes, I might've only spent 8.3k kos total.

@Liliat had the best drop rate, and spent the least, b/c he stored season CP, since Radka had a 15% CP discount. 

@Incubys stored the most CP, but had the absolute worst luck, so he didn't invest more than 2700 kos. 

@jelom had the lowest drop rate out of the players that got her, but idk the stored vs bought cp, or total kobans spent, so I can't intuit much. 

@madahmed did better resource-wise than I did, despite this being his first mythic girl, kudos.

Overall (ignoring outliers & missing data), the forums' avg kobans spent was 7.6k including SP, and the avg drop rate was 6.93%.  I'm sure everyone would be happy if those were their individual stats, so that's pretty great.


Edited by Ravi-Sama
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"Hey!  Elliott Rodger here.  Ever since I started desiring these mythic girls they never desired me back.


You give a chance to all these stupid, obnoxious so-called heroes I see you flirting with, but you don't give a chance to me.  Why not!?

I'm such a magnificent guy.  I'm beautiful, You can't deny that.  I'm civilised, sophisticated, intelligent.  I have a sense of style.  I'm the supreme gentleman, a living god.  But you mythic girls don't see it.  It's just NOT FAIR!!"

The mythic babes reply:  "You're such a loser!!  You don't even try to interest us, staying in the background expecting us to do all the work.  Well, it ain't gunna happen, dorkface.  You need to save up your gold, man, and lavish it on us.  Then we could still decide not to take the bait.  But still, just leave those three stars alone and focus on saving your dosh.

Up to you.  You can take a risk for once in your life and give yourself a chance to get a flicker of interest out of us.  But then, you ain't that good looking, sophisticated or civilised.  My baby sister has more sophistication than you.  You have as much charm as a rusty, cast iron pot.  Yes, you're deep, but never inside us.  Hahaha.  Narcissism just doesn't cut it in this theatre.  It's probable, too, that our clits are bigger than your dick, even when it's as hard as you can get it.

So!  Either quit whinging and get on with getting our attention or bugger off and leave us to all those obnoxious - but incredibly sexy - stupid guys you try to poke fun at.  Not even Malina would want you - actually, especially Malina.

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