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[Solved] Getting ANY New Fist, Kiss, etc. Resets the Regen Timers


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Claiming a reward doesn't reset the timer anymore.

But buying a refill when not at max does reset the timer, and you get no credit in the koban price.
I bought 1 league fight (to go from 4 to 5) with a bit over 1 minute on the timer. Paid 13 kobans, timer reset to 35 minutes.
I even did a logout-login afterwards to double check that it's not just client side, the timer remained at 35.

Edit: Perhaps it does credit the kobans, and that is a client side display issue. I'll have to do another test later, didn't pay attention to that aspect over the login cycling.

Edit 2: Yes, a further experiment shows that while the full koban amount is counted down during purchase, on the next refresh it resets to show that you were not actually charged the full amount but got a discount based on how close you were to finishing the regen timer.

Edited by bohammettuz
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Some correction: You are correctly charged on refills. The timer is reset, but also you pay just the part of kobans that fits to the left timer. Like before the update which introduced the original issue, the "shop" tells you that you pay the full price and also client side at first it looks like you are fully charged. But after a page reload or when navigating elsewhere, the koban stock is adjusted correctly.

I still do not understand why the timer is reset at all instead of just charging fully (as long as the storage is not full), leaving the timer as it was, and have the shop actually telling you the true price. This would be also much better for new players. When I started the game, I always waited for a full timer before buying refills, because I could see that the timer was reset and the shop + confirmation dialog always shows the full price. Who would intuitively have the idea to recheck whether the koban storage is adjusted a second time after a page reload ... However, the way it was fixed now was with minimal change/efforts, and at least there is no overcharge anymore.

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2 hours ago, 430i said:

It "only" happens when you refill

These are all purely visual issues.
Before purchase:

Immediately after the purchase (it seems that the time has not changed and 4 nubans were spent)

After refreshing the page (going to any other)

In fact, 1 nuban was spent for the remaining time until a new unit of the resource was received.

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