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Mojo error


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3 hours ago, james1478 said:

All of this didn't work,will send a ticket now (thanks for the reply)

e) do a season fight, see if your tier reverts to what it was. There was a bug like that some time ago that was only visual and the fix was just to play a fight.

And as always!

f) post in QA next time, NOT in Bug REPORTING:

Moved it for you this time.

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And while there was a patch notes entry about a bug being fixed about HA progress being lost when progressing in concurrent game sessions (like desktop and mobile), I wouldn't trust it. Basically if you progressed in session A, while session B was active, and then session B got logged out (either manually, or automatically like done by the game every some hours), all progress done in session A was lost, overwritten by the state of session B. Would be good to know whether this was the case, since then we'd need to kick KKs ass for getting this completely unnecessary bug addressed, either properly or by forcing a logout of all other sessions when doing a login anywhere. This is actually common practice in some other browser games, while in KK games only the chat is disconnected.

Edited by Horsting
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15 hours ago, Horsting said:

And while there was a patch notes entry about a bug being fixed about HA progress being lost when progressing in concurrent game sessions (like desktop and mobile), I wouldn't trust it. Basically if you progressed in session A, while session B was active, and then session B got logged out (either manually, or automatically like done by the game every some hours), all progress done in session A was lost, overwritten by the state of session B. Would be good to know whether this was the case, since then we'd need to kick KKs ass for getting this completely unnecessary bug addressed, either properly or by forcing a logout of all other sessions when doing a login anywhere. This is actually common practice in some other browser games, while in KK games only the chat is disconnected.

Yeah this error could have happened because I started from tier (41) ,15 min before daily reset ,reached tier (46),      2  min  before daily reset ,then the reset happened I refreshed the game and then i am back to tier 41



mimir.         0d 0h 2m ago


Thank you for contacting Kinkoid Support!

We would like to inform you that this can only happen if you do not log out and log in each time you switch devices. Please be advised that since our games do not support multisessions we are unable to fix the lost progress.

Have a nice day!

Kind regards,
Kinkoid Team

This is the reply i got



There is a high possibility that it can be exploited

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I thought there was a patch notes entry about this being fixed for Hot Assembly, but I can only find it for double penetration (01.11.2023): https://blog.kinkoid.com/patchnotes/patch-notes-hentai-heroes/

  • The issue with the  Double Penetration pass, where progression was lost after switching devices,  was fixed.

I also think that be underlying reason is something which can potentially be abused. Likely not currently, but it is only a matter of time. Per-session progression without a forced logout is pretty bad, and this reply "your fault if you did not log out", without any hint at any place that multiple sessions are not supported, is just not good enough. I opened a bug report about this some months ago, but of course I am ignored: 


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"It is what it is." :ph34r:

Honestly, I can't think of anything that could be exploitable... Except maybe just the ability to "undo" some progress if you weren't satisfied with your RNG or something. OH. Yeah okay. So I play a risky fight in League, I "re-roll" using this exploit until I get a perfect score from good RNG, then once that's the case I "save" the good result by logging out and back in from the relevant device to keep that score. I play 100 fights in MD, get no drop, I "re-roll" until I get a good amount of drops then I "save" using this "method", and then rinse and repeat until I get the MD girl for a tenth of the kobans she should cost me on average.

Yeah, this sounds horribly tedious, risky and unreliable (as lots of bug exploits are anyway), but there's already multiple areas of the game in which abusing this can greatly reward players who do it. And it wouldn't be easy for Kinkoid to detect either (or even possible, in most cases), as there are tons of players doing sessions on multiple devices anyway, which is more often than not a legit and harmless use of the game (and in a non-negligible number of cases, it even leads to players missing out on progress they expected to stick). So it's not like they could just ban everyone who plays the game on more than one device...

So yeah, I think we should point this out to Sandman directly (and by we I mean mostly the other mods who don't have my issue with Discord). At the very least, I'll ping Luna here for the record.

Hi @Luna - Kinkoid, hope you're well, thanks for everything you're doing, sorry I don't visit Discord these days. There's a pretty concerning issue that can and might already be abused by players in the game. TL;DR: the way the games' sessions are currently handled (since Kinkoid games "don't support multi-sessions") a player can open multiple sessions at once essentially get infinite "re-rolls" of their results (for instance in Leagues, and on events with drops of girl shards such as MD) until they get the best possible RNG they can, and only log out and back in the proper way once they do. This also leads to a number of players who aren't looking to cheat at all getting their progress erased because they didn't log out and back in from Device X and Y in the correct order for the game to count their progress, inadvertently. But this has been the case for awhile. The prospect of players abusing this weakness to cheat might prove more concerning for the powers that be. Could you please forward this to Tech (if other mods haven't done so by the time you read this)? Thanks and please keep up the good work. <3

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This is all good if one knows about it, and if one has reliable network to be able to logout. There are situations where e.g. your home Internet is lost, or router due to power outage, so that you cannot logout your desktop browser anymore, but your mobile Internet may still work. And that multiple sessions are risky/unsupported is not stated anywhere, but only when you report a related issue to ingame support. So the majority of players who do not regularly follow the forum just don't know about it, probably do not recognise that they loose progressions for a long time. And once they recognise, they get informed about unsupported parallel sessions for the first possible time by ingame support, when it is too late.

As long as progressions and everything else is not immediately synced with main server across all sessions, or conflicts are ruled out/resolved reliably in other ways, there is a pretty simple solution: Force a logout of all other sessions on every login. That should be pretty simple, and as said, is common practice in many other browser games.

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